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Coming Soon: Devstream #58


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1. Will charge attacks return and when? 

2. Any chance for a buff to the Miter and Panthera? Really fun and different weapons with the bouncing sawblades. I just wish it could be made more viable. Maybe a special mod to increase number of bounces or simply adding some juice crit chance. A spinning sawblade sound like a weapon with the potential to hit really hard imho... 
3. Any chance we could get grappling maneuvers on our warframes? The ability to pin down big enemy units (a la Kubrow) or throw units against one another for knockdowns. Perhaps the ability to kill staggered enemy units with a grip/technique although with a slow animation for balance. Adding that kind of melee would be very cool!

Edited by Zybeer
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Will we ever get more alternate helmets for our warframe?


Will we ever be able to go pass lvl 30 with our weapons/frames?

Not sure is we will or not but i think the reason they call them ranks is because of the scaling. due to the fact that you and your gear stays the same after max and enemies can scale up into the hundreds which is not right by any means as the scaleing should be in comparetive to your actual rank/lvl. as it is in other games. But, DE believes this to be more challenging to us players instead of balance in favor of the players. its balance in favor of the enemies. You are limited to a certant point yet they increase to shear impossiblity. But, i could be wrong in my thoughts. its just how i see it. As weapons and frames keep getting regular nerfs in comparison eneimes get buffs. in the name of balance and scaling. In PVP i can understand the need for this but not in PVE.

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1: Will Credit rewards in Starchart and alrets low,mid, high lv planets ever be buffed? we are getting too much credit sinks in the game now.


2:Can ya please re add old void credit rewards now that we have credit sinks? Found a old thread abot it might be useful so ill post it anyway https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/109501-orokin-void-credit-rewards-reduced-by-up-to-75/


3:Will we get Boar blueprint back in the market or will it be a quest reward? ot really sad that one of the syndicate allys got it and we didn't.


4:Will Napalms weapon ever be added to the grineer tech lab or maybe marketplace as a blueprint? I want his weapon!


5: Wen will ya start reducing grind like you said you would, we want to reduce the grind.I read that somewhere when forum lurking hehehe.


6: Will Warframe Soundtrack be released on Steam and fansite kit? I loved that Ancient System. My top warframe favorite music heres a youtube link to the Ancient System music


7:can we get unlimited weapon slots ike archwing its kinda unfair that archwing has unlimited slots,but why not make weapon slots, sentinel slots, kubrow stasis slots, and warframe slots get unlimited slots like archwing?


8:Will a option f gameplay transmission pop ups have a off button like ordis volume slider? It is t is very annoying.


9:Will melee range be fixed before the new starchart comes? Thread here https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/458319-huge-decrease-of-melee-weapons-range-since-165/


10:Can we get a rush option for clan tech weapons?

Edited by anamethisis
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Arcane enhancement has limit our freedom to customize our syandana and helmet. Since I have max arcane barrier, my nova can never try new syandana or other helmet. At the end, I stop using nova as my main because I was bored and tired looking at it. What is the purpose of doing this DE? Do I have to max another arcane so I can use another syandana? Or pay for 100,000 standing, 200,000 credit, 12 hours waiting just to use the other syandana? I really dont get it.

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Nexus Mobile app progress?

Cerata release?

Can we have an archwing race/quiditch game mode? Something like ROAD RASH...

Any plan for custom hud/crosshair?

Greedy pull nerf was supposed to be temporary nerf until you find a better way to prevent it being abused, so when will you un-nerf it?

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Q1: when are we going to expect the new cinematic quest? do you have a eta at this point or is it barely in production?


Q2: Valkitty Skin When?


Q3: any possibility for a new sentient syndicate? since the lotus defected and protected us instead of destroying all the tenno it wouldn't be far-fetched that a few other sentients might have a different view than the rest of their kind...

Edited by McDuffMan
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I'm going to start off by saying, I agree wholeheartedly with Surtur about reworking Excalibur. When I first started playing, my options were Excalibur who was supposed to have a wide range of sword skills, Loki who was supposed to be great for veterans and have a different way to control the battle field, and Mag who I didn't really want to use.

As I continued playing & getting more-frames, I realized I didn't miss anything in not getting Excalibur Prime bundle other than some Mastery rank points. Mag ended up being awesome & Loki ended up being my favorite, even over, no especially over Nekros who I wanted so badly after seeing him, his syndana and Raknis helmet. I'm not saying he's garbage, I'm just saying he needs to have special buffs and/or abilities with his swords that you can equip. The main reason I even ever use him is because of his Radial Javlin in some missions. Gameplay wise, I couldn't care less about him.

I kind of want to agree with Surtur on reworking Nekros as well, but when you guys change some things, I end up feeling like you guys just ruin it.

Nekros was supposed to be like my game changer for the way I played where I could summon a small army to assist me through tough situations and cover me. I see you guys made a new mod for that situation, but Nekros still feels better as a corpse looter than a necromancer.

Any chance we will ever get to have a full on Syndacate set as in Primary, Secondary, & Melee weapons?

Also, any word on Multi-strike mod?

Any other gun blades and better/different stances for them? Like a infested gunblade that shoots toxic pins with every slash & a stance made for using it with great speed and a lot more slashing for it.

Any chance we will get companions for our archwing missions as well (like our sentinels and Kubrows). I was thinking of like a quest where the Lotus finds that some rift has opened and some alien life form is being hunted by something or escaping from one of the factions who stumbled upon them when trying to enter Orokin voids?

Will we ever be able to sell the extra liset attachments like the extra coordinates and the like?

Will we ever be able to do power combos with others? No, not just like having Zypher tornadoes mix with elements but like if you're in a mission, let's say Mob Def, and you're an Ash & you have Mesa partner & she's about to use her ult. Instead of just letting her be a high damaging and hella squishy decoy, we combine our powers so we teleport her to multiple targets with Ash's ult making it harder for them to hit her and razing the opposition at the same time.

Edited by (PS4)Zedonus0
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- What about exciting content for high ranked players? There is nothing to do now. High level defense / survival? Impossible with the "connection to host lost" bug, we are afraid to play more than 20 minutes together!  Ok, you will speak about the raid, but we can do it only once a day. It can be ok on the week, but it is boring during week-ends.

- What about adding some missions / mods to archwing? The archwing was a great revolution but there is many lack. What about Void archwing? Archwing defense? A mission where we have to protect a ship for example? Some abilities of archwing are useless without a defense mission in my opinion! What about corrupted / nightmare mods to archwing? There is no a big choice into archwing mods!

- What about increase the credit bonus in interception archwing mission? 4 painful rounds and you get just... ~3600 credit. :-[

- What about adding contest in the void? For example defense 50 wave -> a special item / mod / something to earn, there is nothing to motivate Tenno to do insane games!


When there is no event, Warframe becomes boring... I don't want to play in PvP. Warframe is a team game in my opinion. Please, save the game, there are so many people that are going to leave the game because the update 17 added very few content... I'm developer, I know that it is a big amount of work. But others players maybe don't see this work.

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*** Can we get a clear statement on was vaulting removed or is it just a bug that it's gone for now?


It was great, made movement fluid and fun and I want it back!




the option is still in the menus, makes me even more confused 





*** Wall running was much better than horizontal wall hopping. Can you implement it in current system?


*** Nunchucks - when?


*** Charge attacks - when?

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I'm kinda new to this game and was wondering, what exactly are the tenno? Like are they an alien race protecting everyone else from us? I say us because the Corpus look very similar to humans and the Grineer's home planet is Earth. So I thought that maybe we are viewing things from the perspective of an alien species.

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where does focus currently stand on?

around the corner?

Is there a future for Hydroid?
we've seen Hydroid been on the least used Warframes on most mission types. Before the augment for his 4rth ability he was just a bag of xp for your Mastery Rank. Now that the augment has been "nerfed" hydroid is back in the closet, as nekros is a better rounded scavenger.

Will you consider making more ninja-stealth frames?

most frames are theme based we all get that. However this is a space ninja game and we expect to have more ninja like stealthy options and frames other than the flashy and loud ones! Right now the only frames with invisibility are loki and ash, with ash's smoke bomb lacking. The idea i currently have is buff ash's smoke bomb and give other frames a consumable generic smoke bomb, just to pass that guard or avoid a camera.

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Q: Can we get one button access to Relays, (it can be place in navigation over a planet).


Q: As it stands now, if we want to test a weapon in Simulacrum we need to get past 4 loading screens (2 to get to Simulacrum, 2 to get back to ship)

this number can climb fast if we want to test 3 or more weapon setups, 3 = 12, 4 = 16! loading screens.

Can we pleas get access to Arsenal in Simulacrum OR Relay (this would help on loading screen problem).

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