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Sorry But Mr Actualy Matters


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They probably expected mesa to do all the killing while OP was standing there along with the other teammates getting those exp's and levelling unraked weapons while actually doing nothing, mesa either went down or ran out of energy and so they all went down as well like dominoes, lol.

I just had 200 t4 def keys so I wanted to do them, i just took 3 pubs with me, no build planed or anything, just asked for a frost but the mesa came of her own, this was not rep farming.

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I'm MR19 and I also vote: hours played > MR. I have guys in my clan that are MR12-14 who can outplay me, and with only 1 exception have more hours than me. Players with less hours played than me that outplay me are severely specialized though and seem to play lone wolf, non team based frames like ash and Valkyr. (Of course you can play those as s team player but let's not pretend there isn't a mindset many players seem to have with those frames)

Hours player > mastery rank

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Why don't we simply leave the players that rely and request MR in games alone?

Let them slam their heads as to what is the reason a specific game didn't succeed, knowing them they will keep increasing the MR requirement for games because they think that will solve the problems.


Let them hit the brick walls, let them suffer, let them blaim other players, can't we simply concern about our own games, we already know the winning formula don't we? we simply rely on good players, they rely on something else, let them.

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I prefer to not talk bad about other players, but, the simple fact is that a dumb player will always be dumb no matter how high his MR is, and what Frame they're using. People who have taken time to actually think about their roles, and pay attention to how things work. You can't generalize the MR populace just by some number next to their name, especially when a lot of the community has gotten so amazingly lazy and won't bat an eye to kick other even when they have a good, or effective idea.


I've even been kicked from a party by my own clan mate because he wanted his 4th in a cheeseball to be a Rhino instead of a Power-Eclipse Mirage with weapons meant specifically to deal with the large crowds we're guaranteed to run into. And I've had a MR19 Trinity leave the game during the Emergency Exit endurance because my Saryn was built for survival instead of hitting 4 over and over, despite how very easy that mission is with any four frames.


It's not the MR that matters, it's the player.

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It's been said before in more than a few other threads, but all MR means is you leveled a lot of stuff up. That's it. That's the absolute mechanical value. There is no other variable to ranking up mastery.  


Presumably, you'll have learned something on the way, but there's no guarantee--especially with so many more concerned with affinity farms and not actually learning how to play whatever they just obtained.


The bottom line is that it is a poor metric of skill. There isn't much else, of course, but counting on MR meaning something as your only criteria is jousting at windmills.

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Haha you're just unlucky. I have an mr4 friend I introduced to the game that plays better than most high mr players.

Nothing stops you from getting high mastery while being horrible, all you know with mastery is they played a good amount, and could still be terrible. It's a decent indication of being slightly practiced at least but doesn't mean they picked much up.

Meanwhile a low low mr player will know less stuff but can easily be better at scoring those headshots and other actual playing stuff.

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do your self a favor and do a lot of sabotage runs instead of defense runs (if you want any prime parts that drop for sab runs quickly). not only are they faster though you get three times the payout ~ most of the time in prime parts. even T1 sab tends to give a few prime parts worth 50 ducats.


i'm not saying defense runs are bad for payouts though the majority of the time you end up getting cores, orokin cells (no idea why they're in the drop table for the void to begin with) or forma bp (which is nice)

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To those who still insisted that MR MEANS NOTHING or other crap like that, why dont you try this:

Make a new account, transfer all you have to that new account, AND STAY ON MR 0...dont ever take any MR tests,

since you think that MR means nothing so why bother?

Lets see if you still think the same after that...

If they dont mastery lock weapons sure, only reason people bother going to mastery rank 8 is to unlock the last locked weapon.


If there WASNT any mastery locked weapons, yes I would stay at MR 0 as a master founder. Problem?


I'd have all my stuff without being locked out, my soma prime, my dragon nikana, everything.

Edited by --Sensei--
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-general description of pug behaviour these days-




A MR locked party is all well and good, but what will you do when you have MR 18-19s that run around, hallway heroing, unaware of their skill sets, unaware of mission objective and with aiming skills that my 3 year old daughter can match?


Because there are plenty of those running rampant in the recruit chat. (we can thank the interception rep farms for that btw)



A general rule when it comes to pugs though, ALWAYS assume you will have to carry and equip yourself thereafter.



Edit: Should also add that pugs are generally of considerably lower quality during the weekend, atleast that is what I have found. 

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A MR locked party is all well and good, but what will you do when you have MR 18-19s that run around, hallway heroing, unaware of their skill sets, unaware of mission objective and with aiming skills that my 3 year old daughter can match?


Because there are plenty of those running rampant in the recruit chat. (we can thank the interception rep farms for that btw)



A general rule when it comes to pugs though, ALWAYS assume you will have to carry and equip yourself thereafter.



Edit: Should also add that pugs are generally of considerably lower quality during the weekend, atleast that is what I have found. 

Yes, in planetside two we called those pugs on the weekend "rotten blueberries" as they played on NC and had all the skill of a walking corpse.

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While it is somewhat of an indicator to experience, it is possible for a player to be extremely skilled with just basic weapons and with the right mods, hold their own even in T4. I'm MR13, and I've levelled quite a few weapons, but I've also seen high MR players who are so terrible they make want to bash my head against a wall.


this is why I prefer to play solo, or with competent friends. when a friend is new at the game, I tell them what's up and I expect them to pay attention. relying on public games is a terrible Idea. like that other guy said, you should have just done capture runs for the Credits/Ducats.

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The thing is I think players who say MR does matter have a point to a certain extent. 


If someone is way too low MR, no matter how good a gamer they are, they can't really be expected to have much in the way of the right mods/etc. for really tough missions. 


And overall on average someone who is higher MR is probably more likely to be a better player, because they are more likely to have spent more time playing and have more experience. 


But this is not always the case and that's why it's a bad metric to use for judging people's playing skill at a glance. The problem is that it is literally the best metric we have to quickly judge by, but it's often not going to be accurate. 


The thing is it's no guarantee and there is no way to be sure those high MR players are actually good at Warframe or any video game for that matter. The truth is the only way to be sure a mission is going to go well is to play with people you personally KNOW are good. 

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In short - no it doesn't.

I owned the Hind. I got like 3 kills with it, then passively leveled it and threw it away. I owned the Latron. I loved it, used it for about 2 months then made the Tiberon with it. You know what that shows up as? 300 mastery points. Each. All it does is show that you HAD the weapon. Made kills with it? Forma'd, potatoed? Headshot count, accuracy, skill, assists? None of that matters. 300 mastery xp simply shows that you owned it, and it got to 30. That bears absolutely no significance in any aspect of the game. That makes it an arbitrary gating mechanism.

How bout experience? Dont tell me you get to know and becomes proficient at using certain frame/weapons without even trying or using it in the 1st place, for me, i wouldn't know how good trinity was until i tried it firsthand. But in some cases, it require us to unlock it with mr, thats why it matters, when we get to experience all the contents we unlocked (with mr), we will be able to understand other's play style, making comparisons of our play style with other's playstyle, thats how you measure someone's skill, you can see why theyre better than you, or worse than you. And you said 300 mastery points for level 30 weapons? Wrong, its 3000 mastery points.

Anyway, in short, it bears some significance...

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If they dont mastery lock weapons sure, only reason people bother going to mastery rank 8 is to unlock the last locked weapon.


If there WASNT any mastery locked weapons, yes I would stay at MR 0 as a master founder. Problem?


I'd have all my stuff without being locked out, my soma prime, my dragon nikana, everything.

That means mr means something, not everything, but something...and its not nothing...

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mastery does not matter u can have mr19 that are bad, have terrible builds and relies on others to pick up there slack and then u will find some low mastery 4-6 that are very good players they no what works for them learned how to build and are great at helping out the time.


in the end it comes down to individual players not mastery rank   

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How bout experience? Dont tell me you get to know and becomes proficient at using certain frame/weapons without even trying or using it in the 1st place, for me, i wouldn't know how good trinity was until i tried it firsthand. But in some cases, it require us to unlock it with mr, thats why it matters, when we get to experience all the contents we unlocked (with mr), we will be able to understand other's play style, making comparisons of our play style with other's playstyle, thats how you measure someone's skill, you can see why theyre better than you, or worse than you. And you said 300 mastery points for level 30 weapons? Wrong, its 3000 mastery points.

Anyway, in short, it bears some significance...


it bears none...


you can literally level a frame from 1-30 and not really learn it (this has been stated many times). MR only matter to 8 since at that point youve unlocked everything that can be acquired via planet and weapons. beyond that you are only raising it for more trade points, loadouts, and syndicate rep (may be missing something so add if i am). those things have ZERO to do with knowledge. by MR 8 most already have the frame(s) they want and the build they want for those frames with the mods leveled aswell. so no MR doesnt mean skill or experience in the game, it just means how much stuff youve leveled.


the only thing that can tell how much knowledge a player has IS THE PLAYER!!

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So as a mr 19 player I just wasted 2 hours playing in t4 farming prime parts in order to get prisma shade, 3 times in a row, it failed because the team couldn't keep up, all between mr 9 to 13 all where in the lobby and god where they bad, I dont know if the dificulty of t4 has increased that much, they all had soma prime or other high dps weapons, like any other players, everything was fine until the 5th wave .... and here starts the joke.


When as trinity, I EV the entire universe to keep the mesa and the frost at full energy I expect some kind of results from them, and this is what happened, the frost was placing globes all around the map, giving a nice little cover to nulifiers and bombards while the mesa forgot to use peacemaker half of the time and the third who I told not to take ash in the lobby started the timer and took ember insted ...., first fail of the day, they all died at wave 15 and I eventualy got downed myself because noone respawned. 


The other ones where a repetition of bad players not knowing what a defence is and runing around like the cryopod didn't exist, and I lost the oportunity to get prisma shade because I'm visiting my family in 30 min.


So I post here to require a MR based recrutment chat, or at least the ability to set an mr requirment in the lobby, sorry, it may look elitist but when I have little time to play because I'm working and studying at the same time, I want to be alble to play with competent players that won't get killed at wave 5 because of the joke they call their playstyle, I'm not a particulary good player, but I expect my teamates to be albe to stand a full defence rotation.

U know u can check their masterys by watching their profiles, i always so it before i invite some one to missins

Edited by 1N33DM0N3Y
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