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August 28Th: Community Hot Topics!


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Umbra Excalibur from what I understand is just a cosmetic chance for Excalibur and I'm not the type of player that gets excited about cosmetics. I like when there are tweaks and reworks for balance's sake.


That said, I hope Overload is tweaked or reworked into a better ultimate. His other abilities are just fine. All in all, I wish the Dev team would take 1 weekend and go over all the frames that the community has talked about and designate what needs a tweak and what needs a complete rework and release all of the tweaks shortly after. I know Hydroid could simply have his 1 and 4th ability be recastable during the duration and it would make him into a whole new experience.


It's been suggested in many threads that all sentinels receive either the full or partial Vacuum ability and in my opinion, it should. I'm sure your data shows for the majority of a player's game time, they've used Carrier over any other companion. As for Kubrows, I think they should all share the same abilities (mods).


What’s next?...
Devstream 58 dropped some pretty major bombs about what’s to come in Warframe, but this topic is focused on refining what we already have. Cyborg-Rox wonders what ought to be reworked next: mastery tests? Invasions? Alerts? Something else? As I’ve said before, Community Hot Topics don’t necessarily reflect what is currently in development, so if you could decide what would receive an update or rework, what would you choose? For the sake of brevity, try to narrow your opinion down to a single thing so that popular opinions stand out. I did not include a poll for this topic because it’s too broad. If there is enough interest, we could work this topic into a poll for the next Community Hot Topics.
Stealth system and AI is my vote.
Second, would be Archwing. I never play Archwing because it's just not fulfilling. The first few times of playing in AW are fun but then when you want to play to level up your gear or find mods to fill slots, you definitely have to grind grind grind more so than when you're normally playing and it's not fun. I haven't even cared about the different AW frames or weapons. I've been lucky if i find a single mod in an entire mission that isn't a common core.
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Hate it.

Absolutely no point in releasing a mastery fodder. If you want to keep players busy, give them alternate progression (HELLO? FOCUS?)

It looks different? Could've been a skin.

You keep releasing the same thing with slight stat changes, you're gonna dillute the inventory with pointless BS and end up like War Thunder or World of Tanks, where opening the tech tree makes your head ache.

(As bonus, there's also the issue of how do we get Umbras. If they're behind a paywall, that just makes it another level of ridiculous)


I realize at this point is too late to cancel it. So just release Excal and forget it.


If I come in as aggressive in this part, it's because I'm pissed. I haven't been dissatisfied more with any other idea coming to Warframe so far.




More Interaction


Sure, chat sucks. Give us tools for clan/party recruiting and trading.


As for 'ingame forums' though.. I dunno. Those two above should suffice.






I don't know really.

Kubrows need to have something to justify that maintenance cost (if you really intend to keep it), and so far they don't.

Catbrows should also have something that makes them different from Doges.

So from that aspect, keep them different. Keep each 'species' of companions different from each other somehow.


In terms of their abilities though, it wouldn't hurt to have similar theme behind a skill for each type of companion, as long as they differ slightly based on whether they're a dog, cat or a flying robot.






I think his skills are good He doesn't need a complete rework. If anything, he could use a general touch-up Frost style, to give him more skill synergy. 




What I want from warframe next?


Balance 3.0


Reworking enemy scaling, mods and energy system to tone down on ability spam.


- Add a cooldown on energy restores.

Spamming them to get unlimited abilities is dumb, and because of it we get stupid bandaid fixes for exploits like frames not being able to get energy while channeling.

Simplify it by removing the core issue, not patching up the end result.


- Make mods MODIFY the stats, NOT UPGRADE them.

Each mod should have a pro and con, and they pro shouldn't outweigh the con. Makes balancing gear so much easier.

Want permanent progression to differentiate low level content from high level content?

Add stat bonuses to leveling, just like frames get shields and HP, so weapons could get damage, reload speed, crit etc.


- Tone down enemy scaling

Now with the two above in place, enemies don't need to be so stupidly beefed up.

But because they are, running corrosive projection becomes mandatory, thus removing actual choice from builds.



Unfortunately, looking at how things are going with warframe, I don't see this becoming an actual thing. Shame, because it would make the game so much better.

Edited by Shifted
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I wonder why only PC players don't like the Umbra frame

I like it just bec it somehow looks like a "prime" excal. but I hate having to level the same frame again new umbra frames should have maybe reworked abilities or more passive abilities or just something that makes them different. no reason to level up frost then frost p then frost umbra for example. if it's just for looks then why isnt it a skin ?

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Umbra Expectations

What would you like to see happen with the Umbra Warframes? 1) Would you like more released? 2) What kind of release would you like them to have? 3) In what ways would you make them interesting and unique? 4) Do you have any speculations on what they mean in the Warframe lore?

Are you excited for Umbra Excalibur?

-> No.

Also, need more information as to what the heck it actually is.

1) That depends on a lot of things, foremost being: Are they skins or standalone frames?

tl;dr - if all they are is a 'palette swap' of existing frames, no thanks. Just make them skins.

Assuming that they're stand-alone frames:

- If they're a frame that I maxed and trashed/mothballed, all they are is more mastery and will suffer the same fate.

- If they're a frame that has a Prime, they're in direct competition for slots and formatato.

- If they're a frame that doesn't have a Prime (yet), they may have a niche, as Primes are few and far apart.

And all this is ignoring any stat improvements over the base/comparisons with the Prime version.

2) No idea.

3) Unless you're actually (even situationally) changing their abilities, I don't see what can be 'new and interesting' about a frame that's identical to one that I already have, especially as compared with making them simply skins.

For stat bumps we have Primes.

Which should also be stat-affecting skins, imo. But eh.

4) Pardon the implied vulgarity, but how the (*@$ am I supposed to know?

Speculation requires some kind of basis.

We I still lack any kind of frame of reference for what the heck 'Warframe lore' is, aside from the obvious stuff.

We don't even know what Warframes are yet, aside from 'made by the Orokin to kill the Sentients. It worked. Then they killed the Orokin and went to sleep.'

Warframe Social

1) Would you use a message board of some sort, as proposed in the source thread? 2) Do you think social systems (like chat or a message board) are inherently prone to abuse, or does the value outweigh the risks? 3) What would you do to enhance the social aspects of Warframe?

Would you like more ways to interact with other players in-game?

-> Maybe, depends on the kind of interaction.

With the understanding that this isn't my field, and I've not invested much thought into it:

1) Not really. That's what the forums are for.

2) As with (more-or-less) all things, tools are neutral. The question is the use people put them to.

I don't think that a bulletin is particuarly abuse-prone.

3) Link up a stripped-down version of the forums (mobile version, maybe) into ingame.

Same as I'd do with the wiki.

Also, improve the IRC functionality of chat.

(Off the top of my head: Copy-pasting text, custom channels.)

Chesa and other Companions

We’ve discussed companions in previous Community Hot Topics, but this topic is specific to quality-of-life improvements that could make existing companions more desirable. 1) Kubrows often come under scrutiny due to their required maintenance, and Chesa has garnered criticism because of the limitations of their Retrieve ability. 2) Chesa’s utility is ultimately a reflection of Carrier’s vacuum, so do you think that homogenization of companion abilities is the best way to increase their value, or do you think there are ways to make each companion unique and desirable? If so, how? 3) Is increasing Chesa’s Retrieve ability sufficient? 4) What would you add or change to make other companions more useful? 5) How often do you change your companions currently? 6) Is there a change that would encourage you to diversify? Post your thoughts and ideas in this thread!

Would you rather companions have diverse abilities or share similar, but valuable, abilities?

-> Other. Depends.

I assume that this is specifically about Chesa, because the question doesn't seem to make sense if it's not.

While they're still a credit sink, the G.Foundry upgrade is sufficient to make me use them, now.

My problem with them is different.

1) They're a credit sink, which isn't presented as such, and is pretty much the second quest a new player will recieve.

And which requires 100k credits to even start.

They're get much, much, much better value for that (significant, for a new player) amount if they just bought a Carrier Sentinel.

2) So is/was Greedy Pull.

Now, let's compare Vaccuum, GP and Retrieve:

* Passive always-on, cheap, (I assume) passive on AI/cooldown.

* AoE, (potentially huge) AoE, single target with no prioritization.

* Near-instant retrieval, near-instant retrieval, has (dog-)travel time.

P.S. given the GP comparison, TIL that Chesa retrieves energy orbs for the entire party.

Initiating countdown to change.

3) Without huge investment (which doesn't carry over to Sentinels), (and arguably even with it,) Kubrows are - if not categorically worse - at least not categorically better than Sentinels to begin with.

Compound with being a straight-up worse Vaccuum...

No, simply 'improving' Retrieve (depending on what that actually means) won't be sufficient.

4) Back to my GP comparison.


* Kubrows need to be unquestionably better than Sentinels,

* Retrieve needs to be unquestionably better than Vaccuum,

* Vaccuum needs to be nerfed/removed,

* Any or all of the above.


If (Player==G.Mag) then (Companion(any))

Else if (Map==void) and (Player==Disarm!Loki) then (Companion=Wyrm)

Else if (Raid) then (Companion=Shade or Huras)

Else (Companion=Carrier).

tl;dr- Essentially never.

6) Auto-pickup on own kills.

Shared pickup in same-cell from squadmates.

Auto-pickup of rare resources and (any) mods (since A. mod rarity is a bad criteria for a mod's actual rarity or usefulness and B. Fusion fodder).

Off the top of my head.

Alternatively: As part of the reward structure rework, remove pickups.

Instead have each mission grant a given, base amount of anything that can drop in it, then adjust that by all sorts of factors (enemies killed (normal, stealth, etc.), enemies mezzed, enemies bypassed, kill-streaks, stealth-killstreaks, hacks completed, objectives completed, damage (not) taken, mission completion speed, alarms (not) triggered, side-objectives, etc.)


It’s been awhile since we’ve covered a Warframe in the Community Hot Topics, and I received several requests to include Volt this week, so lets [insert Volt pun here] this discussion. Looking at other recent Warframe reworks, both Excalibur and Frost received an increase in synergy between their various abilities. Scott has mentioned previously that part of his goal with the reworks is to make the abilities compliment each other better. With that in mind, what is your opinion on Volt’s current state? Do you think he needs a complete overhaul (a la Excalibur rework) or more of a tune-up (a la Frost)? What abilities would you rework, if any? What would you change?

In your opinion, which of Volt’s abilities need a rework? (Can pick more than one)

In my opinion, there are many frames that need a look before Volt does.

Off the top of my head: Chroma, Limbo, Hydroid, Ember(?) (Change all her damage to Finisher (because armor) and reduce appropriately, done), Saryn, Trinity. Also, dishonorable mention goes to Desecrate Nekros.

But since that isn't an option:

-> Overload.

Maybe Shock, but didn't vote for it.

While his skillset isn't particularly synergistic, pretty much all of it works.

Shock is cheap, one-handed CC (though the damage suffers against anything but robotic).

E Shield doesn't have HP-limiting, only time; and is not affected by range (meaning Narrow Minded, which is good for Speed as well)

Speed is speed. Could use a 'increases weapon swap and reload speed', but eh.


Bad damage type,

Damage boost from destructible environment is nice... once.

Occasionally holds you stationary and frozen for ~2 seconds, which is potentially an unmitigateable death sentence.

He needs all the power modifiers, but isn't 'make-or-break' by them, giving you room for customization (as opposed to Ember, due to lack of dependence on Power Str to work).

What’s next?...

1) mastery tests? Invasions? Alerts? Something else? ... 2) if you could decide what would receive an update or rework, what would you choose? For the sake of brevity, try to narrow your opinion down to a single thing so that popular opinions stand out.

MR tests: Yes, eventually.

Invasions: Could be better, but are fine. Could use better rewards for non-formatato invasions (and all exterms need to stop making me wait around for the last 3 enemies to spawn after I've already cleared the level).

Alerts: Yes, eventually.

My pick? The mod system, vis-a-vis enemy scaling, (which forces use of) mandatory damage mods.

Also, stacking Power modifier mods. gl balancing a game where an ability can go from 40% base damage to 287%. Also, Power Efficiency.

Also also:

The melee stance/combo system.


No-sell enemies.

Stealth / enemy awareness/LoS indications.


(Footnote: sorry for the gap since the last CHT - we had some holidays happening over the past month)

Hope y'all had some pleasant holidays :) Edited by Chroia
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Vacuum on Kubrows?, Pls no. How the heck would you explain the fact that a kubrow/dog is able to pull all drop items towards him? Psychic powers?Would be nice to have vacuum on all sentinels as a normal mod and give a different unique ability to carrier, but please don't give vacuum to Chesa or kubrows in general.

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Vacuum on Kubrows?, Pls no. How the heck would you explain the fact that a kubrow/dog is able to pull all drop items towards him? Psychic powers?Would be nice to have vacuum on all sentinels as a normal mod and give a different unique ability to carrier, but please don't give vacuum to Chesa or kubrows in general.

vacuum strapped to its back... its not gonna pull loot with a magical vortex in its mouth ofcourse... just like how armor is strapped to the kubrow the vacuum should be the same

Vacuum on Kubrows?, Pls no. How the heck would you explain the fact that a kubrow/dog is able to pull all drop items towards him? Psychic powers?Would be nice to have vacuum on all sentinels as a normal mod and give a different unique ability to carrier, but please don't give vacuum to Chesa or kubrows in general.

also if u disagree to this what do you think will help kubs be any more used ? carrier is the most used bec of vacuum. if kubrows dont get vacuum they will still be useless.

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Umbra Expectations
Very little has been revealed about the new Excalibur Umbra, so the source thread for this topic wonders what that means for the future - will there be more and in what capacity will they exist? The global build will receive Excalibur Umbra at some point, but in your opinion, what should happen after that?  What would you like to see happen with the Umbra Warframes? Would you like more released? What kind of release would you like them to have? In what ways would you make them interesting and unique? Do you have any speculations on what they mean in the Warframe lore?  


I dont care about Umbra Ex. Yes i have Prime but i played long enough to know that different regions get different things. Im not going to be a baby and cry that another region has a different thing. Specially when this region is just one single country.


As for the Umbras, if they are just a new skin with some stats being switched up like Primes i will likely not be getting any. I stopped getting primes a while back. I dont have Loki, Nyx, Ash, Nova, or Volt, when i go to recruit i just play missions within the rank of the frame i am leveling with. Whoever takes me in is the mission  i play. I stopped farming for this stuff a while back. 


Now, if you do some interesting thing like......... giving the Umbras old power-sets then now we are talking. Umbra Ex gets old SnD, SJ, Rhino get Radial Blast and long CC stomp, etc, etc, have them be actual different thing, then i have a reason to get them.



Warframe Social
The source thread for this topic suggests a way to enhance the social experience in Warframe through the use of a special in-game message board. Players could post information and leave it for other players to see. Would you use a message board of some sort, as proposed in the source thread? Do you think social systems (like chat or a message board) are inherently prone to abuse, or does the value outweigh the risks? What would you do to enhance the social aspects of Warframe?



Dont see the reason for a board since this game has zero exploration so there is no information to actually share.

Start making up side games. Like obstacle course racing, or kubrow racing, Liset piloting, Tenno Dance Revolution.

Hubs in games like this dont usually have any purpose besides giving player tools to perform certain tasks. But you already provide this in your Liset so the hub has little to do besides figuring out how to get to a higher spot.



  Chesa and other Companions

    We’ve discussed companions in previous Community Hot Topics, but this topic is specific to quality-of-life improvements that could make existing companions more desirable. Kubrows often come under scrutiny due to their required maintenance, and Chesa has garnered criticism because of the limitations of their Retrieve ability. Chesa’s utility is ultimately a reflection of Carrier’s vacuum, so do you think that homogenization of companion abilities is the best way to increase their value, or do you think there are ways to make each companion unique and desirable? If so, how? Is increasing Chesa’s Retrieve ability sufficient? What would you add or change to make other companions more useful? How often do you change your companions currently? Is there a change that would encourage you to diversify? Post your thoughts and ideas in this thread!

    I mention what im about to say a loooooooooooooong time ago.

    Vacuum is mega op and that needs to be nerfed.

    You have this one little machine that lets you not worry AT ALL about any drops in the and continue playing.

    NOTHING was going to better than this. NOTHING.

    What you need to do is break this up and having so there are specific mod cards. One mod card of health\energy, one for resources, one for mods, and one for ammo. And you can only equip one at a time. This meant that you werent going to completely ignore this aspect of the game when you equipped this Sentinel.

    Plus this would leave Chesa in a similar spot that it is now without people complaining.

    You need to do this. Carrier is not going to be replaced by anything when one Mod card can do all.

    And if you are going to give vac to all pets then you might as well just get rid of drops cause at that point.... what the hell. Just have players automatically obtain stuff on enemy death.

    This all centers around vac and has nothing to do with the other abilities or pets.

    And for all that is holy, when are you are going to give us Kubrow commands?



        It’s been awhile since we’ve covered a Warframe in the Community Hot Topics, and I received several requests to include Volt this week, so lets [insert Volt pun here] this discussion. Looking at other recent Warframe reworks, both Excalibur and Frost received an increase in synergy between their various abilities. Scott has mentioned previously that part of his goal with the reworks is to make the abilities compliment each other better. With that in mind, what is your opinion on Volt’s current state? Do you think he needs a complete overhaul (a la Excalibur rework) or more of a tune-up (a la Frost)? What abilities would you rework, if any? What would you change? 

    Remember he is an alternate to gun-play?

    Who came up with that ?

    Specially with the frame that we got.

    I say get rid of Speed and give him something that's will be an alternative to gun-play?

    Like, Ball Lighting! It creates an electrical flail that he swings around and shocks people with.

        (Please note, this is a reflection of  Hot Topics from the community. Officially, Saryn is next for review, and her tweaks are in progress internally).

        What i said with Umbra.

        Umbra should stay with old abilities.

        Why dont you do this instead? Every time there is a reword you release a new version.

        The Warframes have Tenno designation in numbers so there should be Ex 2.0 , Ex 2.0m, (the letter m for melee) kind of like military vehicles.

Edited by Mak_Gohae
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Vacuum on Kubrows?, Pls no. How the heck would you explain the fact that a kubrow/dog is able to pull all drop items towards him? Psychic powers?


With the device attached to the back of the Kubrow's neck that links it's shields, health, and armor to Warframes? Duh.

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In terms of Volt... Ember needs attention first, Volt is in a good place right now. He doesn't have an ultimate which has both an energy drain and timer. That should not be happening and I have no idea why it has remained that way for so long. It's not as if there hasn't been countless threads with feedback either... It's shaping up to be a repeat of Kubrows.


Neither Volt nor Ember is in the need of a rework. They are both good the way they are. Equinox needs some attention way more.



Honestly I use all of volts abilities just the way they are, except for overload. Overload has too long of a cast time, too small of a radius, leaves you vulnerable, and does too little damage. It's pretty pointless.


It´s called overload for a reason, if there are electric attachmentes you are doing some serious damage. Sure that is a big downside together with the rather small radius, but it also stuns.

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Neither Volt nor Ember is in the need of a rework. They are both good the way they are. Equinox needs some attention way more.

It´s called overload for a reason, if there are electric attachmentes you are doing some serious damage. Sure that is a big downside together with the rather small radius, but it also stuns.

What? Ember is in no way in a 'good' position. Volt is more stable. I'll mention it again - her ultimate should not be both energy draining and duration based. She's been pulled around too much in the past and needs some final and decent attention. She's in an awkward place at the moment in my eyes. I don't even main her and understand she needs fixing up. She doesn't need a rework but just adjustments here and there. Edited by Naith
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Neither Volt nor Ember is in the need of a rework. They are both good the way they are. Equinox needs some attention way more.


True, I was completely expecting Equinox to be in this CHT since there's been a LOT of discussion and feedback, in the Megathread as well as in other places on the forums, that DE has said or done nothing about.


I for one would love to see atleast an explanation of how we are supposed to calculate Damage Reduction with Pacify since it does not scale either additively or multiplicatively with power strength and is capped at 84 % with max Power Strength as of now, which when coupled with the falloff with range makes it almost worthless.


Tests have been done on Pacify and can be seen in this thread > https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/508917-equinox-pacify-ability-has-diminishing-returns-falloff-with-range-and-broken-efficiency-data-and-videos/



On the topic of Chesa I would rather that we get a lot more options to be able to control their behaviour, like whether we want them to attack or not or stay beside us or not, etc.


It's so easy to do it with a Sentinel, all one has to do is remove the Attack Precept. But with a Kubrow even if you remove its Attack related Precept it will still go forth and attack and not do what it's supposed to do, which is the most annoying thing about the Chesa currently.

Edited by Sci_Ant
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Umbras, I'm ambivalent about... I don't know anything about them other than they look cool, but if it's literally a reskinned Prime then I'm out.

However, if the abilities are given a different 'Umbra themed' spin, where perhaps Exalted Blade turns into some shadowy demonic thing that has different damage effects or utility, I'd totally be on board.  It'd be like a different take on a favourite frame, rather than different racing stripes.


Socializing, in theory I'm all for easier interactions, but I've little idea how to improve things.  A message board like suggested could be helpful, but perhaps this issue should be addressed with making the Relays more useful.


Companions, I love customization and tweaking, and more diversity means more options.  Not much more I can really say.


Volt, never played him but seen him used so, so much, which means he's definitely got something going for himself.  Except I usually only see Electric Shield and the occasional Speed, possibly a Shock here or there.

As useful as he is, I always think there's room for improvement in everything, as such:

I would've ticked Speed but I only felt it needed a spiffy animation/effect upgrade, rather than any mechanical change -it's sort of boring...

Electric Shield seemed a bit odd, and mechanically I'd probably only change how one deploys it, in order for it to feel more 'lightningy', so you could make it arc out of the ground or web between walls/floor/ceiling, make it a bit more dynamic and interesting to use, and of course awesome visuals like cool lightning pulses over the shield when its struck.

Overload... well... nukes, while kind of awesome the first few times, are sorta boring unless it's incredibly dramatic, and Overload isn't really that dramatic for a nuke called 'Overload'.  If you want to keep the nuke, I think it needs to be more wild and explosive, uncontrolled and crazy like lightning.

Otherwise, I'd probably throw Overload out the window and dig into a new hat of ideas -which you'd no doubt have, after all this time, and the development of things like Exalted Blade.  Flying thunder god?  Riding the Lightning? Eye of the Storm?  Serious fun to be had designing a whole new ability...

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they can save alot of work if they just gave it the vacuum affect. thats what i was trying to say if they just copy paste problem solved. its what the people want and its THE easiest way to solve this problem why be so hard headed and make it harder than it should.



because thats an easy, but super silly idea =n=


A dog that is able to suck things up like a vacume? how does that make any sense in any way unless they specifically made a piece of armor or something with a vacume attached to it that it had to wear.



It was suggested in this thread that the affect of drawing in the items could be explained by functionality in the collar or the kubrow's fur being genetically engineered to be magnetic. The explanation can certainly be as creative and as believable as how it is explained that the Huras can make the owner invisible, or the Sahasa can dig items out of the metal decking of a spaceship, or the Raksa can replenish the owner's shields from 20 meters away, or how the owner can replenish the Kubrows health by attacking enemies with melee, or how the Kubrow can detect loot and enemies, or how the kubrow can teleport to the owner if they become separated, etc.



dude your really gonna go there...really... how does shooting the tonkor or wait let me re word that. shooting a grenade  into the ground to catapult you in the air makes sense but a dog having vacuum doesn't ? or or or have an enemies  slap the ground and POOF dogs appear out of thin air.... or or here is a good one a small hand bag to suck up enough ammo for you from the ground into mid air might i add that ammo in itself might weigh more then the carrier itself and drop it gently on your head. come on man... its a run and gun game not a simulation.



Vacuum on Kubrows?, Pls no. How the heck would you explain the fact that a kubrow/dog is able to pull all drop items towards him? Psychic powers?Would be nice to have vacuum on all sentinels as a normal mod and give a different unique ability to carrier, but please don't give vacuum to Chesa or kubrows in general.


Seishisai, your question has been asked and answered.

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I want Vacuum for everyone. I'm sick of Carrier. :)

I wanna interact so hard,

no opinion on Umbra Excal as I don't use him,

Volt seems fine but I guess I'd go with Overload~

~Hydroid needs reworked or even redesigned more than anyone else in the entire game.

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As for Volt, I'm fairly new but I chose him as my starter pokemon. I'd say the skill I use the least would be Overload, I like the shield, great for defending or reviving or just dealing more damage. The speedboost became fairly addicting and when I try other frames I miss the speed. And for shock I end up spamming it over using overload, It has a longer range and I usually found it more effective to use a couple shocks over the energy price of one overload.

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So these are the hot topics for this time? Really? Wouldn't some general update 17 feedback be more usefull?

Well anyway, lets look what we have this time to vote and feedback on.


Considering that there have been no official announcements on the subject (meaning either on the forum or on the website), i actualy don't care about the whole thing yet.

All i know is that there was something about an Excalibur Umbra Prime for the launch of "Star Armor", some talk about a regular Umbra Excalibur for everyone and that's all i know so far.

Sure there is speculation and such now, but that always happen when a different variant of an existing asset is put into the game. However since it's not even in the game yet, i don't feel like wasting energy speculating on the whole thing.

Am i exited for Umbra Warframes?

It's a word. That's all we have. Give us some info or what you currently have in mind for it and i can give some imput in return.


Really not sure if there is anything more you could add to the game which would improve that or if we even need that at the moment.

We have the differnet chats (region, trading, recruiting, clan) and the relays for everyone to interact with and the clans and dojos for those who want to be part of a closer group of players.

Beyond that, what more do we need in a game, which is AT THE MOMENT primarily killing hordes of brainless enemies with little challenge and collecting loot from said enemies?


The way i understood it so far, companions in Warframe are meant to be a support unit for players.

Since so far each companion came with a unique design, name and special abilities, i see companions in the same way as i see Warframes. Each having it's own niche and appeal.

I would think that speaks against the idea of all companions being only different by design and having all the same abilities. Though shared abilities like shield recharge and sanctuary are still a good thing.

However on the other hand, this also means that all companions need to be equaly usefull compared to each other, just in different areas.

But aye, there is the rub, because these areas also need to be equaly important in terms of gameplay which leads us to the monsterous regime of Carriers.

The problem with Carrier and why Chesa isn't able to hold a candle to it, is that Carrier isn't support companion, it's a CONVENIENCE companion.

In theory Carrier actualy offers NOTHING truely supportive beyond what other Sentinels do. Vacuum has no effect on the environment, enemies or the players.

So what Carrier actualy does is streamline gameplay for the players. Since they have to pay less attention to picking stuff up. And since Chesa doesn't just hover around and suck up everything in proxity to the players, it's not as convenient as Carrier.

As long as Carrier offers an unmatched convenience, many players will prefer it over the companions which only offer support.

A good option would be to remove vacuum as Carrier's ability and either put it away completely (leading to torches and pitchforks being raised) or give it to every companion as ability mod or build in as standard.

Though the entire line of companions needs a second look.

Edited by Othergrunty
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As far as they Go I believe and some other posters too, they should not have better or worse stats than their primed counter parts but DIFFERENT boosts and qualities. Maybe even altered powers and mechanics to express that.


I am seeing a darker side of advanced warframes coming here, with the primed orokin versions being very over elegant and these being closer to the war-machhine warframe side.


People speculate that Umbra should be sentient made But I dont believe thats the case. (prime) Warframes were made by the orokin precisely because they were meant to have strong a and primitive battle advantage to the sentient that advanced tech lacked due to them being able to copy it. Which explains why the warframes we have today are weaker than their prime counterparts









And as we learned on the natah quest the lotus/ natah mother, is a sentient as well. I think that lotus tech is almost the same as sentient tech, advanced (dex dakura), but cannot make superior warframes. Which begs the question... where and what will umbras come from?



]\'[okuto Bunshi


Peace Out.

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Here is my concern with any changes to Volt. If you change how any of the abilities function (not damage, CC ability, or general utility but how they function) Im going to be extremely upset because that will effect how I play him. Giving him more base damage and utility within his abilities are fine but the word rework frightens me because it makes me think of removing an ability to be replaced with something else which will effect my playstyle with my favorite frame

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1- excalibur umbra:

make it an skin, have the option to remove the ugly scarf and change gold colors, then i'll be interested in it. as of now the only interesting thing about it is the grey color palette and the helmet which looks good.


2- player interactions:

add auction house so i'm not forced to talk to greedy people who want to over price everything.


3- companions and vacuum:

make vacuum a utility mod for warframes and make a new ability for carrier, in addition let people equip vacuum on their companion if they don't want to sacrifice an slot on their frames, classic win win situation and everybody will be happy.


4- volt rework

shock: make it a toggle like exalted blade and have it scale from your (primary, secondary or melee) weapons, having a mage like character that does pure electric damage out of his hands and doesn't use any weapon would be really cool, add new animations for casting shock and making him look awesome, he could even have a unique stance with combos to go with it (shock will be cast by hitting the melee button while the toggle is on)


overload: should stun enemies in a wide range and deals damage that scales with enemy level, 4 second of overload should kill every enemy close to volt and deal significant damage to other enemies.

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I'll just talk about VOLT.

Volt is well rounded, but it is too much split between its roles.
Example: Speed offers mobility, Electric Shield is for a stationary situation.
Speed is awesome and modded correctly makes Volt a melee beast. But Volt has the least armor in game (Volt: 15ar; VoltP: 100ar).

Analizing single skills we can find different flaws:
  • Overload damage is ridicle, it gimps itself for the second cast, for the game mechanics damaging skills don't scale in high level missions.
    Its stun isn't worth, since Shock do the same for a more controllable and economic cost.
    We can also stun Aoe with Shocking Speed Augment.
    Without Capacitance, even if it's range is unreliable and often it won't do its work properly, I wouldn't even consider using Overload.
    Now what's the point into having 2-3 different skills doing the same thing on the base skillset?
  •  Eletric Shield, as we yet said, is for a stationary playstyle, but even if it's somehow nice for cohoperation, it's boring to place (the Volt has to reach the zone to place it), its duration must be modded for and it's outshadowed by Frost's Snow Globe.

The Solution: I'm gonna suggest to hit hard Overload and Electric Shield.

Rework Overload to be a proper overload as a low/medium cost self-buff empowering every other skill (similar to Equinox's Metamorphosis).
"Volt overloads itself garanting its other skills an improved effect for one next cast:"
Shock: "An overloaded Shock would cast X Shocks instead than one", or "Turns Shock into the old-version Overload"
Speed: "... to be defined" but Speed is mostly fine as it is. 1) Buffing Armor maybe, for melee builds? 2) Doubling melee combo counter? 3) Overcharging weapons giving more Multishot?
Electric Shield: "An overloaded ES will put on yourself and teammates an Energy Shell granting ES's damage boosts and following them".
(Energy Shell is the 1st Odonata skill, blocking projectiles from the front, buffing its damage and following the caster.)

This will affect both Melee and Shooter focused builds, with no distinction, these new utilities should work fine for both playstyles.

For its supportive role we have some alternatives like making its Electric Shield:

  • work as a proper Energy source, giving energy regeneration near it when successfully blocking projectiles (it would be funny, but probably it will be dangerous because it can fuel Mesa's Peacemaker strategies);
  • in an offensive way, reflecting projectiles back to their source;
  • exploding (with damage and knockback) after absorbing a quantity of damage;
  • garanting zone control, by shocking enemies trying to cross it;
We can also work around Volt's Armor problems by giving it a temporary buff to it when casting the new Overload, similar to how Metamorphosis works.

Imho this would: 1) preserve Volt's actual gameplay for who loves it, 2) giving it some freshness, 3) fitting its flaws and 4) giving it more impact in its supportive role.
Just imagine 4 players putting themselves back to back to build a Snow Globe with their own Energy Shell, or a melee focused warframe who can finally throw himself in the fray having to care less for ranged attacks coming from the front.

Edited by Burnthesteak87
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I would like to see Volt's Overload replaced with a new ultimate power.

A Sword and Board styled power, but no board. Hear me out..

-It is similar to Excal's Exalted power build, where you cast it for a small amount and then slowly drains energy.

-When cast, Volt forms an arm mounted electric shield (looks identical to his regular shields, but smaller and on left arm similar to Silva and Aegis/Ack and Brunt styles). He would auto-block most attacks much like Exalted auto-parries.

-The offensive part of this power will simply be a ranged electric attack instead of a melee, hence "no board" above. Undecided attack style, but could be Constant Electricity (Amprex Style), Rapid Fire Bolts (Supra Style), or literally Zeus Lightning Bolts he can hold and throw (Javelin Style Attacks, slow fire rate like throwing spears would be but with crazy high damage compared to his basic Shock power)

I have no idea what to call it...Fuse Breaker??

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