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Coming Soon: Devstream #59


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The Market:


Now as much as I appreciate the apparent need for you to limit the market so that you can get a return on investment via plat sales, but surely the time has come for you to fully open the market by now? You will still continue to enjoy the great plat sales as they are not available in game...
So instead of more and more cosmetic changes, how about a big system change and open the market for a bigger and better player based game economy? If you don't understand me, just look at EVE or Lineage 2 and see how a player economy should work!

Mission Drops:


Surely you could do better here? Why have items drop at high level which you also get at level 1-3 missions? Just does not make any sense.
It's like 'wooppeeeee I just got 100 vitality mods on a lvl 35 mission woo hoo' !! Give me a break !! Where is the incentive to improve and do better?

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Not if we're showing off the developer build which houses some items waiting to be spoiled by Sheldon.

Ooh, that's sneaky-sneaky... :)


Yeah, about being sneaky, here's my question :


Dear Digital Extreme :



STEALTH 2.0?!!!!!?


Please, please say something about it! Us stealth players are starving! Starving! :(


(10 updates since Stealth elements got introduced and it hasn't improved much...)

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Can we get any information on the Brawler Warframe? Any information on his abilities? What his model looks like?


I ask this because I am a huge fan of the brutal punch-it-'til-it-dies playstyle that you don't really have access to in Warframe, beyond Valkyr and Sparring Weapons.


That brings me to another question, when will you be fleshing out the weapon types? There are currently several types of weapon that are occupied by one or two weapons. The Redeemer, the Nikana Duo, The Tonfas, The Claws, the Fist, and the Sparring weapons all come to mind.

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Q: Can we get one button access to Relays, (it can be place in navigation over a planet).


Q: As it stands now, if we want to test a weapon in Simulacrum we need to get past 4 loading screens (2 to get to Simulacrum, 2 to get back to ship)

this number can climb fast if we want to test 3 or more weapon setups, 3 = 12, 4 = 16! loading screens.

Can we pleas get access to Arsenal in Simulacrum OR Relay (this would help with loading screen problem).

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Join us this Friday, September 4th for Devstream #59: Conclave Spectacular & More!    


Who: Join Rebecca, Sheldon, Steve, Scott, and Geoff!  


What: We'll be doing a two part Devstream this week! We'll start off by taking questions from our community from this thread. Then, Rebecca and Sheldon will be facing off in the Conclave on the Developer build! We're not really sure what to expect, but we know it will be entertaining.


Prizes? Why yes, we will be giving away 3 x 1000 Platinum Prizes during the Livestream!


Where: Find us at: twitch.tv/Warframe


When: Join us Friday, September 4th at 2 p.m. EDT!

Time Zone Converter: http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/


This thread closes at 10 a.m. on September 4th!  Get your questions in!

Can we expect in a future update for a better trading syste like an auction house or blackmarket?

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Could we get buff for Sniper Rifles? Guaranteed Crit on headshots perhaps?


-Could we get higher limits on Rep with each mastery?
-More Loadouts? (it's funny because even with 9 on rank 19 it's not nearly enough for my needs) Maybe even option to buy them with plats?

-Better rewards for the Solar System (credits) so that you don't require Booster or run Void like crazy to get a decent amount of credits?




-Could we get Neural Sensors instead of Morphics on Pluto? Since Neurals drop in one location and there isn't much point in visiting Pluto anyway...

Edited by Kasarian
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Unarmed melee stance!

No seriously, Ninjas can't become ninja enough if they can't kung-fu off enemies without stoopid attachments (Obex), We need a special Stance for it,

Also, Can we have Walldashing have the ability to move straight forward other than "jumpy jumpos" by holding Shift? I don't wanna end up go all-out Flappy Loki, And if possible, Make the pesky Bullet Jump faster on everything, it's TOO slow for a jump, Double Jump does better job than Bullet Jump on speed.

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Besides the usual question of:

- when are we getting the Orokin moon base

- when is umbra coming and which frames will be receiving this treatment

- How is the new warframe (brawler) coming along and eta


I though I ask a question which hasnt anything to do with what has been revealed



Will we be seeing sub missions in mission in future ie on survival but gets an alert that there is a vip on board to capture with bonus items or triggers some sort of reaction from the enemy AI. Or maybe an exterminate mission in space (archwing) and transition to boarding a grineer ship to rescue hostages/prisoners. This sub mission might be an entirely random occurrence which happens based on RNG and might add additional flavour to already monotonous and familiar mission types


Also, will we see some LIFE in game ie NPC in the game such as engineers fixing things, grineer diplomats, Corpus scientists, enslaved colonists, Armoury rooms where we can refill ammo or change weapons, medical rooms that produce life orbs and energy orbs, barracks with proper marching in rank soldiers which we accidentally stumble and stir up the hornets nest (aka Han Solo in death star scene). Currently there isnt much "life" in the environments except enemies wandering around waiting to attack us. Would love to see non-combatant enemies fleeing from us. 

Edited by ecwp1981
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A few things I want to know about...


1. Considering we have syndicate secondary (mr6), syndicate primary (mr12) will we have syndicate melee (is it mr 18?), syndicate sentinel and weapon?

2. Can we have a game mode where powers are banned? (sheer shooting skills and melee is probably more fun than fightings a whole bunch of mags, nyxs, frosts every game)

3. Will mirage noggle be released in a near date (This is the most important question....)

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Will you ever do something about these mods?




or these?



May i also extend this question with the balancing of corrupted mods? Because the corrupted crit mods for pistols are outmatched by pistol gambit and target cracker without having the negative effects. And there are many more corrupt mods needing some love.

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Have you guys thought changing the combat HUD color whith the own warframe's energy color. Also, can we expect reworked Kela De Thaym or maybe boss Nef Anyo in the near future? How is the brawler warframe coming along? Keep up the good work

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as someone who always plays the game completely muted and listens to podcasts or music while playing i like to have an option to remove the lotus and ordis window on the screen, it's frustrating when i'm playing the game and seeing that big window with lotus talking to me all the time, i don't listen to it and i like the option to not see it. 

i play this game for the gameplay and i don't like to be bothered when playing, having the option to remove unnecessary clutter would be great.

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1.) Would a public test build for PvP ever be a possibility?  When weapons like the penta or Jat Kittag (when it was first implemented) are brought into PvP it makes a mess of match balancing and the overall quality of the pvp gameplay experience. 


Putting new weapons on a test build would make the introduction of new weapons a lot less painful and reduce the of flavor of the week/month syndrome we've been seeing with the introduction of/changes to some weapons/frames.


2.)  Can we get a PvP codex? Detailed descriptions of how abilities work (how much damage is dealt, types of damage, duration, range etc. etc.)?  Players have been having to test these things when it's information that should ideally be presented to them by the game so they can make informed decisions on purchasing/building/modding weapons for pvp.


3.)  Could you please, please, please make prime weapons and frames cosmetic?  It's alright in PvE for them to be better, but in PvP they just break the level playing field.  PvP should be a competition of skill, not who has spent more time in the void or plat in the trading channel.

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