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Sunika Prime... Can It Be?!


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Ignoring any and all other considerations:

Welp, looks like it's time to start defrosting to dogs.

Can't consign them while they're frozen.


Glad I didn't max any of them out.

(2 forma and no potato on my Huras doesn't count.)



Shame though.

My Sunika's actually quite good looking.

Large, bulky, brown purple and black Lotus pattern.

First dog I hatched.

Edited by Chroia
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Poopy! Moar original content. Less rehashed primed or prisma or whatevs. All I do any more is throw six forma at something to turn around and find a third gorgon choice or an ordanada(spelling?) prime, or yet an other quanta. I like to forma stuff, but come on dudes.


You're acting like they don't do both.

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How the hell does one make a Prime kubrow?

Step 1: Take a Kubrow and tie it down


Step 2: Melt down forma


Step 3: Pump the molten forma straight into the Kubrows veins


Step4: If the Kubrow survived, you now have a Primed kubrow, if not, well, sucks to be you



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For the love of god, don't let Prime Kubrow/catbrows be a thing. My Kubrow has a name, a personality, he's adorable. We don't need slightly stat boosted rehashed content that will just kill off our current fluffy friends.

I don't usually mind a Prime or event upgrade to a weapon or frame, but this 100%. I've developed a great attachment to my personal kubrow. He's named for a dog I had who has passed, I've carefully built him up into the ideal companion for me, I care for him and protect him and take him everywhere. This isn't like a gun I can just trade up, the kubrow system is designed for us to treat a kubrow as a friend and not a tool. Please, please, please don't make us treat them like chaff to upgrade. If you must have a Prime kubrow exist, at least let us upgrade our kubrow genetics instead of just putting our friends down to replace them with one 10% shinier.


I'm begging here. As an animal lover I already lament the many kubrow I've had to ship off to the Lotus in my search for a Chesa to complete the set. I can't bear to part with kubrow I've grown to love.

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I would not be at all surprised if we see prime Kubrows and Kavat's. Only a matter of time to be honest. Let's face it, everything else we bring into battle can be primed and we have prime robotic companions, so it's only a matter of time before we get primed living companions. It's a Kubrow with superior genes. Maybe we have to do void missions and find special orokin kubrow genes, that we use to manipulate a Kubrow eggs dna to make it better or something. That would be kind of cool. 


Anyways it may be a long time before we see something like this for real, and that could have mostly been a placeholder, but I think it's inevitable that we will see some primed animal companions. 




Edit: Or, or, what if it's the ultimate Kubrow upgrade? 



What if we find special Orokin Kubrow DNA, and inject it into a feral Kubrow egg. This makes it like a Kubrow from the Orokin era, so it's DNA doesn't degrade and we don't need to use stabilizers. Imagine a Kubrow Prime with better stats that doesn't need any genetic stabilizers at all. Haha we can dream right? 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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Please don't do this.

Prime kubrows would instantly render the dogs I've spent so much time breeding and raising totally obsolete.

I've grown attached to these guys; please don't do this to them.

If you need to make prime kubrows, please make it some sort of enhancement we can add to pre-existing kubrows instead of a whole new breed.

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Please don't do this.

Prime kubrows would instantly render the dogs I've spent so much time breeding and raising totally obsolete.

I've grown attached to these guys; please don't do this to them.

If you need to make prime kubrows, please make it some sort of enhancement we can add to pre-existing kubrows instead of a whole new breed.

I'd actually wager that it would be exactly that, an enhancement that you can use on your regular Kubrows. 


It'd buff their stats, change their appearance, and hopefully do away with the constant degradation. Actually, that'd be a neat way to go about it, you basically cure your Kubrow and make them even more awesome!

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Please don't do this.

Prime kubrows would instantly render the dogs I've spent so much time breeding and raising totally obsolete.

I've grown attached to these guys; please don't do this to them.

If you need to make prime kubrows, please make it some sort of enhancement we can add to pre-existing kubrows instead of a whole new breed.


You could have to find a piece of prime armor, a prime collar and a a prime DNA string to upgrade them to prime.

Something like that would be nice.

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Think about it: I got my Nova Prime all white and gold like DA BOSS Tenno I am rock'n that Prisma Skana and Mara Detron and got my Soma Prime! Got a perfectly coordinated Prisma Deaduluse Shoulders matching my Edo Prime Chest and Eos Prime leg armor with a platinum colored Celphalon Suda Syandana. Now I can finally swap my Carrier Prime out for a swag sauce Prime Kubrow!


This game is all about showing off and ball'n out! It's just not enough to tack on Prisma Sigils, homie! MY DAWG GOTTA SWAG LIKE A BOSS WHEN DEY USE THAT UNLEASH SKILL, SON!


....then fail miserably because no enemy I have ever seen has fallen to the fictitious Finisher Damage that skill is supposed to do.



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Oh no. Prime dogs? I'm seriously disappointed in this. Getting the one you want sucks, ranking one up if you don't like allies that behave randomly sucks, they have too many 10 rank mods ... I could deal with regular dogs, but Prime dogs? I wish we got more regular content instead of applying prefixes and suffixes to everything.


I hope we never see the day when an Umbra Chesa Kubrow comes out.

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