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September 11Th: Community Hot Topics!


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While I do think the required mods topic should be tackled, I can't help but cringe because I KNOW you (DE) will royally screw some group of players over (probably the group I happen to be in). If you get rid of them, suddenly those of us who spent the time (or money) getting maxed R10 mods are left feeling like idiots. If you keep them around, the issue never gets addressed. Honestly, the safest way to 'get rid of them' would be to simply give each of them there own exclusive slot and then to completely rework the remaining +damage mods.

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Required mods:


ALL mods that boost base damage should be removed, or rather, to keep the hard work of players, changed to do something else. This includes Serration, Hornet Strike, Point Blank, and Pressure Point. To offset this, every weapon should gain damage as it's level increases. Warframes gain stats as you grow in level, so why not weapons? Make it so that for each level, the weapon gains +5% damage. At rank 30, a weapon would do 150% bonus damage - the equivalent of a maxed "mandatory" mod. 


Elemental mods should convert a % of damage to elemental type, instead of adding more damage.


Multishot mods should consume extra ammo - that's a given and I'm surprised it's taken this long to fix. 


Honestly, I don't think weapons need that much of a rebalance. The power of secondary weapons will go down a bit compared to primaries, but it should be like that. If anything, rework enemy scaling. 


Also, primed mods were a horrible idea. They just add to the power creep. But too late for that now.



Extra mod slots:


I love the exilus utility slot. Still want to see power augment slots! 



Brawler warframe:


Don't know why he has bacon clothes... Replace that bacon stuff with some sort of toga, and I think he'll be golden. 



Endless missions:


The longer we are forced to do the same thing over and over, the faster our sanity drains. I've fallen asleep during endless missions before. I wouldn't mind difficulty increasing at a faster rate along with rewards being acquired quicker. 

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-Required Mods


If by rework you mean changing them to make Serration an innate weapon ability that every weapon has, then yes. Serration should have been removed ages ago and reworked into the game differently.


If you're talking about the changes to Split Chamber, then no I don't agree and don't want it changed. Split Chamber


-Exilus Slot


I like it. Many great mods (Thieves wit, Heavy Impact, etc.) That I liked but never had the room for them since ability slots were removed and capacity was reduced to 8 mod slots. I just wish you guys could do the same with augment mods.


-Brawler Frame


No, not really excited. The theme of frames has been getting more ridiculous and less original with every update. Not that my opinion matters at all. Frames went from greatly designed and well-thought-out characters with great abilities that match their themes, to just a theme that someone on the forums thought was cool with abilities that really don't make sense or either are overpowered or have no use in actual gameplay.


-Endless Missions


The one thing I don't like with endless mission types is the rewards that just don't make sense. How the hell does round 25 on defense or minute 25 on survival give a worse reward than round/minute 20? How does that make sense? Another gripe I have with the mission type is the drop tables. Forma, Orokin cells and uncommon fusion cores should NOT be rewards. I guess I can live with the rare fusion cores but the rest are just annoying and seem to show up a lot more than actual useful rewards.

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Overall, what is your opinion of the Exilus mod slot?

It's fine. Just lower forma cost because formas are very rare now and it takes a long time (1 day) before you can finish building it.

What is your initial impression of the “Brawler” warframe?

It's fine, I think. Just make sure it isn't a copy-paste of Valkyr

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for the mod topic, i think ALLL mods should be looked at, not just the "manditory" ones as clearly there are other offenders of the opposite end of the spectrum (im looking at YOU, pure status increase mods and punch through mods) because reigning in the manditory mods doesnt necessarily makes the non-necessary mods any more desirable considering the finite nature of slots on weapons


but off the top of my head the pure status mods need adjustment since 15% is just too little to be worth 9 points and a slot unless its after i've already put in 3 of the damage status mods and that little 15% will push me up to 100% status chance, and the pure punch through mods which i shirk off in favor of their hybrid cousins due to the ghastly cost of 15 points when maxed when the hybrid mods give it on top of either reload speed or fire rate while only costing 11.

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Required Mods:

How about we go one step further, and rework everything involving enemies, players, and their weapons?


- Remove all (or nearly all) damage and health scaling for players and enemies.


- Have Multishot unchanged... but ammunition consumption increases by 1 for every extra shot fired (goes with bottom point).


- Extra weapon ammunition is based on clips instead of whatever crap we have now. Ammunition drops give one clip instead of a static value.


- Elemental and Physical damage mods convert damage instead of adding it.


- Supplemental mods have a drawback of some sort:

    [+ Fire Rate / + Melee Speed | - Impact / - Slash / - Puncture]

    [+ Critical Chance | - Fire Rate]

    [+ Status Chance | - Magazine Capacity]

    [+ Damage | - Projectile Velocity]

    [+ Airborne Melee Speed | - Ground Melee Speed] : Imagine flipping with Jat Kittag extended and spinning in a vertical circle, like Sonic's spin jump thing.

    [+ Armor | - Mobility]

Just some examples.

- Common, Uncommon, and Rare variations of existing mods; usually have higher benefits and drawbacks at higher ranks.


- Warframe abilities are generally stronger, but gaining energy is a bit tougher.


- Enemies are now modular (variations of armor plating and types, weaponry, and utilities), but remain consistent within their tilesets.


- Enemies also gain new abilities and modifications the further you progress.


- Dual wielding can now be done with any two one-handed secondary/melee weapons. Furis and Vasto? Cestra and Brakk? Whatever; go wild. (Shooting second weapon uses alt-fire, aiming and overall accuracy reduced.)


- Weapons have weight! Equipping heavier armaments will greatly reduce your mobility; lighter weapons will reduce it less; unequipping weapons will offer you the best mobility. The lightest you can go is only Kogake; you're stupid fast, but can only punch things.


This is generally what I have it mind. There's enough enemy variety to justify the removal of vertical scaling, I believe.



Have I ever said how much I hate this forum's text editor?

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Required Mods


On this, I'm uncertain. I like the idea that we should have more freedom of customization, such as going for a status build on a usually crit-built weapon, and still have it largely effective. Some of the sidegrade weapons like the Wraith and Prisma Gorgons already have some of this, but even then there's only one real way to go. Now, I could still build a crit Gorgon, it just wouldn't be nearly as effective. I've an idea, actually. Imagine mods that know what a weapon's strengths and weaknesses are, and augment that weapon accordingly. If it has a low base crit, the crit mods up the crit a little more than if applied to a weapon that has a high crit base. Another example might be things like Depleted Reload. Longer reload time base? It'll speed it up more than a gun with a shorter reload time, but also remove more clip capacity.


Another thing is that there are a lot of specialty mods that would work well for fun times with guns that they're not allowed to be used on. Depleted Reload is again a good example; Take one shot out of the Tigris for a faster reload time. Bam, reload, Bam, quick enough to parallel the Tigris with two shots and slow reload. Or, range mods/Firestorm on Simulor, to increase how far away the vortexes can go, and how far they affect enemies.


I dunno. I'm on the fence about these. I'd like not having to use some mods on all weapons, and have greater customization, but it can go really badly. Depends on what is implemented.


Mod Slots


I enjoy having the extra utility slot, and having something like that for weapons would be very nice. Despite how powerful having a 'stance' slot on primaries and secondaries could be, and perhaps because of how powerful that could get, I don't think the utility/stance slots on weapons should add more mod space. Melee already has this, and it's not too bad, so that can stay, but adding it onto primaries and secondaries might be a bit game-breaking.


Utility slots would be nice, but it would require major balancing any way you go.


”Brawler” warframe


I'm ready for this. I liked the concept art shown, and a brawler might be a fun addition. My only problem is this; Excalibur and Valkyr are already two melee-oriented frames. They're very different from each other, two ends of the melee spectrum, and having a third melee-oriented frame might be a little... bland. Again, it'll depend on how you do it. I'm sure you guys will find some new thing for it, a way to make it feel different.




Endless missions are the most played mission type, as far as I'm aware. I personally enjoy having missions where I can just mindlessly kill dudes, and also enjoy having missions where it will get as hard as I can handle, forcing me to leave or die. But when I'm going for parts, it does get boring quick. You either grind to 40 for no better rewards, or leave at twenty, where it's no fun yet. I think if you made the missions with rare rewards rev up the pace quicker, but give a better chance of getting the rarer rewards, it might feel like less of a grind, and more like a challenge. There would be a real reason to go longer than twenty when looking for a part.


Granted, the real problem there is the fact that we want that part so much, making it feel more like a grind cause we want it and we want it now, but doing the scale-able chance puts a little more power in the player's hands to get what they desire. I dunno, that's just my two cents. Basically, I think they need a bit of an alteration, but I enjoy having long missions to relax in, while also having long missions to push my skills as a player. And the grind, while not incredibly bad, could still use a little work.



also, goddamn those Rhino, Saryn, and Trinity skins were fan-fkin-tastic. I need them. I will save up plat for the day they come out. Not to mention Pre-Corpus Valkyr. Jeez I want that in and around my face.


Anyways, there's my input. G'night, and Thank you devs for making this kickass game ^.^

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*In your opinion, should “required” mods be reworked (with appropriate rebalancing)?


- We do need need this change, why?

Because we have 8 mod slots and 3 goes to multi-shot mod Serration/ Hornet Strike mod and Heavy Calibur mod which leaves us 5 mod slots to improve the weapon however we could but we will never can, why?

We are 3 slot less now.

- These weapons mods should be there to improve the weapon aspect not to turn it into a nuke!

- So please, DE, let our weapons scale to enemies, the higher the enemy level the more the chances to deal high damage or critical damage the only exception is headshot.


*Overall, what is your opinion of the Exilus mod slot?


- A much needed extra mod slot but the only problem i had with is the fact i need re-forma my frame 2-3 times in order to fit in the extra mod but it came with a high price, and that price is gimped builds, before we could have 3-4 builds thanks to un-polaritied (is this even a word?) slots but we cant now due to the fact that the Exilus also draws the mod capacity points from an already existing mod capacity, therefore either remove the cost or lower it!

- Some mods like Armored Agility or Steel Fiber aren't Utility mods?  how come?

- DE, please next time when you want to add new mods try to merge 2 mods like you did with Armored Agility, it will help us save space and keep the mod capacity within "happy zone".


*What is your initial impression of the “Brawler” warframe? 


- If you make him like Bruce Lee or Jet Lee or even Naruto/ Goku, no complaints :)


*In your opinion, should endless mission difficulty scale more quickly with quicker rewards?


- For Defense keep it the why its right now, feels ok to me, not sure about others.

- For Survival, now this is a tough cookie, lets see can we have the rewards drops every 5 minutes for T1, for T2 every 5 minutes as well but for T3 every 4 minutes and for T4 every 3 minutes?

- Can we have Resident Evil 5 Mercenaries  Mode time extender please?

In that game every time you score a melee kill/ finisher you get +5 extra seconds, but in here scoring a melee finisher will give you a personal pod!

- MAKE ENEMIES SPAWN FASTER AND NEAR US please also make the level/ health/ armor reduction of the enemies fixed but increase their numbers!

- The level difficulty should be based on the void key not scaling to us, their number should increase by how many minutes we stays in there as in the more we stay the more we have to fight against!    

- If you want to keep the enemy scaling then start it after we passed certain minutes/ time mark like 30 minutes, when we pass this mark enemies spawned will have more health, damage, armor reduction and accuracy as well.

- Can the map scale to the void key?

Like in T1 can the map be huge but in T4 be rather small, this will increase the difficulty, how? nowhere to run, nowhere to hide :P 

Edited by Prinny13
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the only thing I have to say is that I am looking forward to the brawling frame but I just wish it's powers were more brawlish and less earth mover. if they re-brand it and call it the earth mover frame then great that's perfect for it's skills. but it's not really a brawler style, like it doesn't make you want to get up close and friendly with your enemies

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In your opinion, should “required” mods be reworked (with appropriate rebalancing)?

In my opinion, multishots - it was just something that everyone wanted to close his eyes. If we talk about the "realism" of the game. BUT:
1. Do we not only do you need to adjust to "realism" first?
2. I know that I have bothered with this, but again, if we are talking about "realism" - why the new parkour unfinished? Why do not we can not use a "realistic" animation from the new trailer? Why do we have to jump like goats jumping when we climb on to something? Where elegant old animation Climbing (race, the more elegant and realistic) on the wall?
Thank you for your attention, I had finished asking his "awkward" questions.
Edited by STARL1GHT
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I've already provided exilus feedback on a number of occasions, but ill try one more time. 


In its current iteration exilus slot is kind a "meh" and is not really a slot to use "unused mods", but the slot for either Rush or Handspring (or if u like launching yourself into the air for "pretty jumping" with cool effects), everything else is not that good or provides very little in terms of utility.


I also mentioned on numerous occasions that exilus slots with all of its different polarities (making it impossible to change "utility" mods on a whim without a reforma) and drain cost essentially not helps with diversification, but locks current and future build even more, than current system is (and that is assuming no more good Primed mods or corrupted mods ever to be released). For some frames with possibilities of having 2 or 3 builds, it is actually impossible to fit in exilus slot, due to the nature of polarities and negative drain (for example mirage raid or mirage Total Eclipse).


I'll repeat again, not only it is a problem with some of the current frames and builds, with even more build/role lock, but also a future problem, assuming any more primed mods or corrupted mods would be released. Best possible solution would be make it neutral - as in nothing is given, nothing is gained in terms of mod points, that way we can really use a variety of "utility" mods to our hearts content and test things out without the need to reforma slot 20 times over. 

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Remove serration like mods which give only base dmg and instead make weapons get 5.5% base dmg for each rank up and when weapon gets maxed it will have standard +165% dmg buff from serration. But leave corrupted mods like Heavy calibre the way they are as they are not must have and have negative effect.

And endless survival rewards should be obtained faster as spending 20 minutes tog et to rotation c reward which in most cases will not give you reward you want is insane time waster comparing to all other mission types. It was much more fair before rotation system came. Scaling of enemies is not influencial until certain point where you cant kill enemy while they 1 shot you.

Edited by Zarlockk
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Changing mods to make them "not required" is not the solution that I would like to see. I don't think it is a solution at all. As others have pointed out, the problem is much larger then just the mods. It also involves enemy scaling and the damage system itself.

If you are proposing changing mods as a first step in addressing the balancing issues in the game, then I'd be interested in learning more about the other steps you wish to take. But if you are proposing changing mods as the solution to everything, then I'm against it.

I like that thinking!!

However, I can only hope that this community think with care when making a choice.

Sometimes, we may rage and oppose DE to change/nerf/remove damage mods. But when these questions describe these choices in certain ways they could sway our way of thinking at the moment of choosing so that that we may end up making a choice betrayed our own original voices. (It's all in the psychology of how to write surveys in certain ways to get people choosing the way you want them to choose.)

Please think carefully and make a choice in way that our voices can be heard.

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I can mostly only reiterate what 99% has said before me, here and in many other threads during my 2+ years with warframe:

* mandatory mods should go away, and their bonuses needs to be built in the weapon's progression system. But I can think on one additional tweak: with formaing the weapon, the actual faction (the slot's polarization) should also affect the weapon's OVERALL polarization. That said, you have for example 3 (y) slots and one (-). You clearly tended towards damage, so there should be a slight addition to the maximum achievable damage for that weapon. There were some calculations in this thread, so let's say each (y) slot adds 2% to the total damage. (-) slots could add more ammo, (D) slots more ROF, etc. (just examples to get the idea). This way one can actually BUILD a weapon, choosing a path.

* another idea from here: make polarities switchable and configurable per loadout. If I already invested x forma to something, at least make me feel I can experiment with them.

* also, for me, it would be nice if I could disassemble the items I have. This would not salvage every bit of material I put into the actual item, but there could be a system that allows me to do this (foundry), it's efficiency might be tied to eg. the focus system or a new syndicate%s rank which specialises in crafting.

As for enemy scaling, I also feel that the gameplay is most satisfying for a non-extreme, but high level player is around enemy lvl 40-60. They are tough, you need skill and good weapons, but not unfair.

Edited by tmtke
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1 all chages DE will made will allway have mandatory mods why simple if u remove serration ppl just add othe dmg mod there so dont know what this nabs want from the game saying that cant kill a enemy lvl 150 well thats cuz u suck at the game is not fault of the game is urs 
remove base dmg mods we go back too rainbow buidls just stack elements there done use a cap scaling system  veterans will have no fun so we stay 2hours on a survivel killing mobs lvl 500 600 and u want them too be cap at 150 wow
i have 130+ weapons in game all potato and more then 5 formas so the time i spend in that weapons was for nothing ???? dont matter what DE change what system it will be u need allways a point too start a build .... a mage needs int a warrior str a rouge dex but in the end is just the name that change cuz the results are the same more power.

If we go around and do a dmg similar too PVP well things might work but all warframes need too be reworked again 
and some ppl want too remove the effecienci mods too so what we go all back too shields and hp and armor mods ?? i only see stupid nerfs with no point at all 2 weaks working too get at home and see that some one kill my volt nice nerf DE and go too foruns and see this pice of crap that dont have a name cant kill mobs lvl 150 pfff patetic

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2 adding a augment slot is what i wanted maybe a similar system in the future ..... also making that augment slot positive energy like auras
3 i just hope it come out 1 2 weeks and gets nerfed like almost evrything  poor new sentinel
4 hummm i dont suffer too much from that but having a way too get harder enemys fast it will be fun not needed too w8 50 mins too start too fell the thing  only complain about drops but thats sheldons bad work still w8ing fro the D rotation he talked about few month ago

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-Required Mods - the this is simply this people would really want to test this "rebalancing" before just blindly say yes please do it.

-Exulis - I like it, wish it was easier to get. An more mods were options… like resistance to heat, arguments, ect

-brawler - need to see more… it just comes of wired from just the art shown

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Gonna nerf dmg mods and multishots, huh? OK.


Almost all of emenies are leveled now, supposing that players are heavily armed with Serration, Heavy Calibur, Split Chamber, etc.

So if you wanna nerf weapons, nerf enemies and other stuffs first, that can make sense.

Actually I don't think it's good idea that nerfing some modes,

But if you quadrisect every emenies' HP and armor, or boost all weapons about 300%~400%,

that's fine without dmg & multishot mods OUTWARDLY - You always desperately wanna nerf everything, there's no other choice -


Will every Tenno get water guns and dull blades? how terrible....

If you simply wanna some diversity in modding,

then why don't we just have another exilus slots for our weapons? or, how 'bout buff other mods?

And WHY multishot mods are 'broken' for 2 years? is the ammo consumtion really a bug?

If ammo consumtion is increase, Split Chamber will just change into Vile Acceleration without -15% dmg penalty.

I don't think you really wanna do this.

Edited by Chantepleur
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I was going to say NO! to messing with multishot mods, but then again in mechanics and science you cannot get something from nothing.  If DE are going to implement this then they need think on adding either another mod slot or a slot similar to the Exilus but for weps, so players can get ammo mutation into the build without a compromise on damage.

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