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September 11Th: Community Hot Topics!


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Changing mods to make them "not required" is not the solution that I would like to see. I don't think it is a solution at all. As others have pointed out, the problem is much larger then just the mods. It also involves enemy scaling and the damage system itself.


If you are proposing changing mods as a first step in addressing the balancing issues in the game, then I'd be interested in learning more about the other steps you wish to take. But if you are proposing changing mods as the solution to everything, then I'm against it.

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Required Mods


Reworked? no, they should be removed.

Why? because they represent a false "choice", you have the option of using them but you always need them if you want a decent build. But then what we have left? we can only work with crit and/or dmg and/or status builds. IMHO with the removal of "required mods" we should receive better customization options for our builds (more and differents mods that allow us to really differentiate builds from each other).



Exilus Mod


I don't like it, I find it's just a luxury that doesn't add too much to my build. Also if I really want to use, for example, one of the elemental parkour mods, I have to forma and relevel my frame which is not fun anymore.



Brawler Frame


Looks interesting but at the end of the day all that matters is how good are his skills: scalability, endgame potential, team sinergy, etc.

Need to test it to give a better opinion.



Endless Mission Rewards


Rewards HAVE to scale with the more time you invest on the mission, that would make the game more appealing and would give us a reason to be more than 20min/20 waves but please! remove the credit caches and rare resources, everytime I receive one of those I feel like I'm wasting my time on the mission.


About the "quicker rewards" thing, it would be very nice, maybe reduce the "reward each 5 waves/mins" to each 3 waves/mins but with increased difficulty. Sometimes is kind of boring have to wait 5 mins/waves to recieve a reward. It should be more dynamic and give us more options (idea for mission crafting Steve?).

Edited by Zaniux
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1. Required mods. I seriously have no idea what to do with the mods.

They are the lynch pin of the entire game. You change them you change the game. You nerf them you nerf every single weapon in the game.

If you do anything to them enemies also need to be affected. For example armor should scale less. But really this is such a touchy subject and it's answered only by you DE. So do you want the mod system to be an upgrade or a customization system?


If you want an upgrade system it's fine as is. If you want a customization system all boring add % dmg have to go out the window and every single enemy needs to be rebalanced to work with the lowered dmg. This is a question of game direction that I think we as players have little input that'll sway things. It's purely on DEs court which direction they want to go and what's worth their man hours.


2. Exilus. Haven't used one. I'm thinking of putting one on either Nekros or Volt. Have no idea what to do with it.


3. Seen a picture. Heard a rumour of the kit. The kit reminded me heavily of Hydroid and has me VERY worried. But he looks like he's wrapped in bacon which is nice.


4. I honestly like it as is. I do either an hour long survival or a 40 wave defense once a day to get my mind off things. As long as there's more enemies I'm happy. Just fix the enemy scaling please. Don't add rapidly scaling enemies it's not fun running into the armored bosoms of heavy gunners.

Edited by Ziegrif
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Exilus mod slot


while idea in itself is great but requires a lot of work to make a good use for it, most warframes need 1-3 forma before be able to use it and when you have warframes to polarize again it is really time consuming. i feel mods put there should be cost neutral because the exilus mod slot doesnt make the warframe OP, instead it creates diversity and most important utility.

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Required mods

All types of damage mods need to be addressed.  Changing multishot so that it's not an automatic must-have will just bump the stack, and make the next best thing the automatic must-have.  So long as you allow players to increase their weapon power by a factor of 20-30 times over with mods, they're going to keep doing it, at the expense of build variety and overall gameplay challenge/balance.   The only sensible route is to save players from themselves and turn down ALL forms of direct damage mods, then adjust enemy scaling to suit. The most obvious way to me is to limit how many damage mods you can have at a time, causing our choice of mods to determine what KIND of damage we are doing rather than how MUCH of it.


Specialty mod slots

I'm in favor of this on general principle.  People have especially been begging for an augment slot. Weapons could also get special slots, like machine gun type weapons get an extra slot for magazine/ammo mods and assault rifles get an extra slot for stability or reload mods.  That sort of thing.


Though, I am concerned that we have basically reached the limits of what our platforms can actually do. The situation is such that we have to basically forma every single slot on our warframes to use the exilus, adding more will just make things even less flexible. Power creep is something to avoid, but I think you did a fair job of keeping power-related mods from being placed in the exilus slot.  So it's seriously worth considering making these slots have positive mod points, like auras, or just no cost.


Endless missions

Personally I think warframe is at its most fun to play, best balanced and best paced, at enemy levels 40-50.  Below this they are too easy to kill, and higher than this it just becomes more and more limiting and blatantly unfair.  So, I don't like to play "really endless" endless missions for the most part.  If people want to do that I don't see why there shouldn't be a way to set your desired entry level to a mission.  Though I don't think the rewards should scale or increase in any real way.  If you want to challenge yourself then challenge yourself, but there are simply too many game-breaking builds and strategies to be certain that higher levels equal higher difficulty and thus deserve higher rewards.

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Required Mods

    In order to tackle obligatory mods like raw damage and multishot you would have to couple it with a complete overhaul of damage and enemy scaling. This will be a massive ordeal no doubt incurring its share of growing pains and community outcry. Risky.

Exilus Slot

    Exilus was ostensibly designed to afford veterans extra build flexibility in order to add quality of life or utility mods. In practice the mod drain of the slot requires multiple forma applications and reduces the ability of the frame to use alternate mod configurations for filling different roles in a mission.

Brawler Frame

    Aesthetic is interesting. Little else to go on so far.


Endless Scaling/Rewards

    This is fairly tricky as different players have different capabilities and different goals. Some veterans are in the mission strictly for the rewards buried in rotation C. End gamers may simply wish to test their builds and will have to nap through the first 30 minutes before the real fight starts. Newer players or players using nonstandard builds may have their hands full with the existing curve.

    Personally I find Survivals to be engaging but grueling in 40 minute runs. I find getting to even wave 20 in a Defense to be excessively time consuming and one of the least entertaining experiences in the game. Interceptions for me fill a happy medium of enjoyment, challenge and reward. 

    Any change to pacing would have to be an opt-in scenario which runs the risk of further fragmenting the playerbase. 

Edited by arKRazor
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Req mods

guns should have some stats increase as the weapon levels up.

things like base dmg and maybe extra utility, like some weapons gaining the ability to multishot or gain reach or extra arcs (like the amprex)

that could alleviate the need for serration. but if weapons are going are going to get nerfed then an enemy rework is in need.

DE also needs the foresight to see that if these 'staple' mods are gone there will be other mods to take their place. it will just create another vicious circle

Brawler frame

no opinion, honestly. if his abilities are useful and is interesting to play but none of the new frames since Mirage i've really played other than mastery.

Endless mission

for 'quicker rewards' i assume it will be either more forma, keys or useless prime parts to pad out the grind?

the reward system itself needs looking at rather than by someone who barely plays the game.

Edited by angrykenji
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Mod rework.- I believe Warframe needs an entire scaling and damage rework. As many other's have said, the only reason we use the "required" mods, is just that, they are required. Simply nerfing to some degree will only take away from the fun of Warframe, and I feel ultimately drive people away. 


One idea I have thought about would be as you level your weapon up, it increases in base damage. This would remove the requirement for serration/hornet strike all together. The downside to this would be, you could not effectively take a low ranked weapon into a high level mission and be any type of efficient. So you would be restricting upper level content to fully ranked weapons all together. If the weapon scaling was done appropriately though, this would take away the need for multi-shot mods all together for fully auto weapons. There will still be a strong need and desire to have them for semi and single shot weapons though. (Snipers, launchers, bows). To me, multi shot should be for helping the slower ROF weapons, not turning full auto weapons from meh to end game usable (required) (so that is where the weapon scaling comes in). Another down side would be all the credits and cores everyone has put into these, and the forma'ing of weapons. We (vets) would have to reforma every build. So some sort of large time compensation to remove that wall from having to redo everything all over again would be required. Another plus for it though would be you would then get lower level players into higher level content faster as they wouldn't be mod restricted so badly.  Something of this sort could be implemented in many different ways.  


In the last devstream I watched, Rebecca was talking about MR locking weapons in the future, would could really play into this system. You could create weapon tiers pretty much, which would in turn keep people from getting access to everything too quickly, but also, this would keep someone (low mr players) from taking the boltor prime into everything low level and not having a challenge at all with dedicated weapon leveling. You could have 3 tiers like mission levels are laid out pretty much, how ever you wanted to split them. Just for example's sake, you take 0-15 tier 1 16-32 tier 2 and levels 33+ would be tier 3, locked until you hit rank 10 (or whatever rank) (the tiers would be what the weapons are balanced towards). The weapon scaling on these weapons would then scale more aggressively per tier, where a tier 1 weapon may scale in damage by 5% per level (giving you a 180% damage boost from base at lvl 30), a tier 3 weapon would scale at 3x that amount (15% per level), which would account for the loss of both serration and multi-shot on your weapons. (see note above though about the need for them on single/semi/launcher/bow type weapons though) A system like this though, would sadly make some weapons obsolete, but in return it could give you guys (the dev's) some more routes to some creative freedom for events. Like conclave rating locking missions, instead, you could weapon tier lock what we could use. Also, when prisma/wraith/vandal versions of lower tier weapons are released they could be the top tier for that weapon, so a previous tier 2 weapon gets a prisma buff into a tier 3 weapon. 


(A bypass to all of the issues though, would be to set a hard level and time cap. Enemies don't go past level 150, can't go past 80 min survival. It's definitely not what I would want to see, but nevertheless, would be a cheap and quick fix to the balancing issue.) I personally don't feel that you can EVER fully balance any type of game that supports endless missions, unless you were to have a category of equipment for endless only, and those caliber of weapons will always break the game. 


Impact damage needs to be looked at during this process as well. The +/-'s of impact damage leave it being obsolete due to the current scaling system. It takes little to no effort with puncture damage to forget enemies have shields, which is the main + for impact damage. Or if you are running toxin damage, shield literally means nothing to you anyway. I feel like a host of good weapons are overlooked due to the current system, puncture + elements can pretty much do it all (except for rare specific circumstances). 


Exilus slot- dislike it. It's good in theory, but I DON'T run any of those mods unless it is in a very specific situation. 2 things would need to change for it to be of use for me, allow me to put augment mods into it, and take away the mod drain. As it is, to have max mods on a frame without using that slot, I have to have AT LEAST 1 forma, but a good portion of frames 2, for current builds and builds I'm currently working on finishing. Then I need to forma the Exilus slot...then I need to forma at least once, if not 2 more times to have enough points to use the exilus slot. So...At best, I'm 3 (+2 to build it) forma into a frame, if not 5 (+2 to build it) depending on the frame. (5-7 forma) That is pretty much locking my frames into a build JUST to use that slot for mods I don't use - no thank you. The build requirements are too steep too for the very small gain. 


Brawler - I'm currently indifferent. I was sadly very disappointed with Chroma, and only slightly disappointed with Equinox, so if the current trend holds true, I'm hoping to finally like one of the recent new frames. (love the excal and frost reworks btw. frost has finally moved back to my primary frame) 


Survival - I personally think survival needs a total rework in theory. Someone else mentioned the time addition per enemy killed instead of life support, and I love that idea. I never really got the life support theme. It's not like we are weapon oxygen tanks or masks, and the same with the enemies. We never see outside, and current tileset layout doesn't make it feel like are on a ship or anything. The only place it makes sense is in the underwater tileset, and even thing, when you are underwater, you don't have to worry about oxygen at all?? Moving it over to time based would also open up the other outdoor tileset for survivals, which is one of my favorites anyway. I do believe increasing the spawn rate is a good thing though, there needs to be more chaos, but the chaos needs to be focused on killing, not if an enemy will actually drop a little canister or not. This means scaling would need to be adjusted accordingly for survival missions. Also, rewards need to scale WITH the enemies. Please, for the love of sweet baby jesus, no more 60, 70, 80 minute forma bps or resources. (That has to be Sheldon doing that...has to be, if not, he deserves the blame, we all know he cheats ;-) )


On a personal note, keep up the great work, a lot of us are counting on positive changes. The first true wave of next gen games are just starting to hit consoles, so we want to have a reason to keep coming back and giving you our money! 

Edited by (PS4)excat_56
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My opinion about required mods is that, since the mod system should allow to personalyze weapons/warframe/companions, so a mod that is mandatory is a bit of a contradiction. What you've done with Warframe abilities is great, and I think that would be a partial solution. Also, the PvP solution (mods don't increase damage, but converts it in another kind) should become partially part of PvE. Obvioulsy some pure damage mods should be allowed (like the corrupted ones) so that if someone whats to sacrifice an attribute for more power he could do it... however many have discussed more in depth this ideas in many threads, so I'll leave to them the details.


And what about Survival? Well, I think it should be more similar to excavation, which is way more funny because you have to constantly move and your mission success is not determined by how many enemies you killed (in fact, I think the name Slaugther is more appropriate than survival), but how you can manage extractors and defend your self and the team by coordinating with them. Many proposed that life supports covers only an area or a room for a limited time, and beyond you have only your limited oxigen supply (so you lose shieald and health)...

also the mission should not end when life support ends, because one can survive even with the costant drain of shield and health if he's a good player of the team is close-knit.

Another note: differently than excavation, the progression of survival and defense is too slow. In excavation you can get a reward every 1.30 minutes, while in survival every 5 and in defense even more (that's why many use fast-nova)... so a bit of scaling would be appreciated (e.g. a reward every 3 minutes/wave)

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Rebalancing : YES,

but not only weapons ...

the whole damage scaling system should be reworked and shipped together with changes to "required" mods.

Changes to "required" mods will effectively make us struggle more :

- spend more time in mission clearing it out,

- do shorter endless missions, cause enemy scalling would be too much to handle,

- more farming for resources to build restores

- more farming for void keys (for the current system - not counting the star chart/void rework)

- bullet hoses would be totally useless, they already use mutations

(and there are a lot of weapons so far with bad ammo economy, U want to tweak them all ?

Example : there are still a lot of old mods that haven't been touched and reworked from a year [?] and they are totally useless ...

so I have my doubts if it is doable in reasonable ammount of time)

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The problem with adding mod slots like the exilus slot is that we might start to lack mod points to achieve a full build.


To achieve a full build we'll have to forma every single slot on our warframes but this makes us unable to switch out mods to make different builds for our warframes and that will end up with people being forced to have one single build for their warframes since they won't be able to freely switch out mods.


I personally prefer to not have aura polarities since I like to bring whatever aura I feel is needed, but with more slots added it might become a requirement to achieve a full build in some situations.


A rework of the way forma works might be an answer to this. Let the used amount of forma count as the number of polarities we are able to switch in and out and let us be able to have different polarities in our A, B and C loadouts.

Switching polarities freely would be a huge quality of life improvement.


I am in favor of adding new slots like an augment slot for warframes but I think we'll need to have some things reworked in order to do so

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Required Mods


Short version is, the big issue is that there is such a massive difference between a gun that has +Damage/+Multishot that without them, all weapons would be considered peashooters. A first step would be to reduce the value of +Damage mods and then increase the base values of all weapon damage (such that someone who has a capped Serration sees no drop in output), but that still won't change the fact that +Damage mods are "optimal".


Personally, I'd say remove Serration and its kind entirely (save for maybe augments), up base damages and give out Legendary cores again. Heavy Caliber is at least a tradeoff, and if that's what the goal is with Multishot, it should apply here too. Elemental mods are probably fine as-is (since you have to actually consider them on a per-faction basis), crit and status mods are only useful for specialized weapons anyway.


Now, as far as Multishot itself... changing it from a way to deal bonus damage into a way to frontload it is one idea. However, this means that the value of ammo economy mods will be greatly increased - and it honestly sounds like it tries to do the job of Fire Rate mods.


Exilus Slots



Half a week's worth of reputation with Simaris (already the hardest faction to cap, I find, since there's no small amount of RNG to it, and you can't save medallions or just passively collect it with a sigil), plus 2 Forma which take 24 hours each to produce, for ONE.

I have nearly two dozen frames; that is literal months of effort just to put Exilus on them, and that's excluding whatever Forma I want to invest into them. Given that I have a surplus of Forma and potatoes from invasions, alerts, events and months of incidental grinding, I'm not worried about investing any of them into a frame anymore since I'll have a half-dozen more potatoes before the next one rolls around; but if I have to grind out another Exilus slot when a Prime comes out, and sell (or at least never use) an obsolete frame that already has one... even I can feel the investment I'm losing.


Keep in mind in the market, it costs as much for a Forma as it does for something that takes 2 Forma and much more time to make. I know that someone is always looking for a reason to say "this is about making us buy plat", but that seems oddly suspect.


Brawler Frame


Looks like a rock, so I'll be a little surprised if he doesn't get some Earth-elemental influences just to finally end the debate on whether or not Oberon counts.

I've been working on an https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/427397-warframe-concept-tremor-the-earth-elemental-terraformer-warframe-808-art-update/'>Earth elemental of my own of course, and it's had some Brawler influences over the course of its design. I think the two concepts sort of run in parallel, since it's probably the most creative use we can get with Rhino already in existence.


Now, I have a lot I would want to say about an Earth frame, but since we don't know for certain, it's pointless. As I've been telling people, the Brawler could just as well end up with a Drunken Master ultimate.

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On the topic of "required mods", I think they should go. Mods should be for the "quirky" builds that make your weapon unique, in my opinion.


I'd love to see a revamped weapon specific talent trees introduced back into the world of Warframe. I think that'd eliminate the need for required mods


I'd especially like trees for melee weapons that lead up to the different stances, because if you have a weapon you love and can't get the stance drop you're looking for, it really dampens the fun.



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Said it before and I'll restate it here: The biggest, most logical and prudent change to mandatory mods would be to remove (or greatly reduce the effect of/assign a new affect to) Serration, Point Blank, Hornet Strike and Pressure Point. In their place, give each weapon that mod's effect in bonus damage as it levels up. The base damage mods average +165% damage at max rank with an exception or two and once someone has them maxed out they go on everything first and foremost. These are the epitome of mandatory mod. You must use these and you must use them first. If you just bake the effect in, adding a climbing bonus to the base damage as you rank up a weapon, then you not only free up a slot but you give more power and a sense of real progression to new players who have not maxed those mods out yet.


You can even tweak the values, if you want. To keep the finalized numbers at 30 the same as now, add +5.5% of the original damage on each level. This ends at +165% at level 30, which is a max Serration. Drop it to +5% per level to bring the weapons down to +150% if they're too strong right now. Bump it up to +6% per level for +180% if we need to be a little better. It's flexible and can be altered for what your goal for each weapon is. The only thing that would change is secondary weapons would need a global rebalance, as Hornet Strike caps out higher than +165%, so their damage bonus would decrease. Combined with the proposed idea of Multishot consuming more ammo, this would be too harsh on the secondaries as they sit right now, unaltered. I'm aware the team is planning a full overhaul, but secondaries would need it the most.


The major benefits of this change would be, quite simply:

-Removal of the most mandatory of mandatory mods

-Progression as a weapon levels up similar to our Warframes and Archwings

-Removal of "gateway" levels, where a weapon sucks until it gets enough mod space for the base damage mod (depending on a Catalyst and polarities, these are 14, 7 and 4) wherin it skyrockets up in damage until the next gateway level where it gets Multishot

-Lower resource requirements for new players to have decent weapons

-Mid-mission levels of unranked weapons having a tangible, albeit small, benefit much like with Warframes and Archwings


Really the only downside I see to this proposal aside from the work needed on rebalancing (which the team has seemingly admitted to needing to do anyway) is secondaries would lose their larger base damage bonus from Hornet Strike. However, if the numbers are already being looked at, this could easily be nipped in the bud as the change occurs.


There's my 2 platinum on the subject.

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As far as the Brawler Warframe is concerned, I am a little concerned about one of the powers that was mentioned in a stream.


It was for him to "throw a rock at an enemy."


And while it might be a cool power, or even a terrible one, it doesn't seem to fit the brawler theme.


Brawling is all about getting up close and personal, and not attacking from range. Which is why I'm worried the frame could be being misnamed per-say.


I really would love to have a pure melee frame, so it just caught my attention.


Either way, I love the work you guys have done on Warframe. :D

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I think people who are against removal of serration are mainly concern about their Prime point blank


Really the only downside I see to this proposal aside from the work needed on rebalancing (which the team has seemingly admitted to needing to do anyway) is secondaries would lose their larger base damage bonus from Hornet Strike. However, if the numbers are already being looked at, this could easily be nipped in the bud as the change occurs.

Rough math is telling me all you do is increase base damage of secondary by ~20% to do the same damage as if they have 220% hornet strike with 165% like serration.


For shotgun, you decrease their base damage by about 30%.

Edited by Hueminator
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"Required mods" this term is completely false, no-one is forcing you to use serration or split chamber, you chose to use them.

I don't want any more mods to be changed as many of us have invested a lot of time farming cores and credits just to get these mods to max rank (and removing them will make all of that work for nothing).

P.S. Can you please make the Adhesive blast mod always cause grenades to stick to walls? The 60% chance makes this mod completely useless and a waste of a slot, I was really looking forward to using this with the Secura Penta

Edited by (PS4)TheRainbowTurt1e
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I'd like it if Serration's damage was ingrained to when weapons level up, so that I'd not have to put it on all of the guns, bows, et cetera just to make the weapons viable beyond certain planets. This way, we get a 'free mod slot' and more build diversity without the drawback of always having the same mod on aaaallllll weapons. (including shotguns, melee, and so on) I can understand having the mods on the koobs and sentinels, as they're mainly for support and the mod selection isn't huge. Taking away the +damage% would also resolve having to level two of the same mod to put on both your main and the sentinel. (mod conflicts, as it were)


From others' views on the matter, I feel like while having multi-shot take additional bullets is a step in a good direction, it's only going to result in more negative threads until multi-shot is completely axed in favor of a much more plateaued armor scaling. Even if the enemies continued to slowly gain health, putting even higher amounts of armor on them is faux-difficulty, and makes folks look for gaping huge loopholes or now-ever-present-mods to deal with it. Another upside to plateauing armor scaling (i.e. massively reducing armor gain) is that auras of other than Corrosive Projection get more looks at, in favor of other auras. Because in the end, only a small percentage of folks really go to 1 hour+ in Survival. (which is still definitely impressive! But...) Then, on down the road, when ya feel like a Suspicious Shipment alert needs to come along, jack up the armor rates for those few days, to remind us all that some events can still set us back a few. ^_^

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Yes, essential mods and weapons should be rebalance, not just super-nerfed. Things should be able to hold up in long endless missions.  Buff older weapons to bring them inline with the weapons that people use in endless missions. If you want to nerf weapons then also deal with enemy scaling.  They don't need like 80k health plus 90% damage reduction from armor.


I like the concept of the Exilus slot, but the non-plat costs are unfair. At least make the BP reusable.  I don't mind the other costs, but the photography mini-game is not fun, and it breaks the flow of the combat, making the combat (which is actually fun) less fun.  Alternatively, give that faction it's own syndicate missions based on spy missions, capture missions, hijack missions and so on.


Also, the Exilus slot should be energy cost free. 


Aura slot       - (positive) -    gives energy


Exilus slot     - (neutral) -     neither gives nor takes energy


Regular slot  - (negative) -  takes energy


My initial impression of the Brawler frame is that it just looks goofy, and I am not a fan of melee in Warframe anyway.


"Difficulty" already scales quickly enough.  However rewards in endless missions should be better the longer you go in them. Going 70 minutes in T3S should not reward multiple forma per C rotation. Going 10 waves on Sechura should pay slightly more credits than doing 2 seperate runs of 5 waves each.  However, you need to fix enemy armor scaling before you try to make them scale more quickly.

I can totaly agree with this guy. Except for BRAWLER warframe - he looks a bit odd to me but overall is fine. His design resemble some saryn and necros parts IMO. And he also reminds me a monk in some way...


+ As brawler i would like to do LONG CHARGEABLE but also DEVASTATING strikes with powers in melee!

+ Also! It would be cool feature if we could COMBO-CHAIN all his powers likewise melee strikes do.

+ Or at least give hime a passive that every time he uses a power he benefits x5 to melee counter, and all his damage powers should benefit from melee counter as well as STEEL CHARGE aura


P.S. PLS DE No some ranged powers like Valkyr or Excalibur...its brawler after all...

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