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September 11Th: Community Hot Topics!


Community Hot Topics!  

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In your opinion, should endless mission difficulty scale more quickly with quicker rewards?

Other: "Endless" missions is a cancer of this game. It leaves only very few weapons and frames viable for such type of the missions. "Endless" mission types also a very good example of how unbalanced warframe is after you hit certain mark. Like 40 minutes of T4Survival. I am sure this game never meant to be abused in such manner as 1h+ Survivals or 100 waves Defenses.

So why do you even consider tweaks for this? Is there no alternative? A game mode that can provide players with both challenge and reward. A game mode that does not force players to use certain frames, weapons. A game mode that does not pit players against bullet sponges with ability to oneshot a player?


p.s. so called Raids is a prime example of how flawed game mechanics are.

Edited by LeshJaeThiHah
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In your opinion, should "required" mods be reworked (with appropriate rebalancing)?

That's totally a yes. imho Serration, Hornet Strike and Pressure Point need to be removed completely. Of course, all weapons would need damage buffs. Instead of those mods I recommend to add mods like Serrated Rounds, Crash Shot and Impaler Munitions for all weapon types, but we would need them in useful because let's be honest, 20% isn't that much. But that's not all, elemental damage converting mods should be a thing as well. (Only the 4 base elements though)


On top of that, those mods should have an impact on how the bullets are working. If you are using slash converter mods your bullets should actually have the ability to split corpses, impact should stagger enemies while they are reloading and puncture should pin corpses to walls.



Overall, what it your opinion of the Exilus mod slot?

It's okay, but that's it. I think it should neutralize the cost of the mod equipped on the Exilus slot. And reduce the cost of the Exilus Adapter please, from 50k Simaris standing to 25k and 1 forma instead of 2.



What is your initial impression of the "Brawler" warframe?

It looks tanky and like it's about to flip tables, fast attacks, defensive buffs. Me likey.



In your opinion, should endless missions difficulty scale more quickly with quicker rewards?

Yes please, that would be very cool... maybe this could justify the C rotation.

But have in mind that we need an enemy scaling rework or it will be a mess. We need it for endless missions and for ourselves, because Tenno ain't scaling and the enemy's armor is scaling way to fast. Although you could use stark armor values for tough boss fights.

(But exclude Excarvation from the list, it's good as it is right now, the rewards are quick enough)

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the "required" mods have been a problem since the beginning

multishot & raw damage mods are always required to do higher level content, which means at least 2-4 mods slots are reserved for them on weapons.

integrating raw damage to the mastery level of the weapon & eliminating the raw damage mods (serration/hornet strike/pressure point) would be the simplest way to deal with it, & that way leveling a weapon during endless missions would be less of a pain. dealing with players who take lvl 1 weapons on high level content has always been a pain.

the elemental & specialized  damage mods could stay as they re more a user's choice (granted their damage optimization would still be a problem but most players tailor the elemental damage to the faction so it's somehow what was intended )


as for multishot the devstream's idea of consumming extra ammo using it is logical, but then I d ask that a lot of weapon get their ammo pool revised, otherwise it would cripple their use.

all the high ammo consommation weapon (amprex, synoid gammacor...) would suffer, they are currently viable (with care & ammo conversion mods), but if this idea is implemented without ammo pool revision they would quickly become near-unusable


by the way frankly the problem also exist with frame mods: redirection/vitality being mandatory (which one depending on the frame), so if you re thinking of revising the damge mods/system, please also think about revising the defense mods system



exilus slot: i was excited when they got into the game. then discovered the mods we could install were very limited.

i appreciate that we get a "bonus slot", but i had hoped the augment mods to be installable in it, there are a lot of augments I would like to use but don't because the tradeoff between the augment & standard warframe mods isn't really worth it (I do mostly high lvl content). so thanks for it, but kinda disappointed nevertheless



some endless mission do not scale quickly enough in my opinion, problem is it depends on the player. for exemple t3 survivals become interesting to play after 20 mins for me, & as a lot of players stop at the 1st C rotation, usually I m in for a somewhat boring 20 mins & leave when it begins to grow interesting. but that s me I don't pretend to talk for other players

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1. I'm generally in favor of a conservative way of rebalancing. It's not the prospect of change that scares me, but the number of changes that went wrong in the past. The simplest and fairest assumptions that come to mind are:


- Serration (and corresponding sister mods) get removed competely,

- Serration's damage is incorporated into weapons, with slight 15-20% reduction to compensate for additional damage (elemental or expel) mod that could be put into a freed slot. Everyone that has maxed or near maxed these mods should get appropriate amount of rare or legendary cores.
- Multishot mods should not touch ammo at all. Instead thay can a) split damage between generated projectiles, so that overall damage remains the same, but we can choose whether we want 300 damage in a single bullet or 100 damage in 3 bullets; or b) leave the primary bullet's damage untouched, but generate additional projectiles that deal a fraction (20%-30%) of primary bullet's damage (this is what Blizz did with their Multistrike in WoW). Of course their current damage percentage increase (+90% for primaries, +120% for secondaries) should also be integrated into weapons' baseline damage.

- The key here is that overall dps and ammo consumption should absolutely remain the same after rework.


2. Exilus slot is a Godsent for me. I always used Rush in my builds, and now that it has a dedicated slot I can furter expand my builds. Surely, more forma are required, but this is a pure and simple buff across the board and best thing to happen since abilities got integrated into frames. A+.


3. I hope brawler frame can be more about enhancing melee weapons, not like Valkyr that has to shut herself out of using all of her weapons when she uses her signature ultimate ability. That's what makes Val powerful but also boring. After all Warframe has an edge over MOBA heroes because in addition to 4 abilities we have weapons to play with. Taking that part of the game away makes it more boring. (I should mention Excalibro here too, but at least he retains ranged capability when using ultimate).

4. Anything that reduces grind times is a good thing. Also, reliability is always better than randomness, or double randomness, like it is in case of Brakk farm. Excavation is a good example, giving players control over pacing, instead of flat and boring wait of survival missions.


P.S. Thanks for bringing this into discussion, DE. Sure, you can still ignore what you hear from us, but at least you offer us a voice.

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#1 I did a whole post about this with going deep into it and explaining things. Talking about balancing as well. TL;DR would be that they should be in staple category and be equipped at all times and not affecting the points count on the weapons/warframes. (To all of you screaming "Power creep" go to my profile find that topic and post your opinions there please, I will most likely respond and clear things up)

#2 IMO not worth all the trouble needed to get it. 2 forma is like 48 hours to build them (considering you're camping in foundry last second to claim it and build another) + building the slot itself + more forma to make it fit into your build. (TL;DR- more walls) Especially that (Supposedly) I'm a filthy casual. I play from time to time giving myself some breaks and it's hard to get back and get some of the grind'ier resources like neurodes.

#3 Yay, bacon frame!

Edited by RadioLarity
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"Required" mods ("Yes")

I'll keep saying that the DPS bonus of mandatory mods should be evenly distributed across majority of mods in-game in one way or another. There won't be a choice between damage mods as long as their number isn't far greater than 8.
Damage bonus per weapon rank is also a fine alternative.
In either case elementals should also be accounted for. They should convert a portion of damage, not add to it.


Exilus mod slot ("No opinion")


Well, it's a thing.


Brawler frame ("It's ok")




Endless missions ("Yes for all")


Is removing them completely not an option?
If so then yes please do ramp up the rate at which the difficulty and rewards climb.
Reward rotations should also adjust to the mission's stage, giving better or more rewards per reward drop as mission progresses.

Edited by Artarrwen
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About the "required" mods they should removed and... well, the whole mod system need a little rethink. I think of it like the ability mods. Every single mod that affect damage will automatically be prioritized over "utility" mods so they can't be kept in the same pool.

I have not thought about it enough to propose a whole new concept, but in my opinion it's the core problem and the solution will be found searching this way.

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Required Mods


Actually most of the player / senior has stated that the required mods should be removed and I do agreed with them, but we might keep them as well if those required mods act like toxic sequence where we be able to trigger a deadly shot or shooting combo when the gauge is full.


Warframe have tons of excellent arsenal which is totally ineffective when not mods. What if a MK1-Braton are able to kill a high level mobs by shooting at their fatal point? Lower level mobs will have more fatal spot exposed while high level mobs will have lesser because of their amour, while shooting non-fatal spot will produce lesser damage due to armour defence.

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In my opinion multishot mods should be turned into base damage, and baked into weapon ranks. I.E Remove split chamber, Every 1 rank on a primary increases damage by 3%, At R30 increases damage by 90%. Secondaries to 180%.


This will help new players a great deal as they wont struggle to deal damage if they can't farm enough cores or mods and don't want to buy plat to buy it off other players.


Other required mods should be left relatively alone.

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initial impressions of brawler. reason i dont like it is it seems like it is going to be valkyr except with no rich lore and just slightly different. I dont really see the point. just doesnt seem very creative compared to other frames. Frames don't need to be complicated like equinox but that doesnt mean they have to be lame and uninspired.

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Although reworking mods and rebalancing weapons sounds like a great idea on paper, I have little confidence in DE's ability to do so properly.


For example, the Vulklok "rebalance" has left the weapon missing most of its shots at close range against enemies standing stock-still, and so no one wants to use it or Diriga anymore.

Edited by Kastorius
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Mods like Serration (as well as the ones for other weapon Types) and Vitality/Redirection should be removed and applied to the relevant items at full value. Not only will this free up mod space (Particularly on Frames, given the advent of Augments and no dedicated slots for them) but these types of Mods really should be base values for all frames and weapons.


It then opens scope up for new corrupted mods that could let you sacrifice one Defensive stat for another or similar for weapons

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In your opinion, should “required” mods be reworked (with appropriate rebalancing)?

The problem here lies a lot deeper. Have you wondered why you need all those +damage mods all the time on all builds? It's cause of enemy scaling.

I think, that Serration and Split Chamber can be safely removed from the game, but only if enemy scaling is nerfed together with it.

There is no other way you could make it work.


Overall, what is your opinion of the Exilus mod slot?

It's a good addition to the game. However, i don't see a reaon why mods put into this slot drain mod capacity. This is unnecessary, cause every warframe, that you want to use Exilus on, needs to be formaed 2 more times to fit everything. When you moderately use about 10 frames, the hype kind of dies out. Because you need to do tedious rep farm, then formaing and re-leveling the frame. Then repeat this process 10 times. I personally think it's unnecessary grind, on top of already tedious grind, that we have to do.


What is your initial impression of the “Brawler” warframe?

It's hard to tell anything, only being able to see the art. Sure, the no-head warframe is interesting, but can't have an opinion about the product, without seeing the product itself, right?


In your opinion, should endless mission difficulty scale more quickly with quicker rewards?

I think difficulty is already high enough. No need to push it further.

However, what i have to say about endless missions overall - they're long and boring. Long - because you have to stay longer to try your luck for a better reward. Boring - because you only kill enemies over and over and over again.

What those missions desperately need, are side objectives (like caches in sabotage), that give other valuable rewards (not the crappy credits, forma blueprints and common resources). Side objectives must be multiple. Side objectives can be random. Side objectives are: find hidden caches, capture a target, kill a miniboss, hack consoles, destroy reactors, deactivate the neural sentry. Those kind of things. And a good reward for each completed side objective.


For example, this can be done in interception:
1. You successfully capture the signal.

2. Get a reward for capturing the signal.

3. Lotus says, that the decoded message leads to a side objective.

4. You do the side objective.

5. Get a reward for a side objective.

6. Decide to leave or stay longer.

7. If you leave, you get mission rewards at the end. If you stay, enemies scale up a little bit and you repeat the process.

8. The longer you stay, the better rewards you get. No sh*tty credits/resources/forma rewards past round 2.

Edited by Ryuji-kun
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Required Mods
The proposed Multishot change has seemingly sparked more concurrent Hot Topics than any previous idea. The source threads for this topic offer a host of potential ideas, suggestions, concerns, and opinions. Whether you’re for or against the change, we all just want Warframe to be the best game it can be, so please, keep an open mind when participating in this discussion. With that said, how would you change some of the required mods, if at all? As many people have pointed out, Serration and its ilk are also required mods, so should they get changed as well? Do you agree with rebalancing weapons to remove the need to equip specific mods all the time? Or, are mods currently in a good place and should not be touched? Are there other specific mods that you think are “required”? How would you change them to make their use more dynamic? Check out the many source threads and post your ideas in the Megathread or in this thread! 



Like i said in one of those threads, in every single game you level up, EVERY SINGLE GAME, you will drop weapons for better weapons you pick that do more damage. EVERY SINGLE GAME.... well, maybe 99.99%.


In Warframe you dont need to drop the weapon you just mod it up to take on the higher ranked enemies. And that's cool cause you can do silly stuff like have a Grakata as a main with Dual Gs as secondary.


Removing the mods will do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING because min\maxers will just pick new REQUIRED mods and the general population, because for reason they monkey do, will just copy them.


So the only actual change that will happen when it comes to mods is how the difficulty will change. Because when it comes to mods it seems like most of the people playing dont even use the system.


Which is probably why there is only 3 config and you cant forma each differently. Because you folks thinks that will be a waste of time since no one really uses them that much.


Mod Slots

The Exilus slot relates somewhat to our first hot topic because it also affects build diversity. The Exilus slot was often suggested after abilities were initially baked into Warframes. It opens up a new slot for a specific subset of mods (not unlike the Aura slot). What is your opinion on dedicated slots like the Exilus and Aura slots? Would you like to see more dedicated slots or are the two enough? Post your opinions in this thread!

This is going to go the same way as the above argument, people are going to call for a slot for this and that just because they want to put in every single thing they can.

So it's really up to you and how you want to balance the game.

In fact, now that i am thinking about it, it kinda looks like this slot gave people too much power so you want to take it away by "removing required weapon mods."

Nerfing is bad so you adjust stuff somewhere else.

”Brawler” warframe

There isn’t a whole lot to discuss about this hot topic because the “brawler” warframe is still largely a mystery. But, what is your first impression of him? Do you like his aesthetic? Is there anything you would change? What kind of powers do you hope he has? If you could design a passive for him, what would it be? What kind of lore do you think this Warframe will have?

Medieval-like look, dont like. He should be an Oni carrying a club but i guess the new Rhino skin is taking that spot.

I think Pirateframe was the last frame that actually have 3 offensive abilities, after that it has all been aura-like abilities. This being a brawler he should have 4 offensive/attack abilities. Make him the actual alternative to gunplay.


    Update 17.2.6 (coming soon to consoles) tweaked survival mission in the following ways:


    -Tweaked the code so that it is more aggressive at spawning enemies near the players.

    -Continued to tune personal life support drop rates.

    -Tweaked enemy-specifications for Tower Survival missions.

    *Please note that before this round of spawning changes 20 minutes of T3 Survival averaged 54 kills/minute. After this round of spawning changes 20 minutes of T3 Survival averaged 68 kills/minute.

    What is your opinion on the survival changes? Are there other changes you would make to Survival missions? What about other endless mission types? Do you think endless missions should scale more quickly with quicker rewards, or do you enjoy playing endless missions for a long period of time? Would you like to see other objectives combined into endless mission types? The source threads touch on some of these ideas, so reply in this thread or the source threads below!

For pugs, if you give stuff quicker people are going to leave the mission quicker.

This has been something that has been a pain for these mission with pugs for a long time.

Edited by Mak_Gohae
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Required Mods

1) how would you change some of the required mods, if at all? 2) As many people have pointed out, Serration and its ilk are also required mods, so should they get changed as well? 3) Do you agree with rebalancing weapons to remove the need to equip specific mods all the time? 4) Or, are mods currently in a good place and should not be touched? 5) Are there other specific mods that you think are “required”? 6) How would you change them to make their use more dynamic?

1) Start by defining what you are referring to in this post when you say "required mods".

The only globally required mods are damage mods (Serration et alia, Multishot, HCal where no significant accuracy loss (fortunately(?), Magnum Force sucks.), 2 Crit mods where applicable, 2+ 90% elemental mods).

Beyond that, depends on the weapon.

* I think it'd be fair to say that, Warframe enemies being quantity > quality, bows charge-trigger weapons require at least 1 firerate mod.

* I consider Critical Delay a required mod for the Tonkor, because I dislike the unreliability of non-100% 'crit' weapons.

* Depending on the weapon, Terminal Velocity, to some.

* The +range mods on chaining weapons.

* Argueably punchthrough on shotguns.

* Argueably ammo mutation on weapons with bad ammo efficiency or a rare ammo type (or both).


2) A. Depends on how much freedom a player is intended to have within the confines of Damage 2.0.

e.g. Crit weapons effectively only have 6 mod slots at most - and that's before the 'required' mods.

B. tl;dr - player loadout-power to enemy power is opaque, variable, and gets blown out the airlock the moment an assassin or deathsquad shows up.

There is no clear means of estimating the amount of firepower required to challenge any given content while maintaining a reasonable TTK-per-unit.

The only way is experience.

So: You have the experience to estimate accurately the power you need, and you gear appropriately for a level 15-18 mission. (Note: 2 assumptions.)

Then an assassin or death squad or Manic or Juggernaut etc. shows up.

In your 15-18 exterminate mission.

gl hf.

B2. Further, changing your setup, if you even know what to change it to takes way too much time, attention and effort.

3 loadouts, (tmk) most people mod each for a faction.

No room for modding-by-tier.

No 'underclocking' mods to facilitate gearing appropriately for non-max content.

3)Depends on how much freedom a player is intended to have within the confines of Damage 2.0.

But: broadly speaking? Yes.

4) Well, Enemy Radar and Loot Radar are alright.

Touch ALL THE MODS, pretty much.

5) A defensive mod on every frame.

Fleeting Expertise.

Penaltyless Ability modifiers - always, but subject to slot availibility by frame.

Transient Fortitude - always, where Power Str. is relevant. (Because Primed Continuity.)

Primed Continuity - always, on any frame that cares at all about duration.

Corrosive Projection in any content where it's relevant.

Natural Talent - on certain frames *cough*Nekros*cough*.

Penaltyless base damage - always.

Corrupted base damage mods - where malus is neglibible or beneficial.

Elemental damage adders - always.

Crit damage + chance - where applicable, always.

Ammo Mutation - always, on certain weapons.

+beam range - always, on certain weapons.

6) Character power = Player skill + gear stats.

Give player skill more scope to outweigh flat-stat gear power in the equation.

In your opinion, should “required” mods be reworked (with appropriate rebalancing)?

-> Other

tl;dr - yes.

Mod Slots

What is your opinion on dedicated slots like the Exilus and Aura slots? Would you like to see more dedicated slots or are the two enough? Post your opinions in this thread!

Please don't compare auras and exilus.

Aura mods are aura slot specific, exilus are not.

Aura mods add mod points, exilus mods do not - and cost points to boot.

Due to both these things, and how polarized slots/forma work, Exilus slots reduce frame flexibility.

As I already overviewed in my feedback thread about them.

Adding 10 aura slots to a frame would be a substantial change. Both above points mean more modding options, via granting access to more of the exclusive mods simultaneously - as well as granting mod points to support them.

Adding 10 exilus slots would be a purely cosmetic change, past the first 2-3, because - under the current paradigm - even if a player completely surrendered all build flexibility, they still wouldn't have the mod points to fill said slots.

tl;dr - Overall, what is your opinion of the Exilus mod slot?

-> Other.

The frame flexibility I maintain by not having to forma 7-8 warframe slots vastly outweighs any benefit I'd derive from the current batch of Exilus mods.

As such, it has little impact on me.

”Brawler” warframe

There isn’t a whole lot to discuss about this hot topic because the “brawler” warframe is still largely a mystery. But, what is your first impression of him? Do you like his aesthetic? Is there anything you would change? What kind of powers do you hope he has? If you could design a passive for him, what would it be? What kind of lore do you think this Warframe will have?

What is your initial impression of the “Brawler” warframe?

Since there isn't a 'what exactly am I supposed to basing this 'impression' on' option:

-> Other.

All I know about it is that one concept art picture.

As such, the only 'impression' I have is my take on said concept art.

That said, I'll leave you with this caution:

"Don't bring a knife to a gunfight."

-- Some gunslinger who fought a brawler, probably.

Given that, I'm not expecting much.


1) What is your opinion on the survival changes? 2) Are there other changes you would make to Survival missions? 3) What about other endless mission types? 4) Do you think endless missions should scale more quickly with quicker rewards, or do you enjoy playing endless missions for a long period of time? 5) Would you like to see other objectives combined into endless mission types?

1) Still tend to feast-or-famine regarding enemy spawns (and subsequently to LS drops).

2) Way too open a question. Without a scope for the question, all i can offer is this:

* Decide how 'walking the edge' on LS the mode's supposed to be.

* Decide how static vs. mobile the squad should be, vis-a-vis enemy spawns.

Work from there.

3) - Unlike Survival, Defense's fail condition requires either a certain minimum TTK per wave, or a Frost/Limbo.

Previously CC could substitute, but then Nullifiers and Ancient aura-changes happened.

- I like the Excavation game mode, though some tiles are frustrating, due to being large and untraversible and combined with long-range, high damage enemies. Which basically falls into the same problem as Defense, above.

Interception is dull:

- Its unique mechanic isn't interesting,

- Enemies spawn in groups - as opposed to waves - meaning that each 'spawn' 1 tower gets pummels 3 players get bored.

- Enemies being able to capture a tower you're at merely incentivises overwhelming firepower (if via overgearing, if via squad concentration (where I thought the idea was supposed to be '1 player per tower'), or fire-and-forget CC.

4) Do you think endless missions should scale more quickly with quicker rewards, or do you enjoy playing endless missions for a long period of time?"

False (and completely illogical) dichotomy.

The two questions are completely unrelated.

I enjoy playing an engrossing session of Survival/Excavation for 40-60 minutes at a time.

Part of this is that, due to player stats and enemy scaling, it only really becomes challenging at around 42-47 minutes.

I'd much rather experience that level of challenge sooner than 40+ minutes in.

On the other hand, scaling faster means that enemies scale out of that sweet spot faster.

So instead of ~7-15 minutes of 'sweet spot' per hour, I get ~3-7 minutes out of every 30.


However, given that (wait-walls and reward schedules being what they are,) you bloody well better believe I'd rather waste less time $&*^ing around to stave off boredom while I wait for the good stuff, be it (ideally) gameplay or, (likelier, given Warframe's reliance on gear-as-longevity) the rotation containing the reward I have any use for care about to finally roll around so I can get another forma BP, ducat-trash Prime or a YET ANOTHER ^@$(*&% &@(%*ing Sicarus part and repeat. Second verse, same as the first a little bit saltier and a little bit worse.

In your opinion, should endless mission difficulty scale more quickly with quicker rewards?

-> Other.

5) Depends what added objectives, depends to which game modes.

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"Required" Mods Rework? 

I'm all for change, but that will take much longer than what people in Warframe would like it to be, so I would suggest that this rework be released all at once (and not like conclave updates) (and that also means no, "take this out of the game to be fixed down the line" either) , but continue to keep the player base updated with progress on said rework until its ready for launch. (Entirely up to the staff though, we know how you guys like to keep secrets.) Meanwhile, the staff can keep this on the backburner with further quality adjustments and focus on other projects; fitting this in whenever there is some extra downtime or extra hands. 


Exilus Mod Slot? 

Love the extra utility, but the problem is the cost. So, I was thinking of three solutions to this. 
- Lower cost in the market, but same cost w/ Simaris -OR-  ↓
- Lower cost w/ Simaris, but same cost in the market -OR-  ↓
- Have the exilus mod half the cost of any mod put into it, since people have in issue with forma'ing their frames to utilize this slot.

Any other mods that would be added to the exilus exclusive club are welcome, but that is at the staff's own discretion. 


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I think that infinite scaling needs to go, it is a cheap mechanic that makes 90% of the weapons in the game irrelevant past a certain point. If we rework mandatory mods for weapons and damage scaling, enemy scaling should be looked into at the same time.

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I have not gone through and read the posts in this thread, so my apologies in advance, if I make redundant points.


Required Mods:

Honestly, this has been a gripe of mine, since I started playing Warframe.  There is, unfortunately, a right, and wrong, way to mod any given weapon in this game.  And it all comes down to one thing:  Damage.  Basically, the only reason not to put as much damage as possible on your weapon, is if it's a status weapon, and you're modding for high proc chances.  And even then, once you hit a 'required cap' on your status chance, it's all about that damage.  DoT damage, as surprisingly small options as there are for it, isn't effective enough at killing, to warrant using the status duration mods, when you can deal more damage, faster, by just applying more bullets.  Even crit based builds are all about stacking damage, though it's not reflected in raw damage stats.


Basically, when you have a game, wherein damage dealt to an enemy is a thing, and then allow a player the option to just straight up do more damage, with zero drawback, then guess what 99% of your playerbase is going to do...  Damage would be better as a static element, that increased with the weapon's level.


Modding a weapon should be about changing how the weapon performs.  Things like 'utility' mods, such as magazine size, reload speed, fire rate, punch-through, etc.  These are what mods should be.  They change how the weapon performs, rather than just increasing the damage output (fire rate mods excluded).  And yet, these mods are overlooked, unless they're desperately needed to compensate for a weapon's weakness.  But, usually, rather than give up a slot that could be used for damage, most players will simply decide just not to use a weapon with a 'crippling' weakness that needs to be modded out.


I've invested a fair amount of time resources into the weapons I have in this game, and it makes me sad that I keep going back to the same mods, over and over again:  (Primed) Point Blank/Serration/Hornet Strike, Hell's Chamber/Split Chamber/Barrel Diffusion, Shred/Lethal Torrent, Crit/status mods (if the weapon is a crit or status weapon), and then base (90%) E-mods.  There.  That is every single weapon build of mine in the game.  If you're going to change multishot mechanics because 'it's become a required mod in the game,' then every single one of these mods needs to be looked at as well.  Nerfing multishot will not change a single thing, in the grand scheme of things, except making weapons with low ammo counts less viable, versus weapons like Soma and Boltor (which won't even be dented by changing multishot).


Again, mods should be something that change how a weapon performs.  You can solve 75% of the 'powercreep' issues in Warframe if you make damage a fixed point, and don't allow players to just give themselves more.  (This would also make the game much more friendly to new players, who don't have all the mods necessary to deal effective damage to even mid-level enemies.)



Mod Slots:

This is an interesting idea.  On one hand, I love the idea of having more slots for more customization, but on the other, I'm a bit exasperated, when I think about having to go through and add more Forma to everything...


I think having dedicated slots is an interesting idea, in theory.  Perhaps, for weapons, you could have certain slots for different 'points' on the weapon, such as the magazine, the barrel, the firing pins, etc.  Just a thought.


Having more options is never a bad idea, in my book.




"Brawler"  Frame:

I dig it.  Lemme punch some mofos to death.  Although, I am curious how his powers are going to be laid out, without just making it a 'more differenter Valkyr', melee based frame.





This is the meat and potatoes of the game right now.  And, I'll be honest, I'm not a big fan.  I do see the appeal, though.  While I may find it mind-numbingly boring, to do one thing for an hour straight, I can see how other people take it as a challenge, or whatever their reasons may be.  That said, I would not object to seeing things ramp up a bit faster, both in terms of scaling, and in terms of rewards.  If I only had to stay for 30 minutes to get a second C rotation, rather than 40, I would probably stick around longer on more missions.  As it is right now, unless I'm playing with friends, I'll simply stay for one C rotation, and jet.  If I didn't get what I wanted, then shucks, I guess I'll have to use another key.  (Then again, the only things I want in the game, anymore, I can't get from endless missions, save for R5s.  Anything else is just ducats, or plat if I can get a full set.)


However, one thing I will say, is that the current enemy scaling doesn't actually add difficulty to a mission, for a smart player/group.  4-5 hour T4 'camping' sessions are a thing for a reason.  When all that changes with time is damage dealt and damage taken, and there are ways to mitigate those factors, then it's really not getting more challenging, is it?  The AI needs some tweaking, in my opinion.  Give the enemies some situational awareness.


For example, in a high level survival mission, rather than flock to the player in droves, it would be much more challenging if, when LS started getting low, enemies started avoiding them, biding time to just try and choke them out.  I mean, what do they care?  They have their own, personal life support.  Why should they risk going out and getting killed, possibly giving the enemy a couple gulps of air with which they can use to go kill more?  From a tactical standpoint, it makes zero sense.


Maybe in excavations missions, have enemies be able to pick up power cells, to keep them out of the hands of the people trying to steal their resources.  (Which begs the question:  If they're trying to stop the Tenno from taking their stuff, then why are they sending units into combat with the one thing necessary to allow said Tenno to take said stuff?  But, if they didn't then we wouldn't have a game, so I'll overlook it for now.)


Higher levels of difficulty can be achieved, just by changing/adding a few behavioral conditions, than can be achieved by simply scaling a few sliders on the damage tracks.  Is it more work?  You bet it is!  Would it make a more enjoyable, more engaging endgame?  You bet it would!




In the end, yes, there are some fundamental things that need to change in Warframe.  But these are thing that actually need to be addressed at their roots, in the core game mechanics, rather than at the top branches, with things that effect said core mechanics.  I understand that my suggestions basically mean going through, and re-writing a crap-ton of the game, which is why they'll likely not happen for a very long time, if at all.  But sometimes, it's better to do more work now, rather than waiting until everything is a hot(ter) mess, and doing three times the work later, to clean that up...

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