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Do You Ever Avoid Playing Certain Frames Because Of Others' Expectations?


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So lately, I'm finding that recruitment is increasingly infested with requests for specific frames or specific builds for those frames, and I'm also finding that in mission there are increasing numbers of entitled A******s who spend the whole time whining about how your build doesn't match their ideal sidekick. To me it seems to have become a big deal around the time of Syndicates and Viver, when worrying about group composition went from being a niche thing (1+ hour T4S etc.) to being a big mainstream thing (Syndicate Rep farming, raids), though that might be nostalgia speaking. And increasingly, I'm finding that I'm avoiding playing certain frames just so that I don't have to deal with the bullS#&$ involved.


Yes, I mostly play in pubs and recruitment chat pickup groups, thanks to personal circumstances. Telling me to "just play with friends" is meaningless and you can save the trouble, unless you just want to artificially inflate your post count. Besides which, my objective with this post isn't about finding a "solution".


I get that, when the host or key holder asks upfront for a certain frame or build, that I should acquiesce. Etiquette, after all. I get that if the host asks in the lobby, I can play along or just choose to leave. What I don't get is how some jackass who isn't even the host can go demanding a certain composition, and then spend the whole mission berating someone for how their build isn't quite so perfect for them while not even carrying their weight because they spend more time typing than playing.


Right now I'm getting pretty lazy about the way I play. It's almost always Zephyr, partially because she's so fun just to play, partially because she's good solo so I don't have to rely on anyone and partially because she's so uncommon that these whining asses have no idea what the "right" build for her is and shut the hell up. But when I want to play other frames, there are some I avoid because of all the baggage, even though I might otherwise enjoy playing them.


Trinity, for instance. Apparently there's only two ways to play her: minimum duration EV and suicide masochist Blessing. I don't enjoy QT gameplay and I can't be bothered farming up the ~800 R5 cores to max out Blind Rage and Transient Fortitude. Therefore, in the closed minds of far too many players, I shouldn't be playing Trinity at all. Mostly, I don't, because I don't want to deal with their bullS#&$, but in my experience, Trinity doesn't need either of those two builds to be a good, contributing teammate. Furthermore, if you need 99% damage reduction all the time to survive, you really need to look at your own playstyle.


Or Frost. I hosted a game, I hosted a game, with my key, as Frost, to test out a new build. And I spent ~30 odd waves of some A****** *@##$ing me out about how my snowglobe wasn't good enough for him. He seemed to think that it needed more range and it being too small somehow contributed to it being destroyed by bombards. So to hell with it. I just don't really play Frost anymore. Ice Wave is cool and all, and I haven't yet been able to really work out how the new Avalanche works, but I don't have the time to play a game only to get whined at for a solid half hour.


I haven't bothered to build Nekros, yet, because the last thing I want to do is sit around being a Desecrate bot while the rest of the team actually plays the game. And I know, if I bring a Nekros along, somebody will think it's his god given right that I should spend 40 minutes pressing 3 so that he can get more argon crystals, and complain when I don't.


So I'm curious. How many other players out there avoid or have just plain stopped playing certain frames because of all the player baggage? Which frames, and why? Or do you go in playing an offbeat build and just say damn their expectations?

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No. Screw those losers. I'll use peacemaker when it suits me.

And I'll use Rhino when it suits me.


I only avoid using certain frames because i don't like them.


Actually no one should tell another person how to play a their game. Its up to a player how he/she like to play. (as long as that playstyle is not a exploit)

Edited by Cracken
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I don't build mesa until the peacemaker gets nerfed.


A part of it is because I like high skill gameplay where you feel that you need to do something. (This also made me dislike ash for his ultimate).

And another part because other people want you to mesa camp... This is just boring to play, why play this game that way if it's boring? Why do you need to level stuff so quickly? Why not enjoy them a bit?

Edited by counterflux
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Damn the expectations, OP. Been using my own off-brand Saryn Build forever. Sometimes I bring Min-maxed negative duration, high power Miasma built... but rarely, and only when I feel like it. Usually I build around regenerative molt rage tank. Still do like 50% of the damage dealt in PuGs anyway, unless they have a 4-2-Win build.

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I don't avoid the frames, I avoid recruiting. I don't have any desire to play with people who force certain choices or playstyles on others. The point of a game is to have fun however you wish to. IMO what has become of recruiting chat is a sickness that DE should attempt to do something about (I'm specifically referencing Draco/Mesa here- though they ARE making Mesa changes that will hopefully help this, I believe the root problem lies more in the way XP gain works).


EDIT: I'm also going to point out that I feel a very large unspoken part of the community has been either bottling up or whispering about what the general concensus here is- that they're tired of the game/recruiting being basically overtaken and controlled by people who refuse to allow anyone to play any way but what they say, keeping us from using functions (recruiting) that should be available to all players at all times. I really hope this thread remains fairly civil, gains traction, and gets some attention from DE as I've been going on about this in game to people for some time now. Something needs to be done...

Edited by Stratego89
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Well with a lot of this it depends. If you're planning to join a longer T4 defense for example it would be nice to play to your strengths. Things like knowing when to play Disarm loki and Invis loki. Not so much suggestions at that point, if you're running around invisible during defense you're wasteing a lot of the potential help you could contribute. All comes down to what you're doing.


tl;dr : For some frames sure, but you should know when to do what

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Let me preface this with that I do play with some very competitive people and major events that do reward trophies are taken considerably seriously. When we are not competing I play whatever frame I am feeling like unless I'm running something for a reason. I'm not talking just to find a part for a prime or such, but more like doing a hour long run at something. Even then you can get away from using the cookie cutter builds everyone seems to think that you should. Myself I take at least one very effective weapon so I know I can kill things and then take whatever frame I want. I have a tendency to play Volt often and receive a lot of grief over it as people feel he can be squishy. He is squishy but when I rush off to save some dumb arse that felt that his cookie cutter frame was better they change their minds.

Now if they still want to act that way after i have picked them up a few times I will rush off to get them and stand by them as they die. Yes they might start to rage, but it really their own fault. I have no problems telling they that. I has gotten me on a couple block lists because of that. But at the end of the day if you aren't enjoying yourself what are you doing on the game?

tldr: Play the game to enjoy it, screw everyone else. That is unless you are competing then you need to bend for the group.

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I play whatever.

I got 2 Nekros builds a Shadows build I'm still working on (Shadows kinda sucks.)

And a desecrate build with only 145% range a vitality mod and as much mobility as I could afford.

Yes I'm going to desecrate.

But I sure as hell won't stand still while doing it.

I am going to bounce around like a rubber ball on meth.

Edited by Ziegrif
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Unless it actually affects and/or ruins the game they're trying to play.


Like bringing a speed nova into survival without loadouts or a team that can use it.

If they don't like what another person is doing- they can leave. I do not believe in doing things that infringes upon the fun/enjoyment of others, but I do at the same time believe host has power. If the host doesn't like what you're doing, they have every right to leave and do it with other people, and if the players don't like what the host wants, they can find someone else.


Not directed at person I'm replying to, but rather everyone who reads this --> (I'll also make this clear. I believe that while on a case by case basis this general rule of thumb should apply- what is happening in recruiting chat with everyone wanting mesa trin etc for draco, and I mean EVERYONE, is an issue that should not be happening. When everyone in the entire chat 24/7 wants one thing, something is very clearly wrong and it causes issues for anyone else who tries to use the chat)

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I've not had any problems on Warframe but in other games I've had a lot of bad experiences myself where I call out something like "Looking for cleric!" and someone replies, gets invited, we get to the dungeon and they start shooting lightning... OH BTW I'M A DAMAGE SPEC and then they want to turn group chat into Jerry Springer like it wasn't obvious we needed a healer and it wasn't obvious (to them) that we didn't have a healer the whole time traveling after they joined.


So if someone says they're doing a mission I want in on and they're "LF Nekros" I'm not going to join and then refuse to desecrate and pretend it's not my fault because they didn't specify.


When I jump into a gaming community and respond to someone looking for group memebers, I'm either going to tell them I'm new / it's my first time through this area/event/whatever so they know I'm ignorant, or I'm going to acknowledge the meta. I think that's just really basic for playing games with others both online and off.

Edited by VKhaun
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Easy Fix:


Report the players




Get them BANNED

That works until "the players" is 30% of a community of (I believe) tens of millions... When it's that much of the playerbase, banning them all isn't an option for the devs even if they're in the wrong, because clearly there is a bigger problem that caused it and was left to fester, and needs to be dealt with otherwise the same issue will repeat itself.

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Oooh, I don't respond well at ALL to being told how to run my warframes. I rarely play with people I don't know anymore because of this, and refuse to play with certain people I know for the same reason. But...

When I find myself in this position...

I go out of my way to ruin their day as much as possible.

Case in point, a former associate of mine insisted on running his peacemaker mesa on a tower defense with utter crap for efficiency and powerstrength. Fine, run Mesa Lite of you want, that's your problem. I brought the greedy mag, pulled at a reasonable pace. No point in mercilessly spamming the button when there isn't much out there and often only one or two orbs when I did pull. He starts griping at me, telling me I need to pull more because he's using up too many energy plates. Mediums, if I recall. Possibly smalls, but definitely not the large ones.

What did I do? This is where it gets good.

I started pulling (natural talent included) nonstop. He complains about the sound getting on his nerves. I replied "Sorry, I'm on pull duty". This went an additional 10 waves before we finally extracted. Pretty sure I could hear him grinding his teeth over the mic.

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Well you know, there is this one phrase

git gud


Yeh yeh I know, I know you want to be creative with your builds. Yeh I know you want that special snowflake feeling where you are different from almost everyone else except special snowflake people.


I'm fine with people bringing in their own build in a pub game, sure, no prob m8y.


But in a designed squad, for example we are doing a T4 Defense and we want to do it the safest way possible, come on man, don't be that one guy who has their feeling hurt cuz "muh build".


I know mods are hard to max out, sure, but they do function pretty well after rank 6, which is easy to reach. It's like 20 rare cores or something, try Cassini, Saturn. Bring a decent weapon and wolla, raining rare core.


All in all, I might sound mean but to be honest, people in this thread are meaner to min-max players like me. You are like the guy in League or DotA who buys 2 boots cuz "they have 2 feet".


And don't tell me to quit the session. If I could keep my drops I aleady have.

Edited by tinyranitar
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Personally i don't care what frame you have as long as the person who joins my game isn't a burden to the others

(And also if they have carrier or rhino with them) but otherwise yeah don't care if i get a nekros who doesn't even cast or something as long when i don't need to be reviving them all the time.

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