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The Jordas Golem In The Jordas Precipt Mission Is Too Difficult.

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Oh yeah man. I'm with you. Idk if Golem boss node is easier than the quest or not- but I sure hope so. I REFUSED to accept that it's solo-able. I don't even care if someone provides proof. MAYBE if you have a ludicrous amount of time and effort put into potatoing, formaing, and max modding all your best archwing gear- and restores to boot.




I agree its a tedious boss fight, but it is solo-able. Itzal and an Imperator (not vandal), with no forma at all and basic mods.. takes about 15-20 minutes of constant pewpew at his butt for 135-155 damage per bullet.. but he does die eventually.

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Just find out what elements he is weak to and equip for that.

The better your weapon the quicker he is taken down.

You dont even need to forma anything. Catalyst helps for the weapon and that's probably the least you should do.


The main thing to keep in mind is not to stay in one place for too long. Once the ospreys lock on and start hitting you need to move.

You have to keep moving. The fight is going to take some time depending on your weapons but as long as you keep moving you should be fine.

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That thing is a ridiculous bullet sponge. It's not actually a hard boss. It's just false difficulty.


Use the right element. Cmon, apply the same logic in WF and AW. 

If you use the wrong element, it is like you complaining that you brought magnetic vs grineer and complaining why it takes so long for them to die.



Then any gun with a catalyst except Fluctus.

Dies within 5 minutes with the imperator. The weak arse starter gun.

Seconds if you use grattler or Velocitus.


How hard it is ? Just get behind him using afterburner, itzal just has it easier.

Edited by fatpig84
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Oh yeah man. I'm with you. Idk if Golem boss node is easier than the quest or not- but I sure hope so. I REFUSED to accept that it's solo-able. I don't even care if someone provides proof. MAYBE if you have a ludicrous amount of time and effort put into potatoing, formaing, and max modding all your best archwing gear- and restores to boot.


After finally exhausting almost all of my 40 some health, shield, and energy restores running it in a mission where my squad mate essentially did nothing but distract all of the scrub mobs (Big thx to SteelDrake, those things were the issue with soloing it.)- and a LOT of time later- I finally beat it and rage quit the game for the day. Been a long time since something made me do that.


The fight had all the mechanics a good boss fight needs, something to make it memorable, special, worthwhile, and fun. BUT, it SERIOUSLY needs some way for you to be able to temporarily stop or reduce in the influx of scrub mobs (eg taking the time to blow something like a doorway up, that would naturally fix itself over time to allow them to spawn again). Now that I think about it, perhaps pherliac pods would have helped had I thrown them down, but considering the amount of time needed, I would have run out VERY quickly.


Another complaint I have is the sheer amount of "No aim" / AoE / Tracking attacks. Namely his electric balls being the big annoyance. The fire blast's damage was basically a guaranteed kill on anything it hit unless they had restores, but it is pretty easily avoided if you're paying attention so I think it's fine. My final complaint would be lack of visibility keeping me from being able to keep track of enemies all around me. DE did a good job this update of improving visibility in archwing (seriously great job overall DE, archwing is very very fun now), and I am big on flying games that require me to keep tabs on everything around in in a 360* sphere; and I STILL had issues with it. Idk what can be done, but I'm sure DE can think of something.

I'm not seeing any problem with the Jordas Golem battle because I can solo Jordas, and I have done so multiple times including my first time in the quest. I've actually never played this yet with other people. Sure, it takes at least 5-10 minutes of shooting to kill it, but it is totally doable.


I've killed him once using level 12 -15 Itzal, Grattler (which has like 300m range or something), and Knux. All of these did not have a potato in them. Granted I did die 4 times in this run because I was also trying to scan those Ospreys and my gear was very under levelled.


However, I have kill him solo without dying if I use my Odonata (no potato nor forma), Imperator Vandal (only a potato), and Prisma Veritux (no potato nor forma).


All I did was ignore the Ospreys and go after Jordas. The Ospreys are too slow to keep up with you (even in the Odonata) if you sprint and boost (hold shift + hold space). I get behind or beside Jordas and shoot him. If the electricity balls are getting close or you get hit once, then instantly boost to the other side of Jordas and start firing again. If he flies away, then boost and chase him. If the electricity ball is back, then fly away and see where Jordas is heading next and fly and shoot him while he moves.

Edited by LifeNine
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Bring 4 CPs and it's much easier. Don't bother soloing it unless you've maxed out and potato'd your AW weapon. For all the people who hate AW it's not that bad - a level 20 Odanata and a level 30 Imperator will do the job pretty quickly if you've got the CPs on.

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I'm not seeing any problem with the Jordas Golem battle because I can solo Jordas, and I have done so multiple times including my first time in the quest. I've actually never played this yet with other people. Sure, it takes at least 5-10 minutes of shooting to kill it, but it is totally doable.

I'm not even going to quote the rest because it's not important. Look at the date today, when you posted. Look at the date on my post, when I posted. Now go and look at all the changelogs between those two dates- and how many massive changes have been made to J-3 in that timeframe. Yes- he's ok now. No- he was not ok when I fought him, and when this thread was originally started...

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I had some trouble with Golem but as others have already stated that was because I had little to no mods for my AW stuff but I still manage to solo him I made harder on myself by not playing AW and getting some mods but at the end of the day I was still able to kill him solo.If you are having a hard time play other AW missions farm some mods and make life easier on your self. I remember when I first started I felt like some missions where to hard to solo but now I beat then easly because of all the mods I have got and ranked up

Edited by October0Night
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I'm not even going to quote the rest because it's not important. Look at the date today, when you posted. Look at the date on my post, when I posted. Now go and look at all the changelogs between those two dates- and how many massive changes have been made to J-3 in that timeframe. Yes- he's ok now. No- he was not ok when I fought him, and when this thread was originally started...

All changes in 17.6.1 and 17.6.2 for Jordas:



Fixed the Fluctus not doing any damage to the J-3 Golem.
Electric projectiles of the J-3 Golem will now target the closest player to the Golem.
Fixed the J-3 Golem appearing in the Simulacrum.


Yes.  Those are some sweeping changes that made the fight significantly easier for everyone trying to solo it. I mean, really, aside from the Fluctus change, those either had no impact or made it harder because now the Electric Orbs always follow the person on his butt trying to kill him.  


Fluctus fix, yes, helped Fluctus users. Otherwise, not really.


You probably just got better at the fight or got more archwing mods.

Edited by Gelkor
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I have all the parts for Atlas and haven't even done the quest yet. I've just been killing the Golem for other people. It's immensely easy, as long as you actually try; by actually doding attacks, changing position, and using leveled gear. Of 100% of the people I've run the mission for, who complain about the fight being too hard, have either floated directly in front of the boss' attacks or brought unleveled archwing gear.


Mechanically speaking, Lech Kril and Sargas Ruk are harder fights than the Golem; at no time ever, does the Golem become completely invulnerble.

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I can kinda see where this guy is coming from, the first time i fought the golem it was a stupidly difficult fight, i think i burned through all of my revives without even getting 1/10th of his health down. But after changing up my imperator for a grattler and actually practising archwing for a bit, its gotten to the point where he is pretty easy; on par with most of the other bosses now.


I think the problem i was having in the beginning was probably not knowing his attack patterns, like you can tell by his animations when he's going to do the fireball thing so you can GTFO, the first time i played against him that killed me so much. Switching up to the grattler definitely helped as well, it has a much higher dps than the imperator, and provided you are paying attention, the tiny range it has isnt really that big of a deal.


The little annoying ospreys were also pretty bad in the first run through, especially when i was trying to hide so my shield would regen. But i've found that chasing after the golem constantly tends to leave them playing catch-up for all of eternity; the golem never stays in one place for long if you are sat behind him, usually he fires off the lightning balls then does his fireball thing and then fucks off for greener pastures.


TL;DR first he was super hard, then i stopped being S#&$ at archwing

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I'm not even going to quote the rest because it's not important. Look at the date today, when you posted. Look at the date on my post, when I posted. Now go and look at all the changelogs between those two dates- and how many massive changes have been made to J-3 in that timeframe. Yes- he's ok now. No- he was not ok when I fought him, and when this thread was originally started...

They didn't make any changes to his difficulty or anything else.

The biggest change is that they fixed the fluctus doing damage to him.

That wasn't a major change at all.

He is exactly the same as he originally was.

And even on day 1 I was beating him with a grattler with only a potato (no forma) with corrosive and fire damage.

He died in under a minute each time.

He still takes under a minute to beat with the bare minimum of mods on a decent weapon.

And its not because they made him any easier.

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They didn't make any changes to his difficulty or anything else.

The biggest change is that they fixed the fluctus doing damage to him.

That wasn't a major change at all.

He is exactly the same as he originally was.

And even on day 1 I was beating him with a grattler with only a potato (no forma) with corrosive and fire damage.

He died in under a minute each time.

He still takes under a minute to beat with the bare minimum of mods on a decent weapon.

And its not because they made him any easier.

There was. His electric balls used to chase me to the ends of the earth and back- regardless of if I was hiding. Regardless of if I was nowhere near him. Regardless of how far I ran. Regardless of if I was CLOAKED or used flares. Now he actually targets other people and I'm not being constantly chased by the balls- not to mention cloak actually throws them off now. He's a LOT easier... My complaint wasn't about him being "hard to kill" as much as him being overpowered......

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I complained the first time I ran this boss but I was drunk and had underleveled gear. I came back to it later with a clear head along with potatoed and level 30 wings and weapons and I now think it's the best boss fight in the game. Not the easiest but not that hard either.

We need more huge and ugly bosses in big arenas in this game!

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I tried velocitus and imperator with the elytron.


Didn't have problems taking out Golem.


Just treat it like a CapCom boss: shoot the glowy bits on its as- errr... stern where you can see part of the engine.


Seems that you'll want to get up close alongside him and shoot at the bits that show from the side along the underside.  Watch out for the adds.  That's what worked for me as both host and client.  You getting blue zeros?  You're probably shooting him in the wrong spot, there seem to be weird bounding boxes issues with Golem if you're trying to do that from a distance.


This video explains what to do:

. Edited by DeMeritus
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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's the deal. With the default Archwing crap, you're essentially fighting Lephantis with a MK-1 Braton. Sure, you can run other nodes, and struggle through missions, but you essentially have Bratons for wings, a Braton primary, and a Braton melee.

Just go get the Velocitus. DE isn't going to fix this grindwall. Get the Velocitus, spend 1-2 days ranking it up and potatoing it and collecting the mods used in the video, and five-shot the golem. You can even keep the default Archwing on, as long as you move fast you can still get shots off on it.

Or, just ask in recruiting channel. If I see someone needing help with it, I'll reply and kill it for em. Thing is bullS#&$ for anyone who doesn't want to do Archwing, but they want to use a new 'Frame on the ground.
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I just got this (Xb1) and at first i was raging. But reading this forum i found out how to easily beat him AND IT WORKS!.

Corrosive damage is best.

Izital + blink is perfect.




Just remember to spread the love before moar people start raging.

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