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The Jordas Golem In The Jordas Precipt Mission Is Too Difficult.

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You likely need better gear and just a little more practice. I've beat him regularly just by using Itzal's invisibility and keeping tabs on where his glowey balls of doom are - and that's solo, I can only imagine it would be easier with a team. He's a really fun fight.

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What this entire quest boils down to, from the Pherliac Pods to the fight with the Golem, is that the prerequisite content that could have made this easier for people has been largely ignored in lieu of other things, namely Prime part farming and Draco.

I don't blame DE one bit. If you haven't invested some time in your Archwing stuff and you haven't at least tried to play with Juggernauts, that is your own damned fault. This has been hinted at repeatedly for a while now.

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I just solo'd him using elytron and imperator vandal.  Once I figured out the mechanics of the fight, it was super easy to kill the golem.


Granted, I have had my AW gear maximized and ready for war for a long time now.

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Fluctus doesn't work because it deals full damage to the main body instead of the weakspot (trait share with AoE weapons against Lephantis)

Try Corrosive+Cold crit build Grattler, since has has Ferrite armor and Infested Sinew. Easily soloed his a$$ (literally jajajajajaja).

If you don't have Itzal, you can use the new Afterburn feature to keep up with him. Hope it helps :3

I can confirm Fluctuc just do 0 dmg Grattler on the other hand can down Golem in 3 moves ( When golem change position)

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Oh God not this again.


I remember how fun and difficult Lephantis was before the whiners had him turned into a tanky loot pinata.


Either get better archwing gear OR get better at the game but please stop whining on the forums until the devs turn him into a joke.

Other people can solo him no problem so its clearly that the issue is on your end.

Edited by Cabadath5
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Oo of course it's soloable and with any archwing, jeez i killed it with a two moded grattler and odonata ;D


EDIT : even tried to melee him for fun ... not really efficient sadly^

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As has been already said: you are probably not using good gear. 


I farmed the golem in public games, with Itzal and Grattler, was super easy, but every single time i was doing more than 85% of the total damage. 


It is what it is, people hated archwing and didnt bothered to get good equipment, now... people cry. 

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Using Odonata Prime and Imperator Vandal...having absolutely no trouble taking that thing down. Git gud. :p 

I haven't even Formaed my Vandal and it still melts him easily...he travels 3 times and then he's down.

Edited by Shehriazad
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Seems pretty clear there are 2 groups of people having trouble.  The first are newer players.  For new players it should be hard.  Keep playing and ranking things up, he will get easier!  The second group are older players who ignored AW and/or didn't bother getting the pods when they came around last time.  These guys are just whining.  If you don't want to do certain content don't cry about that content being hard when you want something from it.

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This is essentially how I finally won; hit and run with blink, burning tons of energy restores. and some health restores when I got hit. That being said, players should not HAVE to equip/use one specific thing to be able to beat something. Especially when that something only uses gear that is a really big pain in the butt to acquire.

if you are curious i did not use any restores at all and it is completely beatable with odonata


i dont know what to say other than get good

Edited by Twilight053
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Oh yeah man. I'm with you. Idk if Golem boss node is easier than the quest or not- but I sure hope so. I REFUSED to accept that it's solo-able. I don't even care if someone provides proof. MAYBE if you have a ludicrous amount of time and effort put into potatoing, formaing, and max modding all your best archwing gear- and restores to boot.

After finally exhausting almost all of my 40 some health, shield, and energy restores running it in a mission where my squad mate essentially did nothing but distract all of the scrub mobs (Big thx to SteelDrake, those things were the issue with soloing it.)- and a LOT of time later- I finally beat it and rage quit the game for the day. Been a long time since something made me do that.

The fight had all the mechanics a good boss fight needs, something to make it memorable, special, worthwhile, and fun. BUT, it SERIOUSLY needs some way for you to be able to temporarily stop or reduce in the influx of scrub mobs (eg taking the time to blow something like a doorway up, that would naturally fix itself over time to allow them to spawn again). Now that I think about it, perhaps pherliac pods would have helped had I thrown them down, but considering the amount of time needed, I would have run out VERY quickly.

Another complaint I have is the sheer amount of "No aim" / AoE / Tracking attacks. Namely his electric balls being the big annoyance. The fire blast's damage was basically a guaranteed kill on anything it hit unless they had restores, but it is pretty easily avoided if you're paying attention so I think it's fine. My final complaint would be lack of visibility keeping me from being able to keep track of enemies all around me. DE did a good job this update of improving visibility in archwing (seriously great job overall DE, archwing is very very fun now), and I am big on flying games that require me to keep tabs on everything around in in a 360* sphere; and I STILL had issues with it. Idk what can be done, but I'm sure DE can think of something.

I've been soloing it with a non max (20) level single forma imperator and a zero forma Odonata.

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You are trying to build hype, aren't you?


It's not that difficult.


Oh yeah man. I'm with you. Idk if Golem boss node is easier than the quest or not- but I sure hope so. I REFUSED to accept that it's solo-able. I don't even care if someone provides proof. MAYBE if you have a ludicrous amount of time and effort put into potatoing, formaing, and max modding all your best archwing gear- and restores to boot.


After finally exhausting almost all of my 40 some health, shield, and energy restores running it in a mission where my squad mate essentially did nothing but distract all of the scrub mobs (Big thx to SteelDrake, those things were the issue with soloing it.)- and a LOT of time later- I finally beat it and rage quit the game for the day. Been a long time since something made me do that.


The fight had all the mechanics a good boss fight needs, something to make it memorable, special, worthwhile, and fun. BUT, it SERIOUSLY needs some way for you to be able to temporarily stop or reduce in the influx of scrub mobs (eg taking the time to blow something like a doorway up, that would naturally fix itself over time to allow them to spawn again). Now that I think about it, perhaps pherliac pods would have helped had I thrown them down, but considering the amount of time needed, I would have run out VERY quickly.


Another complaint I have is the sheer amount of "No aim" / AoE / Tracking attacks. Namely his electric balls being the big annoyance. The fire blast's damage was basically a guaranteed kill on anything it hit unless they had restores, but it is pretty easily avoided if you're paying attention so I think it's fine. My final complaint would be lack of visibility keeping me from being able to keep track of enemies all around me. DE did a good job this update of improving visibility in archwing (seriously great job overall DE, archwing is very very fun now), and I am big on flying games that require me to keep tabs on everything around in in a 360* sphere; and I STILL had issues with it. Idk what can be done, but I'm sure DE can think of something.

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He was actually quite easy. Even though Itzal with blink is the best option, any other archwing can do the trick.


Also, With itzal, you just ignore the adds. It was pretty darn easy to solo the boss.


P.S My gear has no forma on it at all. The grind in archwing was too tedious to be bothered with that.  

Edited by DLGrave
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I don't get all of this "Only Itzal" stuff. Odonata + Velocitus means Jordas is dead in three crits (without forma, probably two crits with forma)... seems like the easiest way to kill him to me. (And you don't need to be behind him, the engines protrude a bit from the sides so you can hit him if you are off to his side a bit)

Edited by DrBorris
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Did it solo, had no issues, made me scratch my head as to why ppl are requesting good players to defeat this rather trivial boss.


If you find it difficult........well........let's just say we are newbies at one given point in time, i recommend doing other archwing missions and improve the gameplay before going to this boss.

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He was actually quite easy. Even though Itzal with blink is the best option, any other archwing can do the trick.


Also, With itzal, you just ignore the adds. It was pretty darn easy to solo the boss.


P.S My gear has no forma on it at all. The grind in archwing was too tedious to be bothered with that.  

Elytron can tank its AoE damage pretty well, so there's an alternative for that too. Shield so bleepin high that it can hardly lower my health at all.


Don't forget Odonata/Prime can get extra damage through Energy Shell.

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I find the game so called flappy birds to be far more difficult than this boss battle. Majority in games, boss battles have "patterns". Jordas golem's arsenal of attacks can be counted using one hand, and they aren't even hard to predict and evade, as a gamer it is essential for you to learn how to decipher patterns in battles, that is one of the key things you must have if you really want to be a gamer. Btw, I only used a ranked 10 odonota prime and a rank 30 imperator(not even a vandal) to solo him, sure I died a few tries, but in return I learned his pattern. When you're playing a fighting game like tekken, you're facing a real human brain at work, you see, even a human opponent has patterns, but if he's good he will adjust to defeat you, yet you still have a chance on beating him. Now a boss battle with an A.I. that does a series of very FEW repeated attacks over and over again, in that sense, I don't understand how is that boss hard to defeat, and also the fact that he is just an intro/first boss in archwing(intro bosses are easy you know).


I would like to thank DE for the wonderful boss battle jordas golem, not the hardest or most epic boss battle in the gaming world, but it sure is a good start to a path of finally meeting bosses in warframe that will give shiver down your spine just from its epic music and intimidating aura and looks and will keep you thinking on how to beat such a boss. 

Edited by -Genesis-
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Elytron can tank its AoE damage pretty well, so there's an alternative for that too. Shield so bleepin high that it can hardly lower my health at all.


Don't forget Odonata/Prime can get extra damage through Energy Shell.


Hell, Odanata can tank the Beam on the Energy Shell OR their shields, I think only Itzal can't take a hit from the Beam.  Granted the new sprint boost we got this patch makes it ridiculous to think someone would ever get hit by the beam again, seriously, the  sprint boost is FAST.


But yeah, solo, Energy Shell, heck, when you are flanking Jordas you can even pop off a missile barrage through your energy shell for some added damage, at close enough range the missiles track his engines perfectly. 


Anyways, it's not bad, you just need to know how to Archwing, and not be taking unranked or level 10 gear to a level 30+ boss fight, just like with regular boss fights. 

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