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How Far Can We Go With Weapon Varieties?


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I think when that time comes, there will be enough in the lore department, or more game types in general to tide us over. But the fact remains that the majority of our newer gear is coming from the 10o community, eg. Silva & Aegis, Zephyr, ect. There's a good bit of time we have left before that needs to be viewed as an issue.

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Define varieties?


Do you mean designs, as in appearance? Or do you mean categories of weapons?


Also i'm not sure what you are trying to say. That they should stop making new weapon types so there are some which people can pester them about to add?


Designs! Basically in appearance, mechanics, appeal, etc.

No no. I wasn't saying that. I was just askin' a question, is all.

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Eventually we will run out of weapon varieties to go to.

it's a Sci-Fi game - that's literally impossible.


Missing weapons and playstyles thread.

oh, i remember that Thread now.


Slash DMR, APHE Battle Rifles, and trickshot Weapons.... where are you.


Edited by taiiat
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I've been thinking a bit.


How many basic mechanic types of weapons do we know?


Let's leave out overly specific designs like the Mios or gimick weapons like Strug and Sonicor and focus on the basic mechanics of weapons we can see across fiction.


For gun mechanics we have.

Manual (bolt, lever or pump action), semi-automatic, burst fire (2,3,5 rounds), fully automatic and charged.


For gun types we have.

Rifle, sniper rifle, shotgun, crossbow, pistol and launcher.


For melee designs we have.

Swords, daggers/knives, axes, clubs, one a chain, single headed polearms, two headed polearms (let's include the basic bo in this), tonfa, nun-chucks, chakram style weapons ("Glaive"), whips, claws, fist weapons and kick box weapons.


Those can then be used as:

Single, dual, with shield, two handed or thrown.


Now we have 5 primary factions with their own weapon aestethics in the game which are:

Tenno, Orokin, Grineer, Corpus and Technocyte (Infested don't make weapons, the previous 4 factions make weapons from Infested material).


Now in theory every one of these 5 factions could get at least one weapon of each of the above combinations. This creates quite a lot of free space DE could still fill with a weapon.


Again this is excluding exotic and gimick weapons. It's also leaving out the inofficial weapon tiers, which could further increase the number.

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The problem is that they lumped too many weapons that would have been truely unique into the same catagory..

Take the Galatine and The Scindo ... two very different weapons lumped into one catagory and one stance. We could have had a great sword catagory and a battle axe catagory.

The Duel Zoren are a pair of Axes that use Duel Sword stances

Im honestly theres a seperation between staves and pole arms.


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We have years to go before running out of possible weapon varieties and new mechanics for them. Let's go visuals first:

Corpus -> Always bringing us wonky new mechanics and fun nukes in simple futuristic styles.
Tenno -> The stuff that is most japanese-esque in general and has sleek designs
Grineer -> World War 2 visited...it wants its' weapons back!
Prime -> Tenno...but more shiny.
Infested-> ooey gooey.
Wraith -> Make it like...silverblack and red...mkay?
Dragon -> Ghetto Prime
Vandal -> Rarely ever used...but..y'know. 
Prisma -> Ghetto Ghetto Prime

Future things
Sentient -> ...who knows what they will grant us...
Umbra -> Might become an actual thing
Lost Civilization styles -> Pre-Tenno artifacts or stuff swept into our solar system from galaxies far away.
Anything -> Really, you can always come up with more

And that's just for visual styles...as for mechanics we have literally decades to go before DE would run out of content. 

Let's look at melee for a second as an example..and let's actually look at OLD things of history to take inspirations from. 

-Gun Shields...I mean come on...how genius is that? (16th century!)
-Bladed Shields (Captain America on Crack)
-Sword Breakers
-Spring loaded daggers (That S#&$ was available hundreds of years ago already!!!)
-Bladed Hoops (Hulahoops...but dangerous..well...MORE dangerous, anyhow)

And for ranged weapons this is endless. You can literally do anything from ancient civilization isnpiration (bows) up to artifact alien technology without ever crossing a boundary as Warframes world is open enough to allow this.

Long story short...Warframes' strong point is that it can support many weapon styles without ever being lorebreaking. You can always pull a "well that's a design that originated from earth" or even go ham and be like "Aliens, duh". Warframe will literally be the last game to run out of options for weapon varieties...but that is of course only true as long as WF Devs (can) care enough to keep up their work.

Edited by Shehriazad
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