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Coming Soon: Devstream #61!


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Just a couple of questions:

- any news on the cerata and mios? Didn't hear anything about them lately.

- any info on when / how are we going to see that beautiful Lotus throne we saw a couple of devstreams ago?

- after the whole AW rework are there plans to add any new Archwing in the foreseeable future?

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We are SERIOUSLY overdue for an event, it has been over 4 months.  When will the next one be?  And can we see tactical alerts and events more often?


When will we get Wukong and the other items that were released with the Chinese version? I don't know the exact amount of time they have been out, but hasn't it been long enough? or close?


Personally I am really looking forward to the moon tile set, is there any more art or in progress screen shots that you guys could show us?


If I recall correctly before Archwing was added you guys talked about work being done on 4 types of archwing, will we get to see the 4th archwing soon?


Will we ever see civilian colonies that the grineer are invading/controlling?  I think it would be pretty cool to fight through occupied residential and commercial areas within a colony(docks/ports, stores, housing blocks). 


And finally, I am sorry but I have to ask this and I know its a bit early but... ETA on U18?  My guess is 4~6 weeks, is that a reasonable expectation?

Edited by ClockworkSpectre
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Could we get details regarding the upcoming Saryn and sniper reworks?


Also, as a suggested tweak for nekros: Holding the waypoint button puts down a special waypoint that commands your shadows to move, or 'charge, to that specific area. He's a necromancer. a lord of the dead, so shouldn't he be able to command his undead army? What do you think? This could solve the AI complaints people (me included) have.


And I don't think desecrate needs to be a toggle, as some are suggesting. Perhaps a 'dark energy vampire', meaning, you could 'hex' an enemy, and that causes an area of effect that desecrates bodies around it, while keeping the enemy immobile. Also, standing near that enemy provides either health regen, or health restore for each pulse?

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Devstream Questions (Typed a few weeks in advance)

Catagory 1: Rare Containers and Void Cointainers

A1: Will Rare containers ever recieve a special minimap marker for mods like Animal Instinct?

A2: Rare containers sometimes spawning in walls (this applies to regular containers as well. Will you be adding a fix for this?


When/If a trial for the Orokin void is added (Or possibly the J3000 Golem trial if it has the Decaying Rare Orokin Containers.), it will be a forma grind because of the spawnrate of Rare Orokin Containers. Example: You buy a rare rescource booster, and go on the Trial. You find 3 Rare containers. Each container drops a forma. Booster gives you 2 per container. End of trial you end up with 6 formas. Repeat.

Catagory 2: Mods

B1: Primed Chamber: Quote from wiki: " DERebecca has stated the following on the topic of people being upset over Primed Chamber being exclusive: "Ah, we did not say the Primed Chamber mod is Exclusive to the Drone weekend event, it was just the first time it was introduced. Sorry for the confusion there! I imagine it will appear again in future events."

Will it appear as part of the sniper buff? Or will it be in the next operation/tac alert or be buyable from Baro?

B2: Sentinel Regen:

Will sentinel regen ever be buffed? Kubrows have a revive timer, will sentinels ever be able to be picked up? Would it be possible for regen to be on a timer so your sentinel takes a while to respawn instead of respawning once. In terms of reviving kubrows are better.

B3: Ammo Regeneration Mod for continuous fire weapons. Some weapons could have a mod that acts as a recharging battery pack so that you recharge ammo over time. It could start out as 1 ammo/3 seconds, then 1/s, 2,s, 3/s.

B4: Sentinel/Archwing Augment mods

Will we ever be getting those?

Catagory 3: Archwing

C1: Elytron Grind/Archwing Interception (Uranus in particular)

The only way besides buying Elytron is to farm it on Uranus. Almost all of the people who have it have bought it just because playing the Uranus mission is stressing on their sanity. Will there be another node that has a chance to drop Elytron parts (Like maybe the submersible mode or maybe Uranus Sabotage Caches?)

C2: Archwing Nightmare Mode Mods /Corrupted Mods

Will we be getting Nightmare archwing missions soon? Along with a few archwing weapon mods (like the Eyes of Blight mods could be Nightmare). Maybe a few Corrupted Archwing mods too.

C3: Trinwing/Healing Archwing

Will we ever get a healing/energy restore archwing? One of the problems with longer Archwing Missions with higher level enemies is the loss of health when you get swarmed with Hellions. Maybe we could add an archwing with healing. (lol could be first archwing that requires an entire warframe to build. Full Built Trin, Wing/Systems/Harness)

Catagory 4: Star Chart Rework

D1: New planets?

Will we be getting any new planets? EX: Corpus lava planet, grineer ice planet with ice grineer, low grav planet?

D2: Semirelated to starchart, Old Tac alerts and Stratos Emblems

For all those completionists out there, will we ever get to replay tac alerts just for Stratos Emblems?

Catagory 5: U18

1. Is U18 going to be this year reasonably at the rate you are developing?

2. Regarding Formorian Sabotage, will there ever be infested Formorians. HUHEUHEUHUEH

Catagory 6: Misc Questions

1.How will the corpus, being a mainly tech based faction, react to fighting sentients?

2. Helios Oculyst Skin plex?

3. Ability to change level of mods on items if maxed w/o affecting the mod. (So you dont need mult. copies of mods of diff levels)

4.Rare Containers having chance for 30/60 min rescouce boosters?

6. John Prodman tac alert please.

7. Can we get gunwhips? (Cause what could go wrong? *accidently shoots self*)

8. Will there ever be sales at the end of a prime acess to motivate people to buy them?

9. Is there a Op/Tac alert soon? I'm bored ._.

10. Boosters only active when online.

11. Are we ever going to get deployable blunts/turrets(like corpus onesa) and ramparts or the ability to repair Ramparts? Or deploy from new landing craft?

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Ever since the Excalibur rework you guys have done a great job "revitalizing" some of the older Warframes. Frost got just the right amount of love and Valkyr's recent buffs made her so much fun to use while keeping her identity as a close range melee frame intact.


My guestion is: are there any plans to rework or buff our magnetic lady Mag?

Edited by Bleako
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OH! and any progress on the new longsword stance? How about some more tonfas, but more importantly,  a tonfa stance?


Is there any chance of making the new corpus enemies spawn more frequently? At the moment, they are not even a threat. They only come out every so often, and usually in ones or twos. They simply aren't dangerous because they're so rare, and it makes farming for the new stance a complete nightmare. At the moment, the odds are better if you just transmute for it. 


Any word about the Tenno rapier would be lovely as well. 


Last but not least, an idea for a new gunblade: Infested Gunblade. It does puncture damage primarily (ribs poking out of the body of the sword), and its firing function shoots gas spores that have high DoT damage. Thoughts?

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Dear DE,


First set of questions regarding warframe powers and movement:

A lot of warframe powers cannot be used while in the air, or moving. Some moves are one handed and some are not. what makes you decide if a move should be one handed or not?


For instance I would love to be able to cast trinities energy vampire while moving, or I would like to reload while casting desecrate on nekros. Is movement lock something that is part of warframe balance? Has parkour 2.0 changed your perspective on this?


Second set of questions regarding classes that give warframe energy:

Presently the only two frames that give energy to other warframes (or themselves) is limbo and trinity. Are other support frames in line to give energy as well. Could an augment for mend ever have this effect adding equinox to the list? Do you believe that support frames that give energy are good or bad for the game? How does giving energy effect warframe balance?

Edited by milesthefox
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Dear Minki and to those it concerns,

***With all the unique tweaks and renovations in designs up-and-coming to Warframes, is there a possibility of being able to have an option to HIDE/SHOW specific Warframe dangles?  By this I'm referring to the major clipping we get from frames like Trinity Prime and Saryn for example.*** 


Many would love to see an option to hide Saryn's sash because we think it unbecoming of her grace and style, while others like it.  Additionally for those that want to show their weapons clipping inevitably occurs.  So for the community as a whole this would be beneficial.

Discussed as per this post and numerous others:

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Will Dr. Tengus ever become a fightable Boss? Surely his advancements for the Grineer as well as his involvement with the infested must make him a prime target for the tenno.


Is there a possibility that we will see Stalker and/or the other Warframe Assassins within Archwing Missions?

Because in space, no one can hear you scream

Edited by Dr.Leonardo
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can we get more info on the newly revealed archer frame?


can we get a preview of the mios animations been dieing to see something like that and when is mios planned to be released?


many of the community (myself included) are fans of the dual sword weapons but not a fan of either stances, when will we be getting a new dual sword stance?


Will you guys give us an idea when a new delux skin will be released ahead of time so its not a surprise and also when do you guys plan to re-release these skins for new players in the future?

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Any plans to add depth to the warframe universe by adding in things for us to do that don't involve shooting baddies in the head. I.e. tenno sports, archwing racing, dojo based mini games like poker bowling kubrow training or customizable parkour rooms?

Any news on how you will rework dark sector wars to allow for the warframe community as a whole to get involved and actually enjoy it? Like solar rail syndicate offering rep unlocked rewards for battle pay i.e. player funded void style PvPE (player vs player's enemies)

Any plans to improve upon the seemingly now bland parkour 2.0 seeing as how it's now basically spam bullet jump? And is it used as you expected? I miss being able to chain wall runs and pick crazy parkour paths, something we just can't do now.

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Q1. On their concept art the Baliffs and Guardsman are labeled as "Labourer", does that mean they are armed Grineer worker?

Q2. Why were Skana and Lato not been replaced with Mk-1 variants in their starter weapon role?

Q3. How about a wodden sword Skana skin in the near future?

Q4. Will the current plans for the new star chart make it easier to introduce new locations (moons, colonies, asteroid clusters, etc.) in the solar system?

Q5. Tenno can now run around with dual chainsaws on their hands. Is there any chance the old Grineer Sawman could make a comeback with their original palm mounted buzzsaws?

Q6. What was the motivation for making Archwing attachable thrusters for Warframes, rather than for example compact space fighters?

Q7. Which other weapons are in for a visual makeover and how to you judge a weapon as being in need of it?

PS: How is the new Burston model progressing?

Q8. Why did you go with a somewhat weird looking wall hop for the new Parkour system rather than the more established wall run?

Q10. Any chance we might get some voiced Tenno NPCs in the future?
Meaning non-combat oriented Tenno who might expand the Tenno as a faction beyond the Lotus. Like a weaponsmith, tactician, shaman, scientist, or something like this.


Q11. At NYCC it was mentioned that thanks to developing Clem, you can now let enemies dual wield weapons. Does that currently only mean guns or can we expect to see dual wielding melee enemies soon too?

Edited by Othergrunty
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Anything regarding more Alternate Helmets? Most Warframes are still missing their third and Atlas still has none.

Which frames have planned reworks and which ones have are having QoL changes? And which ones are more proximate?

How about linking the warframes' powers to the archwings so each archwing can have a different effect on it's powers based on the frame using it?

Edited by RahuHordika
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