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What Do You Guys Think Of Being Able To Build Your Own Weapon In Game?

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Every weapon you have built and ranked to 30 allows you to use the skin and mechanics of the weapon.

You can customise the firing mechanic of it by beam, hit scan, shot gun burst etc.

Allocate points to slash, puncture , crit etc.

Stats can be allocated based on a pool of points you can freely distribute.

Higher MR = more points to use and more skins to choose from.

Basically it's a mix and match of skins and mechanics of existing guns to create something truly unique. Balance can be sought by limiting the weapon attribute point pool. Certain abilities have a higher drain on your pool. E.g. hit scan drains 10 points, energy bullets drain 7.

Soma prime with supra skin build pure damage

Sancti Tigris skinned vaykor hek crit build

Dual twin viper wraith with spectre beams.

That would make me play the game for another 1000 hours.

Great Idea ! this will make MR much more useful and would decrease the boredom in this game alot


Twin grakata that shoot ogris missiles

and this makes it x1000000 better ... lol

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I'd feel bad for DE Scott trying to balance this.

It's not like he had any success balancing this game for the last... 3 years or so.

Balancing by feel might work eventually, on n+1th iteration, but I doubt that Warframe will last eternally, same for DE and peeps working there.


If Scott wants to achieve anything, he has to establish some balancing scheme for the majority of generic guns that work using pretty much the same principles and in worst case, balance remaining "special" weapons by feel.


And this mode would exist only to mess around with what the game has to offer, whatever happens in Simulacrum stays in Simulacrum.

Edited by Mofixil
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Why not just make it so the Drops that you get also tie in with the customization?
Soma Barrel, Vectis Stock, Something Reciever

Combine'em, then BAM. All you gotta do is modify the ammo it uses and the projectiles and yeh got yourself a custom weapon.

Of course I absolutely love the idea that is given. I love customization, and it'd be an absolute blast to create our own weapons in this game.

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no, if this was a post to let us COD up our weapons a little bit by adding an "Attachment Slot" so we could add things on like extended mag, reduced recoil & reload speed (other mods that don't increase damage) then yes! HELLS YES! 

but what your asking is insain and would be crazy next to impossible levels for the devs to implement.

(if they ever did add an "Attachment slot" they should add a few scope mods that actually give you scoped views when aiming down sights, i always though an ACOG scope for my braton would be awesome!

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Don't see it working, it ruins the potential of future weapons as people could make something they plan on releasing in the future. Fewer people are going to want the brand new thing if you can already make something similar to it or better and leads to even more balance issues if you can bring a weapon back to its former glory. 

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It's not like he had any success balancing this game for the last... 3 years or so.

Balancing by feel might work eventually, on n+1th iteration, but I doubt that Warframe will last eternally, same for DE and peeps working there.


If Scott wants to achieve anything, he has to establish some balancing scheme for the majority of generic guns that work using pretty much the same principles and in worst case, balance remaining "special" weapons by feel.


And this mode would exist only to mess around with what the game has to offer, whatever happens in Simulacrum stays in Simulacrum.

true. poor Scott. I understand it isn't easy to balance, and he gets all the hate.....like when he jacked up my mesa

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Every weapon you have built and ranked to 30 allows you to use the skin and mechanics of the weapon.

You can customise the firing mechanic of it by beam, hit scan, shot gun burst etc.


You can customise the firing mechanic of it by beam


You mean I can make everything into lasers?


Shut up and take my upvotes I want this asap

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