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Some Kind Of Auction House? [Megathread]


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Why exactly do you all think the market prices would go down with an auction house. People already try to undercut others and there are lots of people who won't even negotiate prices. I don't think its such a terrible idea. I think you all are just scared.

Because people would only buy the cheapest of said item which in turn would force other sellers of the same item to lower their prices to make a deal at all.

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Why exactly do you all think the market prices would go down with an auction house. People already try to undercut others and there are lots of people who won't even negotiate prices. I don't think its such a terrible idea. I think you all are just scared.

because it it makes it even easier to crash the market. some people have nearly millions of plat. thats right. millions. I personally know 7 people who have above 50k plat. they can afford to continually buy up every item that comes up of something and mass sell it at lower prices to make even more plat.

Edited by evil_m3nace
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When I first started playing WF I thought auction houses were a great idea.


Then, once I learned how to use trade chat better, I thought auction houses were evil.


Now, I'm not so sure.


What if, like a daily darvo deal, there was a daily "traders market" placed inside the relay?


ONLY ONE ITEM at random is picked PER DAY to be available to trade via buy/sell orders.  Sellers post their ask prices and quanties, buyers post their bid prices and quantities.  Any bid/ask prices that meet in the middle will then result in an autotrade (and if each side is able to pay the trade taxes).


To get an idea, check out this steam market page with buy/sell orders:



I think ONE RANDOM ITEM per day would be a good way to test out whether an "efficient market" like this is overall better or worse for the warframe economy as a whole.


And having this occur inside the relay rather than your liset will also make it feel much more like a neighborhood farmer's market.


Much more efficient than trade chat, but not so hyper-efficient that it's akin to a walmart/amazon/megacorp moving in and putting all the local smaller boutique shops out of business.

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I want an auction house !!


.. and ice cream !!


.. and rare prime drops from simple missions !!


.. and no more forma drops, unless I'm out of forma then I want LOTS of forma drops !!


.. and I only want to run each mission once and win everything from doing one mission !!


.. and I want all my stuff to sell for all the plat in the world so only I have plat but then I want everyone to still buy plat so they can buy more stuff off me so I have more plat !!

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Because people would only buy the cheapest of said item which in turn would force other sellers of the same item to lower their prices to make a deal at all.

It wouldn't do that. Take Star Wars The Old Republic for example. They have a Galactic Trade Network where players can go to buy or sell items. They can look up items and set a lower price if they wish. It really is not a bad system and I have yet to see the economy crash.

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well, you're the only one talking about Bankruptcy. nobody else is.

so that's probably why.



(and the Warframe Playerbase IS in the Millions - but active within a timeframe is more around 100,000-200,000)


Good, we have just established that you do not know a single game that suffered bankruptcy or got closed due to an AH/Marketplace. So, give me an example of a game which's AH/Marketplace: ''collapse'', ''destroyed'', ''don't work'', ''fail'', ''destroy themselves''. Those all are your words, give me an AH/Marketplace example that has suffered any of those, mmmkay?

- - - - -

As for your playerbase speculation, let me give you a little tip...

If 100k people are all active in the same timeframe, we can somewhat speculate that atleast 50k of those are going to be PC(masterrace) users. So, since you are also a PC user, how about you go in the game, go to the Recruting tab and say you are hosting a T3 or a T4 with good drops. You will invite 3 ppl and you will have to close approximately 5-10 player tabs, right? Well, T3 and T4 are very very popular and if 50k ppl are really playing within the same timeframe, you wouldn't be closing 5-10 tabs, try more like 500-1k tabs... Draco is well known as the grinding machine, atleast 70% of the entire population goes there to lvl frames/weapons, usually you see 10-30 open squads, with 50k people it will be roughly 10k+ open squads...

Ofc this is all speculation, however you are making this game seem way too popular than it really is...

And im sorry for going so off topic with this.

Edited by kleerr2
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let me give you a little tip...

(i already did, you just glazed over them)


- - - - - 


no, let me. with actual numbers.


Warframe, on just Steam, averages 30-50,000 per day. it's known that a larger percentage of Warframe Players are NOT playing it through Steam than are(so atleaast 51%). cut the difference and call that ~80,000 on Steam and standalone on just PC. conservative estimate.

Console has a wider gauge, but another 30-40,000 is a pretty safe estimate.


Q4 2014-Q1 2015, Warframe was already hitting ~120,000 active Players on PC if you gave a two week window to account for Players that don't have the time to play that often, so logging in atleast bi-weekly.


taking a conservative tally of the number of Accounts as of October 2015, there are atleast 12 Million Players between all Platforms.

Digital Extemes counts 16 Million, but shaving some off to account for duplicate or inactive accounts still leaves a lot of Players.

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because it it makes it even easier to crash the market. some people have nearly millions of plat. thats right. millions. I personally know 7 people who have above 50k plat. they can afford to continually buy up every item that comes up of something and mass sell it at lower prices to make even more plat.

How in the world do they manage to get that much plat? O.o i mean instruggle to make 100p usually :/

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i would like to have smth like:

1. i put my part into the auction house

2. i put the price under

3. buyer comes watching, buy it, plat goes straight to me

4. no typing, no talking, no insults about too cheap or too much


parts are in alphabetical order, no more, no less ...


we also dont need any pictures as well as we have the logos for different parts


im not shure how much work it is for DE to create smth like that


main thing is, it should not have any bugs


on the other hand:


im happy as it is now, its another part of socialising and learning in general ... harr harr harr ^^)

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Stop asking for an Auction house its NOT happening.

The reasons should be obvious. Market crash, absurdly low prices for everything etc.

If anything they should just seperate buying and selling chats and then itll be perfect

So, it's preferable to have players try to scam newbies or others with absurdly high prices or cheap as hell offers? It's preferable to glue your eyes to the Trade chat just so you don't miss that one guy who actually wants to BUY something, a midst a sea of WTS and WTT?


Get outta here.

Time to quote something I've already mentioned a couple of times: 



It's broken. Period. The Trade chatroom is nothing but a big mess of people spamming their wares in huge walls of text in such a way that whatever you post gets flooded away. 




Give it a chance, already. You can't judge something before it's even out, otherwise, you'll end up eating your words if it turns out different than your expectations.

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no. trolls will flood the market with OP prices.

As in too high and they won't sell at all thus have no effect?


Or do you mean sell them too low and drive the price down?


ONLY ONE ITEM at random is picked PER DAY to be available to trade via buy/sell orders.  Sellers post their ask prices and quanties, buyers post their bid prices and quantities.  Any bid/ask prices that meet in the middle will then result in an autotrade (and if each side is able to pay the trade taxes).


To get an idea, check out this steam market page with buy/sell orders:



I think ONE RANDOM ITEM per day would be a good way to test out whether an "efficient market" like this is overall better or worse for the warframe economy as a whole.

Ok, we have the following items tradable:

Every mod in the game bar a few obtained through accidental release bugs.

Every prime component in the game.

Every syndicate weapon and a few others.

Arcane enhancements and helmets.


I'd say the chances of it having anything that anyone demands or being worth the time to even check would be pretty negligable. Thus the use of that level of partial implementation of that would be pretty close to 0. Pretty close to the chance of it actually having something you are looking for.

Edited by Deadoon
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As in too high and they won't sell at all thus have no effect?


Or do you mean sell them too low and drive the price down?


trolls wont bother gaining profit they just troll.


we may have varied consequences of having this idea eitheir on what u said.

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trolls wont bother gaining profit they just troll.


we may have varied consequences of having this idea eitheir on what u said.

If they sell something low it will be bought up extremely quickly, if it is too low, some enterprising player will simply put it back up for sale close to the common price if they are not going to use it. If they are going to use it, they were not trolled and benefited greatly from it.


Your example is kind of self-defeating. No-one loses.


An easy way to prevent flippers from driving prices too high would be a notable 5% plat tax rounded up in addition to the usual credit cost. That would make player-player trade a little better of a deal for the trader and the recipient, but the traders would have to be competitive with market prices for their straw sales.

Edited by Deadoon
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