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Some Kind Of Auction House? [Megathread]


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thx for taking pretty unrepresentative sample for your statistic.


Tbh this is first time ive seen anyone mention matchmaking here so tbh idk what youre talking about here.

the samples i showed were 3 month and 6 month segments.

but i guess that's not a large enough sample size for you, right.


i only talked about it because someone else used it as a false leg to stand on to hold up their argument.

if you didn't see someone use it as an argument, then i guess i'm done, i'm not going to talk to people that don't read the words presented.


First you fear that an AH will make prices too low and De won't be able to make profit to keep the game up. Now we have people who fear that the prices will be too high

you can't present yourself as a very collected user that knows what they're talking about if you consistently insist on putting words in the mouths of others.

adding words that weren't said so you have an excuse to use capslock makes for a very boring discussion.



in such systems, they always systemically result in devaluation of all items unless they are Exclusive, which is negative for the reason of that whatever is the 'best' is worth the same almost nothing as everything else.

you can harp on about such systems working, but just like other nuts things like Illuminati, chanting it to be true more doesn't suddenly make it so.


Digital Extremes doesn't advertise or build Warfame to be a Stock Market Simulator, so i know that such a system won't be implemented, and i guess already knowing that, why am i here.

i don't like talking to brick walls so i probably shouldn't be in threads on this subject, so i can sidestep them.



and all i'd be interested in, is Digital Extremes Taxing Platinum to force it into a negative trend. only takes a few percent with a minimum value to enforce a negative trend on Platinum.




oh, i forgot to mention that the 'Open Squads' number on Nodes is updated twice a minute at best.

and once a session is Objective Completed or has 4 Players, is no longer tallied there, because it's not an Open Session anymore.

and i'll reiterate that most of the sessions going on in Warframe are set to Private.

Edited by taiiat
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None of your comments thus far have mentioned any online game that had its AH/Marketplace not work( unless you want to count Steam as an online game, rofl ). Go back and look over your coments, all you did was yell ''AH/Marketplace don't work'' from under your behind, without giving a single online videogame as an example... Need i say more?!

- - - - -

Davoodoo is absolutely right. Your gross speculations don't add up, if they did ill have to be waiting on draco 15+ minutes for the open party search function to get me in a pub party and ill have to be closing countless player tabs when hosting void missions. You know all too well that Draco, Void and Trial are the most attended content in the game. He is also right that the total number of accounts in the game is absolutely irrelevant, as some people simply try out and quit. There are surely alot of ppl that tried this game out, but that is next to meaningless, what matters is how many people play on a regular basis.







Absolutely! AH/Marketplace is all about control, absolute! Those who controll the AH also control EVERYTHING that happens inside of it, which includes: Items, buyers and sellers. De can limit all 3 in every way possible! The possibilities are endless... De will never handicap themselves nor the playerbase! I know they are somewhat greedy, but i also know that these same people put an 75% off of plat aswell, never forget that!



Even if that is to go down, which i doubt, you are forgetting that its 2 sides of the same coin! If you are buying a full trin prime set for 1k plat, you will most definately be selling it for the same value aswell. If De are not fair on the sell=buy they will suffer the aftermath i can guarantee you!



You are preaching that De will NEVER handicap themselves and then you twist your neck and say that they will... Impressive ''I support AH'' fallacy!


I like you lets be friends. Not many people are as entertaining to read as you are.


BTW wrote that post in 2 minutes (fingers are speedy gonzaliz)



Anyway I like the trade system because of bartering. It forces you to actually think instead of having a simple buy now button. It gives you much more control over the outcome.


Newbies can convinced vets to sell their rare mods for stupidly low prices. Vets can rip off newbies. Vets can outsmart other vets making a profit. You can target the prices to fit the economy effectively making every purchase a profit.


The system is kinda stupid, but its so stupid that it works perfectly. Its so simple that its uncorruptable. AH are so complicative that they are almost impossible to be kept uncorrupted.





Because it takes to much of the social part of trade and the bartering part of it out. That part of trade is what makes it unique.

Edited by Feallike
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Nice strawman you got there.


1st you work under assumption that ah is bad without ever proving it is and base your reasoning around that.


2nd 30k ppl create supply regardless of what system is used for player trading.


3rd i made hypothesis based on PA making no profits while also pointing out it isnt true, you took it as truth.


4th you assume that ah will reduce profits(actually you just said that ah would generate 0 revenue) which makes me wonder why all these other games havent fired their ceo's who in your mind given up all that profit


So not only you havent put up any evidence for your theory but also ignored obvious examples which prove your theory is wrong yet again.

Again, you have a knack or arguing semantics without actually refuting the point.

1. Apply taiiat's calculation. 30k per day @ 1 mission each @ 5% drop rate = 1.5k supply. That's a lot of supply for demand to absorb. Which you totally ignored.

2. Did you forget everything that I said before? In a trading only environment, that 1.5k supply will not be in the market at the same time. People have irl obligations you know. In an AH, that 1.5k will always be in the market, and will only grow exponentially with time and with the lack of demand to absorb it.

3. Like I said, I am working with your assumptions

4. Let me repeat this again, because apparently, you just keep ignoring it. Those Auction Houses work because their economy, from item generation (production) to player purchase (consumption) was built with an AH in mind. Warframe's economy, was not.

Those systems have any of the following (of the top of my head):

1. In-game currency usage - enabling monetary balance through in game currency sinks.

2. Horrendous drop rate - to balance supply and demand.

3. Extremely high in-game currency to premium currency exchange rate - again, to maintain

4. Item limitations - what can be place up for auction is typically limited to low-mid tier items.

Actually wfmarket is skeleton of ah, if it had added functionallity it would become ah, atm its third party trying to cut out trade chat, ofc its not fully functional ah, thx for pointing out the obvious.

Let me get this straight? You are disproving yourself? 'Coz you cited the "it already exists so it must work" argument.

So, now your saying it's not the same thing? 'Coz I was saying that wfmarket and an AH is not the same thing.

Well, if you agree with me, thanks.

So there, a skeleton of a thing is not the same as the thing (mostly because wftrading does not have the main problem with an AH - offline trading)


2.Rift dunno havent played that much of it.

Eve got plex which can be bought for real money and is being sold in game for in game currency, pretty much like platinum(which is also ingame currency with attached real money arbitrary value).

WoW got tokens which is same system.

Wildstar also had credd which is same system.

Eve - totally ignored the insane levels of grind to balance supply and demand. WF grind is way easy compared to other MMOs

WOW- did you read the limitations on tokens?

Wildstar - same as Wow


Steam and d3 auction house are very different as they offered prices in $ thus are affected by both real world economy and ingame economy.

We discussed steam and still only you and taiiat claim its disaster, despite me clearly showing that current trading chat already got prices set up in same way, trading chat however is beautiful and theres nothing wrong with it. Biased opinion is biased.


Plat, being a real word currency equivalent, is also affected by the world economy. Duh.

We established that only items of 0% or near 0% drop rate have any value in the Steam marketplace. Or have you forgotten? 

Trading chat has information asymmetry. Steam market is perfectly competitive (or close to). Prices can never be the same under those two environments.

D3 ah was disaster because it drove ppl away from the game, as ppl wanted new revolution in action rpg genre(basicaly next diablo) and not f2p economy for 60$, blizzard thought they can make S#&$ty product and get extra $$$ out of it, community rebeled and blizzard finally gave up and made reaper of souls which brought game back to its roots and brought many ppl back.

Idea of ah wasnt disaster, its usage for diablo 3 was.

You repeat internet articles with clickbait titles without even trying to understand what was the problem in first place.

You're accusing me of only accepting evidence that supports my argument, then you say this^





->Download link below, dont download unless you accept possible consequences<-



Above sources show how similiar wow ah is to real world economy and last link provides some interesting finds about prices.

So if ah are failure that must clearly mean that real life economy is outright bad.


Oh cool. Let's just post links without reading them!

Let's dissect the first one (joshkaufman):

1. Value Chain - does not exist in WF. Every tenno can bring an item straight from the starchart to the trade chat. 

2. Product Pricing - replacement costs are 0 in WF (because items don't need replacing). Items don't generate an alternative cash flow from anything other than selling them.

3. Supply and Demand - items are generated (supply) way more than they are consumed (demand)

4. Price vs Value - the only value drops have in WF is in the difficulty of obtaining them, which includes the difficulty of finding a seller.

5. Wholesale - there are no regions in WF

6. Arbitrage - meh, same in both cases.

7. Marketing and sales - 1. Creating urgency just fuels the price drop scenario because 2. items are not rare.

8. Seasonality - the dreaded prime vault. meh, N/A in any case

9. Frictional Cost - when you're competing with many sellers for every buyer, you'll price it as low as possible to increase your chances of recouping your frictional costs - price drop scenario

10 Specialization - N/A in WF

11. Goals - N/A (just author fluff)



Congratulations on posting irrelevant articles.

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the samples i showed were 3 month and 6 month segments.

but i guess that's not a large enough sample size for you, right.


Ohh boy... Look, if you don't respect me at all, please don't try to copy my way of speaking, ok? And honestly, you are not doing a good job at that either...



i only talked about it because someone else used it as a false leg to stand on to hold up their argument.

if you didn't see someone use it as an argument, then i guess i'm done, i'm not going to talk to people that don't read the words presented.


Please, don't be rude. I have a name (its a silly one but its still there!). Im not argueing about anything related to the population of this game, since that is not what i came here for. First i made a speculation, after that i said that your claim if true won't add up with what is happening ingame, and then i said that the total ammount of player accounts is irrelevant, which is true! Where is the argument? What did i argue about? Enlighten us all, please! Clearly you lack common sense if you think my comments regarding the population of AH are anything simillar to an argument...



you can't present yourself as a very collected user that knows what they're talking about if you consistently insist on putting words in the mouths of others.

adding words that weren't said so you have an excuse to use capslock makes for a very boring discussion.


You are the one who cannot present themselves as a collected user, seeing as how you took those words out of context. Why did you not quote my whole statement?! I put "Oh, you people amaze me... You really do!'' there for a reason, to underline that im speaking about everybody with my next inputs. I do not put words in your mouth, you just lack common sense and cannot understand when i am talking to specifically you, or to all others that fall under the criteria. Im not using the capslock, if you don't mind, im using shift specifically and tactically. Its not illegal, so if you have a problem with that, its your problem, and you have to deal with it!



in such systems, they always systemically result in devaluation of all items unless they are Exclusive, which is negative for the reason of that whatever is the 'best' is worth the same almost nothing as everything else.

you can harp on about such systems working, but just like other nuts things like Illuminati, chanting it to be true more doesn't suddenly make it so.


Im still waiting for you to give me examples of videogame AHs/ Marketplaces that don't work. You fail to do so. Should i draw the line and just call your loss of this argument? Seeing as how you are avoiding to answer simple questions to very bold claims...



Digital Extremes doesn't advertise or build Warfame to be a Stock Market Simulator, so i know that such a system won't be implemented, and i guess already knowing that, why am i here.


Oh i see, so you are here, simply to diss! Since De said they don't intend to put an AH/ Marketplace, you came here and started doomtalking left and right, repeatedly, without any kind of examples, whatsoever! Congradulations on that! De are still only people, we all can make a wrong(bad) assumption about certain things, however that does not mean we have to close our minds to it, as if our opinions are a constant, all is subjective to change...



i don't like talking to brick walls so i probably shouldn't be in threads on this subject, so i can sidestep them.


oh, i forgot to mention that the 'Open Squads' number on Nodes is updated twice a minute at best.

and once a session is Objective Completed or has 4 Players, is no longer tallied there, because it's not an Open Session anymore.

and i'll reiterate that most of the sessions going on in Warframe are set to Private.


Its a good idea to step down now... You bring nothing of worth to the table, only smalltalk and lies that you probably don't belive for yourself. Im not going to bother mentioning your lack of CS any further, since at this point you will prolly take it as an offense, smh...

As for your ''Edit'', thank you for stating the obvious, as if i dont already know...


I like you lets be friends. Not many people are as entertaining to read as you are.


BTW wrote that post in 2 minutes (fingers are speedy gonzaliz)



Anyway I like the trade system because of bartering. It forces you to actually think instead of having a simple buy now button. It gives you much more control over the outcome.


Newbies can convinced vets to sell their rare mods for stupidly low prices. Vets can rip off newbies. Vets can outsmart other vets making a profit. You can target the prices to fit the economy effectively making every purchase a profit.


The system is kinda stupid, but its so stupid that it works perfectly. Its so simple that its uncorruptable. AH are so complicative that they are almost impossible to be kept uncorrupted.





Because it takes to much of the social part of trade and the bartering part of it out. That part of trade is what makes it unique.


Sure, as long as you dont try to rip me off O.o

The current system has nothing to do with control, its all about rip off and basically scaming coupled with manipulation. If you think scaming is not accurate for a player that knows an items price, yet manipulates new unexperianced players with higher or lower than common prices, then chances are that, you are one of those people aswell. If you are influenced to make a bad decision(regardless if its not seen as such in the victim's eyes) you are getting scammed...

The system is full of scammers, and just on that perspective alone, De need to introduce an AH/Marketplace ASAP!

As far as bertering goes, you do realise, nobody mentioned anything about removing the trade chat right?! After the AH/Marketplace is added, the trade chad will no longer be littered with wts and wtb posts and Mostly only WTT posts. Saying the trade chat is unique makes me want to slap yo face boy...

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Again, you have a knack or arguing semantics without actually refuting the point.

1. Apply taiiat's calculation. 30k per day @ 1 mission each @ 5% drop rate = 1.5k supply. That's a lot of supply for demand to absorb. Which you totally ignored.

2. Did you forget everything that I said before? In a trading only environment, that 1.5k supply will not be in the market at the same time. People have irl obligations you know. In an AH, that 1.5k will always be in the market, and will only grow exponentially with time and with the lack of demand to absorb it.

3. Like I said, I am working with your assumptions

4. Let me repeat this again, because apparently, you just keep ignoring it. Those Auction Houses work because their economy, from item generation (production) to player purchase (consumption) was built with an AH in mind. Warframe's economy, was not.

Those systems have any of the following (of the top of my head):

1. In-game currency usage - enabling monetary balance through in game currency sinks.

2. Horrendous drop rate - to balance supply and demand.

3. Extremely high in-game currency to premium currency exchange rate - again, to maintain

4. Item limitations - what can be place up for auction is typically limited to low-mid tier items.

Let me get this straight? You are disproving yourself? 'Coz you cited the "it already exists so it must work" argument.

So, now your saying it's not the same thing? 'Coz I was saying that wfmarket and an AH is not the same thing.

Well, if you agree with me, thanks.

So there, a skeleton of a thing is not the same as the thing (mostly because wftrading does not have the main problem with an AH - offline trading)


Eve - totally ignored the insane levels of grind to balance supply and demand. WF grind is way easy compared to other MMOs

WOW- did you read the limitations on tokens?

Wildstar - same as Wow


Plat, being a real word currency equivalent, is also affected by the world economy. Duh.

We established that only items of 0% or near 0% drop rate have any value in the Steam marketplace. Or have you forgotten? 

Trading chat has information asymmetry. Steam market is perfectly competitive (or close to). Prices can never be the same under those two environments.

You're accusing me of only accepting evidence that supports my argument, then you say this^


Oh cool. Let's just post links without reading them!

Let's dissect the first one (joshkaufman):

1. Value Chain - does not exist in WF. Every tenno can bring an item straight from the starchart to the trade chat. 

2. Product Pricing - replacement costs are 0 in WF (because items don't need replacing). Items don't generate an alternative cash flow from anything other than selling them.

3. Supply and Demand - items are generated (supply) way more than they are consumed (demand)

4. Price vs Value - the only value drops have in WF is in the difficulty of obtaining them, which includes the difficulty of finding a seller.

5. Wholesale - there are no regions in WF

6. Arbitrage - meh, same in both cases.

7. Marketing and sales - 1. Creating urgency just fuels the price drop scenario because 2. items are not rare.

8. Seasonality - the dreaded prime vault. meh, N/A in any case

9. Frictional Cost - when you're competing with many sellers for every buyer, you'll price it as low as possible to increase your chances of recouping your frictional costs - price drop scenario

10 Specialization - N/A in WF

11. Goals - N/A (just author fluff)



Congratulations on posting irrelevant articles.

I didnt need to refute your point as you havent got anything backing it up except for a assumptions which you havent proven.


Show some proof first.


Ill also tell you, that 1.5k supply is quickly gonna be absorbed even ignoring obvious demand, how?? if price drops too low then it will be worth purchasing as ducat fodder which then will changed into primed mods, prisma weapons or exclusive stances which will have their price appropriately high, because they are set up by de and ppl want to turn some profit off it while price is also affected by lack of constant supply on those. What i base that upon?? trading chat and prices development, what you based your assumption upon?? belief that ah will bring more supply without any demand increase

Sure that will eventually shrivel too but mods are so easy to make that de could easily prime stuff for dozens of years without any bigger problem.


Ah is streamlining trading process, if ah would fail because game wasnt designed for it then trading would also fail for same reason. We already have economy set up around players being able to exchange goods and currency.



If you still dont know how it works then look at https://warframe.market/ cause it is indeed how auction house works, 1 tab for sell orders 2nd tab for buy orders both equally passive.

This is what i said, i havent said this is ah, i said thats how it works, come back when you can tell the difference.

As even if you take it out of context just like i did with this quote still shows my point.




Eve- insane grind you say?? my corp leader had 20 alts running on plex while doing nothing but afk mining, money for plex could be earned in 1-2 days running missions in properly fitted BS. Money in eve quickly became nonexisting problem and what really mattered were skills, those things with timers attached and you basically afked after a certain time because you needed only to wait for next lvlup.

WOW- i did, blizzard decides how much money it brings you, basically saying that x amount of money will bring you y amount of ingame currency. Pretty much like 75plat costing 5$.


Plat price arent affected by real world economy, despite dollar fluctuating in value price of plat is constant

75p always costs 5$, regardless of how much dollar is actually worth.


We also have established why items with 5% droprate have such low price or have you forgotten?? No one is gonna sell it for more than official store charges. csgo have no official store and prices there are overall higher, i sold few skins for decent amount of money and i never got anything incredibly rare.

Skins will also always generate lower demand as theyre optional and based on personal subjective taste, items with stats however can be valued objectively thus creating higher demand overall. And yeah most of those 0.03$ skins in dota2 look ugly to me, while most of arcanes i find generally more appealing.

Then you also forget that prices drop rapidly in warframe too and youre not the one to decide how much ppl are willing to pay for stuff on free market. 

As for 0% drop chances, i dont need to look further than frost which goes for 25$, steam market functions exactly like trading chat, but on larger scale while being more streamlined.


First you would need to prove anything for me to accusse you of gathering any evidence, heres what i meant about diablo 3.


"Fans felt cheated by the Auction House, and for good reason--it took the focus away from the actual act of attaining loot, something Blizzard explicitly stated in its capitulation."


"The convenience of amassing a fortune in gold from bartering items dimmed the game's primary motivation of experiencing its story and killing Diablo, Wilson explained."

Even @(*()$ game designer explained that ah worked perfectly, but its inclusion was mistake as it was better to play at ah than to play the game.

Wf will have no such problem as ppl are happy that they can spend 20p on exilus slot instead of spending 2 forma and god knows how much time to farm for rep. Whole monetization model is based upon skipping gameplay in wf.



1. Value chain?? you assume that grinding for parts is not part of work. "primary character who goes out into the world and collects items" how is that different from your tenno going into starchart to farm keys then going into void to farm parts?? it isnt ofc.

2. There are no replacement costs in wow, item repairs are handled by npc's and repair costs are symbolic at best, items also break only if you die. Replacement of items happens only when you change items you use just like in WF, items never degrade in either of these games. Tbh only EVE have an actual replacement system but except ammo you only replace stuff as punishment for failure.

3. Which is true for wow, when prices drop too low someone always buys them up and resells for higher price usually turning nice profit off it, also when price turns too low ppl are less likely to farm for specific item thus cutting supply.

4. Which is also true for wow, sub-1% world drops go for tens of thousands of gold while mere ore which map is littered with goes for dozens of gold per stack.

5. Does wholesale doesnt exist?? It does, I see ppl buying keys or junk parts and then turning those into items which are more expensive, i see ppl buying parts cheaply to sell sets for higher price.

7. Privelege of having both trading and ah, something that wf doesnt have by design, introduce ah and it will become a thing. I already have few ppl which have access to right sided syndicate mods and are likely to offer good prices for it. Also with "enchants glow" i need to remind you that primes for a long time had no meaningful stat boosts yet ppl still bought them.

9. Frictional costs in wow are percantage based upon price listed, wf on the other hand have none of that and tbh it couldnt ever work since plat values are pretty small(you cant take percantage of 1p) and players wouldnt want to gamble with currency available only for real money, not that its required for ah to ever work.


Wf is not holy grail of gaming, 1 game which did everything different than others, every mechanic was already done at least once before and can be traced back, with trading this can indeed be traced even further than wow yet wow ah functions exactly like trading. Wow borrowed idea of baazar from everquest and streamlined it into ah thus saving players time. Baazar was borrowed from korean mmos which steamlined process of trading by setting your own player run vendor and god if know who started whole idea of trading between players. Also rift further streamlined ah by adding buy orders and tbh weve got nothing better up to date.


So pls could you stop pretending like streamlining process is gonna ruin economy?? There are plenty of examples in history and gaming history which prove otherwise.

Edited by Davoodoo
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^ this



and as everyone seems to ignore, sheldon already said there wont be an auction house, just improvement to trading in general.

yeah and DE already said this is the year of QUALITY *facepalm*

Can we get an auction house?

*12hrs later*

Can we get an auction house?

*12hrs later*

Can we get an auction house?

*12hrs later*

Can we get an auction house?

*12hrs later*

Can we get an auction house?

*12hrs later*

Can we get an auction house?

*12hrs later*

Can we get an auction house?

*12hrs later*

and your post is worse than every auction house thread ever created.

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yeah and DE already said this is the year of QUALITY *facepalm*

and your post is worse than every auction house thread ever created.

Do I care?

And I didn't even say if these threads were bad or not

Just stating the fact :^)

Edited by Acidulant
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Monkey's paw principle.


DE caves, adds in an AH

That uses Ducats as currency, no plat.

Barok quintuples his prices, nobody makes easy plat, DE's cash sales are still valuabe, plat is still tradable.  Grinding increases 1000%.  Trade chat worsens, flooded with people thinking they'll make quick plat buying at the AH and reselling there - but no one will buy AH junk for plat, so their too long advertisements never accomplish anything and simply continue to flood there.

Edited by Phatose
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Why did you not quote my whole statement?! I put "Oh, you people amaze me... You really do!'' there for a reason, to underline that im speaking about everybody with my next inputs.

when you're quoting a single person, you're talking directly to them and speaking about whatever is contained in the quote. that's what quotes are for.

'you people' is then a derogatory term because you've established you're talking to a single person, but then address them in the third person.


- - - - - 


and unfortunately the rest of the post addressed to me was repeating the same bickering that had already been answered before it was asked.

not interested in bickering.

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when you're quoting a single person, you're talking directly to them and speaking about whatever is contained in the quote. that's what quotes are for.

'you people' is then a derogatory term because you've established you're talking to a single person, but then address them in the third person.


You did not add part of my quote line and thus tried to make it seem like i put words in your mouth, basically, making, me, a bad guy, because you could not figure out that i was reffering to everybody. Now you think i did not answer your quote, simply because i also reffered to other people aswell...

Im not going to add quotes of everybody that said that, AHs will make prices plummit, right above/ in your own quote. You are not as entitled as you seem to imagine.

I did talk about what is contained in the quote, but you lack common sense to nitice, and to see, that just because im quoting you, does not mean im going to talk only and specifically about what i quoted. With your flawed logic, you failed to debunk a strawman, that you yourself created...


and unfortunately the rest of the post addressed to me was repeating the same bickering that had already been answered before it was asked.

not interested in bickering.


You sir answered nothing! Let me refresh your memory...

You waltzed in here from outta nowhere and started to repeatedlly conjure up lies and doomtalk from your bumhole, left and right... Not only that, but without any glimpse of evidence of any kind! No examples, no nothing... As you yourself said, you are here simply because, De stated, that they do not intend to add an AH/Marketplace! So far the only thing you did, was to litter this whole thread with your gibberish doomsaying...

You know what they say: ''If people know you lack logic(replaced with another word, cause you'll get offended), dont open your mouth to proove them right!''


So far you displayed: doomtalk, smalltalk, lies, gibberish, lack of common sense(on several occasions, smh), and you even failed to prove wrong your own strawman, there are even more that im sure i missed, but these stand out the most.

The worst part however, is that, all your comments are riddled if not filled, with all of the above... Players lose braincells every time they read one of your comments!

And its all my fault... I should have known better, to not demand things from De... If i asked them nicely instead, maybe they would have actually arrested you, and spared us all, your toxic influence...

In all seriousness, don't post anymore, you are making a fool(pardon language) of yourself! Its in your best interest to stop further commenting as a whole...


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Just a few thinks.


Any new player looking at Trade for the first time is has no idea whats going on creating a negative experience which could lead to 

them simply not playing anymore ( Can't figure out hot to buy or sell)


An AH is natural progression and all AAA titles have one, the trade channel is what they were doing in games 10 years ago.


It's going to happen, it's just a matter of when.


You mean like how DIablo had one and it almost killed the game where the devs had to remove the whole thing - yeah ? That sort of AAA title you are speaking about right ?

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It depends on how DE actually regulates it, free reign on prices is a bad idea, however to much limits and no one wins, I say have a system of instead of trading in educates you trade in x number of ____ prime parts, and you get ____ plat, only problem is plat has to be low to not screw over DE profits or our current market

Another thing they could do is make a trading console in the ship, make it so you can put in the item your looking for, and it tells you who is selling that item, then you pm them

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You mean like how DIablo had one and it almost killed the game where the devs had to remove the whole thing - yeah ? That sort of AAA title you are speaking about right ?

do you really compare Diablo with Warframe


i am out *facepalm*


Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.

Albert Einstein.

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do you really compare Diablo with Warframe


i am out *facepalm*


Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.

Albert Einstein.


This post...


this isn´t even irony anymore - it is more of a tragedy in how selfconfident you can drop this quote while missing the context of the post you answered to.

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Oh, so scamming newcomers and those with little understanding of the item's value is an okay thing to do? Right, please, pardon me if my moral sense keeps me from being "skilled" at using a silver tongue to con others.



Nope,you don`t have to be immoral nor a scammer to make decent plat .


This is where the Trading Skills come in play (yes,they do exist you know).


Market economy does not rely on moral ethics.


If you are morally oversensitive to trading you shouldn`t trade at all .




We already  have 3 different ways for you to trade,how many more do you need?


1. Warframe Online  Trading chat


2. Warframe            Trading Forum       https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/forum/180-trading-post/


3. Warframe            Marketplace            https://warframe.market/




I am sure that DE has more important stuff to worry about...

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You mean like how DIablo had one and it almost killed the game where the devs had to remove the whole thing - yeah ? That sort of AAA title you are speaking about right ?

Diablo has a near infinite number of item combinations and the progression in the grame was destroyed by basically stating to players that it was practically impossible to get any decent gear, so you should pay real money to get the gear from other players. 


Also you could get PAID real money for it by cashing out, that is what destroyed it.


One guy made over 130k usd from the thing. It had 2 glaring flaws:

1) the items had the ability to be traded for two currencies, 1 which was real money, the other was ingame currency.


2) Items bought from the ingame currency market could be sold on the real currency market. And since the real currency could be traded for ingame currency directly, one could buy from both markets with real money.


The system was VERY broken. Warframe alleviates the problem it caused by implementing a real currency only trading.



If you are morally oversensitive to trading you shouldn`t trade at all .


So basically no morally righteous person should trade, got it.

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Nope,you don`t have to be immoral nor a scammer to make decent plat .


This is where the Trading Skills come in play (yes,they do exist you know).

Then how come you fail to mention what said Trading skills are? Saying they exist yet not bothering to say what they are... try again, please.


Market economy does not rely on moral ethics.


If you are morally oversensitive to trading you shouldn`t trade at all .

You'd make a fine Corpus merchant, ya know that, right? As the saying goes, "Profit numbs the feeling". So knowing that you're ripping someone off is perfectly fine, so long as you keep quiet about it and the other person remains oblivious to it. Okay.


We already  have 3 different ways for you to trade,how many more do you need?


1. Warframe Online  Trading chat


2. Warframe            Trading Forum       https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/forum/180-trading-post/


3. Warframe            Marketplace            https://warframe.market/




I am sure that DE has more important stuff to worry about...


1. Trading chat is a freaking mess, how many more times do we need to tell you? Do I have to draw you a picture so you can understand the state of chaos it's currently in?


2. This is what the Trade forum looks like:



I made a thread there, some time ago. Still no response, ingame or otherwise.


3. The Marketplace is as reliable as WfTrading, which is to say, little.

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do you really compare Diablo with Warframe


i am out *facepalm*


Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.

Albert Einstein.


A guy said how AH is blessing in every AAA game ever - gave perfect example to counter that.

So maybe drill a hole in your thick skull and maybe focus on what im saying instead of what you think im saying. I did not compare game to game. I didnt say Diablo is just like Warframe whit ninjas in fantazy universe. Get that dildo out of your arse and chill.



Then how come you fail to mention what said Trading skills are? Saying they exist yet not bothering to say what they are... try again, please.



You'd make a fine Corpus merchant, ya know that, right? As the saying goes, "Profit numbs the feeling". So knowing that you're ripping someone off is perfectly fine, so long as you keep quiet about it and the other person remains oblivious to it. Okay.



1. Trading chat is a freaking mess, how many more times do we need to tell you? Do I have to draw you a picture so you can understand the state of chaos it's currently in?


2. This is what the Trade forum looks like:



I made a thread there, some time ago. Still no response, ingame or otherwise.


3. The Marketplace is as reliable as WfTrading, which is to say, little.


Looks like you are the one in dire need of a picture.

Lets start drawing.


1. Trading skills is:

 Knowing the max price and the min price an item is commonly sold. For every mod, prime part and exotic items like arcane helmets and one time drop items.

 Knowing how the prices will move a week down the road.

 Been able to bargain. Sometimes just trowing plat at the market is not enoght to make you proffit. Answering the "WTT" and making a good deal is prime example of how to make a good profit. Slower but its there.

 Knowing when to got for "fast" sell and when to go for "slow" sell.

 Been prepared to take a hit to the plat when you screw up instead of going on the forums to cry about it.

 Using Trade chat - for you its a mess of "wts 150 chars text" for me its perfect way to get what i want and make a profit on top of it.

 Been good at undurstanding when you will be able to strike a deal whit someone and when its waist of time. That guy that is selling 150 things may sound like interesting choice but when you notice he is trying to sell Arcane Vanguard helmet for 1500 plat - you can just not bother couse all his wares will be overprices to high hell.

 Answering all the "WTB 20plat" and making a bargain - you are gona be happy for getting good items cheap - the seller will be happy for getting 20plat for his patato.


 Should i go on ?


2. Corpus merchant. So im supposed to be bloody mother Teresa ? Maybe you will ask me to also bring mr 1, lvl 1 frame to nightmare raid next ? Didnt we already established that finding the "common" price for an items is as easy as writing "Whats the pricce of "item name" - Warframe" in google ? Oh sorry is that inconvinient ? How about we force every trader to sign an agreement to return the plat if the buyer feel cheated ( from the look of it you are one of them "i buyed Tempo Royal for 1000 plat and now i wona cry").


3. Trading chat. Your problem. A simple wts and wtb tab to the trade chat will fix it. Tho looking at what you want - you wont be happy till DE introduce a special merchant who buy stuff for plat. 

 Can you be any more entitled ? I mean c'mon.


4. Very nice picture of the trade forum. Yet just like the trade chat you have missed the point. 

The point is - you go on trade forums, find what you like and pm via the forums or via the game to the trader. THis way you dont attract attention to what you are buying and lower the risk of someone overbiding you. Again - lack of ability is what make it looks like a mess. 


Also i really like the part how you cry about your topic not getting attention ( and thats probably the reason for all the crying ). Have you maybe considered your offer was trash ? THat your items were not desiered ? That your prices were to high ? That you maybe made the topic in the middle of the night ? That maybe players prefer the trade chat ingame as an instant tool to get what they want instead of waitng for someone to come back online ? Maybe any of this ? 


So in the end can the trade forum be improved ? Sure.

Is it a usless mess ? Hell no.


5. Havent used the Market place itself as an selling tool but i have used it as a price checker. It works fine.

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@ Razorhip


1.Live Trading is supposed to be chaotic cause it is ``LIVE TRADING``.

   Have you ever seen The Wallstreet Stock Exchange??

   This method works but it takes discipline,focus and determination.


2.Your point is invalid .

  Those posts aren`t even a day old.

   A wide variety of factors comes into play for a succesfull trade that can take time using this method.

  Patience is key.


3.I haven`t used this method yet,but it is there for you to try out.



4.You should stop trading overall .

  Cause It`s obvious that you are too oversensitive and lack  the patience,discipline and determination for all 3 existing methods    



Conclusion: We don`t need an auction house (we already have 3 different ways to trade )





I am sure that DE has more important stuff to work on at the moment.

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Conclusion: We don`t need an auction house (we already have 3 different ways to trade )



We have a single method of trading, just 3 ways to facilitate it.


1 of which is clunky rapid flowing and ends up with pm spam.

1 which is third party and unsupported.

1 of which is derelict forum which over the course of 4 hours a mere 30 threads which is auto sorted by newest post, yet still has like a 10% catch rate with clickbait titles.


Basically, you need to go to a forum that is extremely out of the way and is in no way capable of dealing with extreme volumes of buy and sell orders, an unofficial webpage which is not associated at all and shouldn't even be part of the discussion, or a trade channel that moves at mach 10.


In what way is any of this a good thing for the end user or protect them from scammers?

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We have a single method of trading, just 3 ways to facilitate it.


1 of which is clunky rapid flowing and ends up with pm spam.

1 which is third party and unsupported.

1 of which is derelict forum which over the course of 4 hours a mere 30 threads which is auto sorted by newest post, yet still has like a 10% catch rate with clickbait titles.


Basically, you need to go to a forum that is extremely out of the way and is in no way capable of dealing with extreme volumes of buy and sell orders, an unofficial webpage which is not associated at all and shouldn't even be part of the discussion, or a trade channel that moves at mach 10.


In what way is any of this a good thing for the end user or protect them from scammers?


Everything you pointed out have been explained so i will not do it once more.


But would you kindly define them "scammers" in trade chat ? He stole your plat giving you no parts ? He stole your plat by switching his selected item at the end ? He sold you tempo royale one day before the voide trader for 1000 plat and now it hurts ?

Be a kind soul mate and share your defenition of trade chat scammers.


P.S. You also know that you can scroll the trade chat right ? Like you notice something and you scroll back a bit to read it in your own "mach 0.5" speed ? 

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