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De It's Time For Primed Streamline. The Mod We All Want.


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As long as you still need 2 mods to hit the effficiency cap I'm all for it.

I imagine it could be 5% base and five per rank for 55% efficiency at max.

I was thinking 60 %. 55 works too. All I see as counter arguments at the moment are crazy tin foil the game will imploded conspiracy theorists. When that is far from true. Edited by tripletriple
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Yeah - lets bring out a mod that no one really needs - so that the game returns to the OP spam-fest they're obviously quite intent on finally nipping in the butt ... cuz logic!


Move with the times people. 


wut. Saryn is a energy hog who happens to heavily rely on duration too. The introduction of Primed Streamline will not make anything more spam-able or 'OP'. The efficiency cap will still be 75% and DE is highly unlikely to make primed streamline capable of taking you to that point by itself.

This is all without factoring in the existence of Blind Rage.

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The mod we all want, but the mod we don't deserve.


Lets face it, it would be game-breaking.


Game breaking ? Oo as said before it won't change the 75 % efficiency cap anyway so .... :/ (still i agree to the fact that it will free a mod slot but i won't qualify that as game breaking)

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Argument #1 fails because hitting the cap isn't the problem. Anyone can hit the cap. But you can't hit the cap for free, which is exactly what Primed Streamline would do. Not only do we get more spam, you get more and better spam, since there is no negative. Another slot will not increase build diversity. Mod diversity has little to do with the slots. This would just lead to more minmaxing, and more spam, since you don't have to balance your negatives anymore.

Argument #2 fails because it simply isn't true. Take whatever mod you'd like, and then add the phrase "or 60% more efficiency". It's pretty hard to compete with efficiency. You have enough slots to boost whatever ability you like, and then make it cost 60% less. Give me a legitimate reason why I wouldn't add Primed Streamline to a build. Any reason. If you include both redirection and Vitality, it would balance out all the strength mods and leave room to balance out your duration or add even MORE efficiency for more net duration anyway. Same result with range or duration builds. There is literally no reason NOT to have it on.

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Game breaking ? Oo as said before it won't change the 75 % efficiency cap anyway so .... :/ (still i agree to the fact that it will free a mod slot but i won't qualify that as game breaking)


No, i mean it has no downsides, and you get a free slot on some builds. It is quite op.

Argument #1 fails because hitting the cap isn't the problem. Anyone can hit the cap. But you can't hit the cap for free, which is exactly what Primed Streamline would do. Not only do we get more spam, you get more and better spam, since there is no negative. Another slot will not increase build diversity. Mod diversity has little to do with the slots. This would just lead to more minmaxing, and more spam, since you don't have to balance your negatives anymore.

Argument #2 fails because it simply isn't true. Take whatever mod you'd like, and then add the phrase "or 60% more efficiency". It's pretty hard to compete with efficiency. You have enough slots to boost whatever ability you like, and then make it cost 60% less. Give me a legitimate reason why I wouldn't add Primed Streamline to a build. Any reason. If you include both redirection and Vitality, it would balance out all the strength mods and leave room to balance out your duration or add even MORE efficiency for more net duration anyway. Same result with range or duration builds. There is literally no reason NOT to have it on.


This. It would become a staple mod.

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Aside from what TheBrskr about why the OP's arguments fail, which I completely agree with it, Primed Streamline isn't really the mod I want.  I would much rather have a Primed Stretch before a Primed Streamline.  However, before they were to release a Primed Stretch, I would really like the opportunity to get a Primed Flow and Continuity.  The last time those mods were available were well before I even started playing the game, but are more or less necessary for certain builds.  Even if they're not "essential" they certainly greatly enhance the effectiveness of those builds.  Much the same way a Primed Streamline would do.

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If the mod maxed out gave say 55% it wouldn't break anything. You'd still have to equip two mods for max efficiency. It would just dampen the duration reduction of fleeting by a rank or two on some builds and free up a mod slot on others. I don't see that as a bad thing when energy restores exist anyway.

People act like oh no with 25% more efficiency the world will be over...

But I say maybe not. Perhaps the spammers get less spammy using primed streamline to sacrifice fleeting meaning higher ability cost than before to add in something like strength range or duration.

Unless you can point out a build and how that build using primed streamline would break the game then I'll stand in favor of it.

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Or instead of bringing another powercreep/mandatory mod that everyone will use, how about we just get new a set of corrupted mods that work well with frames that require both duration and power ? So we don't have to waste several slots negating each negative for things we don't actually need.

You! This!

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I'm not a big fan of bandaid fixes so I can't fully endorse this, DE needs to actually adjust energy values for frames and how they interact with stats better, not just add a new mod to cover up their screw ups. (assuming this is partially about all the recent changes that have made efficiency with certain frames extremely constricted)


it would also be nice if de introduced a wider variety of corrupted mods that appeals to a wider variety of builds, instead of y'know, even furthering the power creep in this game. 

Edited by Cubewano
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