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Civilian Life In Warframe?


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I was thinking what would Civilian life be like in Warframe?.  We only ever see military life. The Relays are about as close as we get to seeing it. But those are just really Military(tenno) installation with civilians working on it. 


I was wondering what would life be like under the control of the different factions. We can't fully judge any of the factions based only on what we see  since the military life that we always see. Since civilian life can  be completely different. 


What do you think life life would be like in the Warframe universe who would you like to live under?

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Grineer civilians probably don't exist; military service is mandatory, at least for females


Corpus civilians are either perpetually trapped in a Ponzi scheme and are effectively debt slaves to the Corpus, or are just regular good ol' fashioned slaves to the Corpus


The other colonies are probably paying a lot of protection money to Steel Merid in exchange for not getting murdered by New Loka or Red Veil


The future sucks

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Well from what i can tell, there is no civilian life under the Grineer, only inactive/reserve military and slaves.


I presume Corpus civilian life entails the kind of work/life balance you would expect to see in a chinese sweat-shop.


DE seem to sticking to the idea that the Orokin lived most of thier lives in a virtual space while thier slaves did all the physical legwork.


And Infested... basically a slave to the ever-ravenous hivemind and its desire for expansion.

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well, out of all the Syndicates, Steel Meridian are the ones who claim to protect the people, but you don't see any of them outside of their room in the Relays. the Syndicates appear to be like cultist movement; those who seek Natural beauty join New Loka, those who believe in a Purge join Red Veil, those who believe money can bring peace go for Perrin Sequence, and spiritual and knowledge-seeking types go for Arbiters and Suda.


the Grineer are considered an oppressive Empire, it's likely that the settlements on Phobos were once inhabited by colonists, but were then driven from their homes. Civilians likely hate the Grineer, but can't say it for fear of being executed.


the Corpus are also somewhat Tyrannical, they control the Systems economy and resource distribution. they can charge civilians whatever prices they want and there's nothing they can do about it, because no-one else has the Resources, only the Corpus.


and the Infested are basically Space Zombies that people don't want to get turned into. maybe some people believe that the Corpus, Tenno and Grineer should unite to wipe out the Infestation, rather than go to war with each other.


to be honest, I'd be most worried about the Grineer, and the Formorian Fleet nuking all the Relays. but I don't worry because we're all bada$$ space ninjas that can do something about it!

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Grineer civilians probably don't exist; military service is mandatory, at least for females


Corpus civilians are either perpetually trapped in a Ponzi scheme and are effectively debt slaves to the Corpus, or are just regular good ol' fashioned slaves to the Corpus


The other colonies are probably paying a lot of protection money to Steel Merid in exchange for not getting murdered by New Loka or Red Veil


The future sucks


Cordylon once pointed out that Grineer civilians do, in fact exist. Most likely they're the ones that are too genetically damaged and whatnot to be of combat use to the Grineer - such as the ones we see built into the machinery in Uranus.


I agree with the assessment of Corpus Civilians, though I do think the Indoctrination temples have something to do with them.


As for the Colonies themselves, if they're not able to be kept out of harms way by Steel Meridian and other Syndicates (well, with the likely exception of Suda and Hexis) they're likely under domination by the Grineer and Corpus, being used as slave labor. Hell, the Syndicates probably can't prevent those colonies from that in the first place, they're more likely resistance groups wandering around there.


The ONLY civilians I think are safe from that are the ones that Lotus chooses to help defend the relays, and that's IF a Balor doesn't show up.

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Grineer Civilians do exists, we just don't know anything about them. The military branch of the Grineer is a clone army, and I tend to think of their role in Grineer society is pretty similar to what a MOA is to the Corpus. Obviously there are members of the Grineer military who are above 'expendable grunt' level and it's apparently also possible for the cloning process to produce defects who aren't loyal to the queens and have higher brain function. I couldn't tell you why, but I like to guess that the original blueprint for the clone is sometimes created too perfectly, and perhaps not every Grineer who was used for the clone army was necessarily a willing participant. Given the way that cloning actually works with the Grineer, it's not hard to see why. 

My impression of the Corpus is that the ones pulling the strings in their society are definitely not the same ones we are often fighting aboard the ships. I see the human engineers as a sort of slave-wage class amongst the Corpus, responsible for maintaining Corpus Proxies and ships for their affluent masters. Corpus colonists are probably made up of similar people in non-combative roles (which is why we would feel sympathy and a need to protect them during events like the Gardivus Delimma). Corpus Colonists might not even consider themselves "corpus", but just slaves. 

That's my interpretations anyway, DE hasn't really fleshed out the "what" that we're protecting nearly as much as I'd like, which is unfortunate because most people playing the "Hero" want a good motivation for what they're doing. We're often told that what we're doing is important and good for the universe, but because the player only very rarely ever sees that what he's doing means anything it's really easy to dismiss it. Tenno often come off as mercenaries who are only out for treasure because of it. You rarely have a sense of purpose. 

Edited by Acos
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This makes me feel like we need game modes to help us interact with the subfactions

For example, hijack mission combined with mobile defense: escort civilian group or syndicate group from a to b.

Sabotage and mobile defense: protect target while they hack corpus computers or monkey wrench some grineer machinery.


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Grineer Civilians do exists, we just don't know anything about them. 

When you get lines like "all Grineer females are required to give military service" or whatever it was that Lotus said, we tend to get the impression that they sorta... don't... have civilians in the practical sense

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This makes me feel like we need game modes to help us interact with the subfactions

For example, hijack mission combined with mobile defense: escort civilian group or syndicate group from a to b.

Sabotage and mobile defense: protect target while they hack corpus computers or monkey wrench some grineer machinery.


While I like the idea of interacting with them~


I believe doing so would endanger their colony and lead them to be constantly attacked by the Grineer, just for interacting with Tenno, in an onslaught they will never see an end to~

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The other colonies are probably paying a lot of protection money to Steel Merid in exchange for not getting murdered by New Loka or Red Veil


Red Veil and Steel Meridian are allies. The Red Veil are like Batman or Rorschach, they are good but aren't afraid to get their hands dirty with questionable means. They only kill or torture the enemy - Grineer/Corpus empires.

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Red Veil and Steel Meridian are allies. The Red Veil are like Batman or Rorschach, they are good but aren't afraid to get their hands dirty with questionable means. They only kill or torture the enemy - Grineer/Corpus empires.

I am aware. I'm implying that Steel Merid runs a genuine PMC business when New Loka comes around, but turns into a mafia extortion racket when Red Veil are in town (they are, after all, a syndicate)

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I am aware. I'm implying that Steel Merid runs a genuine PMC business when New Loka comes around, but turns into a mafia extortion racket when Red Veil are in town (they are, after all, a syndicate)

The term syndicate does not exclusively apply to criminal enterprises, it's a catch all term for any group working towards a specific goal. And it's generally implied that all of the syndicates have the good of civilians at heart (even Suda in her own way).

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I would just be  interested to to know more about Civ life. 


I think allot of whats been said about both of the main factions are pretty spot on. I would honestly myself try to find a settlement without any affiliation to any syndicate or faction. Not that there is anything wrong living under control of the Lotus but i would  just prefer to not have to deal with the unstable war between everyone.

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The term syndicate does not exclusively apply to criminal enterprises, it's a catch all term for any group working towards a specific goal. And it's generally implied that all of the syndicates have the good of civilians at heart (even Suda in her own way).

I'd agree with you if it wasn't for two little facts:

A) Warframe is a pretty crap-sack world. The government is evil (Grineer), the corporations are evil (Corpus), zombies are everywhere, the Sentients are coming back, and the angels of death, the Tenno themselves, are just as likely to kill you by accident as they are to save you. The most benevolent entities self-identify as syndicates, which brings me to...

B) DE is operated out of North America. There is not a single person living on that continent who doesn't mentally insert the words "organized crime" before the word "syndicate" (when they hear it out of context, at least, because the word "syndication" has managed to avoid a similar stigma)

Edited by TARINunit9
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A regular Civilian would not want to be seen interacting with a Tenno.

The sentence is worse than death when their overlords hear about this.


Heck I am sure that if a Tenno landed onto some colony, the Corpus and Grineer will sweep through that area and do an inspection.

Not the ideal kind of life.

Edited by fatpig84
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