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[Super Spoiler] The Ultimate Reveal Admission


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It was so good. I didnt cry though but that was so emotional. 


Also, if warframes are just puppets, then what is stalker? Is he a tenno too? Or is he in his suit himself? I wonder...


And that guy talking to me while in a mission feels so damn wrong, just saying.

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I didn't find it emotional, but it did give me goosebumps in anticipation.

That said, was no one else a tad freaked out that we are technically looking at ourselves lookin at us?...not the first time I've done it in a game, but its still mind boggling to me.

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I was quite impressed with the whole thing. The moon reveal was absolutely perfect and I felt like Alad V was asking all the right questions I would have asked in the moment. I really cant wait to start going there regularly because I love that tile set.


The sentiant enemies also seemed a little to powerful. My Volt primes pretty tanky with maxed shields but what I didnt bring was a number of weapons with different properties. I had my Soma (set to viral), my dex furis (set to viral), and my Orthos prime (with viral and radiation) plus volts electricity and it seemed like it became almost immune to everything I could throw at it before its health bar was down half


The fight with the stalker felt appropriately epic and challenging though I do fear he may be to powerful for lower rank players at this time. There is nothing more frustrating to new players then having a mini boss show up and one shot you out of nowhere


When it got to the pod I actually thought we were seeing the lotus because, to me, the figure looked pretty feminine. It actually scared the crap out of me when the figure restarted and controlled my frame because I was thinking how violated it felt to have someone unwillingly control me. I also failed to realize we could shoot stuff so I jst ended up walking out of the moon never falling below 2 health. It wasnt till I got trapped in a corner by the stalker that I realized there was an offensive option.


Then it was time for the big reveal and I squeeled like I was 10 running down to open christmas presents. The first words that came out of my mouth were "I was right!" refering to  a post I made several months ago about us going into the orbitor after the second dream quest to create our own Tenno without the warframe on. It was amazing and liberating at the same time. I couldnt have been happier with that moment. To be fair, the questions and answers that I was giving didnt seem to have enough context behind them to make them meaningful at this time and the different focus dont really seem all that different either. I ended up choosing Naramon because I feel that best fits my playstyle. Im always watching and observing the enemy while laying down copious amounts of bullets and lightning.


Perhaps by only 2 complaints are, I absolutely hate those spy missions on Neptune. Well actually it might be more accurate to say I dont care for sharkwing at all anymore, its to slow for this fast paced game. The other is I was disappointed with how the stalker went out. I would have much preffered to see my Volt prime rip him a new one Emporer palpatine style


That said, Im pretty pleased with this development. Well done DE, if all or even most future quests are this good Ill be very happy

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While slight tears were there when the fountain scene happened, I was destroyed when I saw the Lotus appear, especially when she carries you. Then finally, when the white screen faded and I saw a human appearing child sitting in the chair waiting to be customized, that was just it for me.


I was just... I didn't even know what to feel. It was something I'll never forget. I know it's just a video game, but the immersion. I felt like I saw a lot of this coming, but I felt so connected I was in awe. I was just smiling at the screen, my mouth open in shock, staring at the character and taking in what that customization screen really meant. It was a magic moment. As I started customizing I just felt chills realizing how much lore had led up to this for so long, and just how special this moment was. 

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Was that sarcasm or an actual jab at how I felt about the mission? If it is the latter, well sorry if being burned out by all the "love power" crud seems too "cool" or "edgy" for some folks. When you see it enough times in different stories to the point that you wish there was an actual twist that puts that method of storytelling in its place, then you might get where I am coming from.


Seeing a sappy setup in a game where we violently obliterate our enemies in a multitude of ways is jarring to the point of mental whiplash. And yes, I know we were hinted at being kids in Ember's codex, but after this mission..... I really wouldn't mind if DE took a few pages out of Shakespeare's style of storytelling and pulled a Macbeth for a quest or two.


Here's some actual jabs though;


You're the child compared to the operator, both literally and figuratively.


You can't see anything past your keyboard mashing skills.


Have you written that actual twist yet?


It has never been about violently obliterating our enemies, that's just been your own little story for it.



I'm sorry you think gameplay should equal lore.

I'm sorry your game about killing stuff did not end with more stuff killed.




On a sidenote, I thoroughly enjoyed this update.

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I was seriously not expecting something as indepth and intense as this from Warframe, and I am so glad I was wrong. It's funny, the leadup missions are what we've all come to expect, then bam the void, BAM the moon, BAM THE RESERVOIR, BAM THE SENTIENTS BAM THE ORBITER BAM THE OPERATOR BAM BAM BAM BAMBAMBAMBAM


Didn't cry, but man did I get the feels. I have to say this was the best storytelling (in a short sequence) that I've seen in a video game that isn't explicitly about storytelling for a long time. And as great as Mass Effect was, this absorbed me way more. Simply amazing. Five thumbs up, DE. FIVE THUMBS!!!

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I did not tear up because... the child singing in the music was... too... campy, (ruined the end of Batman 3 *the Bane one* for me too). That is such a minor critique that it does not matter, it just honestly erased emotion and distracted me.


What I got a charge from was the ART! The moon, killed it! Just killed it! Fighting the Sents?! Killed it... so weird, it satisfied my weird alien desire, and those enemies are pretty cool looking and cool sounding.


The adjustments made to the sound scape: excellent, working splendidly.


The big reveal... yeah I we all kinda knew cause of what Alad V was doing in the Valk days, and it makes that one cutscene where a excal guy is decapitated a little bit better to bear (remember that?).


Just... I think I will grow to appreciate the underlying theme more as I play. I think the connection they want to bridge emotionally with the player is solid... I mean, its about the player, you are the player, the player saves the universe... I like it.


The more I poke at it looking for serious problems (life support is kinda minor, you can plot fix that ez), the more I see that direction as a good choice and the a perfect compromise with the player base. 


They still leave some mystery there and thats cool, such as;

Glowing hand?

1000 years of sleep?

do we age now?

Can Stalker just slay us at any time?


And the ever popular... am I still dreaming?


The most profound question in conscious existence worth exploring. 


Yeah, it did not ruin it for me, just was kinda weird seeing it unfold. 

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Tears all over the place. Lotus is my mom.

This added an whole new layer of depth to Warframe.

It's so easy to screw up lore, but DE...

DE got it right.

we are just children... We are just fragile

I'm a 27 year old muscly man, and I cried like a baby.

*hugs you* we all did. We all did.
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Never in my life have I wanted to hug Oberon so hard so badly...


I was in tears when I crawled weakly into his arms and when he picked me up, doing the best he could to carry me to extraction with only 2 health and no shields left at the end of it...


And never in my life had I wanted to kill the Stalker more than when he drove War into Oberon's chest.


Oberon is MY king, and he will pay dearly for hurting him.

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Actually I get it now.


If you are the remaining reminiscence of purity (I guess) in humanity, the best way to visually communicate that is with the image of a child.


The Grineer are warmongers and relentlessly decaying, ghost of war... pretty dishonorable.

The Corpus are merchants that religiously worship credit and perceived power.... pretty dishonorable.

The infested... deformations...pretty dishonorable.


They are all the things that can become of us... and we balance them. A possible message is that this is a new beginning for humanity (in this narrative of a potential universe).

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There could be a number of reasons we are not yet completely aware of (such as the Warframe [suit] needs some sort of biological support), but the first one that comes to mind is basically a placebo effect. Up until this point, we (the tenno) thought we (the warframes) were one in the same being. A badass in a suit running around killing stuff. Much like in the Matrix, where I feel like a lot of the lore concepts of the quest were inspired by, because the mind (in this case, the tenno's mind) believes the air supply is being evacuated, the body feels the effects.  

Yeah. and then there the infested saying we are of like flesh!  Do they be talking about the warframe... and the operators! but even they the infested are confused about it.

We basicaly have some sort of raw void energy and the warframe channel that.    The frames could need life support or......since transference may mean we need it when we take over it.

am still waiting to learn these answers to these questions. .....but my golliy.... I want the ability to replay quests!

I want to play the second dream again.  and take it in again and see what i missed.

Also...i wish i knew more about the focuses abilities in.  I picked the wrong one i think   the V one.  when i should have picked Madurai which i think is the bersker rage ones!   I want to change it without grinding 50K focus!

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I found Margulis touching, but was too taken aback for that to marinate, after having to create my operator and I was stuck with this asexual whelp face and body that I'm apparently not able to alter physically. Can't really identify with it much, and don't know why they bothered when the thing is so androgynus and the customization is so limited. Don't even get me started on the hair choices.


My character doesn't even look of age, I want them to be old enough to do what I do if I'm going to have to accept this  awful Pokemon trainer reveal. I mean, they are prepubescent and waifish looking enough to even fit inside a warframe, this psychic operator scheme just seems pointless at that point. Then you remember the Warframes with the voluptuous lady lumps and it makes even less sense. Why bother with such humanoid shapes that serve no actual utility if they are just puppets? And to top it off, my character is practically paraplegic, and needs to be carried or sat down all day? Talk about one of the lamest revelations.

How in the blue hell is the death of a Mirage frame or Limbo frame a warrant for emotion and sadness?


Of course this is what happens in a concept that I initially really took a fancy t. Being a space ninja.

I wanted to be like Hayden Tenno, you know, actually within the frame, just in space, like what Dark Sector was going to be originally, not this. DE, you have officially made Destiny look more badass by proxy, and thats just bad.


Meh, I'm just going to forget this quest and pretend that the little Pat creature in the Orbiter basement is just some creepy imp statue built into it that I have to interface with in order to use my real powers.


I will eat crow though and say i was dead wrong with my theory, of course it had to turn out like this, *sigh*. Hopefully I can learn to like this reveal.

Edited by UrielColtan
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