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Coming Soon: Devstream #65, Final 2015 Stream!


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Lemme exposition yeh a little bit.


(Spoilers to easily skip exposition.)

I've got this weird ability to be completely unmoved by things. Anyone remember The Fox and The Hound? Yeah, it was cute, but even as a kid, it didn't even get my eyes watery. And the same is true for just about every media I've ever come across. Maybe... three songs in total were able to get me close to crying, and only two games ever. Books never really did, and movies do even less in that department. I'll get hyped, but never upset.


The first of these games is NieR. Not even sure why, except that it did.


The second is Warframe.


Warframe, in a single scene, had tears actually rolling down my face. I think we all know which scene I'm speaking of. That's.. kind of a first for me. And it was.. well, to be honest, it was quite amazing. Exhilarating. I literally screamed a few times. So, to start off, (Yep, this is the actual start of my post,) Thank you, very, very much. It was an incredible experience for me. I don't think I can say Warframe has any competitors for the spot of favorite game for me. It's up there, and up there by a huge gap right now.


Honestly, I wish there was more I could do to express my gratitude, devs, for making the game and sticking with it, despite the endless vitriol, as someone put it. I wasn't there from the beginning, and I think that's my only real regret regarding Warframe. Love you guys, truly, and hope you all have great holidays and a great new year.


Now that I'm done gushing, (and I do apologize for that,) I have a few questions I'd like to ask.


Q1.)_During a previous devstream, one of you mentioned that the next full-scale event was coming up shortly after U18. Will this be coming with 18.1? No need to spoil what it is, just looking for a heads-up if you will.


Q2.)_Do you think you'll be retro-actively adding cutscenes or voiced dialogue to previous quests? ;


Q3.)_When may we expect the next lore-quest?


Q4.)_I really hate to be obnoxious about it, but when may we replay quests? I just want to replay Second Dream over and over.


Q5.)_How are premium skins coming along?


Q6.)_What do you think you'll be focusing on next year?


Addendum; Q7.)_Will the Warframe OST, Second Dream tracks specifically, be released for purchase at some point? A physical copy with some awesome album artwork of Tenno on the front would be an instant buy for me, and plenty others I'm sure.


I think that's all I've got. If I wake soon enough, you can expect me for the Stream. Love watching. See you tomorrow, DEvs! <3



EDIT; Not sure how I forgot, but a BIG thank you to Kieth Powers and the Sound Design team for the amazing soundtrack. Y'all rock!


Edit2; fixing to make it easier to identify the Q's.

Edited by KaraOgata
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Just one question, did the Tenno get that name from their age (TEN years Old)?


The ship the Tenno came from was called the Zariman 10-0.


10-0 = Ten Oh = Tenno. ^,^


Edit; They also seem to be closer to.. say, 15-17. Definitely not ten.

Edited by KaraOgata
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Hey DE/Rebecca, first I'd just like to say good job on the launch of "Second Dream".  At present I find it difficult to bind buttons to multiple actions, and navigating menus is almost impossible. Will controller support on the PC ever get updated to be more like it console equivalent?

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Thanks to all D.E. staff for making U18 / Second Dream such a huge success, I am enjoying it immensely.


Question : Is it possible to see the booster info from within a mission,  i.e.  I receive a 3 hr resource booster from the daily login reward, and i am running a survival mission and want to know how much time is left on the booster, so that i can extract before it runs out...


Thank you for your time and attention to this question.     PC / Weezelman ( A Loyal Tenno) 

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on Focus: is it intended for players to compete for focus gains? so far only kills seem to matter and being support is wrong. putting a lens on loki for example seems to be a trap option.



: is it intended for the transmission from the

back in the orbiter to break the narrative of players being Tenno and instead now "just" being whatever warframe our

sends into missions? and is the new implication the

is no longer in control of the warframe but rather provides void powers for the frame to use but otherwise just observes?

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DE_Steve already knows me as: The Crazy Volt Guy and I always ask him this...I feel bad for bothering him but it wont hurt to ask again one last time: when is volt getting the #FrostAndExcalibroRework?

Been a loyal tenno for 3 years now and all I want for christmas is my fav warframe to be useful like the rest!

Also a massive thank you for everyone working at DE for creating this amazing game

Edited by Domaik
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Will Saryn Spore Etc be changed to reflect Ivaras Quiver to select: Toxic Corrosive Viral

Perhaps an Option for Nekros Shadows to select:


-Heavy units only Decreased number of shadows

-Support units only slightly Decreased number of shadows

-Light units only with normal spawns



Perhaps Soul punch could spawn a shadow of the hit enemy

Desicrate could extend the duration of shadows slightly for every desicrated enemy

Terrify Augment Chains terrify off of all shadows/creates terrify aura around shadows


Can you tell that Nekros is my Favorite frame?


Small Mag rework Suggestion Change shield polarize to just polarize and Have it crush and fragment enemy armor

augment now transfers a % of that armor to mag


1 more thing can you please Cap armor scaling at around 50% and just keep scaling health Maybe cap damage as well?

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Q: Now that we've got an absolutely fantastic cinematic quest and some solid lore, could we get the option to play a "campaign" or story mode, where we can play through all the currently available lore-based missions consecutively in their "chronological" order? It's hard to piece together the whole story when it comes out in little pieces over 3 years.


Slight performance drop aside, excellent job on U18 DE. I haven't been so far on the edge of my seat since Halo 4's campaign. $400 well spent so far. Keep up the good work and my wallet will keep crying out your name!

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We are severely overdue for an event, its has been 6 months, its pretty disappointing we haven't had another one yet.  When can we expect the next one, and can we never go that long between events again?

Also, Sortie reward pools are massively diluted.  Will you guys reduce the number of reward items here please.  For example only put on weapon in the pool at a time.  And considering how many potato alerts and invasion rewards there are I don't really think those need to be in there either.


When, if ever, will we finally get a dedicated augment slot on warframes?  It is easily as in demand, if not more so, than the utility slot. 


And, Second Dream was amazing, can't wait to see where we go from here. 

Edited by ClockworkSpectre
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Hey DE Rebecca, Steve, Scott, Sheldon, Geoff, and/or guests,

Thanks for doing what you guys do.  My question is: what could the next specialty Warframe mod slot be?  I was wondering if the idea of an elemental slot, with the purposes of altering or modifying a frame's elemental power damage, has been tossed around?  This thought occurred to me when considering suggestions for frames like Ember, Hydroid, Volt, frames that utilize and may be hindered by powers with elemental applications.  Such frames have great potential, but either haven't realized it through buffs, or simply suffer from late game damage drop off by comparison to other frames.
If their damage has an innate element, unlike consistent hitters like Excal, Mesa, or Ash who only have physical elements, I wonder if this could give most of them the boost they seem to need as some of the elements, and dual elements could stack on their already existing damage type.  It could also alter them for additional damage versus specific factions.  I imagine something along the lines of base elements [heat, cold, electric, and toxin], being silver mods, and the dual elements being gold mods.  If frames like Hydroid or Zephyr had their damage types moved to a base element [i.e. Hydroid moved to cold and Zephyr moved to electric for example] this would seem to allow an elemental mod buff to stack and go further, allowing frames like the aforementioned, or Ember, Saryn, Volt, etc, to potentially take their existing damage types to a new height.  Such a mod slot could create new opportunities for them to utilize different dual element types to make them effective against factions you typically wouldn't want to confront, as well as aid the frames that are already used consistently.   
Again, thanks for all you guys do.


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First of all, thank you all so much for your hard work. The Second Dream was absolutely amazing!

Seeing how you kept it all a secret I imagine you will avoid answering any spoiler questions so as to not ruin the surprise for our console friends. So I will only ask, do you have anything you would like to share regarding the Mag rework Rebecca hinted of a couple of months ago?

And speaking of Mag, would you consider tweaking the colouring of her Gauss helmet to give it a dark visor similar to her other helmets?

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Wild Kavat were originally announced to be in 17.5 with the 'Grineer cat lady' being in 18 and Kavats for player use in 18.5, as no Kavat have yet been seen, where are they? What is the updated ETA? Will the holiday Kubrow skins be making a return this year? What about holiday armor?

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