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De's Promised Year Of Quality


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Yes, this year was better than last "TENNO REINFORCEMENTS every week". A lot of good changes and great new stuff. Some small 

accidents, but hey, DE are still humans. 

IMO now DE trying to give us things faster than before. Community is bigger so everyone want everything better, bigger, faster... And theoretically they do this for free. Last year I had few breaks (during waiting for "something"), but not this year. 


Salty players just love threads like these.

^ This. 

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Who cares what they couldn't bring in. It's what they did now and in the past for this year. Always people wanting more and more. They are up to their necks already.


And I don't think it has anything to do with them saying its going to come. I think they are answering questions and bouncing information about whats to come because they ask you to ask questions. Or they are trying to find a way to draft a way to fix an underlining problem. Either way, when its only a question, I don't think people should be demanding it right now. There is a process to it all.


To DE, I think you overdid yourselves this year. You all need a good moment to breath and relax. I know I am proud of you guys.

Edited by megastorm
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I really love people that make threads asking for opinions without having an own opinion.

Sorry for not having an opinion since I stopped playing last August till now to take care of things IRL and also due to PC probs.

U17 continued and then U18 came during my inactivity and since that update pretty much defines the year of quality for me, I can't just go and post some opinion without experience.

I made this thread not for salty purposes but to see what others think since each answer is like hyping me up more while waiting to go back to play WF once again this late December.

Edited by Uzpian
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Yes and No.  


There were some great things like boss reworks and U18 (really the only major update that lived up to its hype this year), and some but not all frame reworks/tweaks.  I would say with frames like Ivara I see a greater effort put into abilities.  I also love that they are starting to nail down lore.  But there are many problems as well.  They failed to reduce grind like they said they wanted to do.  They drastically reduced the frequency of events, and I have a huge problem with that.  And there are still "quality" issues that have been pushed to next year yet. 

Edited by ClockworkSpectre
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Sorry for not having an opinion since I stopped playing last August till now to take care of things IRL and also due to PC probs.

U17 continued and then U18 came during my inactivity and since that update pretty much defines the year of quality for me, I can't just go and post some opinion without experience.

I made this thread not for salty purposes but to see what others think since each answer is like hyping me up more while waiting to go back to play WF once again this late December.


You could have wrote that in the OP. And asking for opinions without stating their own is a general problem.

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Yes and No.  


There were some great things like boss reworks and U18 (really the only major update that lived up to its hype this year), and some but not all frame reworks/tweaks.  I would say with frames like Ivara I see a greater effort put into abilities.  I also love that they are starting to nail down lore.  But there are many problems as well.  They failed to reduce grind like they said they wanted to do.  They drastically reduced the frequency of events, and I have a huge problem with that.  And there are still "quality" issues that have been pushed to next year yet. 


Most events were meant to test new features, I don't mind the frequency of events going down when we get more constant quality challenges instead (eg. Sorties) that don't suffer from being time limited or broken in various ways (I still consider the Eyes of Blight event to be a low point in game's history).


Overall it has been a good year.

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Most events were meant to test new features, I don't mind the frequency of events going down when we get more constant quality challenges instead (eg. Sorties) that don't suffer from being time limited or broken in various ways (I still consider the Eyes of Blight event to be a low point in game's history).


Overall it has been a good year.

Except that we can have events that don't introduce anything new, that isn't required for a good event.  As long as they do something interesting with existing assets we can have good events. 

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And that's a terrible answer. You don't need to be a good cook to know when food tastes bad, do you? You don't need to be a cook to know when food is bad (old, rotten, etc), do you? You don't need to be a mechanic to know when your car isn't working, do you? Well, in the same way, players don't have to be experienced developers to be able to have an opinion on whether or not they think DE succeeded in their goals.


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- Frame reworks were great, like every single one was spot on

- Duration/Efficiency rework is great and opened up new builds

- U18 was exemplary

- Ivara best skill set since release and among all available frames. Original, no power creep, loads of synergy, and even puts discarded weapons back in the picture.


Not so great:

- China releases feel tacked on and cheap

- Archwing

- Archwing

- Atlas frame behind an Archwing mission

- Did I mention Archwing?


So overall yeah, if those are my gripes with the game, I can say I'm happy.

Edited by V4YR4
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On a phone so I'll keep this short:

Yes and no.

Major updates were great.

Frame reworks were great.

I feel like there has been an increased use of rng in the game which I do not like.

Chinese stuff. They're getting stuff before us, and the content built for them seems... Out of place. I saw someone comparing nikana prime to plastic earlier, and I agree. I feel like it still needs something more.

Edit: guy above me reminded me of archwing. Still needs work.

Edited by Rennagade
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I think that the updates overall were of great quality.


The China stuff is a huge black mark on this year for me, and the one thing that DE's truly disappointed me on. But that's not necessarily related to quality, just DE auctioning off their - actually I'll stop there. Don't need a warning.


Republican? Can we leave politics out of an IMHO completely a-political and gender-equal game?


For the rest of us Wukong is an awesome addition and another warframe which fills an important niece. At this point, kudos to DE for the uniqueness of all the warframes so far. There is literally no overlap or competition between their abilities.


The possibilities of play-styles, builds and synergies are almost endless. Perhaps one of the reasons why the game is still somewhat alluring even to Vets.


However, crashes are an absolute no-go for me on consoles. That is the one thing I cannot forgive. On an open-system like the PC, I understand that crashes come with the territory.


Oh yeah and Archwing is just plain and simple a let down that seemingly 90% of the community does not like. It cannot compete with the state the rest of the game is in.

Edited by (PS4)l0r3n7step
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Fewer game breaking crashes

I don't toss myself out of the map as much trying to copter to keep up with the speedsters.

New weapons, new frames (OMG IVARA!), quests (love the ending or hate it, the Second Dream was an awesome cinematic experience)

New enemies, new maps

Archwing improvements

Less 'press 4 to win' playstyles. More synergy.





Host migrations far more frequent recently.

Chat is down a lot



All in all, for me? The year was one of quality. Not a week went by that they didn't fix something. It had it's bumps and bruises, but it worked out fairly well in my opinion.

Edited by Kalenath
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DE did a nice job and i sure love there work but "They need too dream so high " when they dont have the right time too realese something dont go too the DEVSTREAM saying is this year or next month thats the only thing i dont like too much in the last devstreams not the updates are very good but

Where is Nef where is keela where is Kweens where is corpus modelar bodys where katwoman and katbrows  this is the main problem they spoield too much in the streams maybe too make u keep playing maybe too show there ideas too the future but if is not ready dont spoile or just say that we have plans too maybe next year  they talked about nef and keela in the first stream of the year and bow maybe update 20 we see keela and maybe

That's fair. We still also have catbrows, Umbra, and the Star Map to look forward to as well. 2015 was good for me.

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Yes and No.  


There were some great things like boss reworks and U18 (really the only major update that lived up to its hype this year), and some but not all frame reworks/tweaks.  I would say with frames like Ivara I see a greater effort put into abilities.  I also love that they are starting to nail down lore.  But there are many problems as well.  They failed to reduce grind like they said they wanted to do.  They drastically reduced the frequency of events, and I have a huge problem with that.  And there are still "quality" issues that have been pushed to next year yet. 


You must drive a Nyx because you read my mind.

Overall I'm generally happy with a lot of the new content, but I'm not pleased at how the grind seems to have increased. The Ivara grind is a huge step back (15 perfect spy runs for an ivara part. I haven't had the will to try for the other three parts yet,), alertium is a slightly less huge but still sizable step back, the continued use of argon in everything is an annoyance, equinox is not as bad as it sounds at first glance but it still represents an increase in grind, and switching Ash to manics is not the best decision.


Also sorties seem to love giving karak parts when I already not only have a full karak wraith from tubemen, but also duplicates of the parts from sorties! It's really demoralizing to do a back to back mobile def, def, survival missions at raid-level difficulty and bonus modifiers like "enemies laugh off your elemental damage" or "enemies have 55000% more armor" only to get a karak stock.


And then there's archwing. DE's done nothing to fix the core issues with grind and the acquisition of archwing stuff. The only time I actually had fun levelling archwing was this past double affinity weekend, and even then I had to also get a 3 hour affinity booster from login reward to actually enjoy myself. There's something terribly wrong when archwing levelling is only fun when you have 4x the affinity gain you normally do. And then the new archweapons? I'll never get phaedra or the scythe because clem that stupid grind. I'm willing to grind my eyes out for prime stuff because I greatly enjoy the void tileset and because I'll almost always get something I can at least turn into ducats or sell on trade chat, but archwing? Most of the time I get a mod I already have many of. It's obscene.

Edited by Cpl_Facehugger
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No. Why insist on making a new resource just to slow people down? I'd honestly rather be told I have to wait a month to farm something in a normal fashion like the other basic frames and be given the option to spend money to get it ahead of time rather than add more items that are just another grind wall, another resource that will just fall to the wayside like the others that already barely serve a purpose as is lol. I remember fretting over tellurium and now I can't even remember the last time I used it. If you want people to spend so badly, why don't you lower the price for things in your store? I actually bother using plat in the store when I get a store discount to buy some items because the prices become more reasonable. 

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