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Who Isn't Going To Buy Or Farm For Nezha Out Of Principle?


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Almost all of my guild is annoyed with what DE has done with Nezha, but half of them bought him anyways like suckers, so I guess the strategy works. Meanwhile, I've yet to see a single drop reported from the entire guild from the 3 sorties we've had thus far. Thankfully, I now have enough Dera Vandal parts to build two of the gun.


DE usually has my utmost respect but this I think I'm going to hold off on the plat purchases I had planned this Christmas.

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DE has finally found my breaking point.


Time gated stuff behind clan research and Alertium? I can handle that.

Grind gating stuff behind diluted loot tables? I can handle that.


Gating stuff behind a highly diluted loot table you only get to roll on once per 24 hours? That's too much.


So congratulations DE, this is the first Warframe I'm buying from your market with plat. I'll just recoup the cost by selling any Nezah bits that drop in sorties at the extortionate rate I'm sure they'll go for on the trade channel and by not buying the Loki skin.


Everyone else: get used to it, we'll probably be seeing more stuff that is at least as obnoxious to get as Nezah in the future.

So your great extortionate rates will be 50 - 60 plat. (275-40)/4.

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i cant participate in this thread because i bought nezha allready 


beside the old and stable basic primes in warframes i have never seen and played smth more beautiful and im not getting tired to mention this


its outstanding and has to be handled with respect ^^))


the pain of the grindwall for will be more then rewarded ...

Edited by [DE]Danielle
Referring to Nazism.
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So congratulations DE, this is the first Warframe I'm buying from your market with plat. I'll just recoup the cost by selling any Nezah bits that drop in sorties at the extortionate rate I'm sure they'll go for on the trade channel and by not buying the Loki skin


You know, in like a week or two, people will be groaning when they see Nezha parts after Sorties, and you will be able to buy them for like 10p each?


Unless you're in some huge hurry, I'd recommend waiting a bit before wasting all that plat.

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Multiple reasons:


1. He's ugly, even worse than Atlas.

2. His 1st and 4th skills are literally the only reason to play him.

3. Kinda doesn't fit into the game. Wukong doesn't fit too, imo.

4. More grind incoming. I already spent 6 days on Ivara. I'm done with this sh*t. So fkn done.

5. Did I mention that he's ugly? I mean, look at that ring. What the f**k.

6. Don't have the plat to buy another slot. Already have 12...

7. Leaves a trail of fire. Wanna-be-ghostrider. I like the idea, but come on. Add that to ember.

8. The RNG. The grind is alread back again before it was gone.

9. I could tell you even more, but f**k it.



Pls. rework Nyx, Ember and Banshee.

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I don't really see a huge difference to the other farming methods.

Okay... you're limited to 1try per day... and you might not necessarily get a Nezha part....

So... it might take some time till you get a complete Nezha.

But if you can't stand the wait, just buy it.


Not sure why everyone expects to get a brand new warframe on Day 1 of its release.


Also, Big Plus: Nezha parts are apparently tradeable.

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nezha should be in 3 spots:


tenno lab like wukong (non-traeable)

sortie for people who dont have tenno lab (tradeable)

marketplace for ones that want to buy him with plat


having him sortie only even with tradeable (which ideally makes little sense as booben and oberon have been non tradeable for years and people have been begging for that change) is just making the grind wall even worse (yeah that thing DE says they dont wanna do...). dont get me wrong DE does some great things like U18 but then they do something like this which makes me double think on why i want to give them money at times.

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There's nothing to farm, just have to do sortie everyday hoping to get a part.

I don't want instant instant gratification, what I like about warframe is that everything (almost) is farmable. I don't mind the grind but i hate timewalls.

What I mean is that the community is typically in an outrage if a new release is something that they can't get that day unless they buy it from the market with plat.

The parts for Nezha are tradeable now, so it shouldnt take more than a week to get.

It's just my opinion, but I think that's a reasonable amount of time. Even 2 weeks. The game has enough content to keep busy.

Edited by (PS4)Xurokhan
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I don't mind sorties, aside from running into the occasional nucklehead it's fairly doable in pugs. The trick is to not try to farm him, just collect him passively sort of how I did with Vauban. The problem is not the farm, it's the people that want him NOW and cant stand to not see progression move before their eyes.

Edited by S0V3REiGN
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i'm just not going to "farm" him.

Like i was super hyped for ivara so i actually bought her cuz i couldnt get the parts.


But while Nezha looks fun im not tooo interested in him.

Since i'm doing the sorties anyway i'll get him when i get him xD

Plus you can trade the parts you get doubles of 

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because his parts will be a dead reward after you build him, and his parts will be worthless inside and outside the trade chat

well then I guess I can buy nezha parts really cheap due to deflation

What I mean is that the community is typically in an outrage if a new release is something that they can't get that day unless they buy it from the market with plat.

The parts for Nezha are tradeable now, so it shouldnt take more than a week to get.

It's just my opinion, but I think that's a reasonable amount of time. Even 2 weeks. The game has enough content to keep busy.

And also the comminuty has forgotten that their is literally more than one warframe when they  complain they forgot that one thing that is a simple answer

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Nezha and farming out of sorties has driven me to virtually quit the game. Because of work I generally play a very small amount each day (like a single mission) and a bunch on a day off. This Sortie thing doesn't really go with that so i'm just dropping the game until DE returns to doing things how they used to.

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Know that I am certainly tempted to buy Nezha and even Ivara, but purely out of the principle that they put the latest two warframes and lisets behind such unreasonably heavy time/rng/grind walls I will withhold myself from buying them. I won't even seriously farm for them, I will just mostly try to forget they even exist in the first place.

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Technically speaking, I'm not sure if having only one chance at getting a Nezha per day could be considered farming. It's definitely not the farming we're used to, at the very least.


That being said, I don't really have a problem with it. So the newest Warframe is going to take some time to get. No big deal. I'll just continue playing as I always have, and one day I'll manage to get all his parts, whether through RNG or trading. I don't get why people are making such a big fuss about it. You aren't entitled to get every Warframe on day 1 unless you're willing to shell out plat for it, this is no different. And the fact that his parts are tradable means that he is infinitely easier to get than Vauban, whose untradable parts are still locked behind alerts.


We have a spoiled community that want instant gratification.


^I hate to say it, but I'm starting to agree.

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I think it's perfectly fine.

Grind is a part of this game, and I'd rather have different methods of grind instead of slaying bosses all the time.

The parts are tradable as well, so that opens up the trade market too.

This isn't another case of Booben.

We have a spoiled community that want instant gratification.


There's a huge huge huge huge mile wide gap between instant gratification and actually being able to work and make progress towards something at your own pace.


It's a fallacy to say that just because we don't like the grind involved to get something that we want it easily and quickly.

Edited by f3llyn
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I'm not exactly certain why we're considering doing a daily set of 3 missions once per day a grind, but okay, sure.


Nezha is a bonus frame. That's it. So is Wukong. They are amalgamations of other frame abilities (with slight tweaks) with a small amount of unique personality added to reflect their Chinese lore base. You don't need him right this very second. You will get him eventually if you just play the game as normal (and actually play sorties).


Calling it a "grind" and pretending like it's a horrible transgression against you and the rest of the playerbase for DE to put something nice and shiny in their new sortie system to actually entice people to take part in it is absolutely ridiculous and reeks of gamer entitlement.

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