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Who Isn't Going To Buy Or Farm For Nezha Out Of Principle?


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The sorties were made for people that wanted some type of challenge without having to wait 40min into an endless mission.

People have lost sight of that, though (for a reason).


More reason why inserting a frame into a sortie was a bad idea. I never got the impression that they were supposed to be "farmed"

They were just supposed to be challenging missions that you could play if you wanted some endgame challenge....plus a shot at cool loot.


They tried to balance this out by making the parts tradeable, but giving someone the trade tab as their only other option is just cruel

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I like to think of chinaframes as things we get for doing special tasks within the game. They're just there as a potential reward for doing things in the game, nothing incredibly special about them but they're there. Kinda like the weapon for logging in for 100 days, you just earn it as you play the game and whether you like it enough to keep it is up to you.

Also, you think they wouldn't have a frame associated to Sorties? Obviously they're gonna try to promote doing Sorties more with one, so I guess be thankful it's one of the "lore-less" frames. You don't have to worry about getting them it you dislike him. Not everything in the game has to be grinded for immediately during the first day it comes out guys.

Edited by (XB1)TsK x BraVo
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Most successful f2p games gained money out of respect from the players, the players FEEL like rewarding devs not forced.

So tell me again, are we spoiled?

Im not sure that you're spoiled - but you're definitely naive. F2P MMOs most certainly don't have a reputation for respecting their players - not even the successful ones.

Meanwhile - I really don't see how the Sortie grind is any different to grinding bosses for parts. Sure they're hard and take longer ... but ... isn't that what we all asked for anyway?

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Im not sure that you're spoiled - but you're definitely naive. F2P MMOs most certainly don't have a reputation for respecting their players - not even the successful ones.

Meanwhile - I really don't see how the Sortie grind is any different to grinding bosses for parts. Sure they're hard and take longer ... but ... isn't that what we all asked for anyway?

When did we ask for this? The community has been up in arms about the grind and time walls this game has for ages, saying time and time again that it has been getting to be too much, but never have I seen players say there was too little of it. And If you are confusing this for the communities desire for more challenging content, that is starkly the same as what is being done with this method. Introducing more time walls, adding more rng, that isn't what a challenge is, its just a game of dumb luck and patience. 

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I bought him as well, he is a fun character for me, but nothing more. I never regret buying anything. Now the parts are around 50p, so everybody can get it for cheaper than me. I just don't like the idea that you can easily grind any prime frame under a week but you have only 7 chance to get 3 Nezha parts under that period.

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I won't be farming for Nehza, nor will I be wasting my plat on him. I believe DE has been pushing the boundaries of grinding in a F2P game way too far with the most recent 'Frames, and I'm showing my disappointment in these changes by not financially supporting DE. If enough people were to not purchase platinum and sales were to drop, DE would hopefully see the cause and reduce the grindwall like the said they were going to, but since there are players purchasing plat to get the new 'Frames, weapons, and accessories, I'm worried DE will continue to push the boundaries till the player base has had enough and move on to better games.


Meanwhile - I really don't see how the Sortie grind is any different to grinding bosses for parts. Sure they're hard and take longer ... but ... isn't that what we all asked for anyway?

Sortie grind and boss grind are two vastly different things due to how they work.


Grinding 'Frames from a boss:

-Relatively fast missions (though some bosses can be extremely tedious)

-Can easily be solo'd

-You are guaranteed to get a blueprint for a Warframe part every time you finish the mission, a 1/3 chance for most parts with Equinox standing at a 1/8 chance

-Bosses can be farmed as many times as needed to get every part


Grinding for Nehza

-Three high level missions can can be easy or difficult depending on your 'Frame, weapons, build, team, and mission restrictions

-Can take anywhere from 1 hour to hours to finish depending on your team and the given missions

-Can be solo'd, but greatly depends on your 'Frame, build, skill, given missions, and weapon restrictions

-Due to the current Sortie Reward Tables, Nehza parts have (at best) a 1/16 chance of dropping. You can be lucky and get the parts quickly, or be unlucky and either never see a part drop or only receive duplicates.

-Sorties can only be done once a day, drastically increasing how long it could take to get every part


I do know you can trade Nehza's parts, but I personally don't think this is a good excuse for the horrendous amount of grinding and RNG it takes to get him if you don't want to buy him outright.

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All some people do is make plat. I personally have enough plat to do whatever I want with. I'll be buying all the frames I think are worth it because I know eventually I'm going to farm it. I just like having first access to things for multiple reasons like.. Giving birth my clan members advice on how to build their new frames since I had first grabs at them and also for personal reasons. When I bought Wukong a little over a week later I had him build and done in the dojo ready for my clan members to make. When I bought atlas I ended up farming over 40 sets just from helping people do the mission. Same with When Nezha comes out I know I'll be doing those Sorties missions as many times as possible so when the season two comes out I'll most likely farm several sets of Nezha Evan though I'll bought her. To some that seems pointless.. But to me it's just a way of spending plat. Why have a mountain of plat after months of selling and not be able to spend it?

Edited by (XB1)Astrothesia
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This somehow brings why question up again


"Why is noone complaining about the Azima?" isn´t it literally the same? Sure it is guaranteed but nevertheless it takes you 100 consecutive days of logins to get her.


I am wondering if I will have Azima or Nezha first.


Azima is not rng locked, only time (as Nezha is both time and rng locked which i can understand some people can find pretty annoying) thus complaining about a weapon that will be given to you after hundred days of connection for nothing is imo silly.


It's like saying "screw you santa, i won't wait till 25 december, gimme my present right now"

Edited by Syln
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This somehow brings why question up again


"Why is noone complaining about the Azima?" isn´t it literally the same? Sure it is guaranteed but nevertheless it takes you 100 consecutive days of logins to get her.


I am wondering if I will have Azima or Nezha first.

100 days so long as you log in, azima is yours

no fuss, its in your inventory ready to go no plat. or RNG involved

very painless process


nezha is a whole different more painful story

you'll need to do three "end game" missions for one chance at a part, which you can only do once a day

this upsets people since they won't be able to "grind" him; nezha runs take a full day


you'll then need to collect all the parts which may be soon or never depending on your luck and if you're dedicated enough to keep throwing yourself at the time/grind wall nezha is behind day after day


you can pay the toll and either get him with plat. directly or spend some time in trade chat and get him with plat. indirectly


the way nezha is set up more or less stonewalls you into giving DE money

nezha is pretty close to being a premium only frame atm, the free to play player's best option is to take time away from playing warframe and sitting in the mess called trade chat instead

that is what I believe is setting people off




I dgaf about getting nezha myself and simply want him out of the sortie drop table for good

once nezha parts become a dead/unwanted drop, who's going to spend 275 plat on him when you can get him for 75 off of trade? (a poor new player?)

real confusing DE

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My personal experinace


Equinox 19 missions to get all the parts

Ivara 42 missions to get all the parts

8 sorties, (24 high level missions) and only a single Nezha part


I dont like this trend.  Fully expect season 2 to end (that would be 45 missions total) and not have all the nezha parts by then... and yes i know Nezha will be in other following seasons.  The following frame will be so rare, that only professional wareframe players will be able to get it, without plat, and they will just use plat instead of bothering.. while everyone else weeps, rips their clothing and gnashes their teeth in flustration

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I'm taking it very slow, If I see quick sorties, I'll do them. Otherwise if I see those annoying interceptions (Which have been appearing nonstop lately), I'm not doing them. Also kind of hoping they change it later on, I can be patient about it at least, as long as I'm not waiting like months or something.

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