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Weapons That You Love, That Most People Dont?


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Put 6 forma into it. It sounds decent and has a unique empty magazine rattling sound on the last 3 bursts. It's a harpoon projectile weapon, so it can pin enemies to walls or damage others behind them, and the harpoon alt fire is great for abusing the hell out of enemies that annoy me. Standing or Aim-Gliding above them when using the harpoon can fling them out of the map. ^^

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I really enjoy using the Grinlok. I know it's a lesser version of its pistol counterpart; but it looks great and sounds amazing. The Deadly Sequence mod can get it on par with other snipers(it's a sniper to me) plus add that amazing radiation effect. It's deadly accurate and even if doesn't kill right away, it's amazing status chance will aid you in making sure your target is dead. Plus it has a mod called Grinloked and that just sounds really cool to me.

Edited by (PS4)jFresh215
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The weapons I like are generally liked by others as well, but there is one weapon I have not seen others mention as much.


Talons. People say Sancti Castanas are better, but the explosion from Talons have an additional +150% damage bonus if it latched on the ground. Also, it has an innate Blast proc to make room for 2 other elemental combos, comes with a guaranteed Puncture proc, and can ragdoll enemies to hell.

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- Tiberon, Sybaris and Supra. all great feeling fun rifles that I need to invest more in.


- AkMagnus, Akzani, Vasto prime, AkJagara - all underrated IMO. AkMagnus are sometimes considered "noob guns" because they're easy to get, but they're actually very powerful.


- Silva & Aegis, Fragor, Machete Wraith, Lecta, Dual Ether Swords - all favourites of mine. I particularly love the style of Machete Wraith, but they all look great, even though they aren't quite endgame material.


I seriously want a major Machete rework, so that I can put Forma in mine and make it as awesome as it looks.

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ive got 6 or more formas into glaxion, panthera and daikyu and i must say they are still HORRIBLE and cant even compare to an unranked Skana, still they look pretty


if i didnt hate burstfire weapons so incredibly much i would put easily 6 forma into Paracyst simply because it looks just that amazing

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sobek for sure.    With a bunch of forma, mine is about 40k dps on paper,  less in reality as there is an impact component that struggles late game, but even so .... t1D (yea its easy, but ...)  3 shots clears the entire wave.  I can do that to about wave 20, and then I have to let them get closer and can only take out 3 or 4 at a time for a while.   It can one shot most anything up to level 50+  and can drop bosses or big armor idiots with a few shots (mine has about 4 rounds/sec and needs 1 more forma to bump that to 5).  I usually treat it as a semi-auto but when something ugly comes over, hold down the fire button.


I love all kinds of weapons though.   Glaives.   Angstrum.  Sybaris.  secura cestra.  mios.   Galaxion is still a favorite, silly as it is.  Despair.  Vectis/snipers.   Grinlok with faction mod.   Grataka.   To name a few of the ones I use some even when sub par.  Tonkor but its a popular pick.


Couple of things I hate too... don't like delay shooters, anything with a windup (the above cestras are an anomaly) or held trigger or charge up or similar gets on my nerves.  Hate the sancti tigris. 

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I totally forgot about the Tiberon! I loved using the burston when I was a new player, and the tiberon is just an upgraded version of that. Also a big fan of the Sybaris. A little harder to use over the tibby but the status chance is what makes that rifle shine.


I did get my Daikyu to level 25 and havent touched it since, it just feels so strange compared to other bows, ill have to dust it off and see if I can make it work again.

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How do people feel about the dual ichors? Or the dual swords in general?  I love all of the dual sword weapons and i feel as though the huge spin attack damage they provide goes so unnoticed. If i'm not running the dual kamas, you'll usually see me with the ichors, also ik this is about weapons but I have to say i love crossing snakes stance and its overlooked alot compared to ST bc. of STs multihit potential

Edited by (PS4)Poloboyzz93
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