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Why Do People Despise Draco?


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As the title states clean and simple, why do the majority of players hate on Draco and want it gone? I see it as an easy way to level your crap gear and get back to the good stuff while also getting circuits and other useful items. Then again my "friends" chastise me for using nothing but my Carrier prime as well despite it being legit like any other sentinel so I don't put much faith in them XD. Now back to the subject at hand please tell me why you hate/Love Draco so I can get a better idea please.

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It's not exploitation, at least, when farmed normally, as in a regular interception with tons of enemies. Other tileset interception just need to actually catch up to the enemy spawn levels. T4 Inter, which is supposed to be the pinnacle of Interception, is an absolute BOREFEST with no challenge, change the map into a smaller more symmetrical one, pump the spawn by around 300%, cut back a bit on the Nulls and Bombards, and bam, it will be as fun as Draco.


People who usually talk crap about Draco are the same ones that think the only way to run it is with a prenerf Mesa, RJ excal, Trin, and some buffer. It really doesn't have to be that way.

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I honestly don't know why people have such a problem with Draco. I didn't know about it for the longest time, heard about it through people complaining about it, decided to check it out, haven't found a place nearly as useful as Draco since. Lots of affinity gain, good for levelling gear, getting standing, and focus points. Guaranteed T4 key after four waves. Good for farming Orokin cells which tend not to drop all that often in most places. Seen some really good mod drops there as well.


I guess people don't like it because it's so useful. Or maybe because there's a lack of places that are as useful as Draco.

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It's not exploitation, at least, when farmed normally, as in a regular interception with tons of enemies. 


That's not what people have an issue with, I'll happily run a Draco as part of a public group and have some fun.


It's the PUG optimal exploitation side of things people have an issue with.

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That's not what people have an issue with, I'll happily run a Draco as part of a public group and have some fun.


It's the PUG optimal exploitation side of things people have an issue with.

Then that's a separate issue altogether since people can hang out in the sewers and stairs in the void and pretty much do the same stuff for actual plat tradable rewards. Nuke build Mags can do the same in dam.


Nerfing Draco (or Intercept mechanics) is just going to hurt the regular Draco crowd just as much as efficiency teams. Personally, if people can get other people to join a PUG on their own private game, then let them have at it.

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1. Its pretty exploity

2. It is boring as sin like watching grass grow while intentionally inflaming my carpel tunnel boring.


Then that's a separate issue altogether since people can hang out in the sewers and stairs in the void and pretty much do the same stuff for actual plat tradable rewards. Nuke build Mags can do the same in dam.


Nerfing Draco (or Intercept mechanics) is just going to hurt the regular Draco crowd just as much as efficiency teams. Personally, if people can get other people to join a PUG on their own private game, then let them have at it.

LOL you think people play Draco for anything other than easy mode farming. If it weren't for the irrationally high amounts of affinity you gain from it it would be as dead as every other intercept node on the star map.


Also 2 wrongs don't make a right.

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People hate on Draco because it's like a 180 on what the newbie experiences first getting into warframe (that is, actually moving around, gunning down hordes of dudes as we move through a level, leveling up equipment and mods, etc.)  Somewhere along the way, it stops being about having fun, and more about hyper-efficiency because who plays just to play?  Gotta get them prime parts and that MR...  Speed running normal missions or CC spamming an endless and crying about the game being too easy in either case, or too hard when a wrench is thrown into the hyper-efficient system.  Draco is the latter, it fosters brain-dead game play and rank devaluement.  I'm making that a word now, "devaluement."  Cause convenience.


Draco specifically though renders any and every declaration that the MR system matters and is proof of skill or knowledge effectively false.  Players need only have the weapon on their hip or back for it to gain proximity affinity.  They don't even need to actually use it to rank it to 30 and toss it as garbage without even giving it a try.  A player can be sitting pretty at MR 15+ within days of creating an account, abusing draco, and maybe a hefty sum of platinum.


So basically to some people if you're abusing Draco, you're not really playing, and are actually only exacerbating the problems Warframe has, especially regarding difficulty curve of enemies and RNG (since if we can beat enemies effortlessly with CC spam, super guns, and are willing to go hours into an endless, DE will balance around that...)  DE knows Draco is a problem for game play, but they also know removing it just moves the goal post to another node.  Eventually they'll have to either remove all endless or make them piss easy with very few spawns.  Neither scenario seems very awesome.  


In my opinion, Draco IS one example of where the game goes horribly wrong and turns from awesome space ninja shooter to CheeseGrinder 9000: The Novapocolypse.  However, I recognize Draco is only useful to people for the rapid affinity gain, and I'm fine with just running alerts, syndicates, or throwing darts at a board for the mission I'll run to acquire my affinity and happy fun times, I play solo after all.  Other people farming Draco doesn't bother me personally... I just recognize it's not doing the game nor the community - especially the newbies looking at a mostly empty starchart - any good.

Edited by Littleman88
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I dont mind it honestly.  I kinda like it.  I always PUG it also on the random matchmaker.

It's a good place to go to level.  Almost all games with a leveling mechanic have a good place for exp.  You can pug it to 20 and level a weapon from 0-30 in one run with an affinity booster on.  The nice thing about it is that it saves time, which makes it very valuable to people who have limited playtime.   When i'm on, I dont want to waste my time leveling something for the 5th time after formaing it again.  Draco enables me to quickly relevel items after applying a forma, and get back to progression.


It is tedious though, but so is most of the game at this point.

Edited by Clowee
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What. Since when building a squad with a good synergy is an exploitation?

If anything, I'm grateful to Draco, that now we at least have some Frosts who bother to get Freeze Force.




Specifically: Our ‘press 4 to win’ ultimates are metered primarily by the supply of energy. Finding an energy loophole means that Homer’s drinking bird can play the game for you. That is not team synergy. That is just broken.


''That is just broken''. Do you know what taking advantage of something that is broken is classified as? Exploitation.

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Specifically: Our ‘press 4 to win’ ultimates are metered primarily by the supply of energy. Finding an energy loophole means that Homer’s drinking bird can play the game for you. That is not team synergy. That is just broken.


''That is just broken''. Do you know what taking advantage of something that is broken is classified as? Exploitation.

In the very next sentence it states that they are addressing the problem. Syndicate caps were implemented, abilities were nerfed, new implementations (Focus, for instance) were made with taking this question into account. It works. And things that work for over a year already aren't broken, what you are trying to quote there is nothing but selective reading.

If DE were to think that the principle itself is broken, they would fix it immediately - it could be achieved effortlessly. Yet, they did not, which proves that things are working as intended.

And ripping their words out of context and trying to use them to prove your point is a distortion of facts. In other words - lying. Don't lie.

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Do you even know what you're saying? Just because things having been working a certain way for a year does not mean they are working as intended. Frosts Avalanche, Multishot, Coptering. All things that weren't/aren't working as intended and were/have been left in the game for years.


Don't accuse someone of lying because you think they're ripping words out of context, that's just pathetic. 


Viver - Effortless farming prompting the quoted response.


Draco - Effortless farming. The context is the same, something will happen to Draco eventually as it is exploited.


Of course, I don't know why I'm bothering to try and explain this to you. When it comes to defending Draco some people get stupidly irrational.

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Simply because we want an efficient way to level up our weapons that isn't BORING.

It really isn't that boring. You're just tired of playing interception on the same map over and over again. Maybe you can spice it up a bit by parkouring all over the map or killing enemies from up above. Use some creativity to make something you find boring into something that's acceptable to be called fun. Or just take a break from grinding and play some actual warframe.

And if you can't do that, please list me some games that have efficient ways of grinding that isn't boring.

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Why do people care what others do to have fun with the game.

Exactly. From the times I did use to play Runescape, Maplestory, Torchlight, or killing Floor, I have never seen a forum post complaining about grinding ever (well you can't really do it in KF but I suppose you could if you really wanted to).

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It really isn't that boring. You're just tired of playing interception on the same map over and over again. Maybe you can spice it up a bit by parkouring all over the map or killing enemies from up above. Use some creativity to make something you find boring into something that's acceptable to be called fun. Or just take a break from grinding and play some actual warframe.

And if you can't do that, please list me some games that have efficient ways of grinding that isn't boring.

That's why i always always pick different frame & weapon to do draco, but it's still boring as f..

It wouldn't be "boring" if we could play any kind of mod / map and still get a good amount of affinity.

But no, the only mods that grant us enough affinity to levelup gears is interception (and especially draco) and a bit deception in stealth (which got nerfed) because we can slaughter thousands of enemies in the least amount of time.


This game would be way better if enemies were harder to kill and grant more experience for doing so.

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Why do people care what others do to have fun with the game.


Because it gives them something to complain about.


Just don't worry about it and play the way you want. That's what is so cool about WF, everyone can have their own niche.  Too bad so many are trying to destroy others.


I  have no issue with people using Draco to farm.  That said, I don't use it because I don't enjoy it.  Amazing how that works, eh?

Edited by (PS4)horridhal
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