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Why Is It Such A Chore To Switch Kubrows?


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I myself think this is something that one can care too much about. Sure, it can be annoying waiting for all of those animations but it will probably stay like that until we get even more expansion of the Orbiter, where we can have enough space for more than one feral companion to be out of stasis at the same time.

Warframe thought me patience so I, personally, am not bothered the way this currently is.

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Because they can and they want money and they think we don't have enough credits sinks.

10k credits is hardly a credit sink when missions literally give 20k to 40k in less than 5 minutes and you spend the majority of your time probably playing most of those missions.

Edited by Chipputer
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Well, making a puppy is 100K and they used to be a lot more expensive to upkeep (degraded almost 4x as fast and the DNA things cost more too).

What used to happen isn't important. What happens now, and going forward, is what's important. Right now the 10k credit rush cost and animations you have to sit through are nothing more than a chore and serve no practical purpose.

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Because you can practically sell oberon parts or even mods to get a measly 10k.

Seriously, even 100k from the balor fomorian alert seems meh if you want to transmute more than 20 gold cores. Numbers almost mean nothing when it comes to credits.

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this is why i stick with my digging bulky kubrow with 4 forma biscuits he digs he grabs he kills and occasionally stands there while a heavy gunner shreds me...... but i only stick to that breed because its universal as are all breeds. need an invisible dog for spy missions? nope dont bring em wana do long survival bring any of the breeds because they all fit that purpose. if its such a chore stick to 1 kubrow and breed 

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And I understand that, but it is literally causing people to pay to switch to a different breed.


There needs to be a point where realism and gameplay no longer overlap and this is one of those points. I can believe that we're taking care of a living organism and still switch them instantly in the same way that I can play a Final Fantasy game and grind for hundreds of hours before I fight the last boss that's been patiently waiting for me to arrive rather than destroying the planet.

I dunno kuja does love the spotlight

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This isn't going to get any better once the feline versions come out and I think this needs addressed. It's a pointless, annoying, and outdated system that has almost no purpose in the current iteration of the game.


No, see, that's an "opinion".


It's not your game, so you did not see a whole bunch of people sitting down and discussing why a mechanic should or would exist, or why they wanted it that way.


All you see is at play time is "this is inconvenient for me, because I want to be able to do whatever I want, when ever I want". You were never meant to switch them constantly around and treat them like Sentinels, the idea was to have long term use single pets that you looked at as a pet, and not a magazine in a gun with different types of bullets.


I understand why they did "breeds" but I think they kind of screwed up by not thinking ahead to what the WF players would do, that being just treat Kubrows as "inventory", rather then the aimed at "being a living, breathing pet" idea. If you could have "trained" them with different abilities in the form of Precepts, then everyone could of had just 1-2 of them and each of them trained with totally different Precepts.


 Sunika is the only useless Kubrow because Sahasa actually does the same thing Sunika does.


That is what I mean right there, where you just look at "stats", and based on a bunch of variables, you state "this is useless, might as well dump the pet out the airlock".


Why did you think it took so long to have a "consign Kubrow" button? DE did not expect people to breed them like rats, just keep the better looking ones, and let the others die.


Yes, I know the reasons people do it, it's because "well, I have to farm with them", and that is where DE seemed to have failed. Because the kubrows - to most people it seems - do not feel enough like a living companion, and everyone is treating them like a robot-dog, and expects Sentinel class mechanics, which was never the intention.


We should of had more in depth mechanics with them, and they should had more depth added as time went by.

Edited by DSpite
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Why did you think it took so long to have a "consign Kubrow" button? DE did not expect people to breed them like rats, just keep the better looking ones, and let the others die.


Yes, I know the reasons people do it, it's because "well, I have to farm with them", and that is where DE seemed to have failed. Because the kubrows - to most people it seems - do not feel enough like a living companion, and everyone is treating them like a robot-dog, and expects Sentinel class mechanics, which was never the intention.


We should of had more in depth mechanics with them, and they should had more depth added as time went by.

The sad truth... oh dear...

+1 for mechanic.

Solemn silence for dead kubrows.

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No, see, that's an "opinion".

As is what you just stated. Congratulations, you've defined what an opinion is. Now maybe you'll begin to understand that nobody needs to label their opinion as their opinion. We know it by the fact that it's coming from your posts made on your own account.


You're trying to rile me up which is a demonstrable fact.



We should of had more in depth mechanics with them, and they should had more depth added as time went by.

This I agree with, however. If they make the Kubrows feel more like a living being then it's fine. If they don't then they need to update the mechanics to reflect the fact that we have multiple breeds that do different things.


If we weren't meant to switch between them then there was never a need to make 5 different breeds and there was never a need to make one whole breed be completely invalidated by another breed doing the same thing it does but with an extra effect.


Do you want to actually provide a counter point that isn't just, "sit down and accept it because you didn't make the game?" Because I'd be interested in hearing that. If not then thanks for the input but I think you missed the point of what a feedback forum is.

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  • 2 months later...

Ok, i kinda thought the rush option had to be paid with platinum, instead i read in previous posts it is credits ? (Have i bin that blind ?)

Well, i was going to post a similar thread, so good thing i found this one.

I can understand the process as it is as being 'immersive', but that doesn't fly when you can 'rush' it with 'insert coin'.

Together with the allready implemented gadgets to decrease breeding times and such, my idea would be as such :

Keep the whole process as it is (to honor the work and idea that stands), yet open the immediate switch option when all breeds are in possession of the owner.

Seeing that plat has allready bin spend for stasis slots and the amount of effort has bin given to the process of breeding the pets, would you think this is a fair solution ?

I would certainly hope so. Ofcours i can only suggest/ask.

Thank you.


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That is a big reason (I have many other but won't derail thread) I never use them.


They are in no way worth the effort.  Mine are mastery fodder only.  I have one forma 7 times and all max mods - never use it.  


They are trash and can't compare with utility of a carrier with fully moded blast proc / high fire rate / wide cone sweeper prime.  


Kubrows need commands and new mods that allow conversion of slash to other damage types to be remotely comparable to we'll built sentinal.  


And there stupid rush time needs to be trashed.  We have the technology.  Game play >>>>>> realism.

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On 1/13/2016 at 2:00 PM, Rydian said:

The problem is that people accept the fact that there's waiting times and fees on changing the equipment in a slot because the equipment happens to be dog-shaped.  I've asked people if it'd be acceptable to have a waiting time and cost associated with changing out primary weapons between missions, and none of them even took it seriously.

It's not because the "equipment happens to be dog-shaped."  It's because the equipment is a dog.  It's organic.  It's not a robot.  It takes time to thaw.

A primary weapon doesn't take time to thaw.

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Because half of the arsenal is hidden behind loading screens.
I get it - the engine must be optimized and stuff. But in most cases I am more likely to say "yolo swag" and go with what I have equipped, instead of picking proper equipment and waiting for the game to load it.

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On 1/13/2016 at 1:46 PM, Chipputer said:

This isn't going to get any better once the feline versions come out and I think this needs addressed.

Well, just as you said with kavats coming things will very likely be addressed anyway.  I cannot imagine they would introduce a whole new type of companion without making some effort to streamline the current systems already in place.

Keep in mind that the stasis cost used to be platinum and was just recently changed to credits.  This could be a foreshadowing of being removed altogether depending on how they handle Kavats.

As always, my advice here is to wait and see what happens in the next update.

Great post and concerns, we'll see where it leads.

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24 minutes ago, Rydian said:

No it's not, it's an icon, set of stats, 3D models, textures, etc. :P

And people have the right to make emotional attachments to a virtual object. So deal with it.

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3 hours ago, Rydian said:

No it's not, it's an icon, set of stats, 3D models, textures, etc. :P

Technically, yes.  But for the games purposes; it's not. 

Personally, I couldn't mind seeing some cold storage for the Mutalist weapons.  Mainly because I'm sadistic. 

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