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4 Round Draco And 90K Focus


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Let me ask these people that want to remove Draco...Tell me please, where and how should I suppose to forma weapons or frames? You think I got all the time in this world to play ridiculous amount of hours just to put a mod on a weapon because I cannot fit it?

How in the hell do you think I could experiment with weapons and try new ones without Draco?

I got 1,212 hours in this game, which is a lot for me but still not lot enough if I didn't use Draco to forma stuff and make my build useful.

Why are you exactly bothered by Draco? Why do you even care? Let people play whatever and however they want....all these bs threads with "cc is killing this game" "draco is killing this game" "trinity is killing this game" and yet everyone plays it.


Why not remove every map in which you can level easily? Remove survivals, interceptions and defenses, remove xp, make us suffer for having formas or more than 2 weapons and frames, make it painful, make it so you need 6 months to max a weapon...

Edited by VRHmason
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Let me ask these people that want to remove Draco...Tell me please, where and how should I suppose to forma weapons or frames? You think I got all the time in this world to play ridiculous amount of hours just to put a mod on a weapon because I cannot fit it?

How in the hell do you think I could experiment with weapons and try new ones without Draco?

I got 1,212 hours in this game, which is a lot for me but still not lot enough if I didn't use Draco to forma stuff and make my build useful.

Why are you exactly bothered by Draco? Why do you even care? Let people play whatever and however they want....all these bs threads with "cc is killing this game" "draco is killing this game" "trinity is killing this game" and yet everyone plays it.


Why not remove every map in which you can level easily? Remove survivals, interceptions and defenses, remove xp, make us suffer for having formas or more than 2 weapons and frames, make it painful, make it so you need 6 months to max a weapon...

If you want to bullrush through the game's content thats not my problem.


Do you want to level up things fast? Go to your Draco. Just dont come complaining about "lack of things to do/content" when you find yourself without anything else to do aside from Rep farming and get to feel the burnout and the boredom.

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If you want to bullrush through the game's content thats not my problem.


Do you want to level up things fast? Go to your Draco. Just dont come complaining about "lack of things to do/content" when you find yourself without anything else to do aside from Rep farming and get to feel the burnout and the boredom.


I find no fun leveling mastery fodder weapons which are about 90% of what we have to play with. I level them for the MR and nothing else.


Grinding MR fodder/Rep/Focus isn't content they are time sinks/grind. I choose to do that with the least amount of effort and in the shortest time possible.

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If you want to bullrush through the game's content thats not my problem.


Do you want to level up things fast? Go to your Draco. Just dont come complaining about "lack of things to do/content" when you find yourself without anything else to do aside from Rep farming and get to feel the burnout and the boredom.

How much quality content there is, honestly?


A bunch of quests, that pretty much lead you nowhere in terms of general gameplay (except for the Second Dream, maybe).


We could insist on forcing self to emulate weapon progression of sorts, but that basically means getting MR12 first, rebuilding every gun at the same time and then picking them pretty much at random... Just to level them up and sell because most of these are nothing but a waste of slot?


I mean, PvE is terribly balanced, both in terms of acquisition requirements and actual effectiveness, but that's where over 3 years of powercreep has led us.


When playing a game, you don't exactly expect to be forced to backtrack all the time (and even if you do, it's because you get to try something new, better, fancier, shinier etc). There's a proverb that roughly translates as "appetite grows as you eat", or basically "the more you have the more you want", as you might've guessed, application of said proverb in Warframe means that people who are pretty much at the top demand stuff that's either flat-out better than what they have, or a sidegrade that opens a new ways of gameplay. What we get instead?


Every high ranked player will say that most weapons added to the game are nothing but trash and mastery fodder.

Lowranks don't exactly care because they are yet to experience what the game has to offer except... certain brain-numbingly powerful weapons are available pretty much the moment given player unlocks trading and basically invalidate the point of existence of majority of the content in this game.


I'm just waiting, twiddling my thumbs, to see how DE's going to address both the issue of terrible weapon balance and terrible enemy balance.

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you must ask yourself this.


do you wish to be a cheeseball player, pressing one button for 20 minutes?

or do you wish to go solo, and actually play the game?

Can't agree more, with the stealth option I actually play the game and it's a challenge for those 20 minutes.

Plus, I don't need to set up a team for my strategy to work!

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Can't agree more, with the stealth option I actually play the game and it's a challenge for those 20 minutes.

Plus, I don't need to set up a team for my strategy to work!


When I'm putting on the 2nd- 5th forma on a weapon I don't care about challenge or fun I just want it over and done with as quick as possible.

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Seems like a 40 min run, if we look at total kills. (prolonged runs by capping 2 nodes).

Let's say this is a 20 min run. Now, if you want each player to reach the 75k, you'd need to do this 4 times. So everyone is going to waste 80 min.


On the other hand, we have the stealth run options. And once you get efficient at those, you can reach the daily limit in 20-25 min solo.

That means, that they'll all reach the cap in 20-25 min. They can all farm simultaneously, since they're running solo.


So stealth runs are much more efficient if we're talking time required for several people to reach the cap.


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Was that a 4 cap2 waves run, OP? Because if it was it, you've done so-so.


In 4 cap2 waves run, Excalibur can go over 6k kills. Needless to say, that wouldn't be too useful, aside from the feeling of self-satisfaction.


Seems like a 40 min run, if we look at total kills. (prolonged runs by capping 2 nodes).

Let's say this is a 20 min run. Now, if you want each player to reach the 75k, you'd need to do this 4 times. So everyone is going to waste 80 min.

Well, if you're trying to get focus for an army of people, then you'll be correct. Yet, that's rarely the case, and even if we assume stealth runs could be around as efficient as Draco runs for farming focus purposes - in Draco you not only get yourself focus, you also help 3 random people over internet to get their gear maxed.

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you must ask yourself this.


do you wish to be a cheeseball player, pressing one button for 20 minutes?

or do you wish to go solo, and actually play the game?

lol, maybe he doesn't want to endlessly grind his tonkor from 0 to 30 through 5 forma so that he can play the game...


If you like endlessly grinding, that's your privilege.  Please allow others the same respect. 

Draco is the cancer of this game...


wrong... draco makes the game more enjoyable.  Without draco, i wouldn't play WF nearly as much.  I can level up my weapons easily, then go enjoy the upper level battles. 


draco helps the game, not hurts it. 

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-snip for brevity-


If you like endlessly grinding, that's your privilege.  Please allow others the same respect. 


-snip for brevity-


Please note, I didn't say he was wrong to play that way. I called players like those "cheeseball". 

I'll happily respect their choice to play that way. I simply won't respect them for choosing it.

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