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My Thoughts On Archwing.


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Let's get straight to the point.


I am not a fan of Archwing in it's current state, but I appear to have a different reason than other people. Most of the reasons why people dislike Archwing (that I have seen) fall along the lines of "too much RNG", "it's unfinished", and "it feels disconnected". It's not that I don't agree with these reasons; it's just that I feel like these are smaller problems. 


My reason for not liking Archwing is pretty simple. WE ARE STATIONARY SO DAMN MUCH. 

We are given the ability to fly.......IN  SPACE. But we do the exact same thing we do in normal Warframe; we stand/float in one place and defend stationary objects. Hell, the Archwing defense on Neptune (I think) is indoors....why.

The only time I actually have a good time with Archwing is when I am playing a Corpus exterminate and am flying through those tight corridors, or blowing up a Balor Fomorian. 


"Then why don't you just play those missions?" 

Because they aren't rewarding enough. You get barely any XP and your end of mission reward becomes useless once you obtain the weapon from that Node.


My wish for Archwing would be for DE to create all new Archwing exclusive game modes instead of just rehashing normal mission types.


Anyway, just my two cents. Let me know if you agree, disagree, or just want to be that guy who types "No." on every post he doesn't like.

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If they took the battlefront mechanic of locking onto enemies to shoot them and increasing acuracy the closer they were to the center of the screen instead of ye old point and click, you could fly and shoot at least. Strafing and stuff.

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I actually try to keep moving as much as I can in archwing.  I strafe and fire to keep myself from getting shot too much.  It makes me terrible at using Itzal properly since I keep forgetting to stop when invisible!


I'm a little puzzled that you complain about the Defense being indoors but then rate the other missions that take place in confined spaces as the better ones.

I like the concept of the Defense with it's second objective that gives double rewards.  It's just a shame it's health still doesn't scale so those shuttles are easier to destroy than the much lower level Mobile Defense objectives.  I'd actually not mind seeing that extra objective added to normal Defenses too.

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Being able to lock on and auto track targets would help a lot with AW.  I personally have a hard time seeing the bad guys, so having the ability to TAB + Fire would be a blessing.


Being able to latch onto the asteroids would be nice, tbh, but we are stationary too much.  I would have liked the Defense mission to have been similar to Hijack, in the sense that we had to follow a cargo pod to a location and defend it.

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Capture missions would be really cool if it was like you started off in the hanger and you target flew out so you had to chase him/her at high speeds while avoiding trapes, bombs, asteroids colliding enemys flying in at your side and trying to slow you down and stop you.  and the pace of it would be at least like the mastery rank 20 test here a link if you want to see it  

and just casue making  the missions pacing to fit music like this :P

and by astroid dodging i mean like this

and getting to the target should feel like that too and the elytrons 4th should feel like 0:53

in case you hate the prequels here you go 

and dam im link happy but it does kinda go more with the feel since archwing is more body flying then ship flying and the UI 0:50 is similar to what we use

but reading some of the comments above i do agree therer should be a lock on and targeting kinda thing and more movement and just not feel as slow as it does now

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I do agree would love it if we could keep the momentum and movement speed while taking aim and shooting.


I think we just need to be allowed to control movement with the keyboard and have free aim with the mouse(by either rmb hold or toggle) without having any disruption to the momentum or speed we're carrying. I dont think we need a lock-on most targets die that fast in archwing unless it was a cycle toggle. Or they reduced the amount of mobs but increased thier size, health and arsenal.


Another thing i'd like to see is actual combat with battleships and weapon platforms. (like Jordas)

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I do agree would love it if we could keep the momentum and movement speed while taking aim and shooting.


I think we just need to be allowed to control movement with the keyboard and have free aim with the mouse(by either rmb hold or toggle) without having any disruption to the momentum or speed we're carrying. I dont think we need a lock-on most targets die that fast in archwing unless it was a cycle toggle. Or they reduced the amount of mobs but increased thier size, health and arsenal.


Another thing i'd like to see is actual combat with battleships and weapon platforms. (like Jordas)

You make a fair point about the lock on the biggest thing that I would want out of something like a lock on is really just a Firing solution to aim your weps long distances especially for something like the velocitus but that could "easily" be worked into the archwings guns alt fire mode. just mark your target then boom but as its an alt fire you wouldnt need it if you were up close. and what do you mean weapon platforms like jordas vs a balor fomorian and just being in the cross fire or what? please explain

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You make a fair point about the lock on the biggest thing that I would want out of something like a lock on is really just a Firing solution to aim your weps long distances especially for something like the velocitus but that could "easily" be worked into the archwings guns alt fire mode. just mark your target then boom but as its an alt fire you wouldnt need it if you were up close. and what do you mean weapon platforms like jordas vs a balor fomorian and just being in the cross fire or what? please explain

I see


Yea being in the crossfire But having enough visual feedback to be able to evade the incoming fire. In the Jordas mission all attacks are highly visible, theres plenty of cover in the environment. Balor Formorians i dont have any clue whats knocking down my hp/shields most of the time. Its a fun mission but it is very confusing. Doesnt help with it being a rare event in the starchart.

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Here is the thing with Archwing... When it came out we were happy. The speed was good and the action was ok... But then you realize that Archwing and Warframe are two split games. One doesnt reward stuff for the other. As it is focus is on the ground missions. Archwing feels like filler for grinding even more stuff (that your reeealy dont need) Some submersible missions remedy it nicely but they are short to notice.What Archwings need to set it above the ground missions(pun intended) is energy rescaling. Basically unhindered skill play. Also its space. Tons of new raid bosses are open. Pirate mothership attack... Sentinel Battlecruiser... Give us large ships to destroy similar to Fomorian attack. And make the Archwings a bit bullet helly (shooting while autolock is on at high speed, dodging shots). Just make it worth our while mod and fun wise.

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Agreed, a lot of the Archwing missions are horribly underwhelming, the only time they get fun is during boss fights and whenever we get a Balor Fomorian to take down. Definitely liking the idea of Archwing missions being faster and having unique modes rather than just recycled missions from the base game. Right now we have 6 degrees of freedom and no reason to even use it.


What I would like to see from Archwings are high speed dogfights, trench runs, bombing runs and high speed chases against VIPs escaping from planets or ships, or transferring from one ship to another or from an orbital station to a nearby planet. Another thing that I would like to see, hopefully after Archwings get a rework(here's hoping) is Archwing Conclave, player vs. player dogfighting in space, cue the Kenny Loggins!

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I agree on this absolutely, I mean if we had 'Archwing' Arena it's basically conclave, goddamn. Dogfights, CTF in space or low gravity. Midair melee fighting, it would be goddamn glorious, it would add so much interesting playstyles in terms of how people pilot Archwings and use them in general.
It would add huge variety to potential Archwing developments and such. I mean who wouldn't want midair high speed dogfights? Obviously Conclave score would be taken into consideration. 
I wholeheartedly agree. +1

Agreed, a lot of the Archwing missions are horribly underwhelming, the only time they get fun is during boss fights and whenever we get a Balor Fomorian to take down. Definitely liking the idea of Archwing missions being faster and having unique modes rather than just recycled missions from the base game. Right now we have 6 degrees of freedom and no reason to even use it.


What I would like to see from Archwings are high speed dogfights, trench runs, bombing runs and high speed chases against VIPs escaping from planets or ships, or transferring from one ship to another or from an orbital station to a nearby planet. Another thing that I would like to see, hopefully after Archwings get a rework(here's hoping) is Archwing Conclave, player vs. player dogfighting in space, cue the Kenny Loggins!



Edited by TekFolf
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The Corpus have tiny hit boxes. This forces you to stop and take aim to hit them. Even using a fluctus requires accurate aim against the Corpus enemies. I also think they are a bit off-center, and actually sit higher than the model.

I find the interception mission on Uranus to be the most enjoyable mission. It is in space, so you are not dealing with the trench maps' tiny corridors, and it is against the Grineer, which you can actually fire at while on the move, since they have larger hit boxes. You also have to be on your guard, as the Hellions can easily take you out if you are not careful. It also rewards cores quite frequently.

Honestly, I think the Corpus units need to be completely redone. They are boring to fight against, and difficult to hit. The trench maps need to have wider hallways to promote faster gameplay. Right now trench maps are E, E, E, E, E, E, ....

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I find the interception mission on Uranus to be the most enjoyable mission. It is in space, so you are not dealing with the trench maps' tiny corridors, and it is against the Grineer, which you can actually fire at while on the move, since they have larger hit boxes. You also have to be on your guard, as the Hellions can easily take you out if you are not careful.


On the other hand, you have to deal with the impervious Shield(-Hellion) Dagryns... Electric contact damage and proc from the shield if you go to melee them, which is the only reasonable way to handle them if they're focused on you because they turn so fast you can't even Iztal Blink behind them and shoot them in the unshielded parts.


I'd say just taking off the contact damage and having them be a 'melee for best results' unit would be fair, except Shield-Hellions will probably wreck you in a hurry regardless of the electric damage and proc, if you don't kill them in one or two strikes.

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The Corpus have tiny hit boxes. This forces you to stop and take aim to hit them. Even using a fluctus requires accurate aim against the Corpus enemies. I also think they are a bit off-center, and actually sit higher than the model.

I find the interception mission on Uranus to be the most enjoyable mission. It is in space, so you are not dealing with the trench maps' tiny corridors, and it is against the Grineer, which you can actually fire at while on the move, since they have larger hit boxes. You also have to be on your guard, as the Hellions can easily take you out if you are not careful. It also rewards cores quite frequently.

Honestly, I think the Corpus units need to be completely redone. They are boring to fight against, and difficult to hit. The trench maps need to have wider hallways to promote faster gameplay. Right now trench maps are E, E, E, E, E, E, ....


Oh god yes, the Corpus maps are just awful. I've lost count how many times I've clipped through the level geometry and died due to the wild melee animations in tiny hallways.

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On the other hand, you have to deal with the impervious Shield(-Hellion) Dagryns... Electric contact damage and proc from the shield if you go to melee them, which is the only reasonable way to handle them if they're focused on you because they turn so fast you can't even Iztal Blink behind them and shoot them in the unshielded parts.


I'd say just taking off the contact damage and having them be a 'melee for best results' unit would be fair, except Shield-Hellions will probably wreck you in a hurry regardless of the electric damage and proc, if you don't kill them in one or two strikes.

Actually, the Fluctus penetrates their shields, so you do have options.

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