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Obligatory Sortie Rant. (Yes, A Rant, Be Warned).


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for the first time since Sorties reached Console, I've been unable to do today's annoying as hell Interception on earth. this is down to a number of things, that have really boiled my blood.


firstly, Incompetent teammates. I get it, we can't all be pros, but can we at LEAST engage our brain cells enough to be bothered? out of the 20+ teams I tried this ridiculous excuse for a mission with, they were all nearly useless. no matter what weapons they brought, or what Frames they used, I was the only one seeming to give a damn. some of them may have been newer players, and to them I say; what on earth are you doing here in the first place? at least get some better builds and stuff going before you try this garbage, I had an MR5 in one lobby. I normally don't like to get involved in the Sortie MR debate, but I feel as though this is taking the Urine Sample now. get some experience under your belt first, or if you prefer, "Git gud". a lot of people need to apparently.


second, what the hell is up with that ridiculous map design? who thought that having multiple levels for enemies to hide under was a good idea? Delta is the worst, with that stupid tunnel under the walkway. you spend several minutes wondering why the hek there's "Conflict" (that needs reworking too BTW, they Conflict the Tower even when they are outside of the circles. so what is the point of the circles? total BS.), only to discover a Trooper is hiding right underneath you, and as you drop down to get him, you get a shotgun in the face and go down. hilarious. either seal the damn tunnels up or change the map, either one is fine by me.


of course, I will try once again tomorrow, because I want my Focus Lens for the Wrong school that I'm inevitably going to get, or another Karak/Dera Part I don't need. I want to finish it just in case this is going to be the one time in my Warframe experience that I might get lucky, and win the Legendary core Lottery. but you have to be in it to win it, and I am most certainly not in it right now.


I'm ill, slightly tired and annoyed. I don't want sympathy, I don't even want you to give a damn about this post. reply with some trash talk if you want, it makes no difference to me, the only reason I'm putting this out is because I feel the need to vent, and maybe, just maybe, might spark a discussion with someone else who failed todays sorties. you could argue that they aren't worth doing, and you're right: they aren't. but the hopeless optimist in me still does them, just in case RNGsus blesses me.


I hope your sorties went a lot smoother than mine.

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Today was a good day - I failed only one rescue run. Yesterday otoh was a nightmare: failed spy ELEVEN times (seven times with full LokiP cell). And few days ago was called "$&*&*#(%& mr20 noob" by some mr8 Excal for bringing Loki to a Infestation defense sortie (Eximus stronghold one). He left and I ended with most damage dealt and most kills thanks to my six-forma Tonkor. I don't want to sound like an elitist glA******, but newbs this days are driving me mad.

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I'm ill, slightly tired and annoyed. I don't want sympathy, I don't even want you to give a damn about this post. reply with some trash talk if you want, it makes no difference to me


First of all, with that quote, there is no reason to even have this post up.


Secondly, Stop playing with pugs

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I occasionally run into a toxic players or total noobies/veterans who aren't very good in PUGS but I've also had some of my best games too. You have to accept it's gonna be random though. Sometimes you'll run into a total jerk, but the other day I had a really fun game. 


Random sortie 1 defense against Corpus, radiation hazard. I bring duration Smoke Shadow Ash, spawn into a group with three other ppl, one of them immediately disconnects idk why, probably connection problem. Then his friend leaves too. 


Me and other guy (who I've seen on these forums a fair bit and is quite smart/knows the game well) decided to just try anyways, he had max range Equinox sleep spam build and I had smoke shadow. Was incredibly fun. 


I kept npc invis and used my bow over and over for easy headshots on slept enemies, and he kept using rest and killing as well. Stealth skills won us the day, I probably only used BS 3-4 times the entire match. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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And I'm sitting here,






failing at that defense because that armor buff is so god damn extreme on some enemies + I can only go solo and don't have corrosive projection


You could try a hybrid Ash for smoke shadow defense and bs for armor ignore. Invis for reviving npc. 


Or RB Excal or something, with a CL dagger combo. 

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:< but they're so cute with their lil smushed up faces and respiratory problems...


Seriously though, OP needs to take a break and find the time to assemble an actual team that he can communicate with. 

yeah there were a total number of a whopping FOUR people on recruit chat when i logged off 10 mins ago

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Am I the only one who had absolutely no issue at all doing those sorties with random tenno?


I mean, sure I got failed missions a few times since sorties were added, and I like doing my extermination and spy missions solo, but defense and interception? Never really had any issue.


Ridiculous map design? Just because of some tunnels? You want a flat map?


Are you sure you're the one playing sorties the right way and other people being bad? Just wondering when I see such feedback.


Dying in one shot by a shotgun mob (in a corridor)...

Edited by matto
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I can understand where you're coming from, OP. You're mad, you're frustrated, you're probably playing something else right now, and you don't really mean it. You're just having a bit of bad luck right now. We just remember the bad teams more than the good ones because, with the good teams, it's uneventful and nothing happened to remember it by.

Don't play when you're angry. Get some rest, get back in a good mind set, and then drop by the armory to grab the good ammo and try again :)

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For me it took 6 tries to get a team that wasn't completely incompetent. The amount of people trying to go into level 100 grineer missions without owning CP astounds me. Or bringing unranked/barely ranked up weapons, or having no useful frames for that level of enemy, etc. Normally I don't care, I can solo most things anyway so carrying isn't so hard, but sometimes you get that ONE mission that you need at least one other person to have it together.


I think sorties need an MR 12+ requirement on them. MR doesn't solve all the problems (Especially with the Draco jockeys with no real play experience but high MR) but it would help a bit. Sorties aren't really made for newbies, and it's not too fair for the rest of us to have to carry them all the time.


They had no problem capping Syndicate weapons, don't see why there would be a real problem capping other "high level" content also.

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Frustration: Understandable.

Rant: Understandable.

Constructiveness: Lacking.


As a result, I am locking the thread. Rant threads with no constructive way to solve the problem suggested does not lead to good results. Sorry to hear RNGeesus is not looking upon you with favor, but lets keep posting constructive, please.



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