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Hotfix 18.4.3


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"more equalized distribution of drops across the rarities. In doing so, the rate that Uncommon and Rare mods drop has been increased by double, and the rate at which Common mods drop has been reduced."


Guess we'll wait for the dataminers to determine if these supposed drop rates are abysmal still or not.


As it stands relying on RNG to get limited timed rewards is a HORRIBLE idea that should've been done away with.

Regardless if they're being added in at a later date or not.

(People are still waiting on other event mods to come back)

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While the changes to the Shadow Debt event were in the right direction, it still fails to completely address the mod drop rates.


The fact that the drop rates are still uneven will cause continued salt towards the event. You made the drop rates more balanced, but they are still unbalanced. Doubling the drop rate of a rare mod increases the chance of getting it from 2% to 4%? It is still illogical to me.

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Please note that now any Event Mod dropped by Acolytes will appear with the 'Rare' beacon and only be revealed at mission complete.


Thanks for nothing. It's not like we wasted hours of our lives in vain hopes to get useful mods before that, and you made it ten times worse. Not only made event mods dropable and not a reward for the quest like in all the events before, but now that. 

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Ummm are you guys sure you increased the drop rates of the uncommons and rares? Cause it kinda feels quite the opposite. Or is it that the original drop rates were uber bad to begin with that nothing significant happened??

Edited by Haldos
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Talking about stalkers...The Pakal Chest piece ...its not centered on Excalibur's Chest!




THEN AGAIn fix the whole armor set XD its all a bit to the left on him now that i tested it further.

Edited by Odlaner
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This hotfix should've been part of the initial event run.

Here's what DE could easily do to 'fix' this event and regain player confidence.


After the final boss is spawned, further Acolytes will appear on designated nodes in Assassination-only mission types and will remain there for an hour whenever they are found.  They will ALWAYS spawn on that node.

Each Acolyte kill will reward X Ducats instead of the mod itself.

These Ducats can be traded in for unique rewards next time the Baro Ki'Teer Void Trader spawns.

You have at least a week to add these mods to his sell list and Ducats are already in the game.

As a bonus, those who already have the mods they want or don't need the mods can keep the Ducats to buy other things.

Adjust the Ducat reward to something like 5 or 10 Ducats per kill, maybe put in a cap at 100 Ducats a day.  Whichever you feel is best.


And finally.  When the final boss spawns, 3 days is not enough.  Make it 14 days so that EVERYONE can have a FAIR shot at scanning the acolytes and killing them for mods and killing the final boss mission.


DE please....don't let this event be 'the worst ever'.  The mods are awesome, some are game-breaking, but the mods can later be adjusted/toned down instead of making RNG on RNG on RNG on RNG like it is now.

Edited by FreshNinja007
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  • Changed the default Common/Uncommon/Rare drop rate system for Acolyte enemies to have a more equalized distribution of drops across the rarities. In doing so, the rate that Uncommon and Rare mods drop has been increased by double, and the rate at which Common mods drop has been reduced.

I am a bit confused by this statement. Reading the second sentence in terms of numbers it would be something like this:


Rare 2% to 4%

Uncommon 10% to 20%

Common 88% to 76%


But the first sentence would be more like this


Rare 25%

Uncommon 35%

Common 40%


Which one is it?

Edited by viperveteran
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  • Changed the default Common/Uncommon/Rare drop rate system for Acolyte enemies to have a more equalized distribution of drops across the rarities. In doing so, the rate that Uncommon and Rare mods drop has been increased by double, and the rate at which Common mods drop has been reduced.




[size=8]Thank. You. So much.[/size]

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I'm not complaining about the Ferrite - Alloy Plate thing, but it seems sort of random @_@

perhaps you didnt have 1000000+ alloy plates, the ferrite can be used for several everyday use items like specters, air support charges and ciphers   as such has a higher consumption rate as opposed to the alloy plate.


i would rather had polymers but this will do

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I would agree with you if RNG wasn't that bad. After 100 times trying to get imperator vandal receiver I figured out that 4% can be almost 0% when it comes to Warframe...


That makes me wonder if any statistical analysis has ever been done on the drop rates in Warframe. A lot of standard pseudo-RNG algorithms have flaws that cause them to to have uneven distribution.

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perhaps you didnt have 1000000+ alloy plates, the ferrite can be used for several everyday use items like specters, air support charges and ciphers   as such has a higher consumption rate as opposed to the alloy plate.


i would rather had polymers but this will do


Oh - like I started my post out by saying - I'm definitely not complaining about the change. 


It just didn't seem like one DE had any reason to make. They could have kept it Alloy Plates and nobody would've cared. 

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This is called bad luck and being ignorant of how statistics work.


Speaking of ignorant on how statistics work, @ 4% drop rate, 25 missions is not what it takes to acquire the mod. Thats the average it takes to acquire a mod, meaning about 50% chance to acquire the mod after 25 missions. You're looking at more like 15-35 missions as a realistic window, and if you take into account all 5 mods (Im counting torment even though hes now gone), thats 75-175 missions to acquire yourself a set of mods. Thats not a small number.


Although im already at 273, so i guess its better than what we had. Well it would be anyways, except we were able to do missions in about a minute due to aborting, now you're looking at having to complete missions. I dont have the data for average mission length or i'd be able to pump out an estimated time to acquire a full mod set.

Edited by Skaleek
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Geez, people and wanting to be hand-fed everything with a silver spoon from a golden platter.


So let's say we get a rare core once every 25 runs. 5 minutes per run makes 125 minutes spent to get a rare mod. That doesn't include the acolyte disappearing. And with RNG, it's not a guarantee that you will even get that mod by run 25. Now does it seem reasonable for a timed event?

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This is called bad luck and being ignorant of how statistics work.


Bad luck or a drop system that is not optimized. I do know exactly how statistics works, I had Statistics on university. That's why other games have a system which increases drop chances at every time you kill a mob or it have a system which refine drop rates by time. This is a game, not a real life scenario where we have a lot of variables that can't be controlled.

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