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Is Baro Ki'teer Gone?


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If he is gone then Shame on you PC players thank you for destroying another great thing we had in warframe


It wasn't just PC players who could tell how blatantly bad his loot has been over the last few visits. Don't point blame on one platform.

His stuff has been blatantly bad for a long while now and they've justified it with "But muh power creep" which was fine and dandy. But then they released the newest event and added the very definition of power creep to the new loot.

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It was a terrible design. Would be much better to have him be permanent with his inventory changing daily. Encourages visiting him every day and poor offerings wouldn't matter since they'd change in a day. And a new player joining game will have a chance to get all relevant items in a month or two.

Submit the feedback to DE. Thats what you should do!

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Who cares if his stuff was bad or not it doesn't matter some of the stuff was very useful

& yes I will blame PC users because they the ones who get the stuff b4 us & have the bigger player base & the majority of you PC players are nothing but ungrateful complainers.

Complain complain complain is all that seems to happen & what u PC users don't understand is while it will effect u now it will hurt us console users as well. Just remember anything u complain about that gets removed or Reworked also effect console users who may actually like some of the things you don't.

remember PC users you ain't the only ones who get patches & stuff what happens to you eventually makes its way to us & us console users are different then PC users alot of stuff u don't like we tend to like.

If it get changed then it ruins it for us so think about that b4 u post ok

it's time people stop complaining & actually be greatful for the stuff he does bring no matter how bad it is its still rare stuff & useful

I'm so sick & tired of stuff being destroyed because of crybabies

I hope it's just a bug & this thread is moot point

I hope this just means the new star chart is close to coming & he will return on a permanent bases there.

As remember DE did mention he would be in the new star chart so hopefully this us just in preparation for it as u guys may get 18.5 next week if so I could have swore DE said awhile back b4 update 18 that it would likely be out in 18.5

So hopefully this is the case fact de hasn't announced his removal on the Fourms doesn't seems like it was intentional hopefully it wasn't

But if it big mistake de hope u do the right thing & keep Baro coming thx u

It wasn't just PC players who could tell how blatantly bad his loot has been over the last few visits. Don't point blame on one platform.

His stuff has been blatantly bad for a long while now and they've justified it with "But muh power creep" which was fine and dandy. But then they released the newest event and added the very definition of power creep to the new loot.

Edited by (PS4)ChiefsFury1984
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It wasn't just PC players who could tell how blatantly bad his loot has been over the last few visits. Don't point blame on one platform.

His stuff has been blatantly bad for a long while now and they've justified it with "But muh power creep" which was fine and dandy. But then they released the newest event and added the very definition of power creep to the new loot.

The reason his loot was so terrible was that people were down-talking DE and they were tired of it. The last visit could be seen as a good-bye since he sold the boosters and a Catalyst.

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If he is gone then i would be annoyed. I would dislike the warframe community abit as they pretty much whined and whined about everything baro brought and de is getti tired of all this madness. I do agree that he should bring more good stuff (mastery fodder or not I won't care as long as it's worth it) but whining isn't gonna make de bring more new content.

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well they did state they were going to make a new "trader" who has the token system for sortie loot


in dev stream they called it a her not a him....?


i thought they would simply add a trader not replace baro


Probably maroo (hope not, I despise her). And how do you think this "token" system will work? Do you really believe there will be any reliable way of earning legendary cores (let's call one or two per month a reasonable speed)?


We know how baro operated, I doubt sortie system will be much different. just a pawn-shop for unwanted sortie parts, and possibility of purchasing wanted parts (leg core excluded ofc...) and mby some other stuff (cosmetics, key-packs, etc.) is what i'd call optimistic turnout.


What if baro won't show up this friday? Riots, I can guarantee it.  I'll dig out mine pitchfork too. I took part in previous, but because I'm very displeased with him not bringing any of old stuff.

Cause what, we're being punished? Don't forget to call voicing our opinions a nonsense and tell us to grow up this time too.


Also i recall hearing somewhere baro would retire, primed mods added to sortie droptable at leg core rate, everything else into market, ducats converted to credits at rate 10k-1d. I really hope this is just rumor, cause it sounds awfull.


What would I see as reasonable end to salttrader system? Implementing him as persistent npc with all his previous stock, keeping adding new items on bi-weekly basis (which would be added to residual catalogue 4 weeks later). Mentioned before dialy rotation of avavible stock is also most agreeable by my book.

Or forementioned complete dismantling him, with 1 month pre-retirement sellout extravaganza where he has all stock avavible. Middle finger for players who'll start in future and will want his stock too, but at least riots would be avoided.


What worries me most is... junk market breakdown. Atm, there is more people wanting to sell junk than people buying it. Small new players are taking a lot of heat here. Cause they actually "need" this plat for slots, basic mods (how long did it get to get this first life strike or split chamber? And they're essentials) to get their grind machines going. But, oh well, in most games most spending takes when starting, and we need that constant influx of plat to keep market going.



To all console <explitive> who blame pc users for all this mess with baro:

"omg, veritux, AGAIN?! get out"

"primed target cracker, so lame. WHEN WE WILL GET SOMETHING USEFULL?!?!?!!"

We (pc) did most of pitchforking, yes, but you are in better position cause you know what's coming. And still whine, regardless of knowing it'll get a lot worse.

Edited by 5HV3N
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Why is that everyone has such a one sided view one this issue? one side is saying "you must love and appreciate everything DE put out", while the other" DE keeps putting out useless crap content". DE is guilty of doing both! People you need to understand that we are not going to always get awesome and amazing content so get over it. Also, People need to understand that sometimes DE does put out useless crap and people have a right to not like it and complain or give feed back. If DE takes the trader out because people are complaining about the content they have been putting out then its a stupid move on their part in my opinion. what they can do to fix the issue is to well, put out good content they know the tenno will love or have been asking for. But the past couple weeks has been ok to bad for baro though.

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It was a terrible design. Would be much better to have him be permanent with his inventory changing daily. Encourages visiting him every day and poor offerings wouldn't matter since they'd change in a day. And a new player joining game will have a chance to get all relevant items in a month or two.


This idea is literally perfect and should be how Baro works.

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Wow.  I mean, I really want my Primed Flow, so I hope if this is the case we lag a little behind on consoles, but if DE actually did take him out... bravo devs, bravo.

Don't blame de, people kept on whining about the stuff he brought with him so that's most likely why they removed him, to stop toxicity. Of course I like this community as a whole but with baro its a whole different story :|

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I am sure he will be reintroduced at some point, hopefully on an assassination node.


I lolled


And from what I remember from the devstream they said that those mods were essential and all so I doubt he's perma being removed, probably just going to go differently about having him around and how his wares come about and swap in a different manner and schedule. Oh well. We'll see when whatever happens happens?

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Don't blame de, people kept on whining about the stuff he brought with him so that's most likely why they removed him, to stop toxicity. Of course I like this community as a whole but with baro its a whole different story :|

Little confused why you quoted me on this?  Did you interpret my "bravo devs, bravo" as sarcasm?  It really wasn't.  Just being honest that I would like primed flow before he leaves - but if that's the price to not have to listen to all the *deleted* SALT EVERY TWO *deleted* weeks, then meh, I can totally deal with that.

Edited by (PS4)Cwellann
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Little confused why you quoted me on this?  Did you interpret my "bravo devs, bravo" as sarcasm?  It really wasn't.  Just being honest that I would like primed flow before he leaves - but if that's the price to not have to listen to all the *deleted* SALT EVERY TWO *deleted* weeks, then meh, I can totally deal with that.

No, I knew that it wasn't sarcasm but I just wanted to tell you what most likely happened. The only thing you can try and do if he is gone is buy it for plat but If you would rather wait then that fine. I do agree that I would prefer no baro then the daily salt threads and comments every visit he makes.

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Removing it because players complained makes no sense, i mean seriously, why would they think baro would receive good feedback when they release boosters and 700 ducat catalysts, i mean, rly.


If they remove baro, then the fault is DE and DE alone, i even wonder if the prices were placed on purpose so that they could receive bad feedback intentionally.

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I really hope DE doesn't remove him if I were them I would ignore what the Whiners say.

Everyone just needs to learn to be thankful for the stuff we do get..

If he is gone then Shame on you PC players thank you for destroying another great thing we had in warframe

Plz grow up & learn to be thankful for the stuff we get.

I urge DE to not end The Baro K Teer experience keep it going to hell with the toxic players there's always gonna be those ungrateful snobs who don't enjoy anything & just complain to complain

But plz continue on with the Baro K Teer stuff I enjoy the things he brings

If u discontinue it Alot of players may abandoned warframe & I'd hate to see that.

Plz don't make irrational decisions over a few bad apples who will likely nvr play warframe alot anyway let the legend of Baro live on thx u.


1) I really doubt that Warframe would lose many players at all over Baro's permanent disappearance. You're in the minority, my friend.


2) Even if DE got rid of Baro, they'd still release his items through some other means, probably through the market like other Prisma stuff (and I wouldn't complain about that at all).


3) It might even push DE to sell some items for ducats as well as platinum through the market, without having to go through middleman Baro.


4) They might even put him on his own relay like Maroo.

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It was a terrible design. Would be much better to have him be permanent with his inventory changing daily. Encourages visiting him every day and poor offerings wouldn't matter since they'd change in a day. And a new player joining game will have a chance to get all relevant items in a month or two.

Didn't mean he had to be killed.

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No, I knew that it wasn't sarcasm but I just wanted to tell you what most likely happened. The only thing you can try and do if he is gone is buy it for plat but If you would rather wait then that fine. I do agree that I would prefer no baro then the daily salt threads and comments every visit he makes.

Yeah - which is totally doable for me - but the buddies I play with aren't as patient with the trade channel as I am, and I was sort of waiting on Primed Flow being available to take my Loki friend through LoR (I know it's not needed, but it makes it easier on the Trin).  


Again, yeah, if DE really removed him because of the constant saltiness right before dev streams, really can't fault 'em for that - watching the dev stream feels enough like drinkin beer with buddies that it's really irritating to see said buddies obviously upset over being yelled at by the crazy chick they can't stop dating right before they came over for beer.

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It was a terrible design. Would be much better to have him be permanent with his inventory changing daily. Encourages visiting him every day and poor offerings wouldn't matter since they'd change in a day. And a new player joining game will have a chance to get all relevant items in a month or two.


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