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Makes Me Wonder If I Should Quit This Game


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RNGesus doesn't like you, was you there when warframe parts were pink orbs and drops rarely? So much times on raptor and see so much bp falling in a pit without any chance of getting it...


These are NOT RNGs (random number generators).  Random number generators produce RANDOM numbers, not programmed and tiered drop rates. 


Drop rates in WF are the furthest thing from random.  They are programmed drop tables which are changed without notice to players. 

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The thing with loot drops in this game, it really is just luck. Rewards are determined by a random number generator; it's a lot like rolling some dice. Rewards have % chance based weights (with the better rewards being a lower % and the fodder rewards being a higher %). It's a lot like roulette; there are some rewards which have a higher % chance of winning, and some which are much smaller.


Sorry to hear you're down on your luck, but perhaps your luck will change in time.


A weighted system is not random if the weighting effects the drop rates significantly.  Based on your description, the drop rates of 'better rewards' are determined more by the weighting system than by the random number generator.  Do I understand the system correctly, please?


Please post a link as to which drops are 'rare', 'uncommon' and 'common', what the drop rate weightings for each level are. I'm specifically interested in the drop weightings of prime parts in the void.  TIA

Edited by DeadlyPeanutt
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RNG doesnt have to be bad, but this however, is absolutely disgusting. I think this really needs a fix because who the hell is seriously going to do 150 spy missions for just a CHANCE at getting a part of a warframe? Now consider not every player is also a diehard grind maniac like me or a few others of you here. 


The problem you are having is NOT due to random number generators and bad luck.  It is due to programmed drop weightings which make the parts you're after very rare.  The more rarely the parts drop, the more likely it is that players will give up and buy the item for real money.  


People need to STOP referring to drops in WF as RNG or random drops... they are the furthest thing in the world from random:  They are programmed at very specific weighted rates.  


What are the very specific drop rates for the parts you want?  Do you have a 1 in 1000 chance to get the part, or a 1 in 50 chance?  The answer to that question is very important to your frustration level and the level of game enjoyment, because you're not playing the missions over and over because you enjoy them.  You're playing for a specific reward.  If you knew you had a 1 in 1000 chance to receive a desired reward, would you continue to play the mission over and over?  This is an interesting question. 


Players should ask repeatedly for the drop rates/weightings of valued items and if those drop rates are changed without notice. 

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I got every piece of Equinox in one run per piece.


See how easy that was? This be the internet where people can say what they want without needing much proof. It would be a tad difficult and strenuous to prove it, I admit, but let's all tell this poor chap how lucky we supposedly are and rub his lack of fortune to his face like a pound of salt to a fresh wound.


Or we could not and be like some of the decent people. I know lying is bad but Koodaris is feeling the same rage that you all probably have felt at some point in your lives. I'm sure there were people out there who enjoyed pouring salt on your misery, but you don't have to be that jerk to someone else. Try lying for a change, but don't say it's a lie. Tell him you feel the same pain, that it took you weeks to snag yourself a set of Ash prime parts (it probably didn't, but he doesn't need to know that). Let him know there are people out there who feel his pain, let him bask in that moment. It's not true, not in the slightest, but what do you really get out of teasing the sad sod that your luck is better than his?


Pleasure? Come now, be better than that.

Edited by Eggzodiya
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A weighted system is not random if the weighting effects the drop rates significantly.  Based on your description, the drop rates of 'better rewards' are determined more by the weighting system than by the random number generator.  Do I understand the system correctly, please?


Please post a link as to which drops are 'rare', 'uncommon' and 'common', what the drop rate weightings for each level are. I'm specifically interested in the drop weightings of prime parts in the void.  TIA

A weighted system can still be random.


Let's say you have a 6 sided die and 3 different rewards, except each reward has a different weight (% chance of dropping), and all rewards' weight totals 100%.


Reward A: Roll a 1 (16.67% chance)

Reward B: Roll a 2 or 3 (33.33% chance)

Reward C: Roll a 4, 5 or 6 (50% chance)


Because each dice roll is random, it is completely possible (although an infinitely small chance) that you will only ever roll a 4, 5 or 6, meaning you always get stuck with reward C. This is obviously not ideal (ideal being that out of 6 attempts you get 1 of reward A, 2 of reward B and 3 of reward C), but it is not impossible.


You can create an even more extreme split between drop chances; such as 6 sides die with 2 rewards (one with 16.67% and the other with 83.33%). There's a chance that you'll only ever get the item with the 16.67% drop chance. Or an even further extreme of a 1% or 0.1% drop chance for an item. Again, statistically unlikely but not impossible. The randomness is in how the item drops over a period of time; if it's 1 in 1000, then it will likely (but not guaranteed) appear once every 1,000 times--there is always the possibility that it won't, or that it will several times in a row.


As long as rewards are a function of a dice roll, there is always the possibility of never getting what you are aiming for while others get that very same item repeatedly.

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RNG grinding leads to only frustration, and unhappy players. Grind is much better if you can tangibly see what you doing is making some kind of progress. There is a point where you need to ask yourself, is this worth the risk, the rng?

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First of all, its RNG....


I got my Ivara in less than an hour of Void Farm and Trade Stalking..

After wasting 3 hours on spy that is.

Equinox..I got him in less than an hour

also, WTF? Equinox in less than an hour? Dafuq did you sacrifice to get that?

The head of a chicken? The blood of a virgin? The bones of a saint?! Tell us the secret

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A weighted system can still be random.


Thank you. I don't know why this concept seems so hard to understand.


For what it's worth OP, I'm in the exact opposite boat... I don't think I've done 150+ Spy Missions, but check out my Ivara rewards >.>




Gimme one of those helmets T^T

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Nobody ever remembers when Banshee parts used to be an infested defense drop with 2% chance on rotation C.  The game hasn't changed.  Go farm some prime stuff and sell enough to buy her from the market.

Or better yet, just take a break.  The best thing is to have fun? no?

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I don't see why people make ciphers for casual solo runs. Just hack the darn consoles.

When grinding in frustration, it is far easier to maximize your time by pressing "Y" as soon as the mini game pops up.  It barely loads before it's solved and then you're on your merry way.



Nobody ever remembers when Banshee parts used to be an infested defense drop with 2% chance on rotation C.  The game hasn't changed.  Go farm some prime stuff and sell enough to buy her from the market.

Or better yet, just take a break.  The best thing is to have fun? no?

You know who remembers?


Pepperidge Farms remembers.  And me.  I remember that.  


On topic;


It is easier to get Ivara if you're passively getting her parts.  This is working well for me on my alt account, I'm running Spy missions for event mods as well as Ivara parts, so it's not that much of a let down when I don't get her Chassis/Helm/BP because I picked up a new mod.


But when you have all the mods and don't really have anything else to do in the game, like on my main account, it's mind numbingly boring to play Spy missions trying to get her parts.  


It'd be nice if DE was able to improve or change the Spy missions so that it was easier to get her parts.  Maybe make Orokin Derelict Spy missions that gave a 50% chance of dropping some random part.  


Wishful thinking, but it'd be nice and would fit lore a bit more than the Corpus having her parts.

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The reason you aren't getting the drops you want is because you're trying to get the drops you want.


Just forget about it, play the game for fun, and the parts will come. You'll get your part and you'll be like, 'oh yeah, i needed that. nice'

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RNGesus doesn't like you, was you there when warframe parts were pink orbs and drops rarely? So much times on raptor and see so much bp falling in a pit without any chance of getting it...

Don't complain, parts are in rewards, just play.


and dont forget about rhino parts....i had a friend who ran him so much he could do it within 5 minutes

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Me and my friends got Ivara's full set in under a week dude o.0 check the wiki and don't stick to one mission for a part for a better chance and from my experience, better non-Cipher spy run training. I think avoiding detection before hacking all three consoles flawlessly increases your drop chance? Never give up, Tenno!

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You have to take some time for other things. RNG is not fair on Ivara farming, or other things like Ash p... It's a fact, just do some missions from time to time. And one day *shines* you'll have it ! ^^


Btw my problem with RNG is that it's not really random, some parts have a really bad %, and those change with the time (like when a prime will be vaulted, the droprate falls to the abyss...)

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If you're getting tired of the RNG then the best thing to do is go and play Monster Hunter and grind for Rathalos Rubies...


rubies ha try getting a heavnly scale/ mantle thats a worse grind.


on topic like everyone else is saying take a break i got ivara after 27 missions by doing a limit like 3 a day which did help lessen the frustrating feeling and annoyance of repeating the same mission.

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rubies ha try getting a heavnly scale/ mantle thats a worse grind.


on topic like everyone else is saying take a break i got ivara after 27 missions by doing a limit like 3 a day which did help lessen the frustrating feeling and annoyance of repeating the same mission.


I still think Lao-Shan rubies were the worst. Sure, Lao-Shan was easy, but you had to spend to fracking long to kill it. The amount of times my PSP nearly went tumbling across the room is quite shameful.


And I agree, I generally just did spy missions when I couldn't find a Syndicate or Alert mission that I wanted to do and while I'd guess that it took around 100 runs and a week or so, it didn't feel like too much of a grind. As with grinding for rare drops in Monster Hunter, it's only a grind if you make it one. Do a couple of spy missions a day and you'll inevitably get Ivara eventually.


It's like with Vauban, if you say to yourself 'I want Vauban right now' then you'll spend your entire time staring at the star chart and grow to hate the game. If you just say 'well, I'd like Vauban, but I'm not bothered about rushing' then you'll enjoy yourself playing the game and will inevitably get Vauban eventually.

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I still think Lao-Shan rubies were the worst. Sure, Lao-Shan was easy, but you had to spend to fracking long to kill it. The amount of times my PSP nearly went tumbling across the room is quite shameful.

And I agree, I generally just did spy missions when I couldn't find a Syndicate or Alert mission that I wanted to do and while I'd guess that it took around 100 runs and a week or so, it didn't feel like too much of a grind. As with grinding for rare drops in Monster Hunter, it's only a grind if you make it one. Do a couple of spy missions a day and you'll inevitably get Ivara eventually.

It's like with Vauban, if you say to yourself 'I want Vauban right now' then you'll spend your entire time staring at the star chart and grow to hate the game. If you just say 'well, I'd like Vauban, but I'm not bothered about rushing' then you'll enjoy yourself playing the game and will inevitably get Vauban eventually.

Surprising true to me. When I was farmed hydroid (heard he was a farming machine, funny I got nekros before him, tried to get his system, over 40 runs all chassis drop, then I stopped and go void run etc, after a while joined pugs and was interested in helping them, got the system; so yes, I don't like the whiny post of OP, it's better farm void/doing spy for fun rather than force yourself into farming her then blame RNGesus and DE. Now I got all the frames, most of primes just by playing for fun, and sit on top of 500 plat for new banshee deluxe skin :).
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I've literally done over 150 spy missions lvl 25+ in Ceres (Hapke, Lex) and Pluto (Oceanum)


For the first time in 2 years i've run out of a material, which is ferrite that was spent on all the ciphers. Oh, did i mention i've yet to get my Ivara blueprint? On top of that, i only once got the Ivara helmet during these runs which i already have.


RNG doesnt have to be bad, but this however, is absolutely disgusting. I think this really needs a fix because who the hell is seriously going to do 150 spy missions for just a CHANCE at getting a part of a warframe? Now consider not every player is also a diehard grind maniac like me or a few others of you here. 


-Mic drop-

 Bad rng is bad rng.


That said might I suggest just getting good and never needing a cypher in the first place? D: They're not that hard to do and you save so much material and money.

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Ironically, if your looking for something else you'll find exactly what your looking for. Also, once you find it, you'll never stop finding it. At least that's what it can feel like, even though the odds are the same. There's a psychological term for this but I can't seem to find it.

I've gone through the pain of RNG as well and I have to agree with others, take a break and look for something else and try again at a later date.

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