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This Dude Harassing Me Whenever I'm In The Void


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This dude keeps coming into my missions and preaching his Nazi ideology of purity, and that he wants me to lay down while does his "thing" to me and that my death is the only way for me to get redemption for going to his "church", and the fact that no matter how much radiation I use, or set him on fire, he does not shut up after I kill him.


I have the place and his name, and I will say it here, I will NAME and SHAME him and I want DE to give me a way to actually hurt him.


Vor, you have your delusions ideologies, but you are a jackass. Now leave me alone while I run Tower IVs or just stop talking when I kill you 3 seconds after you appear!


Seriously now.


Will there be a way for us to actually kill Void-Vor? Just to prove him wrong in his "I am energy and I cannot be destroyed." thing?


Because having him realize that he is being actually destroyed and that he was wrong would be VERY satisfying.


Edited by Kao-Snake
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At least normal Vor had a shield that you would have to wait for him to get out of.   


And you could climb on it for a big dumb dance party. His gun was cool, though, if it'd been a little stronger I'd have kept it.


When he says he cannot be destroyed, he's right.


Yeah, but the thing is; even being meta gets old.

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Vor ia going to lay down his sick rhymes on you whether you want him to or not, and nothing short of extraction is going to stop him.

He's like that annoying old person who always has to talk about themselves, talks over everybody else and has no true concept of just how sick you are of hearing their voice.

Except, you know, you're actually allowed to punch Vor in his dirty corrupted Grineer mouth till he dies.

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What? Dude, that's my best friend you're shaming!


Sure, his topics of discussion are sometimes a bit disagreeable, but you have to appreciate that he's always willing to take time out of his busy day to just stop and talk to you and have a friendly spar. Short of Darvo, nobody else is willing to do that what with the whole killer ninja thing. Even Lotus, as much as I respect her, isn't really one for conversation that doesn't consist of commands and warnings. Ordis is okay, too, but he keeps forgetting that he's already said things and at the end of the day is just a program.


Vor is different. Very rarely do I visit the void without him stopping by, almost as if he was prophesizing my arrival and eagerly awaiting my visit. He's really understanding, too! Even when we disagree, he always insists that he can not blame me for my point of view. And best of all, he keeps talking to me even after we fight! Most grineer would just sulk and turn off the communications afterwards.


Look, I guess all I'm saying here is that you should give Vor a chance. He's rough on the exterior, I know, but deep down inside he just wants to hang out with you and make you feel pure.

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