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Replace the Lotus?


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I had an idea for some sort of skin type thing where instead of the Lotus you could have someone like Darvo or even one of the syndicate people like Cephalon Suda. I'm pretty sure this is possible as Darvo has most of his lines already done like in survival he has his life support messages.

BTW I'm not too sure which topic this should go in so I thought I should put it here

(also Lotus would obviously come with you for quests like second dream)

Edited by Fears0meHunter
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This is my main question - replace her with who? And it doesn't make much sense according to the lore - "I am the Lotus. I will guide you, but we must hurry." "Yeah, whatever lady, go away. I've found someone else to talk to me through my missions so long as I'm doing exactly what they want so they don't send death squads."

Even according to the lore, Lotus has sacrificed much to keep us safe but yet people are willing to throw her away so easily.

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3 minutes ago, Homer87 said:

This is my main question - replace her with who? And it doesn't make much sense according to the lore - "I am the Lotus. I will guide you, but we must hurry." "Yeah, whatever lady, go away. I've found someone else to talk to me through my missions so long as I'm doing exactly what they want so they don't send death squads."

Even according to the lore, Lotus has sacrificed much to keep us safe but yet people are willing to throw her away so easily.

Not throw her away ... I prefer the term "Recycle".

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I feel it should be not replacing, but based on missions you do and addition. The syndicate missions is a good example, but that is only one thing mentioned.

New Loka: "Will you fight for me, my Tenno?" But then, "I have gifted you my essence." If say it was survival and she dropped some air.. Would spice things up a little. Keep vanilla maps the same, but add syndicate ones with things similar to Darvo's mission.

Edited by TheGreatBB
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54 minutes ago, KirukaChan said:

Can we get a Quiette Shy one?

NO! Be happy with your Momma... but I do agree that other voices guiding us through missions would be nice from time to time. Darvo, Cantis, um... that New Loka Chick...(Don't know her name) yeah, I could get behind that.

Edited by AEP8FlyBoy
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I was going to use a "Why this again?"

But then...

7 minutes ago, TheGreatBB said:

I feel it should be not replacing, but based on missions you do and addition. The syndicate missions is a good example, but that is only one thing mentioned.

New Loka: "Will you fight for me, my Tenno?" But then, "I have gifted you my essence." If say it was survival and she dropped some air.. Would spice things up a little. Keep vanilla maps the same, but add syndicate ones with things similar to Darvo's mission.

Yeah, for some specific missions this idea seems pretty good.


9 minutes ago, TheGreatBB said:

, "I have gifted you my essence."



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4 minutes ago, Kao-Snake said:



It isn't actually that lewd, it's just what your mind is interpreting it as...

I will say though "The New Loka leader just loves it when I bring my seed to the table, she pays me in Standing for all of it."
"We can never have enough, Tenno... We need more!" *now this... this isn't lewd either, and it is accurate in the game's standards :D

But your mind, probably sees this either one of two ways:

1. You know that I'm just messing with you, and that this is actually intended to make you think what I think your thinking right now.

2. In the end, Warframe is just full of innuendos and you're to silly to realize it. :D... It is a M rated game btw.

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34 minutes ago, AEP8FlyBoy said:

It isn't actually that lewd, it's just what your mind is interpreting it as...

I will say though "The New Loka leader just loves it when I bring my seed to the table, she pays me in Standing for all of it."
"We can never have enough, Tenno... We need more!" *now this... this isn't lewd either, and it is accurate in the game's standards :D





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1 hour ago, KirukaChan said:

I'd be down with this. Lotus is great but it'd be nice to switch it up to keep things more fresh.


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you want a generic text to speech program to replace an  actual voice actor....

Anyway I would rather have Lotus replaced with Teshin. Lotus isn't annoying or anything not at the level of ordis but I would like to see a change.  .

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18 minutes ago, Kao-Snake said:

I was going to use a "Why this again?"

But then...

Yeah, for some specific missions this idea seems pretty good.




Aww, but she's plant themed. Plants grant us their essence of air. I was just staying in character. ;)

She is HOT though. Then again, space mom is as well. Too bad all we usually see is her head. I didn't know what she looked like until the second dream's ending. Lol

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1 hour ago, Fears0meHunter said:

Why not? (Also I forgot to add but I don't mean for quests)

Because the Lotus is our boss above bosses, and our "Mother" of sorts. Anyone talking to us besides her only has right to comment, and not command. No one's say is higher than the Lotus, and no one is more well-informed for and about the Tenno than the Lotus.

The Lotus is love.

The Lotus is literally life.

There can be no replacement.

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1 hour ago, Homer87 said:

This is my main question - replace her with who? And it doesn't make much sense according to the lore - "I am the Lotus. I will guide you, but we must hurry." "Yeah, whatever lady, go away. I've found someone else to talk to me through my missions so long as I'm doing exactly what they want so they don't send death squads."

Even according to the lore, Lotus has sacrificed much to keep us safe but yet people are willing to throw her away so easily.

She literally turned on her own race to aid the Tenno in usurping their Orokin masters and hid us away in cryosleep, and now she helps lead us in an effort to balance the system, but nah. Let's just trash our Space Mom because we want to listen to Darvo instead.

Makes sense

I can totally get behind being led by the Syndicate leaders for their respective missions, but replacing Lotus entirely would be very strange. Imagine who she would become if all of her general lines were rewritten for someone like Darvo? She'd basically become the chick that you dump your unwanted Kubrows on that occasionally sends you rewards and presents in your inbox. What a way to put out the person who is responsible for saving your life and guiding you for so long. 

Also, [DE]Rebecca is awesome and having her as our Community Manager, Devstream and Primetime hostess, and in-game guide is a privilege you shouldn't take for granted.

Edited by (PS4)KestralSylver
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1 hour ago, Zippy0 said:

Wouldn't make much sense in many scenarions.....

1 hour ago, Homer87 said:

This is my main question - replace her with who?

Having her replaced with the Syndicate leaders in those missions (like Teshin replaces her in Conclave matches), that I can get behind. Maybe even have faction leaders talk to us in invasions (like they did back in the Gradivus Dilemma). But I don't see her replaced completely. Not without some major, ground-shaking events talking place first.

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Agreed on the syndicate missions, we already have darvo on Clem missions... but throw the Lotus away.. nahhh

The Lotus is a core character in Warframe lore, there are a lot of mysteries still to resolve with this girl... and i love her hat!!!!

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2 hours ago, Homer87 said:

This is my main question - replace her with who? And it doesn't make much sense according to the lore - "I am the Lotus. I will guide you, but we must hurry." "Yeah, whatever lady, go away. I've found someone else to talk to me through my missions so long as I'm doing exactly what they want so they don't send death squads."

Even according to the lore, Lotus has sacrificed much to keep us safe but yet people are willing to throw her away so easily.

IF i was a tenno according to the lore....

sorry mate she also lie too us tons off time didint tell us $ht  and her first main goal was too use us too take down the orokin and then too discard us .....
so she come with the bullsht that she save us just too use us again as tools  ...
the only ppl here making sacrifices are the tenno who where use by the orokin then by the sentients(nathah) and now by the lotus.
Even according to lore lotus is full of  crap just for her main goal  wich its unknown by now

edd: i perfer follow Suda cuz i already know whats w8 for me there  then follow some one thats been lieng too us for ions years ago

Edited by venon23
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