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it is even possible to do sortie Spy with PUGS ???


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my assertion is:

The good spys will do these missions on solo mode.

This leaves a greater chance to meet people who are still insecure.
Since you have to do all three vaults (A,B,C) and you have 3 other teammates,
it is nearly impossible to finish the mission.

Since I am really unexperienced with submersible grineer spy,
I thought it was a good idea to try the 3rd Sortie this time with PUGs.  It was horror.
Countless tries - and there ALWAYS was someone who triggered the alarms.
(including me).

Absolute Horror

Edited by Vicious_Vipa
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Mistakes always happen, but soloing spy does reduce the risk of failure.

Nevertheless, spy missions could use a few tweaks, like reducing health of sensor regulators so it would be possible to destroy them in one shot always. Imagine if Corpus cameras had that much health. That would be the horror.

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I've pugged sorties and generally don't have much trouble.  

Communicating at the start seems to help the most and is generally along the lines of " I'm taking x vault, please let me know if you need help with one"

Most of the time I get people asking me to tackle their vault or someone else stepping up to it. Dropped failure rates from 90% to roughly 40% for me.

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Well it's possible - however, due to humans nature, very problematic. Even good players/hackers tends to hurry and makes more mistakes in a team. And essencially, if you're a good hacker there's only one reason not to switch to solo - because someone in your team (if you were doing other sortie stages in a tem) needs help. The only key to succesful spy is patience and exploration, especially when you're not familiar with that one mission (in that case submersive spy). You can't really do that in a group. And if it's your first time ever doing sea lab spy you're gonna fail no matter if you're in a group or not anyway. Because it's kinda different from other spies. And other peopel just like you are may not know hw to do it, and even if they do, failing once or twice is always a possibility. 

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so.... I did the mission now in solo mode.

Sorry but I cannot understand what someone said, that it rarely takes 3 tries.

Because I have spent the WHOLE evening doing this mission PUGing and ALWAYS someone messed up. 
Including me a few times, of course.

Then I got better and usually did 2 vaults successfully pretty fast a couple of times,
when I could be sure that the 3rd one would be ruined by a PUG,  or even by a second PUG who found it a good idea to also do the same vault simultaneously...

I lost almost all of my hair and aged 20 years before I decided to switch to solo.

I will never PUG spy missions again when you must successfully extract 3 of 3 vaults.


Edited by Vicious_Vipa
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I always solo spy sorties. Today's was especially awful because submersible spy mission maps are horribly designed. The map layouts can be confusing as the waypoints are frequently pointing you in completely the wrong direction depending on what part of the map you're in. IE: If you got the underwater vault as A, B and C may be pointing you in such a way that you think you have to make your way through the confusing underwater maze of the vault (which doesn't lead anywhere besides the console for A) when in reality you just need to turn around and go out the door and go backwards away from the waypoints for a bit and go around. 

Awful awful awful map (or at least waypoint) design. 

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1 hour ago, (PS4)aiptekfanboy said:

when theres a sortie spy I just shutdown warframe and play gems of war.

I'll never ever understand the problem with spy that seems majority of people have. At all. 

I mean submersive spy is one thing (cause I also hate Uranus for a good reason, but spy there is not that reason tho), but regular grineer and corpus in sortie? Easiest mission that can be done solo and people are literally losing it when they face it.

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I like doing Sortie spies within public mode. Even if we all fail because of one person, the mission hasn't gone away, it's still there. Plus, showing up 3 Loki/Primes with my non-inviso 'frame is just funny, and strokes the ego. :D I don't even run spies all that much, due to void runs for ducats.

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2 hours ago, Nomen_Nescio said:

I'll never ever understand the problem with spy that seems majority of people have. At all. 

I mean submersive spy is one thing (cause I also hate Uranus for a good reason, but spy there is not that reason tho), but regular grineer and corpus in sortie? Easiest mission that can be done solo and people are literally losing it when they face it.

Most people are probably playing this game to mindlessly mow down hordes of mooks. So something that requires some patience and problem solving is way too much for them.

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1 hour ago, ----Fenrir---- said:

Running spy missions with pugs is for people that like punishment but do not have the money to pay a professional dominatrix^^

lol...yeah, this.

I either run them with alliance members or solo.  If alliance, I make 100% sure they bring either Loki or Ivara, but they usually know to do so anyway.

Though, when I occasionally forget to select "invite only" and a 4th random dude joins our alliance threesome, it is quite humorous to watch the 4th idiot with a Rhino try to charge his way to the terminal - especially the sealab one that's like 90m+ up in the air.

But I guess it's only funny because it's not a situation I have to live through over and over again.

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I Managed to do it once... None of us where even invisible Not a SINGLE alarm was triggered...

I Regard those as the Best Randoms i have ever come into contact with


Side note. i will never understand how some people screw up hacking so badly they'll fail a panel 2-3 times before i shove them over and do it myself.

i guess that nobody ever bothers with hacking anymore and just use ciphers soo much that they are incapable of actually hacking a panel without them.

Edited by (PS4)Crimson_Judgment
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I've never been able to complete one in a PuG.

Simply too many squirrels that don't have a clue. Even the invis 'frames fail hard, which I can't begin to fathom, but have seen it way too many times. Don't even get me started on the hacking...

Too much at risk to rely on unknown quantities to get it done right.

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Many players don't run spy missions as often as they should resulting in many not knowing an effective way to get pass security. This becomes even more evident when sortie spy missions are in tile sets that are unique from rest like Uranus underwater sealabs and Earth spy vaults. Seriously, how often do we even go to those types of spy missions? Most of the sortie spy missions we've been through are ones that are commonly found in the star chart. Players have a higher chance of finding good PUGs when the mission is on a planet that's shares similar spy vaults with other planets than ones that is unique only to itself.


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Tbh I'm also one of "these" guys who always runs spy sorties solo. I don't even bother with stealth frames at this point, since some practice showed that even Banshee or Trinity can do the vaults with no alarms.

Admittedly, even thinking about running spy missions in public mode gives me creeps. Basically they are the endless vicious circle. Good spies don't run public because of fear of bad pubs which in turn makes overall public mode experience even worse for those, who dare. XD

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