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How did Warframe become one of the most played games?



I am not surprised by it but i want to know what were the main things that made the game reach so high, i don't think its the gameplay or story because these things you discover them after you get into the game  and they are mostly used to keep you playing, other factors made the game popular, some of those are probably these:

1: The very unique art style with  space ninjas that have no ordinary faces, their skin looks like armor and all this crazy action 

2: Steam - because Steam is the largest gaming network in the world and every game has the chance to shine in there, it played a big role in making Warframe famous

3: It's likely the first game which started the pure ''Modern MMORPG'' genre where the player can do 99% of the game on his own and grouping is optional unlike the classic mmos where most of the times you had to be in groups and  find other players in order to progress. Today all mmos started focusing on this part and they avoid forcing the player to play with others

4: The graphics and the gameplay from the Youtube trailers which gives big impressions

5: Some female warframes are really hot in their own way and they attract a huge amount of male players ( can't say if  the same thing works for female players)

6: The references to Excalibur from other games/movies and media in general

If there is any other factor or if you think some of these didnt count you can say


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Warframe was always a played game, it's been consistently in the top charts of steam, they could even afford to port the game on consoles, i think you are confusing the recent boost in popularity due to the famous you tubers like TotalBiscuit getting his fan base interested in the game and from there the news only spread further.

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the main reson for that is,.

number 3. the modern rpg.

and the community . DE  actully listen to players and make it worth it to shere  idea and staff

and that the game its sooo making progres in every way. arsenal [frame weapon etc] enemys. mission. look better. story. and more. 


any way. that's what make me play this game . and never let it go

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10 minutes ago, Manolishill said:

5: Some female warframes are really hot in their own way and they attract a huge amount of male players

You know this is BS, right?

The game is popular because it's fun, it's free and people tell other people it's fun and free.

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DE has created a unique story, with new twists and turns. Warframe comes away from the traditional factions and story-telling, there is no Rebel vs Empire there are no "good" guys in this universe.

Warframe is to gameing what anime is to american TV, it's different it has new ideas and a new, fresh style.

If you had woken up and the lotus had said, "Wake up Tenno, you are the chosen one, only you can bring peace and ballance to the universe" i think most people would have drooped the game.

Edited by The66Monkey
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Ok here is my personal reason of playing.

1) Gun shooting system that is very similar to GTA5, RE6... (Which was what I was playing before playing Warframe)

2) Melee system that is very similar to... Ninja Gaiden, Devil May Cry.

3) Parkour 2.0 that feels like Age of Wushu... more fluidity, less clunky

4) Mod system that is very similar to RE6's skill system

5) 4 Player Coop that is very similar to L4D

6) Sci-Fi universe that is very similar to HALO.

At any point of time I wish to play any of the mentioned games, Warframe can allow me to play features I like  
all at once, I can't really play multiple games at once... I can't exactly bring a Dragon Sword with Ryu Hayabusa with the Sniper Rifle and M6C In HALO
to play through a Survival mission in L4D...

Though I can bring a Dragon Nikana, Vectis and Lex Prime to play dark sector survival.


Destreza vs Dragon Nikana in conclave ?


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First would be because it combines TPS and RPG, it brings something new to the table. It is interesting and fun for the most part. Here is an example - I started playing  Blade and Soul on 23rd January. 2 days ago, I uninstalled BnS. Why? Because I had to run exact same dungeons with exact same bosses with exact same mechanisms every single day for gold and upgrades. On the other hand, every encounter in Warframe is a little different than previous runs. In BnS, I knew exactly what the enemies would do, there attack animations. In Warframe, there is no way to know what mobs are going to do next. Even the boss fights that have stages like Tyl Regor, are a little different and enemies can always surprise you.

Second reason is DE. The I never left Warframe despite feeling a little burnt out every now and then is because of how DE interacts with us, how everyone matters to them, how they care enough to fix problems late at night and how they actually make many of us a part of development. And I mean it. There are very few developers who would take idea from their community and then, straightaway implement a whole Warframe based on it(reference to Zephyr). And there is the free stuffs DE give us all the time.

Third and the most important of all, this game is truly F2P. When a game is true to what it advertises, it automatically becomes famous. Be it Dota 2 or Team Fortress 2 or Warframe.

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3 minutes ago, Ada_Wong_SG said:

Ok here is my personal reason of playing.

1) Gun shooting system that is very similar to GTA5, RE6... (Which was what I was playing before playing Warframe)

2) Melee system that is very similar to... Ninja Gaiden, Devil May Cry.

3) Parkour 2.0 that feels like Age of Wushu... more fluidity, less clunky

4) Mod system that is very similar to RE6's skill system

5) 4 Player Coop that is very similar to L4D

6) Sci-Fi universe that is very similar to HALO.

At any point of time I wish to play any of the mentioned games, Warframe can allow me to play features I like  
all at once, I can't really play multiple games at once... I can't exactly bring a Dragon Sword with Ryu Hayabusa with the Sniper Rifle and M6C In HALO
to play through a Survival mission in L4D...

Though I can bring a Dragon Nikana, Vectis and Lex Prime to play dark sector survival.

The 'gun shooting system' isn't that similar. They're third person but Warframe feels significantly different.
The 4 player coop is like Left 4 Dead, specifically? Why? I mean, a lot of games have 4 player coop. A lot of games that have big groups of enemies.
The universe is similar to Halo only in that there's power armour and it's sci fi. It shares the same amount of similarities with any number of universes.

Comparing individual bits to different games doesn't work.

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9 minutes ago, The66Monkey said:

DE has created a unique story, with new twists and turns. Warframe comes away from the traditional factions and story-telling, there is no Rebel vs Empire there are no "good" guys in this universe.

Warframe is to gameing what anime is to american TV, it's different it has new ideas and a new, fresh style.

If you had woken up and the lotus had said, "Wake up Tenno, you are the chosen one, only you can bring peace and ballance to the universe" i think most people would have drooped the game.

This is what gets people to stick around in the beginning.  The game is anime + Star Wars.  It's not sci-fi so much as it's fantasy.  This game completely threw out the rules of science except where it makes the story richer.


But going by the forum attitude towards virtually any topic (new weapons either being mastery fodder or the next best thing, there is no in-between, grind, RNG, etc...)

...The void's treasures is what keeps them going long after the shine and polish of the former sentence has worn off.  Warframe is the perfect example of a successful skinner's box.  Apparently American's do like their Korean grinder - it just has to come in the form of a shooter, not an RPG.

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Can't speak for anyone other than myself, but for me it takes several things I enjoy in fiction and puts them into a fast-paced game. The art design is stellar (and having an artist like Kieth Thompson doesn't hurt) and the style of play is my kind of thing. Very much a science fiction power fantasy, you look cool, you feel cool, you are cool, and no matter how many obstacles they put in your way it will not matter. That's a lot of fun for many people, myself included. Add to that some intriguing backstory and you've got a wonderful recipe for something worth playing.

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What drew me was the hack and slash feel with great customisation (fashionframe hype). It's like a space ninja Dynasty Warriors with guns and teammates. The reason it's so wildly popular is more than likely that it's a great stop in between bigger titles. It's fun, free, addicting, and has a decent community.

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43 minutes ago, Manolishill said:

I am not surprised by it but i want to know what were the main things that made the game reach so high, i don't think its the gameplay or story because these things you discover them after you get into the game  and they are mostly used to keep you playing, other factors made the game popular, some of those are probably these:

1: The very unique art style with  space ninjas that have no ordinary faces, their skin looks like armor and all this crazy action 

2: Steam - because Steam is the largest gaming network it the world and every game has the chance to shine in there, it played a big role in making Warframe famous

3: It's likely the first game which started the pure ''Modern MMORPG'' genre where the player can do 99% of the game on his own and grouping is optional unlike the classic mmos where most of the times you had to be in groups and  find other players in order to progress. Today all mmos started focusing on this part and they avoid forcing the player to play with others

4: The graphics and the gameplay from the Youtube trailers which gives big impressions

5: Some female warframes are really hot in their own way and they attract a huge amount of male players ( can't say if  the same thing works for female players)

6: The references to Excalibur from other games/movies and media in general

If there is any other factor or if you think some of these didnt count you can say


1:V check
2:X dont use steam and im a very old player
3:X started the game cuz i was bored of playing chaoes theory with my friend and start this one with him wanted a coop game 2players or 4
4:X the time i started the game graphics and trailers wasent that great were nice for a free2play but not what they are now
5: not realy think about that just play cuz is fun some male frames have style and some female too  volt is very stilish and ember is kinda cool talking about stylish not sexy looks
6:yea played DS loved and was w8 for it since i see the first old trailer syf in space with stealth love the idea

7: the only guy i see talking about a game with so much  Enthusiasm  was steave in his earlys comments about the game(he looked like a kid now hes getting old with that beard)
8: the DEVs and the community that was new interaction i feel that i never see in any game before.... not so much this today community becomes trashy anda salty and DEVs become cold and far away 


and a lot of older players bring friends and friends of friends and then the brothers of friends and then the gamers kids of the schools of the friends of brothers friends and now we have tonnns of kids in game tons of players and DE tons of money  the the cool community is dieing and the friendly DEVs too

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I personally was attracted by the Artstyle dragged into it by the gameplay and stayed because of the evolving universe and awesome community. 

I think you can definitely whipe the "Hot female warframes" from the list^^

Dont get me wrong, they are beautifull and have a nice figure but its not like you could see alot of  actual skin in the entire Game^^

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Simple: DE is a great company with a reasonable F2P model that listens to, cares about, and takes care of their players. The game itself is very distinct in it's design from other MMO games- most notably that there's no real grind. Everything is about equal to the point where you don't grind better gear to grind better gear to grind better gear in a vicious cycle that simply leads to "the end" where there's nothing better to obtain and nothing to do- instead you simply go after what appeals you and and play the game how you want- and that's that.

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Good graphics, solid action gameplay, all at the price of free if you don't want to feel pressurized to buy plats. Oh, and DE is awesome, one of the most generous and great game devs I ever seen, producing lots of quality work for the fan base on a regular basis for the game.

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i can only speak from personal experience.

compared to many other games on steam, WF has amazing depth... a player can solo, PvP, coop PvE, chat at a relay, trade, quest, etc.

I've been playing a few months and there are still parts of the game I've barely touched. 

WF also pretty and usually functions well, with the exception of P2P server problems. 

New content is also provided on a regular basis... which is unusual in many games which have been abandoned except for bug fixes as their dev move on to making the next game. 

trading is a favorite of mine.... when i don't feel like doing a mission, trade chat is where I hang out.

and i like doing synthesis tasks for simiris...  

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2 hours ago, Manolishill said:

3: It's likely the first game which started the pure ''Modern MMORPG'' genre where the player can do 99% of the game on his own and grouping is optional unlike the classic mmos where most of the times you had to be in groups and  find other players in order to progress. Today all mmos started focusing on this part and they avoid forcing the player to play with others



Warframe is not MMORPG , it has some elements , however what does not make it an MMORPG


edit: edited gramer mistakes .

Edited by bad4youLT
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