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Infested noises and Orbiter - NOT U19 [Megathread]


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2 minutes ago, lightdragon64 said:

pointed out on deve stream, and by multiple other people, something tells me it's about an upcoming quest. (perhaps about what warframes are?) but i honestly don't know

Or perhaps a Kavat quest (Seeing as they are said to eat infestation)

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The Echoes feel not necessarily as if the room was big due to size. They sound fairly metallic, as if something on the far side of the room is clacking at something else which makes the sound transmit through the construction better than through the air. I would attribute these sounds as the infestation bending the metallic structure underneath it.
The Echo/reverb also sounds like it is less due to size but more due to the shape and scarceness of the room, if we consider the "sound transmits through the structure better than through the air." Because at that point it has to be, since the door is closed. It might very well be the sound does not transmit from the room but from somewhere else, where the infestation roots strong enough to affect the Orbiter compartment, and then just transports the soundwaves over here.

But that would be probably giving someone too much credit, so please take that with a (huge) grain of salt.

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It could just be that 'lore' wise the infestation isn't actually showing yet, which is why ordis/your tenno isn't acknowledging it. 

But 'gameplay' wise, the devs just threw it in early to screw with us. 

Edited by DakotaStorm
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Considering the Kavats feat on infested flesh, I'd say there's a high chance it's to do with them. However, don't forget that Warframes are made of infested flesh, and so it could also have something to do with that.


Ordis, get me my Ignis.

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so many questions, so many pieces we need to gather to find what the hell is happenning... the only thing that we know (at first glance) is the Ordis can't see the entire orbiter and there's an infestation from the inside

but from this, basically, we have some theories in-progress, mostly shown already in the megathread: [disregard the fact that the infestation is at the door now and without warning, since this is just a teaser both from the new quest and the audio echo update]

  • since we can't use our weapons normally inside the landcraft, we will use kavats to eat the infestation, but how many kavats? they doesn't look so hungry to eat his weight in infested flesh per day... we will guide an pack from derelict to deal with this? that will be interesting... but after this, we will throw them where? orokin derelict?

after Jordas incident (we don't know the timeline of this new quest yet, so, i thought that can be after this), somewhat, the infestation will try overrun the landcraft and we will need deal with the infestation and Ordis sometimes tell to the player (in the past) that the Orbiter was supposed to be bigger than he saw... but Jordas from Simaris's synthesis doesn't told the same thing, somewhat? ["First, my crew were tone down and consumed. then, my segments were ripped out and crushed. now i lay blind but feel its growth throught each failed system..."] and Jordas, based on the mission "the veredict Jordas", told that he was doing some research about how to deal with the infestation, that knowledge allow the tenno to create the antiserum injector, that "prevent our armor to degrade" in that corrosive environment

that give more paths:

  1.  we will need to use the laboratory (supposedly, if exist) against this infestation neither by freeze its growth or destruction by using something like cascade bomb from the quest "once awake", that keep the remaining structure intact... but the operator will suffer damage from it if he get caught inside the detonation radius, so... we need to carry him/her out again with the entire stock of nano spores, plastids and warframes we can
  2.  the infestation will try control Ordis, but somewhat, we found the way to undo theses changes, that will open an way to the players to unlock an version of un-infested Jordas, that will operate the new area from the orbiter {basically, Ordis will control the landcraft, that Jordas will control the laboratory}... but how to undo the infestation against an cephalon? at most, only if Simaris try to do the same thing he did on Ordis in the quest "the New Strange", but by that way, we will own an favor to Simaris |look at Salad V and the payment, look at Simaris and his sanctuary...|


so, what's your thoughts?

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