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Infested noises and Orbiter - NOT U19 [Megathread]


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I don't know about you all, but I put my Inaros jar down next to the infested mess like it could do something to stop the spread.  As a rational adult type person I'm aware that this is unlikely to be coded for, but it does still make me feel less uneasy around the thing.

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I have a theory - Just my thought. This could possibly be a chance for them to add the infested frame Typhus. IF they go with adding Typhus into the game (Link to see it)

  There could be an old suit of armor that was Pre-Orokin war. (Much like samurai or knight armor). It has become infested through some spores getting onto it and has begun to fill the suit up with infestation and make it able to walk, while it is starting to learn from the ships data stream (White Branches). It begins to get attached to the operator through ordis (Because he is cracked making it easier for the infestation to get into his systems but at the same time it picks up the traits/feelings that ordis has for the operator) or directly through the data streams because the operator is connected to it. Then it be begins to follow its orders or "requests" and starts acting like a warframe because of the connection to the operator. (This is just my thoughts and my hopes that Typhus gets added to the game along with some possibility that the infested can "learn" from other sources because it wasn't connected to the hive due to it being separated by the void, I've wanted him since i originally saw the concept)  Don't shoot me but i would like to hear opinions because   everyone is entitled to one(I thing so at least)

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Now the obvious answer is some sort of infestation, but besides that what is actually behind those doors? With the introduction of The Second Dream Quest we were given three doors with the middle being the living quarters for our void-exposed, prepubescent master-I mean Operator, and with that we have no knowledge for what the other doors lead to. 

Hoping in the near future, wishful thinking it's U19, we get to see the rest of our Orbiter, once we manage to somehow remove the infestation. But honestly, what could be there that we haven't seen already that is in the front of our space? Maybe we could fully see our liset or maybe find a holographic projection of Ordis, probably in a random room, but these are just my ideas.

I would like to see what the community believes what could be behind those locked doors.

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The Infestation will grow until it reaches the operator and they will have a very deep and meaningful discussion about what genocide means and how it is generally considered a bad thing.

Imagine how the infested on the other side of the door felt when strange lights started shining under the door.

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1 minute ago, Marvelous_A said:

U18 told us what Tenno are so I expect U19 will tell us more about the warframes. I hope the infestation behind to door have something to do with the warframes and tbh I will be disappointed if it is just for those cats. :(

I would be too, because we could just have the cavats (Kavats?) in the same spot as the kubrows and give us more lore from behind the door


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My moneys on (bear with me here) an Infested "flesh-farm" of sorts. Could be that, depending on the Kavat breed, we might need to acquire the flesh of a particular Infested type in order to either sustain it or differentiate it into another breed.Once we have enough samples, we just mash the flesh together into a helpless screeching heap and surgically harvest at leisure from the pitiful mass for Kavat consumption. Naturally, the flesh still being viable as an Infested long after death, the flesh wails and complains, hence why we hear so much of a ruckus coming out from through the door's seals (Picture farm animals that can still make noise even after being rendered tenderloin, pork chops, chicken breast. . .etc) Just my two cents.

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8 hours ago, Gorberus1171 said:

I have a theory - Just my thought. This could possibly be a chance for them to add the infested frame Typhus. IF they go with adding Typhus into the game (Link to see it)

  There could be an old suit of armor that was Pre-Orokin war. (Much like samurai or knight armor). It has become infested through some spores getting onto it and has begun to fill the suit up with infestation and make it able to walk, while it is starting to learn from the ships data stream (White Branches). It begins to get attached to the operator through ordis (Because he is cracked making it easier for the infestation to get into his systems but at the same time it picks up the traits/feelings that ordis has for the operator) or directly through the data streams because the operator is connected to it. Then it be begins to follow its orders or "requests" and starts acting like a warframe because of the connection to the operator. (This is just my thoughts and my hopes that Typhus gets added to the game along with some possibility that the infested can "learn" from other sources because it wasn't connected to the hive due to it being separated by the void, I've wanted him since i originally saw the concept)  Don't shoot me but i would like to hear opinions because   everyone is entitled to one(I thing so at least)

DeSteve did say if they are going to implemented him. Typhus would go through heavy changes to make it into DEs ideal frame. Anyway, next frame should be a Female. My money is on a Girl Typhus!

Edited by Ibro156
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On 3/9/2016 at 6:33 PM, HerpDerpy said:

The kavats feed on infested remember? so probably a room for them to munch on. I just hope we get a little kitty door built into it for them to get in and out.

I wouldn't expect another Lore bomb like inU18 for another 6+ months.

Please no. I hate those things... Kavats drive me nuts with the insane speed and ridiculous damage...

Think I want them on my ship? Please no. Just. No.

Also, I kind of hope that ( really big hope here ) whatever it is has to do with Umbra frames. It makes sense in my mind, as since the Warframes are made out of the Technocyte virus, the "darker side" that the Umbra represent could be a more primal version of Warframe-- closer to the virus in its raw form.

I know there are a million reasons that this isn't so, and I'm sure this will get shot down, but anybody that hopes... Hope with me lol

Edited by Zyrinthian
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7 hours ago, Zyrinthian said:

Please no. I hate those things... Kavats drive me nuts with the insane speed and ridiculous damage...

Think I want them on my ship? Please no. Just. No.

Also, I kind of hope that ( really big hope here ) whatever it is has to do with Umbra frames. It makes sense in my mind, as since the Warframes are made out of the Technocyte virus, the "darker side" that the Umbra represent could be a more primal version of Warframe-- closer to the virus in its raw form.

I know there are a million reasons that this isn't so, and I'm sure this will get shot down, but anybody that hopes... Hope with me lol

It would be pretty cool if they chose to do that with the door, but as it stands it will most likely (I hope not) be for the kavats (cavats?)

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8 hours ago, Zyrinthian said:

Please no. I hate those things... Kavats drive me nuts with the insane speed and ridiculous damage...

Think I want them on my ship? Please no. Just. No.

Also, I kind of hope that ( really big hope here ) whatever it is has to do with Umbra frames. It makes sense in my mind, as since the Warframes are made out of the Technocyte virus, the "darker side" that the Umbra represent could be a more primal version of Warframe-- closer to the virus in its raw form.

I know there are a million reasons that this isn't so, and I'm sure this will get shot down, but anybody that hopes... Hope with me lol

This ^


I pertty much said, that no Umbra in update 19, theres a Riot

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1 minute ago, kilerskull said:

Why would Kats be such an issue on your ship? They are your pets, they wont accidently/purposly down you. So I dont get whats upsetting you. As an enemy, yes, very annoying, as a pet/on your side, whats the prob with that?

I wouldn't particularly mind them if they gave them some lore with the update (Like they were here for a long time and explain why they eat infested flesh), but my main problem was that if you are going to use that door for just for the Kavats (Cavats?) that could be a wasted chance to add some really good lore to the game, or maybe even a new warframe. Hell even explain to us whats up with ordis because he has gotten alittle quiet and has a redish purple hue in the middle of him now.

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11 minutes ago, Gorberus1171 said:

I wouldn't particularly mind them if they gave them some lore with the update (Like they were here for a long time and explain why they eat infested flesh), but my main problem was that if you are going to use that door for just for the Kavats (Cavats?) that could be a wasted chance to add some really good lore to the game, or maybe even a new warframe. Hell even explain to us whats up with ordis because he has gotten alittle quiet and has a redish purple hue in the middle of him now.

Yea I see that. But I think whats happenieng with ordis and the door, to me, seems very likely that it will have a back story. They wont just put some very obvious weird thing in our ship and not give a back story to it when the time comes.

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13 hours ago, Ibro156 said:

DeSteve did say if they are going to implemented him. Typhus would go through heavy changes to make it into DEs ideal frame. Anyway, next frame should be a Female. My money is on a Girl Typhus!

What kinds of changes do you think should be made and (personally) i would like Typhus to remain a male frame because that's what he was originally thought up as (Or he could be a thing that has no gender because ya know infestation for a body)

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