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(Resolved) Issue with Steam Tennogen skins on Prime frames


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we really need a toggle for the prime parts of our prime warframes because this just looks silly


and not only for tennogen but in general id like to use the non prime arm coils on volt prime because i dont really care for the look of the prime ones personal


i want to be grineer not grineer prime :V

Edited by V45H
Grineer Prime lol
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I've seen this topic cropping up a lot recently since the change to deluxe skins was made that allows us to equip them on different weapons in their same category. IE the dryad skin on all bows. Now that this is possible, we should be allowed to toggle between prime and non-prime models for our prime frames and weapons. We can already equip their default helmets and some skins even change their model outright. Take for example the various weapon skins that now work on prime weapons. If you equip the conclave skin for the lex on the lex prime it changes the model to it's standard non-gilded counterpart. Since this is clearly possible, shouldn't we be allowed to do this on all prime items? Give us a button like on Equinox that toggles the prime addons off or turns the model back to default to let us use tennogen skins properly, or just kick it oldschool with the default braton model! It's an addition that I feel would improve fashion framing immensely and wouldn't harm the game in any way. Thanks for reading, bellow I've linked a post made by reddit user; "PM_ME_YOUR_DORK_PETS" where they suggest the same change be made. 

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Just now, Egg_Chen said:

Yes please, would be nice to have a visible crosshair while using Nekros Prime...

Lol, I know what you mean. Nekros prime is by far one of my favorite primes but I absolutely adore default Nekros. Would be great if I could swap between them visually on the fly!

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4 minutes ago, Mak_Gohae said:


I said thats one of the many reasons. I didnt say people kept them just for the looks.


exactly. if nobody keeps them already, why would not another reason not to be added?

or look at it this way, primes are better, will stay better, and are meant to be better, why not make them look good as well? looking good is important to a lot of people (me included) but i wont keep a donwgrade for its looks, i`d rather have the upgrade look good

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1 minute ago, Bizzaro21 said:

exactly. if nobody keeps them already, why would not another reason not to be added?

or look at it this way, primes are better, will stay better, and are meant to be better, why not make them look good as well? looking good is important to a lot of people (me included) but i wont keep a donwgrade for its looks, i`d rather have the upgrade look good

Because DE wants you to keep buying and using plat.

So it's unlikely that they will give you more option to save plat by making it easier to pick frames.

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16 minutes ago, Mak_Gohae said:

Because DE wants you to keep buying and using plat.

So it's unlikely that they will give you more option to save plat by making it easier to pick frames.

dude, what universe ur talking about? buying and using plat? really?

and it already is easy, better stats mean instantly picking whoever has them, making them look good is just a QOL

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1 hour ago, Mak_Gohae said:

Nope. That's just one less reason to keep the originals.


Well the point of the originals is to be easy to acquire and master. You can pick Rhino up very early on and can use him as a way to take you through most content, where as primes are direct upgrades and are usually regarded as end-game tools to new players. So someone takes time and grinds to get Rhino Prime and along the way they're using the default. They're not useless and once you don't need a base frame you can either keep it or discard it. A prime is the ultimate version of a frame or weapon, that's what PRIME means, so doesn't it make sense that once you've gained that top tier version you should be allowed to use it's default model just for aesthetic purposes? It doesn't hurt the game in anyway nor does it take away money from DE...

Edited by Demoonic
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