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Your 5 wishes


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1) Melee 3.0 improved input system instead of EE..E.E.E..E.E.E..EEEEEEE

something like this for destreza, vulpine mask

2) Damage 3.0... whatever, the current damage system feels broken... combat proven braton cant kill S#&$ without a potato and a few forma ?
and endless scaling for enemies make it impossible to compensate weapon damage even by insane modding... power creep is still not enough for endless scaling.

Some enemies ends up impossible to kill and having to give up the mission and run for evac... the game turns into a tower defense game than any shooter.

3) Improved Enemy AI/ Enemy 2.0 

Instead of rushing crowd of useless fodders which just ends up getting killed by the tennos, lagging the hell out of the game 

and crashing, send out equavalent of warframes, like grineer's equavalent of stalker, Armor of G3, Mobility of Maniac, Tonkor primary, twin grakata secondary, and using Sydon for melee, with kubrows as guardian.

Corpus... Mobility and specs of Zanuka, hp and durability of Jackal, armed with Quanta, Dual Cestra, Laser Sword, the size of a crewman but moves 
like maniac

All that instead of using useless AI code, uses something that is more player-like or at least harder for players to cope

That is for individual enemies which is sent... instead of having useless crews charging the players to die, the enemy send high value units to dispose of increased threats.

Like instead of sending out 10 regular units just send out one "elite" unit... so players might be faced with 2 - 4 "elites" trying to dispose of them

Kind of like Bleach's Arrancar's Espada, which is used to dispose of enemy with high combat capabilities.

4) Vanilla Skin on primed/ wraith/ prisma weapons 

some older prime weapons have gold parts that cant be colored... and no custom skin,,,
namely my beloved lex prime, so stalker's theme would be funny with the gold color sticking out ...

5) Resource 3.0

Instead of doing void for random forma, increase the challenge to players 
with Forma Vault, Orokin Catalyst Vault, Orokin Reactor Vault...
Orokin Armoury (Primed weapons/ warframe)

guarded by Sentients and Elite corrupted units (Enemy 2.0)... that Lotus would scream her head off trying to stop you from going.
which is kind of hardest battle for players to face, and lure us with sweet reward.

(Orokin Armoury)

Maybe Neural Sentry controlled warframe, to get the parts you have to fight the frame, which would be armed with primed weapons 
and scaled to be your mirror (player need to duel the frame they aiming to get)

Edited by Ada_Wong_SG
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Badass Deluxe Skins for ALL warframes even for the man of many forms (Excalibur)

Cool Story missions like the Second Dream with a replay button attached

Actual Twin Blades with stances that makes them feel like Twin Blades instead of machetes/ Classic Ninja short Katana with chains in the bottom with dagger holsters

Less meaningless nerf mentality because this is a PVE game for the love of beef sandwich!

Cloth accessories with actual cloth physics and free accessory placing (like turning a cape into a hood if wanted) or should I say... head feet and hand accessories too?

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1.  Fix Hydroid Clipping danglers

2. Fix Hydroid's tempest barrage hitting doors all most of the time

3. Allow Chroma to change elements like Ivara's trick arrows

4. Knockdown enemies when using Cataclysm  

5. Set Primary focus per frame IE(Hydroid will have zenurik, Chroma will have naramon) for the load-outs on arsenal...

Edited by AfternoonPalm
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1 - increased difficulty via enemy ai, tactic and not turning them to bullet sponges. Less enemies, smarter enemies, using covers. 

2 - meaningful stealth system, intelligent enemies that react accordingly. Rewards for stealth approach.

3 - Rework of useless stances, no timed clicking for stances, continous stace clicking action and smooth transitions.

4 - reworks of old and less used weapons.

5 - probably much more stuff that I cnnot remember right now.  

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1. Secura Obex

2. Flat damage mod removal and multishot ammo consumption increase.

3. Primed Steamline, Primed Stretch, and Primed Intensify.

4. Clan kiosks in the relay.

5. Making all of Baro's items available all the time; stop these stupid DDoS attacks by making the slash, impact, and puncture sets available 24-7.

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1: I want a stick. With a sharp point on one end. I want this stick to have the properties of an actual spear. It needs a class of its own called Spear and it needs some stances of its own that make it work like AN ACTUAL DUCKING SPEAR!

2: Infinite Nyx noggles!!!

3: Nyx prime PBR. I want it so bad

4: Nyx Umbra to be announced

5: Probably something else Nyx related  

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1. A rework of the Void to get it to Moon's level of complexity, beauty and eerie atmosphere. No more "same tile 3 times in a row" thing.

2. Dynamic and community-centered objectives (not an event, something more permanent) which would have consequences on the solar map and faction distribution.

3. Factions' fortresses full of Eximus mobs, high level standard units, mini bosses that we would have to take down as a community.

4. Ground conflicts in relays instead of Fomorians.

5. Better melee system (closer to a fighting game) with some kind of "free movement" mechanics.

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1. Corpus raid that takes on the Prophet of Profit. (I really want to hear his death scream)

2. Corrupted raid called the Prime Vault that all vaulted gear can be acquired. All players would get their own drop and will be sent to a room after the boss where they can trade between each other with their given drops. Maybe also give a really difficult challenge that can only be completed once a week that gives a random prime mod as well.

3. Mini-boss type enemies that are sent at specific points in endless missions. Harder than normal enemies, but easier than the assassination enemies. Would make it a little more interesting than always running through groups of enemies.

4. Mobile Defense should reward for each successful hack, and could be changed to endless for more rewards.

5. More love for Archwing, it feels so empty right now.

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1.A PBR update for my beautiful Nyx.                                                    

2. Rework of the 2nd skill of my elegant Nyx.                                    

3. Longer duration for chaos sphere augment.                                

 4. Nyx prime noggle.                      

 5. Infinite wish >> more nyx things.                                            

Yeah im nyx fanboy. I love her since i met her. And yes she is most BEAUTIFUL frame in this GAME.                


Edited by Rapiddragon
Mobile messed this thing.
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1. Banshee skin and more deluxe skins for older frames.

2. Oberon's Hallowed Ground buffed and changed to aura being a paladin that he is.

3. Renaming Kubrows.

4. The Ash/Bladestorm rework that you promised.

5. Fk-ing katars as Red Veil melee. (excuse the language it really has to sound that way)

Edited by Oranji
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Banshee deluxe skin

More hyenas enemys like for all factions, especially infested faction, they have to be buffed / reinforced with agiles and CC adapt units (like the sentients)

No more hitscan ennemy like the grineer, nerf the CC of all warframes, with this, we'll have to dodge like NINJAS (but on this one, i think i can continue to dream)

A buff for the snipers (no more combo breaker on a missed shot? a new awesome mod?)

A buff for Saryn's Molt !

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1) Syndicate PvP

2) Better AI. More tactics please :3

3) Change/Improve Ash's Bladestorm

4) I want to fight the Stalker's little helpers

5) Want to explore my Orbitor even further! 

Edited by Ibro156
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1. I wish to wish

2. I wish for a fish to wish what I wished for.

3. A mist should be what a fish might wish.

4. Within the mist is a wish to wish away the fish's wish.

5. I wish to remember how to write poem so it would not be such a bore.



1. booben prime (on void alerts with having the parts and bp be required as part of the recipe).

2. gatling gun (not space version).

3. Sentient style weapon.

4. Less grind for Ivara (been getting too much lethal mod).

5. An optional re-skin of paris prime.

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1. More lore-based quests (with replay button) / syndicate missions / events like Operation: Shadow Debt.

2. Make the game feel more alive by adding civilians and npc's you can interact with and and just more stuff happening in the background to make it feel like your actions in the universe really matter! I want to feel bad if I fail a mission because I let a colony get wiped out by the Grineer or something.

3. Tile sets to be more diverse and detailed like the moon. Those are awesome.

4. More planet-side tile sets, and not having them be recycled like Mars and Phobos. That bothers the crap out of me. I want each planet to feel unique.

5. Anything for dojos? Like, literally anything. I will take freaking wall decals at this point.

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