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Coming Soon: Devstream #72!


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After the last Dev Stream  there has been a lot of debate within the community on Dark Sectors coming back to Warframe. And many competitive alliances across all platforms of the game worry that the removal of PvP mixed with only one Dark Sectors node within the new star-chart will result in the new Dark Sectors becoming a much less competitive experience and just another daily grind chore with no real impact on the rest of the game. Is there any thing you can tell us at this time about the competitive aspect or goals within the new system and  is there any possibility for both PvP and PvE game modes in this new system?

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First time asking questions, yay

1. Seeing I have a PC and PS4 account, I will start with this.  Microsoft recently said about allowing cross play, if this actually happens, what is DE stance on cross play for PS4 and XB1 if it does happen?  I know cross play between console and pc will never happen because of PC getting regular updates, but consoles have the same build, sometimes one gets it a day or two before the other but if cross play were to happen, all you would have to do is hold off deployment until both pass certification.  The day or two way on those odd times, would be well worth it for the increase in player base.


2.  Carrier Para Bundle... ever going to happen?


3.  clan member wanted to know if you are going to bundle any more color palettes or should he cave to my nagging of him being a cheap a** and should just go ahead and buy them all.


4.  With the recent changes to the focus systems, it has become harder for solo players to get their daily focus.  Would it be a good idea to add a 5% or 10% Affinity bonus to every mission anything the game is set to Solo.  Doing any mission(besides sortie) on Solo gives you far less spawns so even a 10% affinity boost would not make it better then running any mission for levels or focus better then it would be with 4 people, but it would make it easy on solo players to level up their stuff and get their focus.  It would also reduce the need to run Draco. 


5.  This question might have been asked before, I'm not sure so I will ask it anyways.  Would DE consider adding a new setting to match making.  Public - Hosting.  Basically it would be the same as Public except when you click on a node it loads you right into the game the same as it does on solo.  The reason I ask this because with the new focus system, I can no longer get my daily focus points just by doing my syndicate/sortie/and the odd tower, I know have to run Draco to knock it out.  It becomes very frustration, when I try to get into the node, I get paired with someone and the Host breaks up the squad.  It happens daily, it is very frustrating, even more so when it happens 11 times in a row. 


6. With Sayrn Prime Access, came the need to run some low level endless, mainly T2S.  Now to some people including some new players I played with there is nothing wrong with that, but if you get a group of people who have all been around the block a few times, running low towers can be very boring.  Just a idea but giving us the option of starting at whatever point we wanted(rotations C's of course, 0-20-40-60) would allow new players to keep doing what they are doing, and hardcore players who are looking for a little more of a challenge to have a bit of fun, all without messing up the loot table or drop chances.


7.  Buffing old weapons - with more and more good weapons being added to the game, a lot of the old go to weapons are now collecting dust at the bottom of the closet behind all my spare syandanas, my beloved amprex has now become my kubrows favorite chew toy.  Will they be giving some much needed love, even just a 5-10% base increase in damage would probably bring them up to par with a lot of the newer weapons. 

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Would be nice to have a Visual FX intensity(For number of particles, etc.) slider and Visual FX brightness slider so folks with sensitive eyes don't dictate what I can see. When are you guys gonna do this? I like things intense and bright like physx was during closed beta.

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Couple of things:

1) Umbra. Yes, this horse has been bludgeoned and beaten to death and mush, but it is worth repeating. Something more clear and concrete with regards to Excalibur Umbra (Or all the Umbras, as certain indications seem to point to a plurality of them) would be worth noting. 

2) Reworks. Mag is confirmed. Whose next? The logical next step is Volt (Because starter frame), but there's been a pattern of coupling reworks with deluxe skins. Which is making us all wonder about Oberon. 

3) Lore. Hints at our next big lore quest would be nice. 

4) Vault. Will there be a pattern to Prime Vault release dates? 

5) New weapons. We just love to have new toys to slaughter our enemies with. What's next?

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With all the Deluxe skins coming out recently, I've noticed that the first few don't have enough love for them in the sense they don't have a bundle. Nyx Nemesis, Proto-Excal, and Valkyr Gersemi are the three ones I noticed that you can only purchase as a skin. As a big Nyx fan, I really wish to see a bundle like all the other deluxe skins that come with two different skins for weapons, armor, etc. that match the deluxe skin. So my question is, are there any plans to add bundles to the 3 skins listen above so all the deluxe skins can have bundles (to make it fair to those who love the above listed frames, like me) and if so, will there be any compensation or way for those who have already bought one or more of those skins to buy the bundle without having to waste so much platinum?

Thank you! 

Edited by TheMortemShadow
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A Few Questions

- Will You Be Able To Bookmark Missions in the new starchart (or anytime in the future)

- Will There Ever Be a Time Frame? (inspired from region chat XD). A new Farming Frame (like Nekros desecrate) but focus more on loot based abilities?

- What do you look for when adding or modifying content, Do you Choose over popular Demand or What you think needs to be worked on 1st

- Will There Ever Be New Elemental DMG in the Future of Warframe

thanks for looking over my questions DE, Keep up the good work! 

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Will there ever be a fix for "E hold E E E" combos interfering with charge attacks on certain stances (meaning that just holding E to do a charge attack in some stances, does not do a charge attack, but instead does the beginning of the "E hold E E" combo)?

More information here if needed:


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Some devstreams back, the idea of generic abilities for Warframes was proposed; however, with the release of the Ability Level Up mechanic, that idea had to be scrapped.  Have you guys ever considered reserving generic abilities for the Operators? There has to be some reason beyond pure personal aesthetic that operators can be customized.  I'd really like to see an option to take your Operator into battle in place of their frames.

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hi , im sorry to bother u but i was wondering if u had time if u could look at 4 questions , 1 is there any chance of making attachments for warframes seperatly colorable , or at least allow the syandana and armor to be seperated. , 2 could u plz take a look at the G3 Zenuka , and stalker sigils , as they are off center , and i know that the options alow u to move these sigils , unfortunatly there is no possable way of centering it , its either off the the right or off to the left. 3  as i much enjoy mesa as it is and i dont think she needs a major change , is there any chance of adding a "focus " to her shots in her 4th skill so i can see far range enemys better, i enjoy it as it is but when u have the skill at full wind up i find it hard to peg down far range enemys untill they get close , and when enemys get close they throw grenades bringing me to 4 ! . is there any news on when we are getting the grenade indecater and how effective do you think this will be in tenno being able to evade grenades before insta-death , if u get time for these tyvm and even if u cant ty for the updates and never ending nice content 

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13 hours ago, Stratego89 said:

DE, if I may-

What is your/do you have an official stance on Draco- or even just loot caves/farm nodes in general. Do you consider them a problem in warframe due to how players mostly ever play just one mission in one place, rather than all of the game's content equally? Not to mention the impact it has on recruiting chat- and the difficulties it presents newer players in finding help with earlier missions.

last devstream they literailly said it is not a problem

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I flip between weapons on my frames and sentinels a lot, is it really that big a deal if my frame weapons and sentinel weapons have the same mods equipped? If so, can we get a system to designate additonal copies of mods for sentinel weapons only? Even something as simple as putting a marking on the mod picture or changing it's color would be great.


Any chance of energy channeling with guns in the future?

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