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is this game starting die out ?


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Hardly dying out. The playerbase increases constantly. 

There was a recent change (an old one really) that doesn't add a player to the chat if they haven't spoken in it, or accessed it, unlike how it was before. The players you see are the ones that are active in the chat, rather than everyone who is not active in the chat, and not playing a mission, in that region.

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I suggest to the OP to find a clan. Easier to open the starchart this way. I know how it is. I used to run alone. It's hard a t the beginning, but in the end, outside the new stuff and farming regions, it's pretty much a desert.

About how much people play, sometimes the game gets stale and people need a break. I can mention my routine in warframe. I log in, play the daily sortie and leave unless i'm in the mood for Focus farming. No point for me in roaming the Starchart. I'm a veteran who did almost everything this game has to offer. I could rush mastery going to Draco but see no point in doing that. Would probably make me log in even less outside events, tactical alerts and such.

I belong to a clan of lone wolves who suit my playstyle. Yes, we don't go to play stuff together, but the rules of presence are lax and comfortable.

Find you group and enjoy the game.

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46 minutes ago, SubjectL said:

Oh my yes, its starting to die out he says, Forgot to check sources.


Warframehas more players online then skyrim, 1000 less players then fallout 4.. So yeah.. 

The last time I checked, it was in the top 10 games played on Steam at #7. I checked today, and it's down to #14.

It fluctuates. But it's still fairly popular, and will get another upswing the next big update if history repeats itself.

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1 minute ago, DaftMeat said:

The last time I checked, it was in the top 10 games played on Steam at #7. I checked today, and it's down to #14.

It fluctuates. But it's still fairly popular, and will get another upswing the next big update if history repeats itself.

Remeber new games, such as dark souls 3 over took it bloody fast :^

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I understand what you're saying. It feels like it is. Because most veteran people wait for dailies (sortie) or new content to log in. But I see a lot of new players when looking for Kubrow eggs on Earth or playing survival on Mercury.

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Warframe has started dying.. Lack of content, or challenges. for instance for us veteran players who have all content  and have hit MR21 and nothing else to do the game becomes boring and we focus our time on other games.. There is only so much helping other players or endless credit farming you can do before you just think what's the point.

U19 should solve these issues  hopefully but because of lack of content not being released. and when updates are released all we get is content containing cosmetic value items. i.e Fashion Frame then of course players are going to leave this game it's only natural.  

To get more players back DE need to apply this logic.


> Remove useless rewards from drop tables 

> Update  / change game modes so it doesn't feel so much of an endless grind i.e add new game modes change up the enemies and add new tile sets

> Fix rewards being lost

> Update sorties so there is two modes one for newbies and one for veteran / end game mode.. Nothing worse that doing a sortie spy missions to have a player who doesn't understand the concept of the game load in try and hack a console and cause the mission to fail.

> Add more weapons, frames, Don't concentrate so hard on re-skinning existing warframes. 

> Remove PVP mode or update it so it's actually playable / worth playing.



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2 hours ago, SubjectL said:

Oh my yes, its starting to die out he says, Forgot to check sources.


Warframehas more players online then skyrim, 1000 less players then fallout 4.. So yeah.. 

Not sure why you compare Warframe to a 7 years old game skyrim, and clicking into the link, Skyrim has 2k more players than warframe.

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7 minutes ago, Niliam said:

Not sure why you compare Warframe to a 7 years old game skyrim, and clicking into the link, Skyrim has 2k more players than warframe.

It does now, warframe was in head when i posted it. (2 hours ago)

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Stardew Valley (a game that was released in 2016) recently sold its 1.000.000th copy... and warframe has more players than that. And that is only steam.

Nevermind that a lot of players do not play through steam.

Warframe is doing what MMO players want: regular content releases and giving a dam about what players really want. So it is doing well.

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3 hours ago, Trichouette said:

This plus the fact the game is pretty boring when you've done everything already.

+ the fact draco exist, so 90% of other nodes are deserted

As are MOST games.

I dont understand how players can be bitter after 1k hours of entertainment. 

Edited by Hypernaut1
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3 hours ago, Trichouette said:

This plus the fact the game is pretty boring when you've done everything already.

+ the fact draco exist, so 90% of other nodes are deserted

Well that is a flaw in the game design and not a sign that the game is dying.

There are simply too many missions that are too similar and that are not very popular. So players pick the ones that are most efficient and fun and they play those, and ignore the other 99%.

DE has a tendency to add huge and intricate maps with archwing segments ect, when those really cater to a small minority of players. But then the map designers need a job and so on. If I worked at DE, I would focus on smaller, simpler but more beautiful maps. Because those are fun, efficient to farm and overall more popular.

What strengthens that effect is that usually there are like 2 missions per planet that people use to farm resources/XP and those are the 2 that you can even find a party for, leaving very little incentive to try another mission.

As for "boring" yes if you dont enjoy the game mechanics, the grind will be boring to you. That means the game is not for you. I like being a space ninja jedi and leveling new OP things to blow stuff up with.

Edited by TheBright888
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3 hours ago, Anubias said:

Besides if you look trough options you will see "regions" if one region have not enough ppl for you you can try switching between them. DE did that cause region chat goes so fast back then XD

The South America and Oceania Regions:


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