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Do you trust DE to nerf/balance things correctly?

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As the title says.

Personally I don't. Since April I have been playing for little over a year now, and in that time I have seen Mag fall out of usefulness, Greedy pull turn into a waste of plat/standing, Mesa receiving a justified nerf but left with unjustified energy drain (chroma too),  and Saryn turned into.... well, Saryn.


But I have also seen Excalibur's rise into viability, well deserved buffs to shotguns and snipers, aswell as scythes.

From what ive seen its hit or miss if they get things right the first time, and until that changes they need to be taking feedback from the entire community with consideration, whether they are new or seasoned tenno.

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Actually, I am glad that that all signs point to them taking note of the player's concerns but making their own decision about how/if they get addressed.

I haven't really seen DE go crazy with nerfs in the last year or so. They still happen... But not to the degree, or severity, that they did.

Typically, the balance of the trade makes up for most of what players lose out on.

But it's important to remember that DE can swing one hek of a nerfbat.  So much so that I used to refer to it as "nuking from orbit".

The stuff OP mentions don't even qualify as nerfs comparatively, in my opinion.


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I don't trust them to do everything right, but i do trust them for at least doing something about it. So if a nerf turned out to be problematic (like snow globe nerf) then they will do something about it again. Same goes for buffs

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After Volt ES massive nerfing? Heh, nope. 
Still, it's their game, and sometimes they even taking in account players opinion. There is nothing right or wrong about it. DEvs just doing things and we shouldn't complaining. Nothing will change whatsoever.

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They maybe could do a good job, if they actually went for it instead of allowing themselves to be hamstrung by the risk of backlash from the playerbase.  WF is supposedly still in beta but DE is afraid to treat us like testers and won't commit to large-scale changes for the better.  If they keep listening to lowest common denominator feedback, the game will inevitably spiral into a mess (arguably this has already happened.)

You also have to account for that fact that DE overall isn't terribly savvy about the game that they make, so they end up making a lot of WTF changes/additions and often introduce things like non-projectile RJ and Greedy Pull that are obviously red flags balance-wise to an experienced/savvy player but fly under DE's own radar until it's too late and a backlash is inevitable.  

Edited by RealPandemonium
added the content of my below post to this one
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Yes, I do. The Balance changes DE has made have been overwhelmingly positive (we don't talk about Vivergate). The problem is getting DE to actually rework the stuff.



Just now, RealPandemonium said:

They maybe could do a good job, if they actually went for it instead of allowing themselves to be hamstrung by the risk of backlash from the playerbase.  WF is supposedly still in beta but DE is afraid to treat us like testers and won't commit to large-scale changes for the better.  If they keep listening to lowest common denominator feedback, the game will inevitably spiral into a mess (arguably this has already happened.)

This is pretty on point, while DE listening to the community and integrating ideas is a great thing, DE should never feel as if they are not allowed to change something. Just look at how long it took for them to get the will power to remove coptering, now imagine the will power it will take to fix damage scaling (for enemies AND players). Seriously, they just indirectly allude to a Tonkor rebalance and rage threads of "Tonkor is fine" start popping up with a frightening amount of support. So no, DE should not take into consideration the "opinion" of the community but they have been and should continue to take ideas from the community.


Also, Saryn was buffed (besides her EHP, which was an underserved nerf), Mag existed before greedy pull and she is still quite useful (even without the soon coming rework), and Mesa did become pretty lackluster but is apparently going to scale with secondary mods soon (and an easy 95% DR is nothing to sneeze at).

Edited by DrBorris
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1 hour ago, (PS4)official_79 said:

From what ive seen its hit or miss if they get things right the first time

A very subjective opinion.  I abhor Excalibur, others love him to death, I love Saryn, while you obviously ....

I trust them to believe in the balance changes they make and to err on the side of caution at times while listening to the community when they aren't sure.  We don't have to agree with every change or design they come out with.  Because they will never be able to make every single player 100% happy 100% of the time.

You mentioned Mag's greedy pull.  I wasn't around at the height of mag/mesa botting and I'm glad I wasn't.  It sounds sad.  What I think is they were way too overly enthusiastic when they made greedy pull and it took the souls of players who can be counted on to exploit every advantage possible into using something the way they clearly didn't expect it to be used.

I trust they will learn from such mistakes in the future, and go small with such new things and slowly make it better rather than make it overly insane and then nerf it to hell causing riots.  Or rather I trust its possible anyway.

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I don't because before they nerf/buff things they need to research the core problems of the game until that not finished no matter what content they release it will be a buggy mess.

The out to date stuffs needs more power and alternatives which makes them viable and those weapons which have overpower needs some nerfs. Before these they need to do something with their AI and level scaling.

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nope, I don't.

Sniper rework. They screwed over an entire weapon class in their efforts to improve it. Fixing none of the actual issues with them,(consistency of damage, taking out priority targets and so on) and making some of the issues worse. i.e snipers suck at general gameplay so lets nerf hipfire.

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Yes. Perhaps not the first time, but they at least try and they do care, so I'm glad to simply wait out potential mistakes until they get it right, because I trust they will in the end.

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Everytime a player is vocal and upset about their favourite thing being nerfed, it is DE's fault.

And it is correct.

Because DE made the mistake of releasing something that gradually stopped the player from playing the game (Peacemaker and Greedy pull)

And that DE made the mistake of potato coding which ruined the original identity and playstyle of a frame (Saryn turning from Poison to Burst) 


My advice to people is to not love too much. Yu might never know what yur playing with right now is actually intended to stay or not. In the name of balance, DE can just remove yur favourite guns because they are overpowered. 

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Balancing stuff is pretty hard job and DE do it very bad. We have Tonkor and Stradavar, Broken War and Machetes, Lex and Spectra as examples of that "balance". We have credit packs with tiny amount of credits that costs insane platinum amount. We have enemies scaling up to 9999 level with tons of armor and health. We have mods that give insane (up to 220%) amount of stat increase per mod and still we can't kill even 1000 level enemies using just weapon and those mods.

But unfortunately we have no other option and have to "trust" DE continue doing this.

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I guess I am still considered new but I know the nerf mentality in online games these days, not cool. But the reworks that happened so far or atleast the ones I witnessed were nice, Saryn is tougher now and a lot better to use now. Without a doubt (well, my volt maining friends said so too) Volt's rework will turn out to get him out of the dusty vault for Volt users. I mained Ash since the beginning for his look and Ninja playstyle and didn't like how buggy BladeStorm is and I can't wait for the rework of it, imagine literal krunai rain or AoE time stop with Black and White effects like in Samurai and Ninja animes when clashing xD HAMON, OVAR HYPOO!!!

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2 hours ago, (PS4)official_79 said:

in that time I have seen Mag fall out of usefulness, Greedy pull turn into a waste of plat/standing,

This.. really the fix is so easy: since it pulls the loot only for mag herself just remove the LoS requirement

Why should i sacrifice a mod slot for pulling loot to me that i have to see before i can pull it.. i could just run around with carrier

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