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Vauban's building requirements are too high [Reply from DE]


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Just now, (PS4)HERMAN_JELMET said:

Don't see what the problem is, if you want it farm for it, why is everyone whinging because they can't get it instantly? Just play the game,  it'll feel a lot more rewarding. 

+1000000000000000 for you. Totally agree.

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I completely agree. 7000 Oxium? 20 Nitain? 30000 Cryotic? for someone who can play WF 24/7, it might be do-able. but if you can't, it would be nigh impossible. I mean, I had trouble getting 700 Oxium. how the f*ck am I gonna manage 7000?! just an example. this grind isn't becoming too much, it already is. for many newer players and players with less time than the majority, like myself, these things are just out of reach. this really needs to be dealt with IMO.

Edited by KuraioNokami
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Since i already had the ressources for both, for me its fine D:

It is grind if that is what you wants now, else if you just play, you will get all the ressource without noticing it.

I don't get the people won't don't have all weapons and warframes that always wants the new items first, there is no need to rush, just take your time :)

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11 minutes ago, ArionLightning said:

+1000000000000000 for you. Totally agree.

Some people just don't have any foresight I guess. I can afford the resources easily but if the trend continues for future weaponry eg Sibear, nobody will be able to. Let's be realistic for a second, it's more oxium than the rest of the items requiring oxium costs combined. It's about 1/4 of a year's worth of Oxium gathered while playing the game for most people. Let's say the trend continues and the next item takes another 5k oxium, then another needs 20k cryotic and so on etc. Everybody's resource supplies will be drained if this trend is accepted and allowed to continue.

Edited by Zilchy
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The last item in the game to require Nitain before Vauban Prime was the Zhuge. That was on March 16th. Between March 16 and May 17 there have been approximately 250 Nitain alerts. Vauban Prime only takes 20.

I know this sounds like meta-complaining when I say it out loud, but I promise you it's actually genuine bafflement. I genuinely, honestly cannot understand.

I ask you, hypothetical Tenno who hates Nitain, straight up. I'm not asking a rhetorically such that the question is an insult, this isn't sarcasm:
What really is THAT BAD about Nitain?

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8 minutes ago, clemza said:


I don't get the people won't don't have all weapons and warframes that always wants the new items first, there is no need to rush, just take your time :)

I'm MR21 who played for about 1200 hours in a span of 3 years or so. I have most if not all weapons and frames (Missing Spira prime and some other random pieces and Clown shoes prime + new prime weapons of course and Beta stuff and founder stuff).

I can regularly pull weird amounts of resources literally out of my arse.

Got 16k Oxium that I do not for the life of me remember ever grinding for.

And I still think the crafting requirements are BS.

Yes I understand that there is no rush for anything. Time flows like water and it's our responsibility to use it in what way pleases us most. Looking at those requirements for Clown Shoes prime... It's not worth the time.

Eh. I'll probably just get the BPs and craft Clown Shoes Prime sometime when I get the itch to play more again. It's just getting ridiculous is all.

Vauban Prime would be 6k mastery for me... Which just feels so... ridiculous.

Edited by Ziegrif
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13 minutes ago, clemza said:

Since i already had the ressources for both, for me its fine D:

It is grind if that is what you wants now, else if you just play, you will get all the ressource without noticing it.

I don't get the people won't don't have all weapons and warframes that always wants the new items first, there is no need to rush, just take your time :)

It seems actually playing the game and having fun doesn't appeal to many players.  Sadly they want to have all the newest and most powerful gear without putting in the effort to own it.  

If you don't have the time to play 24/7 and want everything immediately, you are going to open your wallet or wait till you have enough resources to build the newest shiny.

Edited by (PS4)I420t
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1 minute ago, Ziegrif said:

I'm MR21 I have most if not all weapons and frames (Missing Spira prime and some other random pieces and Clown shoes prime of course).

I can regularly pull weird amounts of resources literally out of my arse.

Got 16k Oxium that I do not for the life of me remember ever grinding for.

And I still think the crafting requirements are BS.

Yes I understand that there is not rush for anything. Time flows like water and it's our responsibility to use it in what way pleases us most. Looking at those requirements for Clown Shoes prime... It's not worth the time.

Eh. I'll probably just get the BPs and craft Clow Shoes Prime sometime when I get the itch to play more again.

But you know the craft requierment is just for Vauban P, they had to do it that way, so Vauban P wasn't faster to get than Vauban (for new players and most of the players in general)

Else it would have been "stupid" (for me) to be able to get Vauban P way faster than Vauban.

You see my point ? :)

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I would rather like to see proper marketing values based off the products value rather then the inflation of resources in some 3 year old veterans inventories. This is going to create a large divide between the player base. What I mean is:
Fragor & Akstiletto (Tesla PA) = $49.99
Fragor, Akstiletto, Vauban & Profile Icons (Bastille PA) = $79.99
Fragor, Akstiletto, Vauban, Profile Icons & Accessories (Vortex PA) = $139.99

Now, one of vaubans parts requires, or at least originally required 14,000 oxium. So let's see what oxium is valued at.
300 oxium = 30 platinum
14,000 / 300 = 46.67 x 30 platinum = 1,400 platinum.

Now let's break down the value of platinum.
1 platinum = 6.7 cents or $0.067
1,400 platinum = $93.80

Why on earth does a single resource required to build a single part cost more then the Bastille prime access pack? The resource inflation doesn't justify it's value.

Edited by LethalAffliction
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Just came across this on Reddit and thought: '... yeah.'


On second thought, I'll spoilerize my vet-vent.


The threads of the string keeping me attached to Warframe are fraying.

I'm sitting at MR20 because MR21 doesn't make a difference (will probably level to 22 when Ii eventually get there, though, because loadout slot).

Have everything gettable. Forma'ed everything I care to.

With the abysmal drop rates on certain mods, I've given up on codex-completion. (This included PvP mods, but thankfully there's now a UI filter for that.)

With the drop tables being what they are, I've given up on farming new Primes. (You know those urban legend horror stories of hundreds of runs with no payoff? That's me for the last 3 PAs. Enough is enough.)

I still love Warframe's aesthetic. I still enjoy the gameplay.

But not enough to play it for only its own sake. I need some goal to be playing towards.

tl;dr - I'm through with grinding for grind's sake.

I'm sitting on a fairly significant cache of resources. But I don't see it replenishing as fast as it's depleting.

So I'll keep building new stuff as it comes around. I'll keep funding my Storm clan's research.

And when I run out? I'm done.

So, OP: Yes. It's gotten too much for me.


56 minutes ago, (PS4)I420t said:

It seems actually playing the game and having fun doesn't appeal to many players.

Playing the game is fun if you're playing against level-appropriate enemies. (Caveat: Nullifers. I can live with everything else, even (even!) Sapping Ospreys. But fk Nullifiers.)

Those are harder and harder to come by as you become better and better geared.

Edited by Chroia
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7 minutes ago, clemza said:

You see my point ? :)

Oh yeah. I see the point.

I just think the point is moronic.

If they wanted to make Clown Shoes prime time gated they should have made the BPs drop the same way as mister normal clown shoes.

just have the alerts take place in the void.

Or make the Prime version require normal Vauban parts to craft.

Doing it like this feels, exhausting and mind numbingly boring. I just don't even feel like starting when i look at those resource amounts needed. It's supposed to make me think "HELL YEAH NEW STUFF TIME TO SHOOT SOME FOOLS FOR SHINIES!" And all I can muster is apathy as after I've ground the BPs I'll have to set up a damn alert watch, clock round for 20 bottles of expensive bacteria.

Oh and rotation C endless missions as drop locations for the BPs can go right off a cliff for all I care.

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Oh sure, there's been a lot of nitain alerts. That's not the only problem. It's the fact that they happen at any time during the day. People have other things to do, they have jobs already, and Warframe shouldn't become a career just because DE wants to make everything new require nitain. Its method of acquisition means you can't grind for it, you can't put in any effort to acquire this thing outside of a low sabotage reward rate.

It's not just RNG. It's RNG timegating. You can do other things, but that doesn't make the problem go away. You can be an alitist sod and say "you're just entitled and want everything now", but that doesn't make the problem go away. People need to stop defending horrible implementation of arbitrary waiting that doesn't even require you to play the game or put in any effort.

All you can do is wait for it to appear at a time you can nab it. You aren't playing the game. It's completely disregarding skill or effort or commitment and purely about whether or not you happen to be able to be online at the time, which many people can't for many reasons. There's no fun or satisfaction in it at all.

Normally you're made to put in effort and work for things. Someone apparently decided that's too mainstream.

Edited by AdunSaveMe
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9 minutes ago, clemza said:

You see my point ? :)

Alright. Explain Ash.

I already have 3 friends, all MR 8 or less who've started in the last 3 months, and all of them have Ash P, but don't have the basic Ash yet (and not for lack or trying).

No, they're not ready for LoR yet.

Edited by Chroia
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if you only play a few hours a day you could go a year without getting a single nitain extract. The problem is there's no reliable way to work towards it like all the other resources, instead you just have be looking at the alerts 24/7 and always have access to a computer or just hope you logged in at the right time.

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8 minutes ago, clemza said:

But you know the craft requierment is just for Vauban P, they had to do it that way, so Vauban P wasn't faster to get than Vauban (for new players and most of the players in general)

Else it would have been "stupid" (for me) to be able to get Vauban P way faster than Vauban.

You see my point ? :)

Except that's not why they did it. Don't kid yourself, it's purely to manipulate players into buying the Prime Access. I promise you now that there will be future weapons, the new fairy frame, the new archwing etc released with absurd resource requirements very soon. This is where the game is headed unless we head it off now by taking a stand.

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I feel like people are seriously missing the dynamic between Vauban parts being available solely through alerts, and his Prime needing a small stockpile of a resource that is largely available through alerts. Say what you want about it being 'too hard,' I think it's perfectly sensible.

As for not being able to farm it, I'd like to point out that it also drops from the special lockers in the new ship sabotages.

Edited by XRosenkreuz
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I agree. Nitain is best recource in world, because you, honeslty, can't grind it. No grind = good. And you obtain it from various (mostly easy) missions.

Yep, it means, you can't get it in few hours or smth. It'll require days, but hey. Why you should haste at first place?

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I'd say its the incremental cost of Nitain with every new blueprint and its indirect farming method.

You can't farm it at any time of the day, so anyone who doesnt have a lot of time cant really stock up before a new weapon or frame arises, atleast with other resources you can farm with the little time you have.

At first it was atleast a bearable cost, now Vauban Prime requiring 20? I can only imagine it getting worse in the future

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1 minute ago, crackbeard said:

I don't mind grinding but when they put in something that requires 20 nitains, a resource i am not even allowed to grind or farm... something is wrong.

You can farm Nitain in the new Sabotage missions by finding all the caches but that still doesnt make it acceptable.

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2 minutes ago, Chroia said:

Alright. Explain Ash.

I already have 3 friends, all MR 8 or less who've started in the last 3 months, and all of them have Ash P, but don't have the basic Ash yet (and not for lack or trying).

No, they're not ready for LoR yet.

Ash was on a boss before you know and if you want ash you can have it pretty fast. I can get ash within a day without doing LoR which i can't with vauban unless there is 3 alerts

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2 minutes ago, AdunSaveMe said:

All you can do is wait for it to appear at a time you can nab it. You aren't playing the game

See, when I read this, this implies that all you can do is sit still at your nav screen and literally wait for the Nitain to show up. I find this absurd. I'm MR21 and I have collected everything (except Spira Prime), and I'm still playing random missions whenever I log in for my daily reward. It's not like if you require Nitain you can't actually do anything else

1 minute ago, crackbeard said:

if you only play a few hours a day you could go a year without getting a single nitain extract.

This I also find absurd. A few HOURS a day? As in, more than two hours? You are statistically looking at at least one nitain every two days

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