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Mag Rework Feedback [Post Update 18.13]


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1 hour ago, Gilmaesh said:


Only thing i didn't use and never have is her ultimate, i still find it useless but maybe some people have a use for it. That's 3 skills out of 4 that i used.



Grab its augment, fracturing crush. Reduces armor and CC's enemies. Great to increase Polarize's effect on Grinner, and the fact that enemies dont move by themselves synergizes quite well with Magnetize, since they get attracted to the center. Couple that with its innate damage, if you dont kill every enemy inside the buble, than you'll at the very least increase its DoT and explosion damage substantially.

Magnetize is no doubt Mag's central ability, and She works incredibly well with that in mind.

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33 minutes ago, Marine027 said:

etc etc


Every problem you mention is either common to any non-godlike frame: Squatching behind frost's snow globe becomes mandatory unless you can be invisible, invincible, or have a trin in the team-- well, had.

All you do is to remind us how enemy scaling is a problem by itself. However, you take it as an ensured and immutable matter of fact-- as if the problem is a warframe not being cheesy, instead of this "endgame" requiring cheese.

Additionally, If a level 3 sortie isn't "endgame" enough for you, than please define endgame.

to wrap it all up: Make a spelling check after writing a post. A mistake or two is ok, but your text was filled with them. Also, punctuation.

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The rework is fairly bad, as expected since what was shown in the dev stream already hinted how bad it is going to be.

There where before the rework only a few uses for mag and sorti penalties made her pointless to play even in sorti most of the time.


Still not has a toggle to push, still has a pointless LOS augment mod because this change was apparently easier then to fix broken low level spawning mechanics, that are in the game for no good reason at all.


Does not disappear once the last unit in range is gone. Does not jump targets in range, the dot is next to useless given armor and healers. Is still bugged at the edges where you can get hit. Still has to little range.

Shield polarise:

Is now just plain crap, end of the story. It does not scale against armor or shields and the later was the only reason Mag was a good frame for specific high level missions. Augment mod still does nothing for your team, as only over shield augment in the hole game and is absolute pointless at higher levels.


Still bugged that under lag targets are often not affected by anything but the last CC tick, what means you are already dead. The augment is still the worst anti armor augment in the game and not worth using in any kind of situation because it does not scale with power strength and everything but 100% armor removal is more or less useless at high levels.

Mag needed a rework, Mag had and still has for Christ sake quite a few bugs, useless augment mods(after a crap ton of nerving, since 2 where actually good when they came out), Mag was far to niche for her own good and slapping Healers in the void and having 50% of the sorti penalties absolute cripple mag does not help at all. What we got is not a single useful fix to all of mags problems, forced synergy for no reason and absolute no impact at higher levels and Mag being not useful any more in the few situations the frame was good at before the rework.

If Mag needed any less reasons to be played, then the rework did deliver just that.

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After a few days, personally I'm confirming Mag as good but in need of some small buffs for QOL.


Pull is solid for a 1, but could be better synergistic with Magnetise if ragdolled enemies were extra susceptible to the vortex effect (or the vortex itself was just plain stronger), so the otherwise barely-controllable ragdolling could be better used to pull enemies into your killzones.


Magnetise is fantastic for making a zone of nope, but needs to not cause friendly fire, and being able to point-cast instead of target-cast (especially with the long animation/delay) would be very nice for actually putting the bubbles where you want. A stronger vortex effect would be nice, although overextending and charging up enough damage does leave most things unable to cross before dying.

Anecdote: Not only did I deal the best damage despite allies derping it up with Synoid Simulor when I did Sortie 3 (Excavation), but I also managed to run some Excavators on my own without the aid of a Frost globe, which is nearly mandatory otherwise thanks to the ridiculously lacking health. Charge it up with damage, give it massive range without sacrificing to sub-100% duration/strength and you have yourself a big old No-Enemy Zone excepting Nullifiers. Bursas are nonentities.


Polarise isn't too bad (vs. Corpus) but it requires groups more than ever to actually lay down the pain. It's supplementary and scales on targets more than the blatantly imbalanced scaling on raw shield multiplied by targets as well. However, Mag is now extremely useful when handling large areas of Grineer without 4CP. Polarise will happily shred through that armour. Does it strip entirely? Not at high levels without several casts, but you don't need it to. Just soften them up a touch and let your Magnetise do the rest.

Problem points: It has zero effect on unarmoured and unshielded targets, making it useless against Infested until Swarmed, it can work against itself when against shields by radial damage reducing the shield of yet-to-be-touched enemies. Damage (but not armour strip) is amplified by Magnetise but only on the magnetised target itself. Lots of potential improvement points on this ability for better synergies and scaling. Also, going from "affects 1/3 factions" to "affects 2/3 factions" is a dumb halfway step. Give it some persistent use against Infested.

Also, can we please not have the first wave spontaneously vanish upon casting the ability again? If I know it takes two (or more) Polarise pulses to do what I need it to do, I should be able to send out two (or more) waves given the energy. I get this is probably to stop new-age RJ shenanigans with a large-duration build and supplementary energy, but let's be reasonable. If it generally needs to go out more than once, it either needs to be doublecast friendly or just have mechanics improved (better base or scaling) so that it doesn't need to go out more than once.


Crush has some nice CC capability (especially with range taking it up to ~45m or so) but not much else going for it unless you sacrifice a slot to the augment. One stray nullifier or enemy unit with more than 50m effective range is going to destroy you while you stand there, unfortunately.

With the augment, I can see it working excellently against higher leveled armour targets along with Polarise. Crush a percentage of the armour, flat strip the rest with a Polarise or two.


Energy economy is a huge problem, however. All of that up there is feasible... when you run with easy access to restoring energy (Trinity Friend, restores or Zenurik Focus). There simply aren't enough mod slots with the base statistics as they are to get proper functionality and the efficiency needed to make decent use of it without extra energy supplies. More capacity would be nice too.


Nullification is a problem. When Frost is Nulled, he doesn't lose a globe. When Mag is nulled, she loses her Magnetise bubbles. Fix?

Edited by EDYinnit
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I can't believe some people can be in favour of this rework as it stands...

Magnetize is a very fun ability, I think it's the absolute single best change they did to mag, however, no one in the community should support the removal of scaling abilities, yes her old polarize was dumb and needed a rework, and I'm in favour of her new polarize quite a lot actually, except that it's freaking fixed damage, and as it stands the fact that DE is actively destroying the late game usability of an ability on purpose is pretty bad, it's only ever useful on star charts where shields and armour don't matter to any player who's actually put enough time in the game to be a paying customer, there's no reason to have any ability with static stats, and they should be well aware of how much the community loathes this

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56 minutes ago, Viking3206 said:

I can't believe some people can be in favour of this rework as it stands...

Magnetize is a very fun ability, I think it's the absolute single best change they did to mag, however, no one in the community should support the removal of scaling abilities, yes her old polarize was dumb and needed a rework, and I'm in favour of her new polarize quite a lot actually, except that it's freaking fixed damage, and as it stands the fact that DE is actively destroying the late game usability of an ability on purpose is pretty bad, it's only ever useful on star charts where shields and armour don't matter to any player who's actually put enough time in the game to be a paying customer, there's no reason to have any ability with static stats, and they should be well aware of how much the community loathes this

As i already suggested they could had simply lowered the targets it can affect, lowering the overall nuke damage to minimum with that or a certain area hitting only like 20-30 enemys whould not wipe the map and make Polarize have ot target a enemy to cause the effect around it and its group and no enemy targeted making refill shields on you and your team instead so it has more variety.

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Hi Guys,

After reading and playing a lot about/with mag, I wanted to share my thoughs and what I think would be able to balance the frame

Issues :

All the game play is focused on the magnetized and synergies were tried to be associated but in the end this new bullet attractor is sufficient on his own: pull and crush deal more damage to the magnetized target but it doesn’t matter for all the damage sucked by the bubble will hit it like trucks, polarize can add damage to the magnetized zone but it is quite anecdotic too

Right now, pull provides cc but it is too random with the travelling distance of pulled object to put it in the magnetized zone

                Polarize sure does the job “early” game by removing armor and shields but that’s it, shards aren’t that useful, moreover: while this ability aimed to affect all factions, its augment does still only affect the corpus. It costs 75 energy and you need way more than 200% strength to replenish mag shield with a full redirection (whereas shield protection should be mag strength) and it fails in doing his purpose at some point with the scaling of the enemies.

                So magnetize is the main ability but it is a double edge sword: it blocks your team and yourself from damaging enemies on the other side while the bubble itself doesn’t stop them from crossing it (especially in great number)

Solutions (propositions):

  • ·         Change on the 3 and 4: balancing the 3 and add synergy with the 4

A simple way to put polarize in shape would be to keep a flat damage on shields and armor used to generate shards (and that should be used to activate the augment) and add to that a fixed % of the shields and armor affected, a value unaffected by mods: a value like 20% isn’t of any use against low level mobs (75 energy cost and any ability would do more damage) but against high level ones, it would at least be dealing something.

Shards are a nice idea. It could give more interest in the 4. Crush result in making enemies collapse from within by magnetizing the bones, this intern pulling for each enemy could attract shards in a radius that would deal physical damage to the crushed enemy (perforating type?)

[another idea that I saw on this thread to get some use of these shards, would be for mag to pick up shards on her way thanks to her passive (by bullet jumping), with a cap to the number of shards picked up, they could be used in a similar way to the health conversion mod]


  •         Simplest solution :

Keep polarize but put it as number 1 and put pull as number 3 :

polarize need to be spammed to be effective and so it can be

pull gain a new effect : by targeting a magnetize zone, the pull isn’t from mag but from the center of the bubble in a weaker way allowing the bullet attractor to be way more reliable, it allows plenty of plays



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So this is funnY, took mag to corpus sortie...

And noticed something shocking #4 did more shield damage than #3.

So polarize is now a grinner and corrupted armor stripper, emergency shield regen.

#4 is def main power, spam for magnetic procs, epic crowd control, and considerable low level killing power.

#1 was not changed much... It is even better.

#2 great for heavies. Pop this on and keel anything.

In short Mag is totally different to play than before. On first glancd bad, but once you get a hang of it, and learn it as a complete new frame, then it is ok. Just average I guess, well rounded, useful against all factions, and wonderful to pick up lewt.

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Mag as is, as everyone has stated, has been nerfed hard. Her damage output has been stripped and Polerize's drop off is painful even just climbing up the start-chart.


Clearly her 'rework' needs a rework

After reading some other suggestions i've come up with this;

Honestly, pulls ok as it. I don't think it needs changing.

Fix the self damage to pets/team mates and enemy bullets ignoring it's effect and shooting straight through it. Friendly bullet's are no longer pulled into the field if weapon fire is close to the Magnetized target, want to increase the damage output? The shoot directly into the field.
Other that that it works quite well.

Functionally keep it the same, return the damage to % but remove the explosion that normally occurs, instead like Nova's MP you 'prime' enemies that have their shields removed, reducing there attack/movement speed by 25% while under this effect (Hard Capped so it can't be increased/decreased with mods)
The effects on armour can stay the same
Targets hit by Polerize that are not 'primed' and have no armour take a 3 second stun (Again capped so duration has no effect) or are knocked down. Stunned enemies are not left open for finisher attacks. Stun/knockdown can only trigger every 6 seconds per enemy.

Enemies that are 'primed' by Polerize will be caught in the Crush's effect regardless of range, 'primed' enemies take additional damage equal to the shields lost when 'primed'. Extra damage inflicted to 'primed' targets will drop off if outside of Crush's max range. 
Crush detonates armour fragments on the ground within the abilities range, dealing 25% of the fragments armour value as finisher damage within 5-10 meters of each fragment. (Damage inflicted by 'priming' and armour fragments are not affected by power strength mods)


Armour fragments caught within Crush increase Mag's base armour rating by 10% for the rest of the mission (Capped at 150% armour increase)

I think is is a bit more fair than what Mag got, and will make her more viable late game while avoiding making her a 'press x to win' frame.

Edited by Mr-Drill
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11 hours ago, EDYinnit said:

After a few days, personally I'm confirming Mag as good but in need of some small buffs for QOL.


Pull is solid for a 1, but could be better synergistic with Magnetise if ragdolled enemies were extra susceptible to the vortex effect (or the vortex itself was just plain stronger), so the otherwise barely-controllable ragdolling could be better used to pull enemies into your killzones.


Magnetise is fantastic for making a zone of nope, but needs to not cause friendly fire, and being able to point-cast instead of target-cast (especially with the long animation/delay) would be very nice for actually putting the bubbles where you want. A stronger vortex effect would be nice, although overextending and charging up enough damage does leave most things unable to cross before dying.

Anecdote: Not only did I deal the best damage despite allies derping it up with Synoid Simulor when I did Sortie 3 (Excavation), but I also managed to run some Excavators on my own without the aid of a Frost globe, which is nearly mandatory otherwise thanks to the ridiculously lacking health. Charge it up with damage, give it massive range without sacrificing to sub-100% duration/strength and you have yourself a big old No-Enemy Zone excepting Nullifiers. Bursas are nonentities.


Polarise isn't too bad (vs. Corpus) but it requires groups more than ever to actually lay down the pain. It's supplementary and scales on targets more than the blatantly imbalanced scaling on raw shield multiplied by targets as well. However, Mag is now extremely useful when handling large areas of Grineer without 4CP. Polarise will happily shred through that armour. Does it strip entirely? Not at high levels without several casts, but you don't need it to. Just soften them up a touch and let your Magnetise do the rest.

Problem points: It has zero effect on unarmoured and unshielded targets, making it useless against Infested until Swarmed, it can work against itself when against shields by radial damage reducing the shield of yet-to-be-touched enemies. Damage (but not armour strip) is amplified by Magnetise but only on the magnetised target itself. Lots of potential improvement points on this ability for better synergies and scaling. Also, going from "affects 1/3 factions" to "affects 2/3 factions" is a dumb halfway step. Give it some persistent use against Infested.

Also, can we please not have the first wave spontaneously vanish upon casting the ability again? If I know it takes two (or more) Polarise pulses to do what I need it to do, I should be able to send out two (or more) waves given the energy. I get this is probably to stop new-age RJ shenanigans with a large-duration build and supplementary energy, but let's be reasonable. If it generally needs to go out more than once, it either needs to be doublecast friendly or just have mechanics improved (better base or scaling) so that it doesn't need to go out more than once.


Crush has some nice CC capability (especially with range taking it up to ~45m or so) but not much else going for it unless you sacrifice a slot to the augment. One stray nullifier or enemy unit with more than 50m effective range is going to destroy you while you stand there, unfortunately.

With the augment, I can see it working excellently against higher leveled armour targets along with Polarise. Crush a percentage of the armour, flat strip the rest with a Polarise or two.


Energy economy is a huge problem, however. All of that up there is feasible... when you run with easy access to restoring energy (Trinity Friend, restores or Zenurik Focus). There simply aren't enough mod slots with the base statistics as they are to get proper functionality and the efficiency needed to make decent use of it without extra energy supplies. More capacity would be nice too.


Nullification is a problem. When Frost is Nulled, he doesn't lose a globe. When Mag is nulled, she loses her Magnetise bubbles. Fix

The point of mags bubbles is not to be like frosts bubles. Mags bubbles are ment to do dmg, not stop in coming fire, hence the self dmging aspect of it. Weather it's removed from the game when you get nallyed or not is not my call, but can it alest explode?

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18 minutes ago, MindHoney said:

The point of mags bubbles is not to be like frosts bubles. Mags bubbles are ment to do dmg, not stop in coming fire, hence the self dmging aspect of it. Weather it's removed from the game when you get nallyed or not is not my call, but can it alest explode?

The self-damage I have honestly yet to experience myself, so much as getting hit by wayward enemy projectiles that have built up just floating around in there. There are a few bothersome bugs and interactions that work to hinder as much (or more) than they can help with Magnetise, but one of the two has to go with nullification. Currently:

  • If Mag is touched by power nullification (Nullifier bubble, Isolator Bursa mine, Modular aura of the relevant type); all current Magnetise bubbles pop. Visually they appear to explode (if the criterion of initial target death is met), but I'm not entirely certain off-hand whether they do the damage as such.
  • In some cases, a Nullifier bubble (or presumably Isolator Bursa mine) can cause a Magnetise bubble to pop upon overlapping (particularly the centre point). Often or perhaps exclusively, this is before the initial target is dead, so the bubble doesn't even explode, not that it would do much given that this usually happens within the first couple seconds of its lifetime before it can be charged up with damage.


Other issues include target death during animation causing wasted energy, target movement during animation causing misplacement, targeting issues in general ('assisted' target is not always what you're trying to pick out).


Magnetise is perfectly viable to use defensively. You just place them in different locations to a Snow Globe. Not on the point of defense, but around the chokepoints, much like you might see Vauban's Vortices or Bastilles... only less strong CC and more bullet-spongey and damaging.

Edited by EDYinnit
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Now Mag's gameplay is: stack Duration (Primed Continuity, Narrow Minded, Costitution), deploy a Magnetized field, feed its damage by shooting inside with big guns, Pull people inside, wait it to eat down enemies or explode for the big aoe damage (sum of all the damage the Magnetized area absorbed).

In short creating big bulletstorms and dragging enemies in.

NOTE: The damage shooten inside Magnetized Fields is turned into an AoE DoT and Blast at the end of its duration.
So effectively, its damage scales with your weapon damage, it's similar to Antimatter Drop.
The only problem is... What happens when 4 Magnetized Fields stack nearby? Is the damage output quadrupled?

In my opinion Pull should interact with Magnetize, increasing its duration or the intensity of the pulling force inside it, to help clumping up enemies in range.
Pull also would need a little more pulling strenght, since I usually need 2-3 pulls to effectively drag people inside Magnetized aoes.
This is also made worse by a problem with Crowd Controls and Knockdown Animations: enemies which suffered a knockdown are stuck in the action of getting back on foot, this makes them effectively immune to other Crowd Controls or Pulls for the duration of the animation.

Polarize could interact with Magnetize by inverting the pulling Strength to negative. An untouched Magnetize would pull inside enemies, a Polarized Magnetize would expel enemies and bullets.

Also Shards should be reviewed. Polarize shouldn't produce shards, Crush should produce em.

Now, if Magnetize could be placed in whatever place, not only on enemies, but on environment too like Cataclysm, plus adding the manipolation gimmicks I suggested, could bring a funnier gameplay.

Edited by Burnthesteak87
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On 5/30/2016 at 6:14 PM, Bizzaro21 said:

it is? ;-;

so now I see why people hate it

Crush has always been hated as it's at odds with a fast casting frame.

The "beauty" of Mag is she's a fast AoE caster (a build long gone out of MMORPGs, so unique in Warframe). She trades survival for fast high burst damage.

Where this change throws the wrench in the machine is -- she's no longer that fast AoE caster. Shield Polarize is now a wave DoT, with a price to go with it. Crush is the same slow cast ability (what people have been complaining about Crush, use it and die as it takes too long to cast on a fragile frame) with a very brief immobilization.

The changes doesn't synergize well with her AoE fast caster concept. It's like tacking on abilities from other frames that's not fast casting (like using Nova's ability for Shield Polarize).

They just needed to scale Shield Polarize better, so a player can get that good old AoE spam feel from the ability, without breaking the game to do so (Arcane Explosion in WoW is a perfect example of what I mean about fast casting AoE ability, and it scales across the levels well -- one shots lower level NPCs, and takes about 5x to take a chunk off higher levels. But it is fast cast and freely available to spam).

Then make Crush a high energy cost spell, but a lot faster to cast (it's suppose to be her ultimate).

Magnetize, ditch the heal on it and put it maybe on Crush with a longer CC effect (so soloers can switch between ability and weapon usage faster, too). Magnetize is a group ability because solo players already use gun play as it is.

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I've been playing Mag for a few days now. While I haven't tested her extensively, I find her rework interesting and actually fun/viable against enemies other than Corpus.

Pull - Quick cc, just like before.  I would love it if there is synergy between Pull and Magnetize.  I'd like to see that you can pull enemies into the magnetize bubble.   Some people like to pull and then cast magnetize on the enemies, but I find pull is way too unreliable to play that way because it flings enemies all over the place.

Magnetize - Bread and butter of Mag now.  I use this power all the time.  I love that it can be used offensively and defensively.  I love the idea Magnetize and Polarize work together, but right now Polarize doesn't seem to have THAT much of an effect because it's cheaper and faster to feed the Magnetize bubble with continuous fire weapons.  I love it being able to be cast on enemies that are on the very far end of the map so I can be even more strategic in placing the bubbles.  For more crowd control, I would like it more if the enemies actually stay in the bubble or if they're more easily sucked into the bubble.

Polarize - It's definitely not the same as the old Shield Polarize.  It's more a debuff power than a damaging power. 

Crush - Too slow, not strong or wide enough.  I think it's more or less like the old Crush.  The slow animation needs to be justified somehow.  I didn't bother to use Crush pre-rework and unless a lot of things have changed, I doubt I'll use it post-rework.  It also needs to have synergy with Magnetic and/or Polarize.

I think Mag needs bigger power pool because she's a caster frame.

Overall, I think the best thing from the rework is Magnetize.  With a bit more QoL changes, Mag can be even more fun and powerful.


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Magnetize is definitely fun, and works well now. Makes Mag an okay defensive frame. I used it in the Sortie 3 today (defense, aug shields) and threw it in the doorways, locking things down pretty hard. It also wrecks Nullifier bubbles that wander into them, which is huge.

Pull should be tweaked so that it

1: pulls enemies into Magnetize instead of right through it

2: has a click-and-hold mechanic for push

Also I didn't see any energy orbs come off it today, even taking it into low level stuff where even polarize is a nuke.

Polarize is still crap, but whatya gonna do? I still use it to buff my shields and soften folks up. It's never going to pwn face in Corpus Augmented Shield sorties again.

Crush is still not very good.

Edited by Entropy11
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On 01/06/2016 at 10:27 AM, tnccs215 said:

Grab its augment, fracturing crush. Reduces armor and CC's enemies. Great to increase Polarize's effect on Grinner, and the fact that enemies dont move by themselves synergizes quite well with Magnetize, since they get attracted to the center. Couple that with its innate damage, if you dont kill every enemy inside the buble, than you'll at the very least increase its DoT and explosion damage substantially.

I'll try it vs grineer but 8 seconds doesn't last long and she'll be vulnerable while in the long animation. At the moment her animation go 1 hand 1 hand then crush, she could just raise both her hands at the same time then crush.

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1 minute ago, Entropy11 said:

Magnetize is definitely fun, and works well now.

Pull should be tweaked so that it

1: pulls enemies into Magnetize instead of right through it

2: has a click-and-hold mechanic for push

Also I didn't see any energy orbs come off it today, even taking it into low level stuff where even polarize is a nuke.

Polarize is still crap, but whatya gonna do? I still use it to buff my shields and soften folks up. It's never going to pwn face in Corpus Augmented Shield sorties again.

Crush is still not very good.

Magnetize needs a stronger pull in speed.

Enemies are only sucked in if they are literally not moving.

Enemy walking speed lets them escape it.

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they removed self damage with magnetize with the last hotfix, that's great. now :

  • higher shield, she should be the highest shield frame by a large margin. Or make polarize give overshield and change augment to give overshield to squad.
  • more base energy
  • faster crush animation. 
Edited by Gilmaesh
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Magnetize Scaling: Multiple Mags can each have their own bubbles on the same enemy, and increase the damage multiplier exponentially. For example, another Mag and I have 3x multiplier for our magnetize skills. When we both cast on the same enemy, its not 3x plus 3x for a total of 6x. Its actually 3x times 3x, plus 3x. This is from bubble #1 multiplying #2's multiplier by 3x, and then of course also adding #1's own multiplier. This gives a 12x total multiplier. It also greatly increases the suction of magnetize, and the amount of damage that's absorbed. It may even be wise for one of the Mag's to have less duration so that their bubbles explode with the 12x multiplier sooner, causing utter catastrophe. Weapons that need to hit something to explode will continuously circle in the bubbles until they actually hit an enemy, giving you a preemptive strike. Another fun thing to do is to use bouncing and/or punch-thru weapons and watch the mayhem they cause with 2 or more bubbles XD. Don't forget that high status weapons with punch-thru going through multiple bubbles is very effective for CC, for example blast procs if you're having trouble with the suction effect, or a plethora of gas clouds. Really the possibilities are endless with magnetize.

Polarize Scaling: As far as I can tell, shards remain until you either end the mission, or move too far away from them. Over time the amount of shards you can create is tremendous. This is how you 'scale' with polarize now. Even at wave 60 in t4 defense my shards/magnetize were able to shred through entire groups of enemies in only a few seconds. You can even have 2 bubbles that each have their centers at the very edge of each others bubble, greatly increasing the range the shards travel as they'll orbit both epicenters, kinda like a figure 8. With Slova and more than one Mag, you can coordinate to cover entire rooms with overlapping bubbles and watch the shards fly everywhere. Shards are also very effective against nullifiers as they can hack down the null bubble before it touches the epicenter.

Crush Scaling: I've been able to get 40k+ per tick on crush at high levels, maybe this is from the amount of times I use polarize/magnetize in a mission. It definitely gets stronger over time.

Overall the rework is a tremendous boost, with a tremendous learning curve. Mag is very dependent on energy now, which is really the only downside of the rework. But, this can always be fixed with Trin or Siphon or restores or Zenurik so it w/e, haha.

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6 minutes ago, giglyfoot said:

Magnetize Scaling: Multiple Mags can each have their own bubbles on the same enemy, and increase the damage multiplier exponentially. For example, another Mag and I have 3x multiplier for our magnetize skills. When we both cast on the same enemy, its not 3x plus 3x for a total of 6x. Its actually 3x times 3x, plus 3x. This is from bubble #1 multiplying #2's multiplier by 3x, and then of course also adding #1's own multiplier. This gives a 12x total multiplier. It also greatly increases the suction of magnetize, and the amount of damage that's absorbed. It may even be wise for one of the Mag's to have less duration so that their bubbles explode with the 12x multiplier sooner, causing utter catastrophe. Weapons that need to hit something to explode will continuously circle in the bubbles until they actually hit an enemy, giving you a preemptive strike. Another fun thing to do is to use bouncing and/or punch-thru weapons and watch the mayhem they cause with 2 or more bubbles XD. Don't forget that high status weapons with punch-thru going through multiple bubbles is very effective for CC, for example blast procs if you're having trouble with the suction effect, or a plethora of gas clouds. Really the possibilities are endless with magnetize.

Polarize Scaling: As far as I can tell, shards remain until you either end the mission, or move too far away from them. Over time the amount of shards you can create is tremendous. This is how you 'scale' with polarize now. Even at wave 60 in t4 defense my shards/magnetize were able to shred through entire groups of enemies in only a few seconds. You can even have 2 bubbles that each have their centers at the very edge of each others bubble, greatly increasing the range the shards travel as they'll orbit both epicenters, kinda like a figure 8. With Slova and more than one Mag, you can coordinate to cover entire rooms with overlapping bubbles and watch the shards fly everywhere. Shards are also very effective against nullifiers as they can hack down the null bubble before it touches the epicenter.

Crush Scaling: I've been able to get 40k+ per tick on crush at high levels, maybe this is from the amount of times I use polarize/magnetize in a mission. It definitely gets stronger over time.

Overall the rework is a tremendous boost, with a tremendous learning curve. Mag is very dependent on energy now, which is really the only downside of the rework. But, this can always be fixed with Trin or Siphon or restores or Zenurik so it w/e, haha.

Going to need some video evidence for the Crush claim.

I tested that thing for 30 minutes and it never exceeded a thousand total.

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POLARIZE feature suggestion, magnetize synergy



>>>>  there is no opt out for badly placed zones, other than waiting out the timer

 it can be problematic to teammates when a mag places a magnetize zone in a bad location, as the only way to get rid of it is to recast 3 more magnetize zones, or be running lowerish duration and waiting. I think it is good to have the option opt out of choices, especially things that can interfere with teammates.


>>>>  giving mag the ability that can pop the bubbles would be great and is also an opportunity add/buff  polarize



in addition to any other changes to the current issue of flat numbers on the skill,

Make polarize pop magnetized zones, in addition to amplified debuff to enemies in the zones ( higher or % armor reduction/magnetic proc to grineer/corpus respectively, small ragdoll on detonation

           - gives players more control, "Do i keep the zone for the DOT?" "Do i pop the zone for burst/cc/debuff"

           - less punishment to players placement of a badly aimed zone

           - MOAR EXPLOSIONS

           - you're welcome

Edited by hukurokuju5
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1 hour ago, RealPandemonium said:

Magnetize is super OP.  I find it amusing that people are panning the rework for removing the Corpus auto-win, but neglect that Mag can now annihilate every faction with ease using Magnetize.  

I'm more amazed that min-maxers only look at the abilities and nothing else. -_-

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