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Mag Rework Feedback [Post Update 18.13]


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2 hours ago, Mastercontrol98 said:

The part that gets me is that even frames like Banshee can completely strip a room of armor and knock everything down using her 1 with an aug regardless of level, but Mag's power that is completely dedicated to shield/armor removal falls flat. As has been suggested, it'd be wonderful if it got it's scaling defensive stat removal back but lost some of the damage. I understand that Corpus nuking was a problem, but if that's taken away I think it'd be justified to have scaling armor/shield removal. I just want it to not be outclassed by an aug.

agree 100%

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so how is everyone using polarize now? 

i havent had much time to play with Mag, but in the little time i did have- it felt like it was pointless to use unless i used the augment against Corpus.

Is Polarize becoming a forgotten skill or do you still use it often?

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I rarely use polarize for offense now and just spam magnetize on chokepoints. Seriously, the time wasted using polarize for offense is better used shooting the bubble to increase DoT. Had fun with mag before, still having fun with her now. It just feels bad that I can't really say I enjoy all of her abilities. Excal and Frost still had the best reworks for me. Each ability really felt like they matter in whatever mission I do (ancients ruin the fun for radial jav tho).

Oh and what if magnetize becomes Mag's ult? What do you guys think should be the adjustments if you can choose to make it her ult? I might actually be ok if they bring back polarize to 2nd skill and make crush her 3rd, like what happened to excal's RJ. Feels like magnetize can be great as an ult compared to crush.

Edited by xShun
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1 hour ago, Hypernaut1 said:

so how is everyone using polarize now? 

i havent had much time to play with Mag, but in the little time i did have- it felt like it was pointless to use unless i used the augment against Corpus.

Is Polarize becoming a forgotten skill or do you still use it often?

The only time I use Polarize is when I fat-finger Magnetize. Polarize really needs a re-rework.

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1 hour ago, Hypernaut1 said:

so how is everyone using polarize now? 

i havent had much time to play with Mag, but in the little time i did have- it felt like it was pointless to use unless i used the augment against Corpus.

Is Polarize becoming a forgotten skill or do you still use it often?

I use it constantly, to generate the shield/armor shards as well as keeping up my overshields.   

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On 6/8/2016 at 9:46 PM, Kevyne_Kicklighter said:

Full starter mods.

You didn't play Mag. Because shields won't matter on Erris. -_-

Polarize is good for nuking distant enemies and creating shards.  You can also use it to strip the last bits of armor off of enemies already hit with Fracturing Crushes.  

Really, though, most of the complaints about Polarize are the result of its predecessor's legacy and also because people are expecting wide-range nukes to be effective against level 100 enemies.  

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While I'm personally very happy with the Mag rework, I'd like to point out two issues which make her quite frustrating to play in high level missions

  • Explosives damage her through her Magnetize. Even worse, when they connect with the bubble, they are quickly pulled in towards the center, then explode, damaging Mag and her allies, which basically means trying to hide inside a Magnetize while a high level Bombard or Bursa is nearby is a death sentence.
  • Her Pull supposedly increases the chance of enemies dropping energy orbs, however the fact that I don't notice the increase at all despite the high value (50% increase with 200% power strength) leads me to believe that this increase is multiplicative rather than additive. At high level however, energy drop chance becomes ridiculously low, meaning that the multiplicative bonus will hardly matter (at most you will get a 1% increased chance to drop an orb). Mag is highly dependent on her abilities and while I think the goal of this buff was to allow her to self-sustain a little, I feel like it's greatly underperforming. Trinity is allowed to generate endless energy for her entire team, I don't think giving Mag a fairly high chance to spawn energy orbs when she kills enemies she's used abilities on will break the game. In fact, unless the recent efforts to "reduce cheese" are leading up to major changes to how energy works, I'd instead suggest that more Warframes should be given the ability to self-sustain their energy needs.
Edited by SaranHasnor
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7 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

so how is everyone using polarize now? 

i havent had much time to play with Mag, but in the little time i did have- it felt like it was pointless to use unless i used the augment against Corpus.

Is Polarize becoming a forgotten skill or do you still use it often?

Polarize is now used to restore shields and take out trash mobs in a large area. It will not take out tough targets (heavy gunners, techs), and the armor/shield reduction is negligible.

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Tbh Mag is pretty much a gonner for me as a solo/small squad player.

- I have better damage dealers for low levels (Ember, Frost, Saryn)

- I have better killers for higher levels (Ivara, Ash, Excal, Valk)

- I have better defensive frames (Frost, Volt and, uh, Limbo even)

- I have better debuffer frames (Nova, Saryn, Loki)

- She has no CC.

- She has no survavability.

- She has no support use.

So overall I have better frames for any sort of job I can think of. In fact, what is Mag good for right now? Shooting magnetized targets with Lanka?

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So im getting that polarize should at least be buffed as a support skill. 

i still wish it had 100% mag status and her other skills would do exta damage against magnetic procced enemies. This would make it worthy of being a 3. I would also like if the augment would give OS or at least a temporary armor bonus when used against Grineer

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My thoughts on Mag's rework, going through each ability:


PULL: It's always been useful CC and I'm glad that hasn't changed.

The bonus damage to Magnetized targets is meh for two reasons.
1. Who uses Pull for damage?
2. Why would I use Pull for damage against Magnetized targets when a few bullets will do so much more?

The energy drop thing, on top of having too low a drop chance, could use a second look. Pull is so weak that even with the double damage against Magnetized targets it's not going to kill that often, but I wouldn't want you to buff Pull's damage, that's not what it's meant to do. Perhaps this would be a better idea: If an enemy is killed within X seconds of being Pulled, they have a 50% chance to drop an Energy Orb.


MAGNETIZE: Amazing! I can't think of any suggestions right now apart from perhaps increasing the base radius a little bit. Truly, you did a good job improving Bullet Attractor and I love using it.


POLARIZE: It's too weak. I realize that you don't want to go back to 500%-of-shield explosions completely decimating Corpus encounters, and honestly neither do I, but now we're at the opposite extreme: you need to buff Polarize because it's simply too weak. In addition, it only makes sense that Polarize do everything to armour that it does to shields, not just the armour damage. Thus I propose the following suggestions:

-Buff the base armour/shield damage to at least 500 and include some partial scaling, in the vein of Acid Shells. 500 armour/shield damage +X% of armour/shield, both the base damage and percentage increasing with Power Strength. I know you said you're going to do something about enemy scaling in the future, but that will likely be a long way off if you really take the time to properly address that problem. Even if that's not the case, for the moment Polarize should be able to scale properly into higher level content. You can always adjust or remove this suggested scaling if it's no longer necessary once the new enemy scaling is implemented.

-Allow Polarize to explode enemy armour the same way it does shields. Call it shrapnel bursts or whatever.

-Rename the Shield Transference augment to Defense Transference or something like that (maybe give it a completely new name considering "Transference" is an important lore concept as of The Second Dream) and allow it to convert both armour and shields into overshields for Mag.

-Change the bonus damage vs. Magnetized targets for Pull and Crush to bonus damage vs. Polarized targets. This makes more sense to me than vs. Magnetized targets.


CRUSH: Well, you added the bonus damage to Magnetizd targets, but here we have a similar problem to Pull's bonus damage. Why am I using Crush to do damage to Magnetized targets when I could be shooting them for much more damage? Plus, the bonus damage will fall off eventually and it's Magnetic so it's already only dealing 50% damage to Grineer, but all those are secondary concerns. My real issue is that this ability hasn't been changed at its core. It's still slow, it roots a squishy frame, it offers little CC. Here's what I'd like to see Crush become:


Edited by FeatherSigil
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Been playing a lot more Mag for testing purposes, she's not really as ok as I thought: crush is still junk, polarise is terrible, pull is as it ever was and magnetise, well, if you use a high penetration weapon in an open area (where the penetration can't get wasted on walls etc) it's good.

Overall though, it's not a good rework. The steam skins are fantastic though.

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On 5/27/2016 at 2:44 PM, -Vernoc- said:

Is it just me or is our good old corpus killer no longer able to kill a single high level enemies no matter how u combine her abilities?

Bevore the rework Mag was an amazing frame.She killed low-lv all enemys with ult and against high-lv corpus she was a beast cause polarice was % dmg and scaled with enemy shield...but now after the change Mag can´t kill anything with a bit more shield/health... Imo the rework should be removed at all or get changed to deal % dmg and not fix numbers.



and the sounds, they ruined the sounds :(. she needs scaling!! and i want the magnetize they advertised not the bullet attractor one i got!!

Edited by kristophy
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47 minutes ago, Keltik0ne said:

Been playing a lot more Mag for testing purposes, she's not really as ok as I thought: crush is still junk, polarise is terrible, pull is as it ever was and magnetise, well, if you use a high penetration weapon in an open area (where the penetration can't get wasted on walls etc) it's good.

Overall though, it's not a good rework. The steam skins are fantastic though.

Try beam weapons instead. Quanta and Quanta Vandal wreck face with Magnetize.

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After playing allot with the rework i say I like it. tho my opinion probably does not matter considering I did not play mag before(by choice), all I knew is that  I didn't find being only useful on corpus a good thing. Now I can do good against all factions with magnetize.  One thing I do wish was; when you pulled targets they would  get pulled in the direction of the  nearest magnetize bubble and  get a bit stuck into it.  Now you pull and they randomly fly away and pass trough the bubble, doesnt feel very magnetizing  when you pull things in it and they go trough it like its air. its what I think anyways. 

Edited by SkarmXD
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31 minutes ago, Keltik0ne said:

Ta for the tip, the Quanta V is a pretty handy combo with my "2" spam. Flux rifle not as good oddly.

Probably because the QV does 200 more damage per second :D

I've been stacking gas damage and status on mine. The gas AOE procs seem to contribute to the bubble dot. For secondaries, a gas-specced Synoid Gammacor does a pretty good job. I've also had fairly good results with a gas-specced Daikyu. Certainly not as good as the QV (I'm not sure anything is), but it does okay when I get bored with the QV.


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31 minutes ago, (PS4)Armsdealer75 said:

If there was ever a time to take a step back and unfix that wich wasnt broken DE Polarise needs to be a first, it has to happen swallow your pride admit its terrible and please revert it back, mag is noww the worst frame in the game due to this 

Not even close, man. I get the highest damage and most kills in sorties without even trying. Yesterday I completely pantsed two Ash Primes—I had more total damage and kills than both of them combined.

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Yeah man. I'm STIILL butt hurt that the Greedy pull got *fixed. She had easily become my favorite frame. Now she can't even hold her own. It was bad enough shield polarize was her only strong contribution to a team. But thats gone too!!

Why has she been nerfed so damn hard? Her crush doesn't do much damage, but can lower armor, polarize no longer does any real damage, greedy pull doesn't do much damage to begin with- plus the aug only pulls resources for herself which takes her away from a true support role and magnetize still doesn't cut it. So she's not a support frame, she's in no way an offensive frame, and restoring player shields doesn't make her Feel like a defensive frame either. Is she just lost then? a waste of space now?
All this Rebalancing is not at all balanced. And we players can only take so much.

Its both difficult and discouraging to have so many things destroyed and so many LOW drop chances. What's the likelihood of a stance mod dropping in the Tier 3 Rathuum event? I don't see any positive reinforcement for long time players. Another crappy new weapon? Or a good Weapon to replace the one you've got in your arsenal to continue your use of catalysts?  How bout another color set so you can keep spending Plat? I don't think I have the answers, But I can assure you that having a billion and 1 characters and weapons to work on will without a doubt continue to get old. Archwing is STILL a pain, the Sharkwing is PAINFULLY SLOW, and that defense mission for the Kazas needs to be revisited. Playing an hour and a half just to reach the necessary wave for a low chance to get the part you need is WRONG. 

Edited by (PS4)PS_element
paragraphs felt incomplete
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17 hours ago, malekas said:

Polarize is now used to restore shields and take out trash mobs in a large area. It will not take out tough targets (heavy gunners, techs), and the armor/shield reduction is negligible.

polarize cant take out anything of high lvl... 

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