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Volt Rework Feedback [Post Update 18.13]


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I really enjoy playing the reworked Volt.
 The skills work well together, each one helping with another [Speed(2) with Static Discharge (Passive), Shock(1)  with Discharge(4), Shock(1) with Electric Shield(3)].  Now there are more ways o building Volt, and most of them seem to work. There is only one problem-energy consumption.
With some builds it's quite hard to use all the abilities together for any longer periods of time due to lack of energy (even with Primed Flow, non negative efficiency and Energy Siphon).
With Zenurik' Energy Overflow it's way easier to handle, but not everyone is going to run with Zenurik School as primary all day every day. Overall the rework is fantastic (at least for me), and the Frame got like a second life. It might encourage players to play as Volt more often which is a good thing in my opinion.

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With the most recent syndicate mod, they turned my Volt and Volt Prime into one of my best tank and support frames. The new changes to his abilities are like icing on a cake. I just wish the rest of the frames would have gotten the same treatment.

Edited by Xadrezian
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So the portable shield is actually great, you are basically invincible against normal gunfire from the front and can redeploy it somewhere else. The energy consumption is zero if you have zenurik and stand still, but it decreases pretty fast if you move, which is ok because it would be too imbalanced if you could run around with that shield all the time. Really good change, I love it.
Speed however is S#&$, having other players forced to pick up the speed buff is a terrible idea. I dont understand why anybody wouldnt like to have this buff, but this solution is not good. FOV change is great, maybe thats why there were complaints about the buff before?

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19 minutes ago, Nudelsupp3 said:

So the portable shield is actually great, you are basically invincible against normal gunfire from the front and can redeploy it somewhere else. The energy consumption is zero if you have zenurik and stand still, but it decreases pretty fast if you move, which is ok because it would be too imbalanced if you could run around with that shield all the time. Really good change, I love it.
Speed however is S#&$, having other players forced to pick up the speed buff is a terrible idea. I dont understand why anybody wouldnt like to have this buff, but this solution is not good. FOV change is great, maybe thats why there were complaints about the buff before?

Reason why someone wouldn't want it?


1.) Motion sickness from FoV (Removed, I know, but speaking of back then.)

2.) Makes parkour odd, when you suddenly slam into a wall because max power strength volt popped speed without warning.

3.) Makes aiming a bit more of a pain.

4.) Just don't want it?


1 and 2 are the main, real complaint's I've had.  Personally I wouldn't mind if the pickup range was increased by a few meters.

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On 5/28/2016 at 8:27 AM, Lijka said:

Because quite a few of us dislike being forced to run at Volt's speed when Volt player chooses to. They did what we were asking for: made it an option and it's the best thing they did to Volt.   ...

(Speed) Actually just having a setting to opt out of the Speed buff could have done the exact same thing and not hurt those players having a Volt in their team that do want speed to work on them (likely far more players that want the speed buff than those that don't).  They kinda threw the baby out with the bath water here.  Speed also has a delay on it before it kicks in as well (whether this is a bug or intended, it needs to be removed), even with high lag there was no delay on speed previously (the delay on the cast is heavily affected by lag (more lag the larger the delay) when previously speed never had any lag for yourself, regardless of any other lag issues).
Personally I liked the FoV change that the previous speed had, it felt like you were increasing speed when starting and decreasing speed on the end of it, again a settings option to have it or not have it would have been a much better way to go about this change.
NPCs now also don't get the speed buff at all, when they previously used to.

(Lightning Shield) While being able to pick up the shield is nice; the drain, slow and limit to secondaries is actually makes it worse overall than just casting a new shield as you need it.  Likewise now that the shield itself can be set up as some kind of trap there is even more reason to use more of them now than with its previous iteration where you could have an unlimited number, thus the limit of 4 is barely enough to protect some mobile defense or defense targets (despite the larger shield) while still having some room to move about within that protection as well.
While picking up the shield interfere with other pickups and trying to res players.

(Discharge) In general discharge feels far less usable and less reliable for either damage or CC than Overload (Please turn this back to Overload, Discharge sounds more like something from an infested pustule) was.  
The limitation of only being on the ground seem strange when the overall idea was for many of the powers to have such a limitation removed from them overall (unless it made real sense for them to be on the ground, like Stomp, and Volt even jumps into the air to do this one, implying it requires no ground interaction to work).  Likewise many Lightning effects travel from cloud to cloud (never touching the ground at all).


All in all I'd prefer the old Volt over the newer despite many of the new powers being good in concept.

Edited by Loswaith
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21 minutes ago, Nudelsupp3 said:

So the portable shield is actually great, you are basically invincible against normal gunfire from the front and can redeploy it somewhere else. The energy consumption is zero if you have zenurik and stand still, but it decreases pretty fast if you move, which is ok because it would be too imbalanced if you could run around with that shield all the time. Really good change, I love it.
Speed however is S#&$, having other players forced to pick up the speed buff is a terrible idea. I dont understand why anybody wouldnt like to have this buff, but this solution is not good. FOV change is great, maybe thats why there were complaints about the buff before?


It definitely wouldn't be overpowered even if you could run around with it all the time. Warding Halo, Iron Skin, Link, Vex Armor, Hysteria, Warcry, Pacify, Inaros in general, Smokescreen, Invisibility, Shatter Shield, Turbulence, Defy, Shield of Shadows / Nekros in general, and Snow Globe all provide better durability for significantly less Energy. Furthermore, most all of those are mobile, or easily spammable.

Casting the shield and then having it held held with you for a mere three seconds and covering 30 meters will cost you 95 Energy. And you are slowed significantly, and cannot use your primary weapon (which are generally, though not exclusively, the weapons most effective with Electric Shield). The formula for the Energy cost per meter traveled is 1/(1-x), where X is your Efficiency percentage as a decimal. This creates a sort of exponential curve, and means that the difference between a small amount of Efficiency and maximum efficiency is huge. Made even worse by the fact that it scales with Efficiency on both the per second and the per meter traveled, but the per second is a toggle, and thus requires duration, which you take a hit for with Fleeting Expertise. If you want to run any Strength, for Speed or damage on Discharge, you cannot run Blind Rage or else you are unable to pick up the shield for very long at all. Running Transient Fortitude will have a similar effect upon the efficiency, because of the per second cost. You can mitigate Transient Fortitude and Fleeting Expertise with Narrow Minded and Primed Continuity, but then your Discharge has no range and you're left with the same useless 'Ultimate' ability problem that Volt had before. You can run Stretch / Cunning Drift and or Overextended, but then you're really starting to run out of mod space.


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Volt rework opinions:

1: Shock- Nothing to see here move along


2: Speed....still not much worth mentioning. would've been nice if this had interaction with his new passive causing it to fill faster or deal increased damage when discharged. 

3.Eshield- In general I love what's been done here, but energy drain while carrying the shield makes no sense.....if anything it should be giving volt energy because he needs to use abilities so often, not being able to re-cast while carrying is fine and makes sense. Moving slower however does not. It's energy not some heavy metalic shield why is he suddenly slowing down? and lastly the damage buff for shooting through the shield....why is it not listed in his ability description? Or the limit on max number of shields? Or the synergy with shock and how much damage the charged shield does? Why is NONE of this in the ability description?

4.Discharge- I reeeaaaaaaallly like this skill in concept but the excecution is a bit flawed, it's initial area is too small. Overload could get away witth a meager area of effect because it fed off the environment to expand it's sphere, discharge doesn't have that and so needs a larger base are to work with.  The tesla coils don't arc far enough(Bump that up to some where between 7-10 meters and it should be fine) as they are it's like they only shock things in essentially melee range, and tesla coiled enemies don't fry each other so even when you do hit a big group you end up with a bunch of guys shivering and shaking with no bolts arcing anywhere. The shock aoe blast interaction needs some clarification too i can't even tell how much damage this is really doing because it's not listed and more importantly since shock arcs on it's own to begin with i end up with a bunch of damage numbers and it's impossible to see which one is which.


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In the first dev stream when you showed new Overload, you said the damage dealt by the Coil ( enemy ) was based on a % of said coil health, thus scalable damage, now i see a health cap ( 8000'ish with 201 strenght ) and furthermore a duration time.If i got it right , after a few tests, the CC effect that would keep enemies stunned ends either when said 8000 is dealt or when the duration of the power expires.So far i noticed the CC potential which keeps enemies from shooting and moving, it's only viable vs grineer( high lvl grineers ) cus their armor mitigates the damage dealth over time and the stun actually lasts a good a mount of time., Which is good. Against infested It works on ancient distruptors ( dmg mitigation delaing the 8000 cap threshold for a longer stun lock),Boilers etc, corpus and other classes with no means of mitigating the DOT dealth take said 8000 dmg fast, with neither substantial benefit at high lvl in terms of damage 'cus it's fixed and not %  dmg based on enemies health like it was stated in the devstream, nor CC potential cus again that cap is reached in 2--4 secs, resulting in a real crap cc option.

What we gonna do with that new 4, u wanna make it a Dmg dealer? ok make it deal damage based on a % of enemies health. You wanna make it a CC option? then just stick to a Duration variable so the crowd actually stays cc'ed for the real effective duration shown in the ability tab.

Edited by arm4geddon-117
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soloed t4 def and triton a bit today and must say so far i'm really satisfied with the rework :) ... the 4 shield cap actually makes you play more strategically, smarter, in short: better. and this deffo a good thing in my book! i had no problem protecting stuff in said missions, including myself.

and yet i came across one strong flaw with the new shield:

you die so do your shields!

not sure if this is intentional. anyway that's some severe punishment for dying. your team and defense objects lose all protection for your fatal mistake. well at least you can't trap yourself anymore with shields left after death being impenetrable lol.

discharge is insanely better than overload. almost stupidly good. just please let us activate it in the air again please, he's doing a little jump on activation anyway so what gives? :)

Edited by Kotsender_Quasimir
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Alright, now for Volt.

This speed buff drop and having teammates to pick the drop seems.. silly. I don't understand the reason behind it, other than people not wanting to have the skill in the first place and complained about motion sickness. Why not stick to the speed being range casted and such, like before? I understand that it's simple enough for the teammates to pick the orb up, but like say people would not be able to find the orb because.. well, the orb could be dark coloured. Maybe someone put a dark coloured energy for their Volt? Some people use black as their energy sometimes, but now people using Volt would have to use a bright colour for their energy now?

Also, why restricting Volt's Ultimate in where we can't cast it in the air? Previously, we could cast it in the air just fine but with this rework, we couldn't in the end. I would prefer that we could cast the ultimate in the air, if DE doesn't mind.

Other than that, I think the rework for the shield and everything else are fine. Nevertheless, DE, thanks for the work and just hope you'll listen and consider everybody's feedbacks.

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It would be nice if Discharge opened enemies to finishers. It is a nice CC tool, but its damage is lower than expected.

I'm also not a fan of Electric Shield's energy drain. While it is justified, it could be slightly lower, or just not increase when you move. 


1 hour ago, Dante123pl said:

since Volt is so freaking energy hungry now

i think best thing to do is give him passive energy siphon 3 energy/sec

I think that would be too much, but I agree that he could use some sort of energy regeneration. 


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17 minutes ago, arm4geddon-117 said:


Was about to mention this,

After further testing, the way ability works now is just weird, each factor seems to be working against each other.

Increase range to stun more enemies -> more enemies are chained and the health cap are reached much faster

Increase duration ->irrelevant because of damage cap.

Increase damage -> Won't make much different to unarmored enemies because they have much more health, and won't make much different to armored enemies because you won't reach damage cap anyway.

The ability now ironically works best against Grineer because of their armors. But against corpus or infested, it just works as radial stuns at least and overshield charger at best.

Edited by Rekkou
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1 minute ago, Genitive said:

It would be nice if Discharge opened enemies to finishers. It is a nice CC tool, but its damage is lower than expected.

I'm also not a fan of Electric Shield's energy drain. While it is justified, it could be slightly lower, or just not increase when you move. 


I think that would be too much, but I agree that he could use some sort of energy regeneration. 


He honestly doesn't need energy regeneration, and that does not fix the root of the problem.

The formula used to calculate the cost of using Riot Electric Shield is absurd. It double scales with efficiency, scales with the distance you move, and duration. The cost needs to go down massively.

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Please :

- Make speed recastable so Volt players can get to the front of the team and drop a speed pickup where it is useful

-Add a visual indicator for Volt's own speed pickup - Currently there is no visual feedback to know where you actually dropped it

-Allow Discharge to be cast in the air ! Seriously that was awesome to be able to come from the air and start casting before you hit the ground... (you know, like actual lightning) now the best I can do is cast while sliding to mitigate the incoming damage or hide to cast my ultimate ability. Hiding is like the antithesis of "ultimate".


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Compared to the old volt, I must say that volt is pretty good still.  

Though I haven't try out the discharge build yet, but at tank/speed build, volt is still a stunning frame to play and i'm really happy because it's the frame that I begun with and my favorite frame of all time. Thank you DE 

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