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Also, Oberon's Passive


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Why is this what they decided on? I mean, most passives have a use almost anywhere, but Oberon's passive is restricted to 3 tilesets (as far as I can remember: Earth, Phobos and the Derelicts) and it has a time limit to add insult to injury.

We could have had something along the lines of "Oberon has a 50% chance to cause a radiation proc on melee strikes" or "Allies within X meters of Oberon gain Y% damage resistance". It would somewhat fit his kit a little better, but the passive he received is practically useless.

I hope they rethink this one. I can't see anyone defending it's extremely limited usefulness as of now.

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My biggest issue with his passive is that it is, and will be, basically exclusive to Grineer.


Wild animals:

Kubrow -> Earth tileset -> Grineer dominated area

Sandskates -> ?Phobos? Tileset -> Mostly Grineer area


Non-wild animals:

Drahks -> Grineer

Hyekas -> Grineer


Corpus will most likely never get their own "Pet", as they are all about robots, and would likely sell a dog for money to by a moa.

Infested would consume/incorporate any possible pets.

I heard someone suggest having space-roaches aboard corpus vessels, but I can't see the use of them outside Oberon's passive.

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Oberon is not a beastmaster this passive makes barely sense and is practically always useless because of the time limit and that it doesn't effect enemy animals.

Even if you think of Oberon as a Druid it doesn't make sense because druids don't use animals to attack they protect them.

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Alright, so I've tried out Oberon in a number of situations and mission types since the update and release of his passive. It does indeed ally Grineer Drakks and Hyekkas that approach Oberon. As far as execution goes, this is actually kind of cool. The Grineer Masters are frustrating enemies that can disarm you and shoot fiery goo all over the place, and this new passive turns those pesky units into an advantage for the Tenno. It's pretty strong too, since Oberon essentially gets free Specters of minor power, and enemies tend to prioritize them.

Thematically, it's acceptable. Oberon's play style (especially in squads) has you simultaneously supporting the squad and messing with the enemy, and this passive does just that. Going on the nature theme, Oberon communes with the wild; going on the Paladin theme, Oberon rallies reinforcements with his knightly influence.

There are, however, some setbacks.

Many mention that this passive is incredibly limited, since it only applies to tilesets featuring Grineer enemies, plus the Orokin Derelict. Many are correct: since wildlife only occurs in three tilesets across two enemy factions, most of the time our dear Deerframe can't make use of his ability to rally reinforcements. This scarcity is further amplified by the fact that wild animals can only appear in a few select tiles from their respective tileset. And while he has a new trick against any Grineer force, this ability cannot be brought to bear against any of the Corpus or against the vast majority of the Infested (since only the Derelict spawns Kavats). As suggested by some, this is still relatively okay: passives don't have to be in play all the time, and Oberon can still do his thing without getting all Snow White on us. And granted, I wouldn't expect this ability to work on every tile or even most mission types. That would make it a little over-saturated, possibly a bit too powerful and maybe even overshadow Oberon's kit of active abilities.

However, his difficulties are more than just how often (or seldom) his passive can play a role. There's a larger problem with his passive's opportunity, even in situations where it can have potential. Any creature to be turned to his aid must get close to Oberon, and also must first exist as a targetable, non-allied unit. If another Tenno in the squad kills Drakks or their Masters (or the neutral wildlife) before Oberon can approach, his passive is inapplicable. I found that I was really only able to take advantage of Oberon's passive while playing solo, preserving the Drakks and Hyekkas, setting the respective Masters that spawn them as lowest-priority targets. (They were nice enough to give me new pets, after all.) Playing in a squad, however, other Tenno would usually make quick work of these enemies before I could use them as a resource. This was sometimes done out of necessity (on Exterminate missions), but usually out of habit and self-preservation. Execution of Oberon's passive requires him not only to be in a mission that spawns animal units, but further requires his allies not to kill these units before Oberon can make use of them.

This ability is a really cool idea, and when it works it works well. But opportunities for it to work are so incredibly limited. Not only does Oberon have to deal with the incredible scarcity of animal units across the star chart, but on top of that must cope with the likelihood of allies denying him the opportunity to work with his passive on those rare occasions he has the potential to. This passive could see uncommon but acceptable usage if wildlife were present on more tilesets and in more tiles, if Corpus and Infested had units that were treated as wildlife or if allied Tenno were somehow unable to slay these units before Oberon could get in range. But he has all of this working against him. Oberon is a versatile, do-it-all Warframe that's viable in just about any context, but his passive ability comes into play in almost no contexts. Is this an issue? Maybe. A passive ability should only do so much work for any character, but there are just so many instances where this new element of the character never applies.

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Basically I fell they said "oh Oberon " uhm here just slap this on him and "NEXT" have they ever given him any love OH WOW a feyarch skin yeah its nice I have it but does it improve his game play not at all how long have people been SCREAMING for a complete rework of Oberon he doesn't scale he is considered garbage by most and to boot you gave him a bs passive. YOUR NOT LISTENING what happens to fp2 games when developers stop listening to the community they go broke, I personally will not spend another cent on this game until Oberon gets a rework, Ill play but no more $$ from me DE thx 4 nothing.

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18 hours ago, IANOBW said:

Why is this what they decided on? I mean, most passives have a use almost anywhere, but Oberon's passive is restricted to 3 tilesets (as far as I can remember: Earth, Phobos and the Derelicts) and it has a time limit to add insult to injury.

We could have had something along the lines of "Oberon has a 50% chance to cause a radiation proc on melee strikes" or "Allies within X meters of Oberon gain Y% damage resistance". It would somewhat fit his kit a little better, but the passive he received is practically useless.

I hope they rethink this one. I can't see anyone defending it's extremely limited usefulness as of now.

50% chance to cause radiation on melee strikes? Really? Power creep.

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Oberon's passive is so hilariously stupid I was baffled when reading the patch notes, I had to pinch my skin to see if this was some twisted dream or if it was actually real. 

Come on DE, this is pissing on your playerbase. 



Whoever made Oberon's must have not played past the earth tileset or thinks it's fun to sit on a wildlife den in the earth tileset for hours upon hours.  This passive is 0/10 with ease. Absolutely hideous.

It has no interesting effect on gameplay, EVER. IT. SUCKS. 



And on a general note, lets look at Oberon... Smite.... Reckoning... Hallowed Ground.... LETS GIVE OBERON A DRUID SKIN AND A DRUID PASSIVE THAT DOES PRETTY MUCH NOTHING LOL!!! 8DDDD  

Whoever made Inaros did a decent job, new frost is good. Nova is good.   


Some frames are amazingly well done both visually and gameplay wise but this entire Oberon thing is excrement. really really smelly excrement.


Also, Why is Ember's passive so S#&$? does the player desiging this passive get lost in sabotage reactor missions with fire effects for about 90%+ of his time playing?  "Go kill yourself so you get a damage bonus for a second before you die, HARR HARR!"  0/10 

Ember should have something like Ash, 50% longer fire status duration with 25% more damage to boost damage and CC for Ember a bit.  It's not hard for you to do this, please do this before I die of old age. Thanks !



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On 5/13/2016 at 10:58 PM, Mak_Gohae said:

This is super easy to fix. Have roaches and rats in all tilesets.

The roachatrons (that's the name of the future roaches) climb into the guns of the enemies and cause them to misfire.

The ratrons (future rat names) jump on the mobs faces and have them stagger around for a couple of seconds.



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I was hoping for something with radiation procs as his passive. What we got is underwhelming and hardly useful, has poor range and is limited by duration. I really hope some of the passives will get revisited soon.

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Replace it with something that gives him a bonus to defense. Something befitting a paladin as advertised, rather than ye olde druyd lord of gimmicks.

Like a chance to blind attackers, or a bonus to blocked damage. Or a chance on blocking to blind attackers.

Less niche. More useful. Just as fitting.

Edited by Archwizard
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If they intend to keep this ability, they could stand to make it a big more useful in terms of the basic logistics of it - the range it can acquire a target seems pretty limited, and often looks like you basically have to 'be one with nature' close if you catch my drift. Some kind of visual to indicate it worked would also be nice (like mind control with nyx)

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My gripe with it is that it can't be used in Corpus tilesets.  Otherwise it's a pretty cool passive with some tangible gameplay value.  It's nice to see those Kavats butcher someone else for a change.  Heh, make it appropriate Sappers and we have ourselves a winner for Corpus missions.  

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