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Lunaro Feedback [Megathread]


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1 hour ago, TheScytale said:

[...] If you can't be a good winner/loser, you should probably stick to PvE.

Please keep your assumptions about my character to yourself. While I did mention that I found it more obnoxious while being on the receiving end, that doesn't mean I can't enjoy a game where I lost. Instead I just can't enjoy games where one side has complete superiority. 13 - 1 is not a fun game to attend, no matter if you're a "good" winner/loser.

Additionally I do not like wasting time on re-watching goals, I actually like to play. It also disturbs the gameflow for me.

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I played earlier so i dont know about the changes made.

1. the cross hairs need to be very noticeable when you have the ball because there were a few occasions where i was looking at certain bright areas and wasnt able to tell i had the ball cause i was paying attention to what was around. 

2. the game needs more people if you are supposed to be passing. Because the carrier is slow everyone swarms them now and everyone now basically means 2 people if some one stays back at the goal.

First implementations is always a test for you guys so i know bigger arenas and more players are going to happen but we need that quick.Right now it's not really that much fun.

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I like the game, but lag makes it near impossible to keep up with the opponent's moves sometimes. And being a goal keeper, that couldn't be more terrible. More often than not, I find myslef trying not to flip out whenever I jump to intercept the Lunaro, only to find it went right through me and I failed to prevent yet another score.
Not even in a 1vs1 does this get any easier. And all the issues mentioned earlier (stunlocking, arena size, movement speed), should be looked upon, IMO.

Will try playing from time to time, but probably not that much. This still is a much better option than getting 1-shoted in them Deathmatches

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Well I was gonna make a post, but this is here, yaay

So, I have issues with this game mode, and I wanted to outline them here in no particular order

    There is no clear indication what team your on, I don't know about everyone else but I forget what team I'm on because that ribbon aint enough, there needs to be something in the hud that clearly states what team your on.

    You don't know who the hell is on your team until you hover over them, this one is just BS, there needs to be floating indicators that clearly tell ya what team everyone is on, and who they are. This is essential because of the fast paced nature of the game and passing across the field is almost impossible because no1 knows who's who at a distance.

    Passing to your teammates is just terrible, I really, really dislike this one, the amount of times I went to throw the ball across the arena or shoot for the goal only to pass to a teammate near me or even bloody behind me, behind me for gods sake. This just turns into a fest of who can overcome the sticky targeting when shooting for the goal.

    The melee is atrocious, so, not only can you not hold the ball for long because it detonates like a wild cat in your hand, but you cant even hold it for that long because of melee BS, 9 times out of 10, I cant even turn around in a attempt to get the ball the hell away from out own goals (I cant even finish the turn let alone throw), then I just get kicked instantly. There needs to be a cooldown or something on that melee, I've even seen the entirety of both teams in a mosh pit around the ball just punching the F*** out of each other until the ball eventually just pops out somewhere.

    The melee targeting favors hitting the enemy teams, ya know, sometimes I just wanna melee the ball somewhere to get it away from enemies, only to instead melee the enemy who doesn't even have the damn ball yet (they just happen to be next to the ball at the time)

    Throwing the ball isn't consistent, so I have made a lot of shots on the goal only to have the ball bounce off the side when I know its gone in in the same spot before, I have made a point blank shot right at the center of the goal only to have it throw far to one side and bounce off. I don't know whats happening there, weather its just me or an actual problem, but its not cool either way

    The goal isn't big enough, the aiming needed is so precise to get it in the goal its kinda mind boggling, especially when ya consider that ya almost never have time to aim unless your mid air and someone happens to not intercept ya.

    The matchmaking is borked at the moment, mostly due to not enough people if i had to guess, I don't really blame people considering the state of the game at the moment. 

    Basically, this game mode needs a lot of work, I'm not hateing on DE here, but honestly, if you have the extra money or already own it, just play rocket league, it's basically the same thing, only it actually works properly, and in my opinion, its more fun, fast flying cars, and explosive goals. I think this is what Lunaro is trying to be, but it needs a lot of work to be on the same level as rocket league, again I'm not hateing on DE, or fanboying rocket league (I honestly don't play rocket league much), I'm just stating my opinion about the matter.

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Updated thoughts:

Latency: It's WAY easier when you're the host. Holy moly. Hopefully this will be fixed with dedicated servers down the line, but right now it's kind of a crapshoot on whether you have the ball or not, so sometimes you just have to assume you do and try to throw

Crosshairs: Right now, these take about 1-3 seconds to appear after a goal is scored, which is kind of annoying when I grab the ball to serve it or try to pass to a teammate and I'm trying to guess my aim.

Matchmaking: Seconding a lot of the thoughts about requiring a full team in queue before game start. Perhaps even allow for pre-queue selection of whether you want to do 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, or are up for anything? And also, yeah, penalizing people for quitting mid-game would be good-- not like, a harsh penalty, but maybe they can't queue again until the game is over. Admittedly, not sure how to make this fair to people whose connections drop, but it bears consideration.

Practice Mode: Would love a way to do the practice mode with a friend so you can practice passing, plays, etc. Would like to be able to swap 'teams' on the fly in practice mode so we can go from passing practice to interception, blocking, etc other practice quickly (without having to exit, and do invite-only/friends mode conclave). 

Would also like to see, in the future, some things like moving goals for aiming practice, AI bots for block/check/interception practice, and other ways to train in the specific style skills needed for the game (like you do in a lot of real life sports). 

General: Still enjoying it, despite the struggle in 'live' conclave play with the latency. Even just playing in practice mode is really fun for me. I really like this a lot, and this was definitely the only way to get me to participate in the conclave stuff, so thanks DE!

Random: Are those broken bleachers I see? One set on either end, off the playing field? And wow, those Orokin ghosts float pretty high up there. Super spooky. And someone needs to clean up the rocks on the pitch, that's dangerous!

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So I have some feedback...

The game is somewhat fun, but is easily ruined by simple strategies surrounding random circumstances.

For example, I just finished a game where it was 3 against 2, and I was the one with only one team mate. Because of this imbalance, and since people can't join after half time, the other team proceeded to crush us.

Firstly, I like playing goalie, as it is a necessary position with less frantic gameplay than offensive positions. However, this game was completely crushed by the other team designating a "goalie bully" to stun lock me whenever they got the ball. Since I only had one other team mate, that meant I was basically mashing my jump and block keys to stay off the ground as much as possible the entire game. As such, I couldn't actually function as a reliable goalie, and thus the other team scored about half their shots.

While I understand that 2v3 scenarios should be an expected curbstomp, this experience was simply miserable, like I was playing actual murder-everyone-conclave instead of this game that supposedly is the pinnacle of sportsmanship. I shouldnt have to leave the game because I got screwed with matchmaking to be able to enjoy the game, that's simply bad design. I should feel like we still stand a chance, even if my team is outnumbered. 

Also, this "goalie bullying" issue is problematic to competitive play, as an attacker can both bully the goalie and shoot at the goal (since it takes like .01 seconds to take a shot). As such, there really isn't a reason to play goalie: the optimal strategy would be to pick an enemy player and put them in the ground as much as possible, causing them to lose most of their control and to hit them with some nasty psychological whiplash. If the entire team did this, you could basically win any game you played. 

That's not sportsmanship. That behavior is no better than the &)@$ measuring contest regular conclave is. 


As such, I have a few suggested changes:

1- only the ball carrier can be check-stunned.

This keeps the intended behavior of check stunning while preventing opportunities for griefing. It also encourages passing so that the ball carrier is constantly changing and, thus, is less vulnerable to being stunned.

2- non-ball carriers are pushed out of the way instead of stunned when checked.

This prevents a team that has 3 goalies from being viable. This push would not stun the recipient, so they could immediately go back to what they were doing after they walk back to where they were. The push distance should be no more than 2 meters, so that it doesn't become de facto stunning and fix nothing. If you want an example of how this would work, think like the water that falls across the floor in the tyl regor boss fight, or the void portals from void sabotage before you reverse the polarity: you can still control your character, but there is noticeable movement interference.

3: matchmaking is re enabled when teams are of unequal size, even in the second half.

This means that if it's a 2v2 or 1v1 in the second half, the game continues to block matchmaking. However, if there is an imbalance, the game opens up matchmaking again until teams are balanced. This prevents your game from being ruined if one of your team mates leaves, and prevents you from ruining the next 5 minutes of your team mates lives if you have real life issues or just don't feel like playing anymore.

Overall, I feel like these changes would make lunaro much more enjoyable, less open to griefing, and make it more tactically viable (ie: soccer like positions, less group mauling). If anyone has any inputs about these changes please let me know.




4: make a custom color pallete for conclave, and divide warframe appearances into sun and moon teams while in conclave. The top of the color pallete would be for sun team, bottom for moon team. When customizing appearances for conclave, you can only use the side that that appearance loadout is for, and only one column per tint area (primary gets column 1, secondary column 2, etc.). This would require DE to also de-link conclave and PvE warframe appearances (unless they want people to get the conclave colors for free, which is ok I guess), meaning that you wouldn't have to use a seperate appearance slot for conclave's appearance slot if you have a syndicate sigil equipped in PvE, but want a different sigil in pvp since syndicate sigil a aren't allowed. 

These changes would improve team visibility, and allow DE to have some control over how each team appears.

Edited by Zoracraft
Suggestion 4: team appearances
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Personally I like the game mode, wasn't sure at first but it ended up pretty fun, however there are some frustrating elements that could be tweaked.  This is kind of feedback but also I'd like to just get a discussion going about Lunaro in general.

OK, so one thing that bugs me os the stun-locking basically, I feel like there needs to be a small cool down between being able to check a player, something like 3-5 seconds, so you are able to hold on to the ball for more than 1-2 seconds.

There needs to be an offsides rule or something, so many times when the ball spawns some cheeky player jumps in immediately and checks, grabs the ball, whatever before the team has even had a chance to do anything.  Something like a 5 second timer needs to be implemented before any players can attack a team that just spawned the ball, or if they infringe it should be an automatic reset at center court with your team holding the ball.  

Lastly, I'm not too jazzed about not being able to bullet jump while holding the ball, re-training your brain to move differently after all this time is frustrating, slide/bullet jumping is how we get around, thats our bread and butter, maybe instead of removing that, gove the player holding the ball a slight movement debuff, they are slightly slower for holding the ball, but still able to bullet jump.

Just some thoughts after playing several games this morning, overall I think its a fun mode, and a great distraction from just killing everything everywhere lol.

How do you guys feel about Lunaro?

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4 hours ago, Mastikator2 said:

Skill brackets that prefers even teams and players of the same brackets. Skill can be inferred from experience and how often you win, could be as simple as the one in rocket league (novice, semi-pro, pro, master, etc). Since it's preference it wouldn't interfere with you finding a group but if it can it should try to even out the teams.


I've been in a few matches. Usually there's one or a few guys who play very well. Those players usually just do anything, often alone, and simply destroy the opposite team. I've been winning, I've been losing, but not even once did I have the ball for longer than 1 second. I basically can't learn how to play unless I learn how to play.

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23 minutes ago, Z3GR4M said:

How do you guys feel about Lunaro?

My only desire, beyond what others have mentioned in various other threads, is to have the RMB vortex suck thing be changed to not resemble melee blocking.  It looks so silly sticking your arm out like a beggar while you jump around and float slowly down.

I know that's exactly what it is, melee blocking, but I'm hoping they change it to its own mechanic someday, sound good @[DE]Steve?????

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Really I do not want that DE team spend any more time to fix broken PVP content I want them to do something with PVE because this is what start the game and I really do not want to see that Warframe crush and burn because all resources are in fixing PVP ;(. If I want PVP I play Quake, Unreal Tournament etc not Warframe.

Leave the Lunaro leave PVP and please give Us something new to PVE, and not once per 6 month ;(.

You made PVP and mods that are obtain only in this mode and some PVE players are jealous (I dont know why but they are) so you make another PVP hoping that now PVE players will play ?? That's really not the point, simply separate those two Games. After Lunaro fail you want to introduce another PVP mini game? this time "finger painting" for players that do not want to kill in PVP, and do not want to play PVP-sports ? .

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It took me a bit to mentally figure how I wanted to give my feed back but here we go


  • Fun
  • Can be frantic but 3v3 doesn't feel too frantic
  • Good feeling of competition with out the "murder them dudes!" feel


  • experience can very between client and the host
  • Getting staggered to oblivion from the E spamming
  • movement could be slightly faster
  • The physics for the lunaro is wonky sometimes. Like some times its really floaty others it drops like a stone.
  • The lunaro indicator on the HUD is only a 2D representation to something that moves in three dimension so it point left, right, up, or down not exactly helpful
  • No indicator for yourself if you have the lunaro till you hear it beep which by then you've been checked or are a frame away from such.

I've played a few matches and had some good one but also some really bad one part of which was more or less Teshin saying "(insert team) needs to work hard to close the gap" or something alot those line which for me felt like he was basicly going "Geet gewd tenno", and one match I had one of the opposing team members (who I suspect was the host) would score bullet jump out of the zone then when the lunaro would spawn bullet jump in grab it and score rinse repeat. The score ended 4 or 5 to 27. With that said I enjoy lunaro far better then the other conclave modes it still needs work.

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54 minutes ago, Senpai-Pie said:

Passing to players you can't see should be fixed. Stunlock needs to go. Fair matchmaking required. Perhaps add a "Forfeit" voting button for when you have no chance of winning.

Those are my basic wishes for Lunaro.

Yeah the passing can be quite annoying sometimes.

Also i dont knoe if for stunlock you refer when people attack you with LMB and even when you are "downed" you still get hit by them and once you are able to get up you end up downed again.

Fair matchmaking, please!! Its just annoying and frustrating to enter a match and being in either the team that has been bullying a poor guy 3 vs 1 (and you enter the team to make the match a 4 v 1) or being in the team thats 4 v 1 (and you enter the team to make the match 4 v 2)... Like its a really nice game mode but the matchmaking its awful...

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I think there needs to be a slight movement speed increase as it is I feel like a snail while running around in the court. Also add a player amount lock so that we don't get those silly 3 v 1 matches..

Oh and last but not least...the one thing I certainly agree on is fix that damn Check spamming...

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2 hours ago, Z3GR4M said:

There needs to be an offsides rule or something, so many times when the ball spawns some cheeky player jumps in immediately and checks, grabs the ball, whatever before the team has even had a chance to do anything.  Something like a 5 second timer needs to be implemented before any players can attack a team that just spawned the ball, or if they infringe it should be an automatic reset at center court with your team holding the ball.

Or just remove the replay camera, and replace it with a timer. Or make that the ball is charged for the team that scored, so if they touch the ball they get stun, but it won't stun the team who defend.

If you aim at the ground you can pass to yourself and keep moving with the ball forever, its like playing basketball ...

I don't like the fact that you can grab the ball and move with it, when there is a good player in your team he will never pass the ball, you will never touch the ball, this is not funny when this happen, i played for hours now and i am still waiting that someone pass me the ball. They should add a pass the ball challenge x_x

It would have been more fun and less individualist if you was only able to hit the ball like a sort of hockey. I would have expected that from people working in Canada :/

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1 hour ago, -dicht.Amducias- said:

and do something about the passing.. why am i passing to players who stand 2m behind me?

I'm inclined to believe this is not so much a 'bug', as it is a feature of the way Warframe calculates distances, so in a similar vein to the way "Projectile" trajectory is calculated. Because in Warframe, you can legit shoot an arrow backwards.

So similar concept, except the "pass" indicator is picking up the player as he passes behind you (instead of an enemy in normal play), and highlighting him with a "pass" icon - If you aren't aware, if you look at a player and the arrow symbol appears above their head, tapping the fire button passes straight to them.

So i suspect that's what i happening. The player behind you is having the arrow appear above their head, you can't see this because it's behind you, but the game is still including it in the trajectories calculation. 

But, that is just my guess. It is annoying, and DE should fix it, and the arrow trajectories too while they're at it. 

Edited by MillbrookWest
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All good points peeps are making, yeah I think a good fix would be to be able to esc out if the instant replay or remove it entirely.  

There should be a way to indicate that you are ready to recieve a pass, press a button, arrow pops up above your head or something.

I think overall this could be a fun game mode, I certainly had fun with it today for a few hours, just need the kinks ironed out.

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