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Mag Prime Vault Feedback


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There was alot of salt back when Misa Syandana came back with Prime Vault. People wanted to be able to buy accessories only and not the Prime stuff. DE said they wouldn't change it at the current time, but they would look into it for future Prime Vault unseals. Why has nothing changed? 

Don't get me wrong, I really don't care. I really want Targis Prime, but having to pay alot for just that is not OK for me and many long time players alike whom already own Mag, Boar and Dakra Prime... (I guess...not speaking for anyone else here).


What's your input? Do you want accessories separate for a cheaper price? Maybe 20$?

Should this happen for future unseals?


Edit: I am not posting this to argue, please keep it civil.

Edit edit: Someone made a petition about it.




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I'm on the fence about this, mostly because Its not really fair to the people who purchased prime access at full price before only to be told that people will get it at a reduced rate, however it would be nice if they included optional packs, like swapping the prime warframe and weapons for boosters and plat, but as it stands I don't mind paying 50$ for cosmetics, at least I know it will let me stand out in a crowd cause you know fashion frame ftw, while its unfortunate for those that can't afford it DE needs to make a profit somewhere, and people seem to complain frequently about missing out on accessories because of missing PA, well these are your chances to get what you missed.

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I want the armor but I may pass on this.  I have more plat than I really need from 75% off discounts and already have Mag, Boar, and Dakra.


If they would release the armor for $20-30 I might consider it but it's just not worth it for $60.


I also don't like that they're vaulting primes just so they can inflate the price of these accessory packs later.  There's plenty of space in derelict and I'm still getting cores, orokin cells, and multiple rotations of forma.  It really feels like they're being vaulted just to drive up the price of these packs.


Edit: If they released a pack with 90 day boosters and charged $50 I might consider it.  I would actually be able to use the boosters and that's what prime access accessory packs sell for normally.

Edited by djternan
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Just like they could have kept making arcane helmets and just release kits for people to remove their affects if they didn't want them but just stopped halfway, they could have just added in more void missions and expanded the void instead of putting stuff in "the vault". 

Let's be real here, the only reason these items are "vaulted" is to artificially raise the player-to-player trading cost as well as making DE a ton more money when they are "vaulted". Just like when Disney takes movies out of "the vault". 

Stuff like the arcane helmets is going to be a pain in their sides and will only get worse the longer they ignore it and make excuses about it. :|

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2 minutes ago, superbot34 said:

Just like they could have kept making arcane helmets and just release kits for people to remove their affects if they didn't want them but just stopped halfway, they could have just added in more void missions and expanded the void instead of putting stuff in "the vault". 

Let's be real here, the only reason these items are "vaulted" is to artificially raise the player-to-player trading cost as well as making DE a ton more money when they are "vaulted". Just like when Disney takes movies out of "the vault". 

Stuff like the arcane helmets is going to be a pain in their sides and will only get worse the longer they ignore it and make excuses about it. :|

True, but it is a business. They made the game and do all they do in it to make money. Thats the point. And Im glad they did as I love the game, kinda live it like many others. You don't HAVE to get all thats available  to buy. ..the game works so well that people can get everything without having to spend a dollar. Platinum can be made through trading mods or parts so I don't see the problem. It just comes down to time and effort. If you want things bad enough then its worth the time. And I know a lot of people still have parts to vaulted gear and yes its a lot more to trade for them, .. but they are there. As for Accessories that are vaulted. ..some of them, like Excalibur Prime and Syandanas, should never be available again. They become prestige gear. Whats the point of everyone having all the same stuff! Being one of the few who have such things is what makes players different. I WANT Excalibur Prime REALLY badly; of course, BUT I still don't want it made available again. Founders 'Deserve' to stand out and have things we all don't have as they were the ones that contributed to the game way back when it started. It'd be a boring game if everyone had all the same rare gear and looked the same.

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I don't agree with this suggestion that releasing a pack worth 30 or so is any cheaper than when it was originally a Prime access. Back then you could've farmed Mag Prime and Dakra, Boar etc and you would eventually get them all. By buying Prime access you paid to skip farming but Targis Prime was still included in a price that had everything else. Since we only wish to buy the armour It's only natural that it would cost less but in reality, the price of the armour won't have decreased because we are getting fewer items for our money. I highly doubt that many people back then bought the Prime Access solely for Targis Prime, they wanted the rest of the gear as well. So why should people who have everything else pay the same amount just to be able to sell the gear for a few thousand credits?

Edited by Zilchy
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24 minutes ago, (PS4)DA_HEFF_ said:

I dont mind the price i just would prefer that i get X amount of plat for items i already own. Or atleast the ability to trade the unranked frame and weapons

Couldn't agree more. It's not worth buying the armour when all we get from the rest of the bundle is a few gear slots and some credits.

Edited by Zilchy
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On 6/23/2016 at 0:51 PM, Knight_Ex said:

I'm on the fence about this, mostly because Its not really fair to the people who purchased prime access at full price before only to be told that people will get it at a reduced rate, however it would be nice if they included optional packs, like swapping the prime warframe and weapons for boosters and plat, but as it stands I don't mind paying 50$ for cosmetics, at least I know it will let me stand out in a crowd cause you know fashion frame ftw, while its unfortunate for those that can't afford it DE needs to make a profit somewhere, and people seem to complain frequently about missing out on accessories because of missing PA, well these are your chances to get what you missed.

Well with prime accessories they also got one more thingy, along with 60 day affinity and credit boosters. This would more than likely not be happening with this if it was going to happen.

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On 6/23/2016 at 1:51 PM, Knight_Ex said:

Its not really fair to the people who purchased prime access at full price before only to be told that people will get it at a reduced rate

Guess people better be mad that the 60 dollar game they bought, on release, is now 20 bucks a few years later. That's so unfair, man. Like, really.

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You only just need to read these threads to understand how frustrated the player base is becoming with how the Prime Vault is functioning(And that isn't even mentioning it's existence in the first place)


Table dilution when there's rotations with no prime parts in them at all, and the derelict is wasted so badly.

And then, we have this.


85% of those currently do not like this package as it currently is.

There's a feeling of growing distrust when it comes to these, it's very reminiscent of the Trinity Prime Access situation we had. 

And the simple fact is, DE will make money from this pack, but you would make FAR more, if you just had the option for players who already own the Prime Gear, to receive parts instead of useless duplicates or something along that line. 

I;m lucky and already own Targis Prime armour, but some of my friends in game, and people in my clan refuse to buy this pack as it is currently, even though they would love to own the armour and support DE, and it just hurts to see this all happen. I for one would have LOVED to own the Misa Prime Syandana from Frosts pack, but owning everything else in that pack, £40 is NOT worth 1 Syandana and an Extractor.

Please, let us know what is going on. 

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4 minutes ago, oceano4 said:

And the simple fact is, DE will make money from this pack, but you would make FAR more, if you just had the option for players who already own the Prime Gear, to receive parts instead of useless duplicates or something along that line. 

You don't know that.  Would I prefer the items to be separated?  Of course.  But twice the number of sales at 40% of the cost isn't making more money.

I don't like it either.  DE screws over experienced players all of the time in favor of higher prices and other game aspects.  But it is what it is.

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I would be fine with an alternative pack.  I already have Mag, Boar, and Dakra and I also have a lot of plat from my last 75% discount.  None of those primes were particularly difficult to farm for when they were available anyway.  I just can't justify spending $60 on this when the only thing I actually want and will use out of the pack is the armor.


Seriously, you could buy 2-3 ENTIRE games right now for that price.  Depending on the game and Steam summer sale price you could get even more.  It's crazy to spend $60 for just the cosmetics.

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56 minutes ago, Troll_Logic said:

DE screws over experienced players all of the time in favor of higher prices and other game aspects.

I disagree. Prime Access is primarily used to gather direct funding and support for the company, not to sell you stuff. And while it is really expensive,high prices are always a concern in online games, especially free-to-plays that support large numbers of players who use the servers and assets without paying a cent to the creators. Prime Access gives rewards to players for supporting the company in the form of the nice shiny Prime gear. And since DE believes in fairness to players at all calibres of paying for the game, the parts for everything that isn't purely cosmetic are available in-game to acquire for free.

If you're feeling down about not being able to purchase the specific parts you need to craft your Mag/Boar/Dakra Prime over the next month, get onto the Trade chat and buy the parts/prints from players who have found what you're looking for. You can either farm the Void and sell stuff for plat, or you can buy plat and trade it to players. Guaranteed, you will spend less money this way than you would by buying Prime Access. The service is there for those who want it all, who want it right now, and who are okay with the lofty price tag in support of Digital Extremes and the game they produce.

I wouldn't call this "screwing over" experienced players, even if this isn't exactly what some of them want.

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2 hours ago, Troll_Logic said:

You don't know that.  Would I prefer the items to be separated?  Of course.  But twice the number of sales at 40% of the cost isn't making more money.

I don't like it either.  DE screws over experienced players all of the time in favor of higher prices and other game aspects.  But it is what it is.

That's why I suggested the part option, so they can charge the seam amount, they just don't F*** everyone over with this, and get more sales, if they are so adamant on not selling a smaller cheaper back for their buck. 

58 minutes ago, SenorClipClop said:

I wouldn't call this "screwing over" experienced players, even if this isn't exactly what some of them want.

I would calling it screwing over, when the main attraction for longer running players is the armour, and everyone knows that. And the polls don't lie, 85% of people voted in favour of a different way of doing things.Charging people more, or selling them 1 thing they want, and 3 things they don't, is not a healthy attitude. 

Edited by oceano4
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